This blog centers on the 5G/6G technology, and delving into the question-is the Covid vaccines linked to these technologies, and are the vaccines the Mark of the Beast. There's much controversy about this, and debate. I personally believe it is. Below are articles and videos by doctor's, and professionals, who go into this in detail. The information is here for anyone to look into for themselves, and take it to prayer, and decide for themselves. I've spent some hours going over the evidence about this again, and listening to the people who have medical knowledge about what these vaccines contain, and what they actually will do to the body when they are administered. After listening to them and a lot of prayer, I will say yes, I believe it is the Mark of the Beast. I won't try to go into all the reasons, because I am not a doctor, and do not want to try to describe what these vaccines are-the videos below by people who do have the qualifications-will explain it better than I could. If you take the time to listen to them, and have your bible in front of you in the book of Revelation, and pray-and ask the Lord to reveal the truth to you; He will. They have made it clear that these vaccines will drastically and permanently change the body-and will change our DNA, which makes us who we are. I see the significance of this in God's eyes. I also see how they will permanently "Mark" every person, and make them trackable. I've studied the "Reset" the globalists are setting up now-and can connect the dots on how they intend to make us cattle to do their bidding, and eliminate those they don't want, by their depopulation agenda. These vaccines are all part of it. Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. It's within the realm of possibility that the number of the mark 666, will be invisible to the naked eye-but trackable by scanning, and computer technology. Why is it so important that you do not take this mark? Revelation ch. 14 teaches us: Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, Rev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. If you take this mark-your eternal destiny is hell, forever. Please, do not take it. We are seeing the beginnings of the restrictions being put into place now. In Israel, they need to show proof of vaccination to do anything, including shopping. This is going to be pushed everywhere. I've posted videos from professionals on this, they want it world-wide. Revelation ch. 15:2 speaks of those who are victorious over the beast, and his mark and his number- Rev 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. I pray you are among that number. World events are converging in "warp" speed. Yes, I believe we are in the biblical time frame of the Mark of the Beast, and this is what they are going to use it for. The Four Horsemen are beginning to ride through the earth- we will see events become very chaotic, and famine in places that haven't known what it's like-yet. The U.S., will be among them. If I'm proven wrong-I'll admit it. But, I do not believe I am wrong. I'll just wait, and see how it all plays out. I have no monetary purpose, nor am I seeking public approval. The purpose in stating this, is to make my convictions clear to the world, as a Believer in Christ, and standing with Him-unashamed. I will not be taking the vaccines-and I strongly urge you to not take them. Instead-give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, and trust Him with your life. Take reasonable precautions for your health like you would for any cold/flu/virus, and take care of yourself and your health with a healthy diet and lifestyle. There's no reason to live in fear. Lorna Couillard UNSAFE COVID19 WARNING Dr. Carrie Madej recent update NEW-The latest update from Whistleblower Dr. Carrie Madej on the Dangers of the new covid19 vaccines. DR. CARRIE MADEJ - PLANET LOCKDOWN (FULL INTERVIEW) "Project Rooftop: The Mark Of The Beast"- 9/15/20 "Spin" - 3/30/21- How the Covid vaccine will change DNA, connect those who take it to 5G/6G- inter-connect them with the beast system- it is the Mark of the Beast Important video- Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, speaks-out about what he calls the coming carnage. Pfizer's Former Vice President Sounds Multiple Alarms The systems of technology are still working on getting 5G up and running, but before it's even in place, they are working on 6G-and are honest in stating they really do not know where it will take them. I have no scientific degrees, and don't pretend to understand their reasonings, in the human sense. But, I do see where this is going in the spiritual sense. They are building a world system, without God. It's a world where man's achievements, and technology runs every aspect of your life-and you also, literally. We are living in a world now that is very hostile to God, and those who follow him. Mainstream media and Hollywood put everything the world worships in your face-in movies, comics, cartoons, social media and the business world. Those who stand on their faith in Christ, are eliminated by the majority that rules. Many mega ministries use the same tactics, technologies, and strategies as the world does to achieve their goals, because they know it works. It doesn't really matter to many of them, whether it's ethically right to do the things they do- they have become blind, and money driven, and will use these technologies along with the world's system, to get ahead too. Greed and power are very strong influences in Satan's toolbox. These technologies have a multitude of functions and the possibilities are seemingly endless-but the price is the human spirit, and soul. Materialism has saturated the planet, and any sense of real concern for the environment, and what these technologies are doing to us as people, is subdued, and silenced. The increase of censorship on every level has proven this out. Google, Facebook, other social media platforms and Youtube have been purging videos, books, internet platforms and anybody who's trying to warn about these dangers, and the science behind them. This post is another attempt, because the Holy Spirit is still roaming the earth, seeking if anyone will heed the warnings-this is being put here for that purpose. These technologies give speed of light connections at the touch of the finger-and access to a cyber world-that's not reality, they are images, and information fed to us, by people we will probably never know, and have no way of knowing if what they are putting before our eyes is the truth, or a lie. In the book of Genesis ch. 11 it tells that the world was one language, and they schemed together to build a tower to heaven; the tower of Babel. Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. It is likely that they built the tower as an observation point of the heavens; it was built “unto the heavens.” Most astrological and occult practices have a history back to Babel. Looking down the lens of time to our day, I see these technologies as being done with the very same intentions, and goals. Satan's pride is the same now, as it was then. He wants total control of everything on this planet. However, these technologies come with a very high price-the highest being the human soul, and it's eternal destination. If Satan succeeds to saturate this planet in this wireless technology, and the people work like they did for the tower of Babel to get it-maybe this time it will work, and he'll achieve his goal-the destruction of mankind. He hates God, and he hates you, and believe me-that is his agenda. With 6G technology, they are talking about hooking people up with every kind of device to the cyborg system- it is the Beast system talked about in Revelation. I'll let the reader do the research on this. In this cyborg system-people will live and inter-act with images that aren't real, they are illusions-but your mind will tell you they are real. Isn't this just like the devil? Aren't we just about there now? The last several generations of TV, movies, and computer games has achieved the desired outcome-people are just about walking zombies. This will completely immerse them into a world of make-believe, and for those who lose the ability to discern the difference-mental illness will take on another level. In this system inter-action with the principalities and powers of darkness will also be another part of this, that not very many are talking about, yet. Elon Musk, and a few others are speaking some concerns, and admit they don't know what they are getting into, but, it won't stop them from going ahead with this, because they are motivated by demonic influence. Power, pride, and egos are running this agenda, and the devil uses people with great intelligence to achieve his goals. Without God-people do what they do-because they are their own god. The physical dangers to the human body, and the environment won't be allowed to be brought out, because the big corporations want it, and they have the power to shut down any voices that speak up about this. But, there are some still on independent platforms on the internet that are putting out the dangers, and information, trying to wake people up. I've read and studied the bible many years, and can see where this is all going to end. Jesus is coming back-whether anyone likes it, or is ready for it, or not. The earth has been damaged so much, the animals, trees, and atmosphere is so contaminated, that life on this planet won't be sustainable much longer. I've lost many trees in my own back yard-and see dead trees everywhere I go now. The forests are silent, almost no birds, or animals. Millions of fish in the oceans have washed up on shore dead, along with whales and dolphins. Fukushima has not been stopped-it's spewing out radioactive waste, and there's no end in sight. The condition of this planet is in peril, but few really understand the danger we are in-this is the Titanic, and we are sinking. The greatest question I'd ask you is, if you died today-do you know where you'd go? At the end of this life-we will either spend eternity in heaven, or hell. I hope you will consider this, and that Jesus Christ is the answer to this, the only answer. By repenting, asking for His forgiveness of our sins, and surrendering your life to Him, whatever happens-you will have the peace and assurance of eternity in heaven. I pray you do, and will see you there. There's several videos, and articles posted below on the 5G and 6G technology, for your research and information. Lorna Couillard For those who are awake-this video will explain the untold story of the connection with the Covid pandemic-and this technology.
Understanding the Covid19 TESTS, "What is really in the Covid19 Tests? This is important information to know, and how these tests place nano-particles in the body-which then makes you trackable, patentable (yes, you will be owned), and connected to the "CLOUD" with the 5G/6G towers. When a person is tested-they are also vaccinated, and don't know it. 6G - Explained- The Future Of Wireless Communication | 6G- "The future of wireless communication is here, with 5G technology already in action in many parts of the world. But this is only the start as with increasing needs for high-speed high bandwidth communication, 6G will pave the way for wireless technology to get a complete makeover. With the rapid advancement in other fields of technology, the future of wireless communication will play a huge part in the execution of these associated technologies. We are looking at Brain-Computer Interface, Virtual Reality, Self Driving Cars, and more. With challenges ahead, the future of wireless communication will be an important factor that can completely transform us into a truly digital society." Listen carefully to how he describes humans as being inter-connected to this system- humans will be integrated into the cyber world through this technology. How will they achieve this? In a nutshell, by inserting nano-technology into the human body, which 5G and 6G will be able to connect to-and you will be a part of the cyborg system. Dr. Carrie Madaj in the video below, explains the nano technology that's in the Covid vaccines-that will achieve humans being integrated into the system. That is what the vaccine push is really about. Dr. Carrie Madej recent update NEW-The latest update from Whistleblower Dr. Carrie Madej on the Dangers of the new covid19 vaccines. Do NOT get the Vaccine without watching this video. This is where technology is going-achieving making humans Trans-human. It is an Anti-Christ technology which will erase completely the knowledge, and connection to God. It is the implementation of the Beast system, and those who permit themselves to be integrated into this-will lose any desire to know God, or follow Him. Satan's plan is being set up at full speed, and the worlds system has given itself over to his scheme. 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT- This documentary gives graphic information, and evidence of the dangers of 5G, and what it will do to the body-imagine what 6G will do. Tech Rant: Will 6G Destroy Human Society? The guy doing this video makes fun of those who are warning about the dangers of 5G, but he doesn't go into any of the actual science that proves the waves are dangerous-the military uses 5G technology as a weapon, so that tells you something. But his analysis of 6G is also a futuristic nightmare that nobody knows what it will really look like when they've set it up. Like he said, stay tuned-as the nightmare unfolds. 5G ACTS AS COVID, WARNS EX-VODAFONE EXEC- important video-However, I disagree with his idea of what we need to focus on-this is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast-it's time for God's people to look up, our redemption draws nigh. Come, Lord Jesus. GRAPHENE BIOWEAPON, NANO RAZORS & ZOMBIES- This presentation is from Dr. Andreas Noack-who was murdered a few days after posting this on public media-his work is crucial information. He was targeting the Austrian government, and their corrupt medical consultants and those pushing the vaccines. GRAPHENE OXIDE IN THE COVID INJECTIONS & THE RELATIONSHIP TO 5G RADIATION- This site has many resources, and reputable documentation on the 5G/vaccine connection VAXED PEOPLES HEADS EXPLODING & COMBUSTING UPON THE TURNING UP OF 5G IN ISRAEL- This is the beginnings of the first evidences of what 5G is going to do to MANY, in the very near future. They won't be able to hide it any longer, once 5G is fully up and running. For articles and information on the dangers of 5G, which they are setting up now, go to StopTheCrime- For information and the dangers of 6G- An important article from the site- You will find a great deal of information on geoengineering and 5G/6G in articles at - News/Articles/Videos 5G - DEAD BEES AROUND THE ANTENNA CANADIAN COVID POLICE ERECT HIGH SECURITY FENCES AROUND GRACELIFE CHURCH IN EDMONTON, ALBERTA TO KEEP CHRISTIAN WORSHIPPERS OUT- NY Senate just passed a concentration camp bill to forcibly throw people in camps, just like the Nazis did in World War II A short interview with (EX FEMA) Operator- CELESTE SOLUM, breaking it down for us. GET READY it's going to get ROUGH!!! Are you prepared to STAND UP for your 'LIFE'? Woman Reacts with Shakes and Aches to the Moderna NWO Genetic Code Injection- I usually put these videos of victims of the vaccines on my other site -but this one will be put here. This is just one sad example, of thousands around the world suffering from the adverse side affects from these poison vaccines. I'll be paying attention to see if she is posted as another one who has died. Many do within hours/days/weeks. Secret Meaning Behind Super Bowl Half Time Show (2021)- In my book "The NightWatchman", I talk about the significance of how Satan uses masks in putting people in bondage, and that a Christian should never wear one. When I watched Fauci and the medical industry making masks mandatory during this pandemic-I knew exactly where it came from. Research the science of this virus; wearing one does not protect you from getting Covid, then study the information from doctors and professionals who prove the dangers of wearing masks-and realize the lies you are being told. Satan is putting you in bondage, and can give you permanent respiratory problems, and pneumonia if you submit to this scam-and that is his agenda-worldwide. The demons wearing masks in this half time Satanic ritual are telling you to your face-what they are going to do to you. Something Satanic Is Happening In Tasmania- The testimony of Fiona Barnett on the resource page of this site gives a detailed description of what goes on in the churches in Australia-and the country as a whole-which goes along with this clip. The country looks like it's given itself over completely to the devil, and is just about the same here in the U.S., these people are blood thirsty monsters-and child trafficking for their Satanic rituals, is one of their biggest targets. Testimony of Fiona Barnett- Priests SHOUTS Police OUT OF HIS CHURCH Hugo Talks #lockdown- This is what people need to start doing-stand up and say "No More". DAY OF WONDERS: Microsoft Wins $22 Billion, 10-Year Contract To Supply US Army With HoloLens Augmented Reality Headsets To Conduct Warfare The news article and two videos below are important-they connect the dots to the timeline of the NWO-and the Anti Christ system being put in place now. Joe Biden Displays Transgender Flags at the White House for 'Day of Visibility' BAPHOMET spirit behind the NWO Transgender AGENDA- PART 3 "Spin" - 3/30/21- How the Covid vaccine will change DNA, connect those who take it to 5G/6G- inter-connect them with the beast system- it is the Mark of the Beast Video shows Asian woman being violently attacked-while witnesses looked on in NYC- FALLING AWAY: Nike Sues MSCHF Studios For ‘Satan Shoes’ Promoted By False Teacher Joel Osteen’s Good Buddy Demonic Rapper Lil Nas X It's Time To Get Real About Vaccines - DELETED BY YOUTUBE- "Before anyone in your family gets vaccinated you need to see this video. The vaccine industry is doing everything possible to make sure you cannot get this information." UPDATE (a few hrs. later... Video removed by YouTube for violating Community Guidelines) How Did We Miss This? On February 4th, The United Nations Codified Chrislam With First Annual International Day of Human Fraternity Celebration This audio clip of David Wilkerson's message on prosperity preachers goes right along with the article above-and all who preach and teach this heresy- (Audio Sermon Clip) Note: I do not agree with every doctrinal statement in the videos posted here-but if they are basically biblically sound, they are posted because of the importance of the topics. To hold to the rapture teaching -or not, is up to the individual. Jesus said he would return again- I do not argue over when. NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The World We Once Knew Is Gone And Now They Are Calling For Us To Exist In A State Of Permanent Pandemic Nike Partnering With Rapper Lil Nas X To Launch ‘Satan Shoes’ Selling 666 Pairs Limited Run With One Drop Of Human Blood Injected In The Sole Paul Harvey- prophetic essay 1965 "If I were the Devil" NASA's Evil Plans For Your Future! Documents Found On Their Website (5G,Microdust,Survaillance) Coronavirus - Joe Imbriano, 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations APOSTATE LAODICEAN FRANKLIN GRAHAM SAYS JESUS WOULD ‘TAKE THE COVID VACCINE’ AND URGES PASTORS TO COMPEL THEIR PEOPLE TO TAKE IT AS WELL- More on the Nazi campaign to jab everybody with the Covid vax-and Franklin Graham's blasphemous statements about Jesus- Some revealing information about Biden- Biden trips and falls....three times climbing stairs boarding a plane- It's hard to watch, but, this country deserves what we've got Sleepy Joe BIDEN VS PUTIN | China owns Biden Dr Fauci & Joe Biden - There's Something Going On- God's Word On The Issue Below is scripture and commentary on where I believe we are now in history-if I'm proven wrong, I'll admit it-but this is what my spirit and eyes are saying to me; especially Rev. 9:20-that describes this world's condition perfectly. Rev 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: (I recommend reading chapter nine in the bible-verses 1-21) Commentary on Revelation 9:1-21 THE FIFTH AND SIXTH TRUMPETS A. The fifth trumpet brings demonic locusts from the bottomless pit. 1. (Rev_9:1) A star fallen from heaven. Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. a. Then the fifth angel sounded: This is the fifth angel sounding a trumpet. There were seven seals, followed - thematically if not chronologically - by seven trumpets. In their arranged order, they are similar. i. The first four seals and trumpets presented judgments directed against the earth. In the first four seals, these were the “four horsemen” bringing tyranny, war, famine, and death on the earth. In the first four trumpets, these were the ecological destruction of the vegetation, seas, fresh waters, and sky. ii. The last three seals focused upon heaven: the cry of the martyrs, cosmic disturbances, and the heavenly prelude to the seven trumpets. But the last three trumpets will speak of hell, in terms of the demonic. b. I saw a star fallen from heaven: The text clearly shows us that this star is a person (to him), not a literal star. The verb tense (fallen) indicates that he already had fallen. i. But who is this star? Suggestions have included Nero, a fallen angel, an evil spirit, Satan, the Word of God, a good angel, or even Jesus Himself. ii. In the context, this star is best seen as an angel; whether he is a good or bad angel depends on his relation to the angel of the bottomless pit in Rev_9:11. If the angel of Rev_9:1 one is the same as the angel of Rev_9:11, it is an evil angel - perhaps Satan himself. If it is a different angel, it may be a good angel sent by God to open up this bottomless pit for the purposes of judgment. c. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit: That this star is fallen makes us associate him with Satan, or another high ranking evil angelic being. But the fact that he is given the key to the bottomless pit makes us not want to associate him with Satan. The idea that Satan is the “master of hell” is foreign to the rest of the Scriptures. He will be hell’s victim, not ruler. i. At the same time, we notice that the key is given to this being, and that it is given at a specific time and for a specific purpose that furthers God’s plan. This angel - evil or good - serves God’s purpose, even if he does not intend to. d. Where is the bottomless pit? The most straightforward answer is that it is in the center of the earth, because there, one might say that all is “top” and nothing is “bottom.” But the “bottomlessness” of the pit may be symbolic. i. The abyssos is a prison for certain demons (Luk_8:31, 2Pe_2:4, and Jud_1:6). This is probably the same place as this bottomless pit. More generally, this place is considered the realm of the dead, the same as Hades (Rom_10:7). e. Rev_9:1 is a good example of how the Book of Revelation is wrongly spiritualized in its interpretation. Some commentators say that the star is the word of God, the pit is human nature, and the lesson is that if the gospel is rejected, horrors are unleashed. But this is far from the plain meaning of Rev_9:1. 3. (Rev_9:2-6) Locusts from the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. a. Out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth: These are obviously not “natural” locusts. They avoid plants and attack men like scorpions attack. They are “A visual representation of the hordes of demons loosed upon the earth.” (Walvoord) i. The idea is simply that as part of the judgment of the great tribulation, God will allow demonic hordes, previously imprisoned, to descend upon the earth like a swarm of destructive locusts. They are not, as some have suggested, heretics, Muslims, Turks, Saracens, Jesuits, monks, or Protestants! b. Those who have the seal of God on their foreheads (the 144,000 and perhaps more) are protected, but none other are. This is an inescapable judgment of God. c. They were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months: Their purpose and period is expressly governed by God, and the purpose of all this to bring repentance (Rev_9:20-21). d. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them: Death will offer no escape from this prolonged torture. Their power is described like the power of scorpions, and the bite of a scorpion, though extremely painful, is rarely fatal. i. They will desire to die: The tormented ones want to die, as Paul did in Php_1:21-23, but for a completely different reason and result than Paul. For Paul, death led to eternal blessing, but for these tormented ones, death is a leap from the frying pan of present torment into eternal fire. ii. The idea of “Death as an escape” is a demonic deception. The infamous murderers of Littleton, Colorado made chilling home movies before their killing spree. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold left behind a videotaped document spelling out their motivation. In the last segment of tape, shot the morning of the murders, Harris & Klebold are dressed and say they are ready for “our little Judgement Day.” Then Klebold, looking tense, says goodbye to his parents. He concludes, “I didn’t like life too much. Just know I am going to a better place than here.” What tragic deception to think - on the day you will commit terrible murders - that you will go “to a better place.” There was no escape in death for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Now is the time of repentance, to escape from sin, and to be restored. 4. (Rev_9:7-10) The appearance of these locusts. The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle. They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men five months. a. The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle: Many attempts have been made to show that this is an accurate (though poetic) description of natural locusts. But this approach misses the obvious demonic connection. i. Why would God call them locusts if they are not literal locusts, but demonic spirits who swarm and destroy like locusts? Among other reasons, because locusts are agents of God’s judgment. This is a consistent Old Testament figure in passages like Exo_10:4-14, Deu_28:38, 1Ki_8:37, 2Ch_7:13, Joe_1:4, and Amo_4:9. b. Like horses . . . like gold . . . like the faces of men . . . like women’s hair . . . like lion’s teeth: The repetition of like indicates something other than a literal description is intended. The total impact of this picture is one of unnatural and awesome cruelty. i. Suggestions that these locusts actually describe something such as the “helicopter gunships of the Antichrist” are interesting, but purely speculative, and don’t fit all the details. ii. “There seems to be no alternative to concluding that God, satisfying the age-long desire of those wicked spirits to possess bodies of their own, has created bodies for them, bodies appropriate in demonic appearance to the character of the demonic inhabitants.” (Morris) iii. “There can be no specific answer to the question of exactly who or what is symbolized by the plague of locusts. All we can know for sure is that in the period immediately before the end the wicked will be subjected to a time of unprecedented demonic torment. Exactly how this will take place will remain unknown until disclosed by history itself.” (Mounce) 5. (Rev_9:11) The leader of these locusts. And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. a. And they had as king over them: This is another indication that these creatures are not literal locusts. The Bible tells us that literal locusts have no king, and these do. Pro_30:27 says, The locusts have no king, yet they all advance in ranks. b. Whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon: Their king is given a name. Abaddon and Apollyon both have the same thought of destruction or torment (perdition). c. The angel of the bottomless pit: Since this is the king of these locusts, and since he has the name Abaddon or Apollyon, this is obviously Satan himself or another high-ranking leader of demons. 6. (Rev_9:12) The worst is yet to come. One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things. B. The sixth trumpet: an army of destruction. 1. (Rev_9:13) A voice from the altar. Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, a. I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar: In the tabernacle and temple of Israel, the golden altar was the altar of incense, which was a representation of the prayers of God’s people. b. The four horns of the golden altar stood at each corner. Atoning blood was applied to the horns. From these horns, John hears a voice. In this, John recalls a persistent theme: the prayers of God’s people play a large role in the end-times drama. 2. (Rev_9:14-15) The angels and their mission. Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. a. Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates: These four angels have no necessary connection with the four angels of Rev_7:1. They may be the same four angels or they may not be. Whomever they are, they are prepared for the hour and day and month and year of the unleashing of this judgment. i. Were released: “Most of Satan’s angels are yet free - being the principalities against which we wrestle, but some terrible offenders of high rank have been bound.” (Newell) ii. This assumes these are “bad” angels; they may or may not be, but they probably are evil angels. No matter what, they are servants of the divine purpose. b. Were released to kill a third of mankind: The demonic locusts described earlier in the chapter were restricted to tormenting mankind. But these four angels have the authority to kill on a massive scale. i. These angels have a specific sphere of activity (a third of mankind), and are only activated in God’s timing. They execute God’s will in God’s timing. c. The great river Euphrates: Why are these angels of judgment connected with the Euphrates River? The Euphrates was a landmark of ancient Babylon. It was the frontier of the Israel’s land as fully promised by God (Gen_15:17-21). It was also the boundary of the old Roman Empire, which will be revived under the Antichrist. ii. The Euphrates is also associated with the first sin (Gen_2:10-14), the first murder (Gen_4:16), the first organized revolt against God (Gen_11:1-9), the first war confederation (Gen_14:1), and the first dictatorship (Gen_10:8-10). 3. (Rev_9:16-19) Description of the army led by these angels. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed; by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm. a. The number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million: Is this number literal or symbolic? “It is possible that the number is not to be taken literally, but simply suggests an army that is impossible to count and is greater than anything mankind has ever seen.” (Hocking) b. Breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone: They are given a weird, grotesque description. This is a powerful picture of horror, destruction and demonic association. c. Does this speak of a natural or a supernatural army? An army of men or an army of demons? i. If this describes a natural army of men, then the weird description might speak of modern, mechanized warfare. John may describe modern machinery in the only terms he can, and the result is this weird, grotesque, terrifying account. ii. But, a human army this size has never been seen. The total size of all armies - on both sides - at the height of the Second World War was only 70 million. In 1965 China claimed to have an army and militia of 200 million, but this claim was doubted by many. Even if such an army was assembled, and marched towards the west, it is hard (but not impossible) to see such an army killing a billion or more people - a third of mankind. iii. Therefore, perhaps the safest interpretation is to see this as a literal 200 million strong army, but a demonic army invading earth. This continues the idea of the demonic army like locusts described earlier in the chapter. 4. (Rev_9:20-21) The response of man. But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts. a. But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent: In general, mankind shows no repentance, despite the presence of some pretty overwhelming “signs and wonders.” b. That they should not worship demons, and idols: Instead, man continues with his idol worship in a “business as usual” sort of way. They continue in their worship of demons, whether their worship is witting or unwitting. i. It is amazing to see how quickly things return to “normal” after some calamity such as an earthquake. We are so quick to forget God’s lessons, even the lessons that come in judgment. c. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts: This list of sins is a striking accusation against our present age. Certainly, our modern world is characterized by murders, sorceries (associated with the taking of drugs), sexual immorality and thefts. David Guzik comm. 'THEY ATE AND DRANK ....' DESTRUCTION OF EARTH IS THE RESULT OF EXPERIMENTS .... Comments are closed.
God's blessings You may find useful information here; Go to the resource page, you will find many videos and links The NightWatchman
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me,
saith the LORD. Isa 54:17 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The Victory of Our Faith
For whatsoever
is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1Jn 5:4-5 But they that wait
upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:31 Our Warfare
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2Cor 10:3-5 The Whole Armor
of God Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Eph 6:10-18 The Prayer Room
January 2025