All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: II Tim 3:16 The profit and importance of meditation in the scriptures cannot be underestimated. The value of spending quality time in the wisdom, and direction they provide is limitless. The statement that "we are what we eat", can be used in what we feed our minds and souls with. The degradation and corruption of a society can be traced to it's sources of what it spends it's time meditating on, and the goals it spends energies and money on. Look around you, and pay attention to what people are doing, spending their money on, and meditating on. In this day, that means what they are watching on their TV's, phones, computers, and ipads. The level of violence, corruption, and profanity tells you what people are feeding their brains and souls with. If a person has a desire to know what God thinks on any given subject, and what His answer is to that subject, scripture will give them the direction and guidance that God intends about it; but, many do not want to hear it, because it will go against the desires of their flesh. Following after righteousness, is a choice, and the only way to gain knowledge and understanding on how to walk in righteousness is to meditate and study the word of God. What are the benefits? Let's take a look. "All scripture is inspired of God - The Spirit of God not only once inspired those who wrote it, but continually inspires, supernaturally assists, those that read it with earnest prayer. Hence it is so profitable for doctrine, for instruction of the ignorant, for the reproof or conviction of them that are in error or sin, for the correction or amendment of whatever is amiss, and for instructing or training up the children of God in all righteousness." (John Wesley) Holy Scriptures. The Books given by inspiration. The Jewish Scriptures are primarily meant, but a part of the New Testament was already written. Make thee wise. Give thee the wisdom that leads to salvation. If the Old Testament could make him wise, how much more the New! Through faith which is in Christ Jesus. This is essential. Unless the Scriptures lead to Christ, there is no salvation. All Scripture. The Revision is much better. "Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable," etc. Whether it is, depends on its inspiration. For instance, the Apocrypha is called Scripture, but is not inspired. For doctrine. For teaching. That the man of God. The preacher. See 1Ti_6:11; 1Ki_13:1; 2Ki_6:6. May be perfect. Fully fitted for his work. The sense is "complete." Thoroughly furnished. Fully equipped. If he is master of the Holy Scriptures, he is so equipped. If this was true when Paul wrote, with only a part of the New Testament written, with what emphasis may it be said now when we have both the Old and New Testaments in full. (B.W. Johnson) HOLD FAST TO INSPIRED SCRIPTURE To Be Able to Stand in the Evil Day The world does not love Christ or Christians any better than of old; and all who are minded to live godly lives will come inevitably to the cross in one form or another. To be without persecution should put us in serious doubt as to whether we are right. The spirit of the gospel is in absolute disagreement with the spirit of the world. But, whatever the losses and trials, let the children of God abide in the things which they have learned, and walk in blameless purity and consistency. The conduct, purpose, and patience of this great and holy Apostle gleam in front of us for our inspiration and guidance; and his experience will be ours-that there is no sorrow out of which we shall not be delivered, when we have learned the lesson it was sent to teach.
In the stern experiences of human life there is no stay that is comparable to the Holy Scriptures. The infinite variety of Scripture adapts itself to different states of the soul. Whatever our need, we can find its solace and remedy here. Thus we may live a complete life, finding in the Bible an equipment for all our emergencies. In this armory is every weapon for offense and defense; in the word of God- is a medicine and antidote for every wound. (F.B. Meyer) Comments are closed.
On this page there will be information regarding Christian mediation, and weekly short meditations. More content will be added as the Lord leads.
The NightWatchman And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luk 6:12
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