The Frankenstein level of corona vaccinations is even worse than expected. This blog is about exposing the NWO agenda, and what the vaccines being pushed through by Trump will really do to the human body. The moment you are injected with a corona vaccination, your DNA and thus your consciousness changes. From that moment on, you lose all awareness that you have lost your freedom and will continue to live as a slave. The video at the bottom of this page, that's shorter than 10 minutes, may be one of the most important you will ever see; because, at this moment you still have the consciousness to understand what it explains. It is an interview with Anthony Patch, researcher, author and specialized in all modern digital techniques. He is also a publisher of the digital magazine Entangled Magazine. It is a recording that was made in October 2014, long before the current corona virus was present. We start at the top, with the satanic sect that has the world already almost fully in its grip at this time and is now working full speed to take the next steps towards their total world domination. Compared to the total world population, this sect covers only a fraction of the total population, so they need to figure out an efficient way to easily control the whole. They will clean up part of that world population and keep part of them to serve as slaves. However, there is a problem, because the moment humanity realizes that they are being made slaves, they will rebel and it will be over and closing for the little cabal rulers at the top. A cabal that is far above any form of politics and who really laughs at all those people who believe that a president (a government) will solve the problems of humanity. In order to be able to make slaves of the world population it is therefore necessary to change consciousness. That is to say that a part of the consciousness is turned off and that part that makes us realize whether we are free or not. Because, if you don't realize that you are a slave, then you will have no trouble behaving as such. To change that consciousness, the human DNA has to be adapted. Or rather, extended with a so-called third strand DNA. This is the current situation in a human body: A DNA molecule consists of two long strands of nucleotides, which are intertwined in the form of a double helix. The two strands are connected by hydrogen bonds, which always connect two opposite nucleotides. DNA is contained in cells in the form of chromosomes. A third strand of DNA can nowadays be made quite easily using nanotechnology, using silicon and gold to encode all information in, or rather, encode it. You are talking about an order of magnitude of a billionth of a millimeter. The way that third strand of DNA can be introduced into the human body is through an injection. Of course, when you ask people to voluntarily accept that third DNA strand, no one will do that, so you have to create a situation where people ask themselves, or actually beg for that injection themselves. Anthony Patch speaks in the interview of a man-made coronavirus as the way to get the people to beg to be vaccinated because they are so scared and eager to be safe. He then calls the corona MERS virus, because the current variant of this virus did not yet exist. The situation we are in now is that the fully controlled governments and mainstream media are running a horror campaign to make humanity scared to death with a fairly harmless virus. Countless people are starting to realize this, soon we will get a second wave and if necessary a third wave. Much more will not be necessary, because by then people are already busy with large-scale vaccination campaigns against the corona virus. However, once people have been vaccinated, they will actually lose all sense of freedom because they will no longer be able to tell the difference between freedom and slavery. They simply will no longer be able to realize that they have become slaves. They will become a kind of hybrid, a human construction in which they will have the function of obedient slave. The moment you can no longer realize that you are not free, hybrids will do everything without any protest that the government demands from them. When this happens, there is no need to create a new corona wave, because if a change in the human DNA has to be made later to highlight or hide certain properties, a simple call is made via the mandatory smartphone enough for the slave to report for the injection the next morning. The time when we still have our current human DNA is short. The attack on "you" on who you are is in full swing. The insiders who cooperate like the Freemasons and psychopaths think they will not be vaccinated, but they are wrong about that. When they are no longer needed, they will either be removed or given an injection. This video by Dr. Carrie Madej gives important information on this: DR. CARRIE MADEJ - PLANET LOCKDOWN (FULL INTERVIEW) Since this pandemic began we have been shown multiple images of politicians, medical employees, police, and the public wearing their masks-sporadically. They may wear them at one meeting, but not another, at one sports event-but not another. They may take them off, especially if they find they can't talk effectively with them on-they may not wear them for weeks at a time-but suddenly appear wearing them again-Trump has done this-why? To send you a message, and it's this- OBEY. DO WHAT I SAY, BUT NOT AS I DO. They are programming you, brainwashing you, intimidating you into submission, and conditioning you. If you don't comply your made to feel as if your doing something wrong, it's phycological programming to get you to comply, and give in and put on a mask. It has nothing do with the virus. When the time comes to take the vaccine they will do the same thing. If you do not comply, to take the vaccine- you will be intimidated, and forcibly taken from your home, and put in isolation. If you still won't submit-you will lose your life. Note: The label on the box of masks should be enough to tell you-wearing one is a waste of time. .
The Great Awakening: A False Light | QAnon New Age Luciferianism - Note- I owned "Isis Unveiled" spoken of in this video; the Lord spoke to me to destroy it shortly after my salvation-it was thrown into my burning wood stove, along with many other occult books, in 1978. Blavatsky was a master occultist- no Christian should have anything to do with any of her works-destroy them, and repent. Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, published in 1877, is a book of esoteric philosophy and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's first major work and a key text in her Theosophical movement. Wikipedia Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland Launches Sunday School With Hideous Ad Depicting An Effeminate Trans Jesus Wearing A Dress- Maskless Flash Mob at Target!- it's about time! This needs to be done in every business in the U.S.or we will continue to be under the Communist's thumb! Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 19, 2020, #267 ( Dane Wigington ) - Energy Weapons used to burn down whole towns in Oregon!!- Satan's agenda hasn't changed in thousands of years. In Daniel chapter three we can read of the account of Nebuchadnezzar building a golden alter in the plain of Dura, in the province of Bablyon. He ordered all the leaders and rulers to set this image up, and ordered that when the people heard the sound of instruments and music-everybody was to bow down and worship the image the king had set up. Anybody who refused was to be thrown into the fiery furnace-and burned up. But there were three men who refused-Jews who the king had set as leaders over the affairs of the province of Babylon- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They would not serve the gods of Babylon, nor worship the golden image. Dan 3:12 There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Nebuchadnezzar went into a rage and commanded them to be brought to him. He ordered them to bow down and worship the image, but their answer was the same as we who serve Christ today must be: Dan 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. Dan 3:17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. Dan 3:18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Full of fury-the kings image even changed. I've studied and prayed about this-it wouldn't surprise me, if what they saw was Nebuchadnezzar actually take the form of Satan himself. I'm not saying I know-but this is my opinion. So, he threw the three Jews into the furnace. Scripture says the fire was so hot, it killed the men who were ordered to put them in it. Dan 3:22 Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Dan 3:23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. However, God foiled the kings furious plot, and intervened for the three bound men-right in the midst of the burning inferno. Dan 3:24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. Dan 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. Dan 3:26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire. We who serve the same God-can put our trust in Him also now-in our day, and in the oppression's and threats we face in our day. I recommend reading all of Daniel chapter three-it is a great faith booster. This country fought a civil war over 150 years ago to free the black people from slavery. Yes, there's been discrimination and suffering, but many people; both black and white have worked tirelessly down through the generations to improve their lives-and bring them greater access to the equal freedoms they deserve. Today many of the black people cry and whine about their conditions-but won't work. The greatest amount of abortions in this country-is among the black people. The blacks also have the greatest amount of fatherless homes, which contributes to the out of control violence in the streets in the cities, like Chicago. The blacks in sports, football/basketball are among the highest paid people in the country-and the least thankful. I'd have a question for these high paid sports players: Why don't you spend some of your millions helping your own people, and relieving the poverty, violence and problems for your own race, instead of promoting violence and hate? Many of them are a great contributor of the rise of violence, disrespect for this country, and spewing hate for white people. But, don't expect any assistance from Bernie Sanders- he supports them. He's one of the biggest contributors to the problems of this country-and many Vermonter's follow him like dumb sheep. The Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa are terrorist organizations, and like the rise of Hitler and his regime-will be the ruin of this country, if they are allowed to continue to loot and riot like they are now in the cities in this country. They've said their coming to the rural areas with their hate messages- I've seen some signs along the roads and know they are here, and will be watching to see what happens in my neighborhood. Are Vermonter's going to allow this lawless bunch to take over, and destroy this Constitutional Republic? Time will tell. Lorna Couillard This weeks video links and articles
This video adds to the point of my blog above-what South Africa is facing with the slaughter of white farmers by black tribal people, is what's coming to us, if we don't put a stop to the BLM and Antifa movements. A cross for every white farmer executed in South Africa. - Cowardly Attempt to Murder Two Police Officers - Beauty and the Beast (2012) Part 1 - "Saturn Returns" and Life Goes Backwards for 7 Years - Katy Perry: High Priestess of Imbolc and Brigid, goddess of fire - The Transit of Venus Ritual Enactments - Part 4 - 'Project Blue beam - Mirror Frank Smith' - 9/11 & The Money! The Rothschild & Rockefeller's 100 year plan- WILLIAM COOPER – ASSASSINATED AMERICAN HERO FOR REVEALING ALL TRUTHS- Chairman Zuckerberg Declares Trump will not be Recognized President-Elect on Election Night- California Gets Cooked | Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon - BILLIONAIRES FUND CRITICAL RACE THEORY WHITE PRIVILEGE DIVERSITY TRAINING FUELING RACE WAR IN USA - Christian artist Roy Fields was issued a lifetime ban from all Disney properties for the 'crime' of not wearing a mask. He was being escorted off the property by no less than seven masked enforcers. Seven...... really?? He asked if he was breaking the law? The officer said ....... - Lifetime Disney Ban For Not Wearing Mask - My comment- In Hitler's day it was yellow stars on the Jews cloths to discriminate and identify-today-it's masks. 9-11 - The Footage they did not let you see twice - What the Faulkner?! Gingrich Cut-Off by FOX When He Tells the Truth About Soros - Gingrich cut off by FOX for telling the truth about Soros funding political races for radical District Attorneys & State Attorneys General. Oregon Almeda Fire Aerial Views of Devastation - This video shows good areial footage of devastation in Almeda Origon- DEW DIRECT ENDERGY WEAPONS. This is not the work of a norma fire. Homes incinerated to the ground-with trees with leaves still on them right next door. In a regular fire, there would be parts of walls, and some of the structure remaining- THIS IS NOT NORMAL This is vile murderers burning people alive, especially in these trailer parks. Probably given no warning, just burned to death. The BLM Connection to Witchcraft - We are living in a world now overflowing with anxiety and perplexity. But Paul gives us some counsel that we can take and allow it to be a salve to our souls. He knew what it was to be surrounded by trouble, adversity, and turmoil. He knew what it was like to be in what seemed a hopeless situation. He found that when he put his cares and worries into the hands of the Lord- peace reigned. We can take his advice as our own, in our conditions also; and find peace and stability, in a world of chaos. In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.—Php_4:6. 1. Who was he who here said to the Church at Philippi, “In nothing be anxious”? A prisoner in a Roman prison; and when Rome fixed its claws it did not usually let go without drawing blood. He was expecting his trial, which would probably end in death. Everything in the future was absolutely dark and uncertain. It was this man, with all the pressure of personal sorrows weighing upon him, who, in the very crisis of his life, turned to his brethren in Philippi, who had far fewer causes of anxiety than he had, and cheerfully bade them, “In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Had not that bird learned to sing when his cage was darkened? We are like men that live in a narrow alley in some city, with great buildings on either side towering high about their heads, and only a strip of sky visible. If we see up in that strip a cloud, we complain and behave as if the whole heavens, right away round the three hundred and sixty degrees of the horizon, were black with tempest. But we see only a strip, and there is a great deal of blue in the sky; however, there may be a cloud in the patch that we see above our heads from the alley where we live. Everything, rightly understood, that God sends to men is a cause of thanksgiving; therefore,” in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”1 [Note: A. Maclaren, Leaves from the Tree of Life, 284.] 2. This is a double precept or exhortation—it forbids us to indulge in a certain habit which is evil and pernicious, and then it enjoins upon us a certain other habit, which is not only good in itself, but is also the effectual cure of the former evil one. 1. The prevalence of anxiety.—There can be little doubt that we belong to an anxious and careworn generation. Never was the world so rich in material things, never did it possess so many mechanical appliances for lightening human tasks and toils. But as the world grows richer, it seems to grow more and more anxious. And while steam and electricity, and all that extraordinary development of machinery and locomotion and means of communication to which they have led, have multiplied our powers enormously, they seem also to have multiplied our cares. They increase the speed at which we have to move, the high pressure at which we have to live, the dangerous complexity of the social organism of which we form a part. It reminds one of the old tale of Frankenstein’s monster. Doctor Frankenstein, through his wonderful knowledge of chemistry and biology, was able to put together the figure of a monstrous man, and to galvanize it into life. And then this dreadful creature of which he was the author became the haunting terror of his own life, almost driving him mad by its tyranny, and at last tragically cutting short his days. And sometimes it almost appears as if the tremendous powers of nature which man has summoned to his aid, and infused into the great fabric of modern civilization which he has gradually built up, were threatening to become our masters and our tyrants, instead of our willing servants. Certain it is that life is not so plain and simple as it used to be. The burdens of existence and duty seem to grow heavier and heavier; and at the same time the men and women of to-day seem to be getting more nervous and highly strung than those of other generations, and less able to bear their burdens calmly and silently and patiently. Thus, on every hand, we are told that nervousness and worry are amongst the chief banes of modern life; and that it is worry, and not work, that wears out so many people before their time. The things that never happen are often as much realities to us in their effects as those that are accomplished.1 [Note: Charles Dickens.] The heart which boldly faces death Upon the battle-field, and dares Cannon and bayonet, faints beneath The needle-points of frets and cares. The stoutest spirits they dismay-- The tiny stings of every day. And even saints of holy fame, Whose souls by faith have overcome, Who wore amid the cruel flame The molten crown of martyrdom, Bore not without complaint alway The petty pains of every day. Ah! more than martyr’s aureole, And more than hero’s heart of fire, We need the humble strength of soul Which daily toils and ills require. Sweet Patience, grant us, if you may, An added grace for every day. 2. The folly of anxiety.—It accomplishes nothing and it weakens us and wears us out. (1) It accomplishes nothing.—There would be some justification for anxiety were there any good in it, but there is not. Nothing is accomplished by it. The train does not arrive a single minute earlier because one goes to the station an hour before it is due; and the long waiting is only tenfold longer and more dreary if we fancy that our expected friend is surely sick or that some accident has occurred. If there is an encouraging word to be spoken, or a helpful deed to be done, let us speak or do; but to sit still, and paint pictures of disaster, and forecast ruin to friends and enterprises, does not help forward anything. I have learned, as days have passed me, Fretting never lifts the load; And that worry, much or little, Never smooths an irksome road; For you know that somehow, always, Doors are opened, ways are made; When we work and live in patience Under all the cross that’s laid. He who waters meadow lilies With the dew from out the sky, He who feeds the flitting sparrows, When in need for food they cry, Never fails to help His children In all things, both great and small; For His ear is ever open To our faintest far-off call. (2) It weakens and wears one out.—Charles Kingsley well says: “Do to-day’s duty, fight to-day’s temptation, and do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward to things which you cannot see, and could not understand if you saw them.” Under a habit of anxiety the body loses its vigour, the mind loses its tone, the will loses its force, and the heart loses its resiliency and sweetness. The innocent old farmer who wound up his alarm clock and fixed it to go off at six in the morning, and then sat up all night so as to be sure to hear it when it struck, but who was so exhausted by his tedious vigil that when the morning came he could not start on his projected journey, is a fair illustration of the mischief done to one by extreme anxiousness. Generals fight better; business men handle their business more successfully; teachers get more into and more out of their pupils; mothers conduct their households with greater ease and satisfaction, if they do not let any of their energies run to waste in anxiety. Anxiety has no place in the life of one of God’s children. Christ’s serenity was one of the most unmistakable signs of His filial trust. He was tired and hungry and thirsty and in pain; but we cannot imagine Him anxious or fretful. His mind was kept in perfect peace because it was stayed on God. The life lived by the faith of the Son of God will find His word kept: “My peace I give unto you.”1 [Note: M. D. Babcock, Thoughts for Every-Day Living, 7.] (excerpts from Great Texts) This weeks video links and articles to post on NightWatchman Note: My apologies for the profanity in some of the videos-but the information is critical, and needs to be posted. Bill 145 Legalizes If Passed Pedophilia! - AlexJonesShow HR1: Australia Has Fallen to UN Control, Mass Arrests Beginning!- this shows more detailed info on the woman in Austrailia who was arrested for putting an anti-lockdown post on Facebook-these are cruel, ruthless animals-and their coming for us here soon- Pregnant Woman Arrested in Her Home Over Anti-Lockdown Facebook Post in Australia - RFB (8/27/2020): 'Military Openly Training To Imprison Americans' — This is the Video that YouTube Used to Take Down RichieFromBoston- 4 Artificial Intelligent Robots Killed 29 Scientists in 2017! - Irrefutable proof Michelle Obama is Transgender - Churches Forced to Stay Closed as MTV VMAs Celebrate Satan - ABORTED FETAL CELLS IN VACCINES - "Settled Science–The Truth Behind COVID-19" • The Shepherd's Summit Week - A very important video- a minister interviews a scientist whose expertise is nano technology, who gives detailed information on what is in vaccines- and aborted baby's used in them; and in the covid vaccines, and the people being given false information by WHO. Need a reminder of what the Globalist Deep State thinks of us? - Obama back in 2009 made a very terrifying prediction of what the future is going to look like with the Power of the Deep State! You are now living in a medical police state, even in America. - 1984 interview explaining the CoVid19 Takedown of America -Crisis - Berlin 08/29: Urgent Message to President Trump & Fox News - Anyone against the Covid Tyranny is good for me, I would never have believed this country would turn out to be this way- it's a disgrace. Rand Paul just got chased by a crowd back to his hotel - Man and his wife leaving White House got mobbed - THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO-WORTH WATCHING-- 2 Trumps?! Time Travel! Hiden World! - |
God's blessings You may find useful information here; Go to the resource page, you will find many videos and links The NightWatchman
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me,
saith the LORD. Isa 54:17 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The Victory of Our Faith
For whatsoever
is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1Jn 5:4-5 But they that wait
upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:31 Our Warfare
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2Cor 10:3-5 The Whole Armor
of God Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Eph 6:10-18 The Prayer Room
January 2025