For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give unto the LORD, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Psa 96:4-7 This Psalm has no superscription in the Hebrew. But in the Septuagint and in the Vulgate it has the following, “When the house was built after the captivity. An ode by David.” There is a great similarity between this Psalm and the great festal hymn which “David delivered, to thank the Lord, into the hand of Asaph and his brethren” on the day when the ark was brought into the sanctuary in Zion. It indeed almost exactly corresponds to that portion of the Psalm, on the placing of the ark in Zion, which is contained in 1Ch_16:23-33. It is probable that the original Psalm was composed by David, for use on the occasion mentioned above, and that it is recorded in 1Ch_16:8-36, and that this Psalm was selected from it for use at the dedication of the second temple. We regard the Psalm as setting before us a picture of-- THE WORLD’S MOST JOYOUS DAY We have here a picture of a day of blessing and glory for our world such as never yet has dawned upon it, but most assuredly will dawn in God’s own appointed time. The Poet portrays two grand features of the world’s most joyous day. It will be--
I. A day when the relations of the Lord to the world shall be rightly apprehended. What are those relations? 1. He alone is God of the world. This is clear from- (1) The nothingness of heathen deities and the reality and power of Jehovah. “All the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.” The heathen deities were nonentities, nothings. They had no real existence. They existed only in the imaginations of their worshippers (Isa_41:23-24.) Even when the objects of the worship of the heathen have a real existence, such as the heavenly bodies, yet they have no existence as gods, no existence which renders them fit objects of homage. But the Lord is real and living and powerful. He “made the heavens.” In their creation He has manifested His power and glory to all the world, and given proof that He is the true God and entitled to the worship of His creatures. (2) The greatness of Jehovah. “The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised.” God is great in His thoughts and purposes, in power and action, in glory and dominion. His greatness is so pre-eminent that Masillon well said, “God alone is great.” (3) The glory of Jehovah. “Honour and majesty are before Him, strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.” Wherever He pleases to manifest Himself there true glory is displayed. All that is really mighty and majestic, glorious and beautiful, is found in Him in full perfection, and flows from Him. Holiness and wisdom, truth and love constitute His strength, beauty, and majesty. He has displayed His glory in the heavens which He created; but it shines most brightly “in His sanctuary,” in the Church militant and in the Church triumphant. In the world’s most joyous day the Lord shall be recognised throughout the world as the only true God, incomprehensibly great and glorious. 2. His salvation is for all the world. “Show forth His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people.” In the bright day which is drawing near, His salvation will be published amongst all nations and all peoples. “Salvation” from the night of heathen darkness, from sin and all its terrible consequences. “Salvation” to holiness, love, life immortal, into the image of God, and to the vision of God. “Salvation” for all the world as opposed (1) To the restrictions of Judaism. “Go ye into all the world,” (Mar_16:15-16). “God is no respecter of persons,” (Act_10:34-35). (2) To the limitations of human creeds. Our narrow systems of theology cannot restrict the fulness of the grace of God. The river of the water of life refuses to be pent in the limited channels which men have scooped out for it. It flows in streams broad and deep, for the life and refreshment of all men. Salvation is free for all men. “Ho, every one that thirsteth,” (Isa_55:1-2). “Whosoever believeth,” “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come,” (Rev_22:17). In the glorious day approaching, the freedom and universality of salvation will be recognized, 3. He is the King of all the world. “Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth,” ‘Jehovah is King,’ lit. ‘hath become King,’ hath taken to Himself His great power and reigned.” “He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway.” Under His reign the earth will become calm and stable. Agitated and shaken by the sins and strife of men, it shall become peaceful and orderly under the sway of Jehovah. In the joyous day of which our Poet sings, the reign of the Lord shall be proclaimed in all the world, recognized in all the world, and its blessings enjoyed in all the world. 4. He is the Judge of all the world. “He shall judge the people righteously. He cometh, He cometh to judge the earth,” Judging is probably used here for ruling. Two prominent features of the Divine rule and judgment are here specified-- (1) Righteousness. The laws of His kingdom and their administration harmonize with eternal truth and equity. (2) Faithfulness. His administration will accord with the truth of His own character, and the declarations of His will. “It is a judgment which is to issue in salvation.” “It is not a retributive, but a gracious judging, by which controversies are adjusted and prevented, and the law of love is introduced into the lives of the people.” In the world’s most joyous day the Lord will be heartily recognised as the gracious Ruler and Judge of all men. II. A day when the relations of the Lord to the world shall be duly celebrated. In the day portrayed by the Psalmist the gracious relations of Jehovah to all men will not only be understood, but appreciated and praised. 1. He will be universally worshipped. “All the earth” shall sing unto Him. “All flesh shall come to worship before Me, saith the Lord.” “From the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same, My name shall be great among the Gentiles,” (Mal_1:11). “As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” 2. He will be enthusiastically worshipped. Three times the Poet calls upon the people to “Sing unto the Lord,” and three times to “Give unto the Lord glory,” The repetition indicates urgency and zeal. The whole soul of the Poet is in the exhortation. In the grand coronation day the Lord the King shall be worshipped with entire heartiness, and with intense enthusiasm. 3. He will be joyously worshipped. “O sing unto the Lord a new song," The “new song” is “one which shall be the fit expression of all the thoughts and hopes and triumphs of the new and glorious age which is about to dawn. It is the glad welcome given to the King when He enters His kingdom.” So great is the joy of the world that even the inanimate creation is represented as sharing in it. “Let the heavens rejoice,” (Psa_96:11-12). “With the coming of Jehovah and the setting up of His kingdom, all the broken harmonies of creation shall be restored. Not ‘the sons of God’ only, but the whole creation, is still looking forward to the great consummation (Rom_8:21).”—Perowne. 4. He will be reverently worshipped. “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, fear before Him, all the earth.” “ ‘Bow yourselves before Jehovah in holy pomp, tremble before Him all the earth.’ ‘Pomp,’ or ‘array,’ but the word denotes all that lent solemnity and impressiveness to the service.”—Perowne. In the glorious day which the Psalmist foresaw, the Lord will be worshipped with all that is expressive of admiration and veneration. There will be nothing unbecoming in the worship offered unto Him. All the earth will approach and pay homage to Him in the beauty of pure, loving, adoring spirits." CONCLUSION.—1. Here is a word of Exhortation. For the advent of this most joyous day for the world, let us be untiring both in work and in prayer. 2. Here is a word of Inspiration. This bright day will surely dawn. The world advances not to the darkness of night, but to the splendors of a glorious and unfading noontide. Therefore, take heart, ye faithful watchers, and brave workers, and earnest suppliants. The cause to which you are devoted must triumph. The mountain tops are already bathed in glory; and soon the whole world will be flooded with radiance, and breakforth into the tremendous and exultant shout, “Hallelujah, the Lord reigneth.” [Preacher's Homiletical] I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God? Psa 77:11-13 Treasury of David Charles Haddon Spurgeon Psa 77:11-“I will remember the works of the Lord.” Fly back, my soul, away from present turmoil's, to the grandeurs of history, the sublime deeds of Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts; for he is the same and is ready even now to defend his servants as in the days of yore. “Surely I will remember thy wonders of old.” Whatever else may glide into oblivion, the marvelous works of the Lord in the ancient days must not be suffered to be forgotten. Memory is a fit handmaid for faith. When faith has its seven years of famine, memory like Joseph in Egypt opens her granaries. Psa_77:12-“I will meditate also of all thy work.” Sweet work to enter into Jehovah's work of grace, and there to lie down and ruminate, every thought being absorbed in the one precious subject. “And talk of thy doings.” It is well that the overflow of the mouth should indicate the good matter which fills the heart. Meditation makes rich talking; it is to be lamented that so much of the conversation of professors is utterly barren, because they take no time for contemplation. A meditative man should be a talker, otherwise he is a mental miser, a mill which grinds corn only for the miller. The subject of our meditation should be choice, and then our talk will be edifying; if we meditate on folly and affect to speak wisdom, our double-mindedness will soon be known unto all men. Holy talk following upon meditation has a consoling power in it for ourselves as well as for those who listen, hence its value in the connection in which we find it in this passage. Psa_77:13-“Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary,” or in holiness. In the holy place we understand our God, and rest assured that all his ways are just and right. When we cannot trace his way, because it is “in the sea,” it is a rich consolation that we can trust it, for it is in holiness. We must have fellowship with holiness if we would understand “the ways of God to man.” He who would be wise must worship. The pure in heart shall see God, and pure worship is the way to the philosophy of providence. “Who is so great a God as our God?” In him the good and the great are blended, He surpasses in both. None can for a moment be compared with the mighty One of Israel. I will Meditate Also of All Thy Work Motives to Meditation "In mere apprehension, whether through reading or hearing, there is little or no profit. The profit begins when that which is apprehended is so pondered as to become part and parcel of the man’s inner nature. A man may run through a picture gallery so as to see every painting it contains, and to derive from the sight a certain amount of pleasure; but he alone profits by such an exhibition who pauses and studies each worthy work of art, and gathers ideas from it which enrich his mind, or learn lessons from it which refine his taste. “It is the settling of milk,” says an old writer, “that makes it turn to cream,” and it is the settling of truth in the mind that makes it turn to spiritual nutriment." (W. L. Alexander.) It is the Proper Occupation of the Mind 2. Our character in the sight of God depends on the character of our thoughts. 3. Meditation is essential to the success of God’s Word. Subjects for Meditation 1. God’s existence and attributes. 2. His works. 3. His claims. Their comprehensiveness, their spirituality, their perpetual obligation. Our guilt in neglecting them. 4. Your future. “THE GOD THAT DOEST WONDERS” "Go back to the past. Consider the manner in which God has stood by His saints in the days of old, in the years of ancient time. What He did for them He is prepared to do again. He cannot cast us off. When once He begins He will continue. The train may be lost in a dark tunnel, but it will shoot out again into the radiant daylight. Through the hard Wilderness God led His people into the land of milk and honey. It is thy infirmity that leads thee to doubt Him. Like John the Baptist, you may be enclosed in a dungeon-cell of adverse circumstances, but remember the long years in which the right hand of the Most High has wrought for His people.
Compare Psa_77:13 and Psa_77:19. God’s way is in the sea-it is impossible to track His footsteps-but it is also in the sanctuary! In other words, however perplexing His providences may appear, they are governed by His redeeming love for His own, and are consistent with His perfect holiness. His ways may be veiled in mystery, but He leads His people as the shepherd His flock. Do not look down at your path, but up into His face." [F.B. Meyer] |
On this page there will be information regarding Christian mediation, and weekly short meditations. More content will be added as the Lord leads.
The NightWatchman And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luk 6:12
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January 2025