This devotion will be in the form of a testimony, because it is a powerful example of the power of prayer, and God's hand moving in situations that would seem impossible. It can encourage, and strengthen you in situations you may be facing as a Christian, and have become discouraged. This remains one of the most profound experiences of my life, that God takes me back to often, to remind me of His ability to change any situation. In the early 80's I took a home health job in my area, in the village just 2 miles away. My hours were from Friday evening through to Monday morning, around the clock. It was a very good paying position, and just 5 min. away from my home, my daughter was young, and my husband was with her all the time, if anything happened he could call me and I'd be there in a short time. The couple were elderly, in their 90's, Lester and Susan Worthley were long time residences of the village, and had run the local store many years. In the late winter of 1985, one evening when I was helping Susan, with a bed bath, and preparing her for the night, she spoke of wanting to go home to heaven. She talked about Lester, and shared that she was concerned for him, because she had prayed for him many years, for his salvation, but knew he still had not really become a Christian. She also spoke of his involvement with freemasonry, and believed this was part of the problem. I knew she was right, and had been there caring for them several times when other men who were freemasons had come to visit Lester, and tried to get him to come to their meetings. He was a high ranking mason, but had not been involved during my time working there. He refused when I was there, and knowing their health conditions, I knew he didn't go because he didn't feel well enough to, but he didn't tell them. It was for the best, really. As I continued to get Susan ready for the night, I asked her if she'd like me to pray with her, she said yes, and I prayed a short prayer for her, for Lester's salvation, and for the Lord's peace for Susan through the night. As I thought about what Susan had told me, I asked the Lord what to do. I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to call another woman who was also working caring for them, who was a friend of mine. She worked the day shift through the week caring for them, and she was a Christian, and we both went to the same fellowship together. She was one of the worship leaders, and her husband had recently gotten saved also. I called her, and told her what Susan had said. She said we could pray together for her and the situation with Lester the next Friday evening when I came to replace her for the weekend. So, the next week, when I arrived to replace Barbara for my weekend shift, we went out to the front porch, and prayed for them both. Barb also knew about Lester being a freemason and she agreed, it was a big problem why he had not opened his heart to the Lord, and hadn't accepted Christ as Savior. Our prayer was simple and direct. We asked that the Father would undertake for Susan, and answer her prayers for Lester, and that He would work through the circumstances, and deal with Lester's heart, and that he would come to be truly born again, and receive Christ as Savior, and renounce freemasonry and reject it. We also rebuked the spirits of freemasonry, and bound them, and commanded them to release Lester. We asked this to be done in the Name of Jesus Christ. Then, we hugged each other, we both agreed to now wait, and watch what God would do, and Barb left to go home. I went in the house to begin my duties for the night. Shortly after this, Susan began to refuse food, and many liquids. Both Barb and I knew what this meant. We continued to encourage her to eat, and changed her diet to try to get more nutrition into her, milkshakes, smoothies with fruits and vegetables, and liquids she enjoyed, but we didn't try to force her. We honored her choices. Within a few months she had come to the place where she would not take any nourishment, and needed to be placed in nursing care. Shortly after this, she passed away, not seeing her prayers yet answered for Lester. She was 93 at the time of her passing.
This of course, devastated Lester. He became very despondant, all he thought of was Susan. They had celebrated their 70th anniversary a few months before she had gone, they had been married longer than many people live. One evening in the fall that same year, Barbara called me, and said Lester was asking to see me, he wanted to talk to me about something, and asked if I could come down and try to comfort him. When I got there, he was in the living room with Barb, and I sat across from him, and letting him know I was there, his eyesight was very bad, but he knew my voice. I asked him how I could help him. "I miss Susan, and want to know I'll see her again." I replied "Susan is with the Lord, and in heaven. Do you have the assurance of going to heaven when you die Lester"? "No, I don't". Again I replied "You can change that now, if you will open your heart and ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins, and come into your heart and receive Him as your Lord and Savior, and you will need to renounce freemasonry, because it is a cult, would you like Barb and I to pray for you, to do this"? "Yes, please pray for me, and tell me what to do." Barb and I got up, went to his side, touching his hands, and asked him to repeat the prayer with us. "Lord Jesus, I admit I'm a sinner, please forgive my sins, and come into my heart, and save me. I believe you rose from the dead, and are coming again. I renounce everything about freemasonry, and ask for you to forgive me for being involved in it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Lester had repeated it all, and as we watched, his countenance changed immediately-we saw the power of the Holy Spirit come down on him, and he began to cry like a baby, he reached up to hug us both, and thanked us, with tears flowing down his cheeks. Lester was 95 years old, and now saved, a brand new baby, in Christ. After sitting and sharing some scripture with him from Barb's bible, we both helped him get ready for bed, it was getting dark. As we were undressing him, Barb worked at taking off his shirt, somehow as he pulled out his arm the freemason ring he had always worn, came off his hand, and flew across the room and hit the closet door! We both turned and looked at each other, and laughed out loud. God was making it clear that what Lester had prayed had been heard, and that ring was not to be put back on him. I took it and put it into a small box in the top dresser drawer, and closed it.
Lester began to refuse to eat also soon after this, and within a few months he also passed away. We both knew God had answered Susan's prayer in a miraculous way, God used the loss of Susan to break Lester's hard heart, and open it, to receive Christ, and salvation, in the nick of time. Now, they were both united in heaven, with Christ. This was a profound testimony to us, and other's in the area at the time, of the power of God, to save anyone, no matter what the situation. I attended the funeral, which was also a testimony. The minister who performed the service was also from a nearby village, who had come regularly to visit the Worthley's and check on them. As he began the service, a group of local freemasons walked in, all wearing their freemason garb, and aprons, and interrupted the minister. In the middle of the aisle, they performed several rituals, and made some chantings; this took several minutes. Then they filed into the pew right in front of me and sat down. The minister had allowed them to finish what they were doing, and didn't try to stop them, but when they were done, and seated, he began, and said "First, I'll remind you, that what you did, you did in the house of God, the God of all Creation. You came uninvited, and your rituals, and chants, are not found in the Word of God, anywhere. Your attempts of overriding this Christian burial, has no power over the soul of Lester Worthley, nor where he is now. Before his death, he renounced freemasonry, and became a Child of God, he became born again, he has received Christ as Savior. This from the mouth of two witnesses. You were allowed to do your worthless rituals, but the devil has lost the battle for Lester Worthley, he is in heaven, where Satan can never touch him again. You, and your rituals, were a waste of time. You don't know any better, but I will apologize to the family members, and the loved ones here, for your lack of consideration, and ill manners. Now, the service will continue." This was one of the most profound, bold confrontations I had ever seen, of a true man of God, boldly rebuking and taking his rightful authority, and using it from the pulpit-the entire congregation gave a loud "Amen". During the service, he more than once loudly proclaimed that Jesus Christ was Lord of all, and the only God and Savior. The freemasons sat in stony silence, and were the first to leave the service. Many years have come and gone since that event, but it remains embedded in my life, and I go back to it often in my mind, when the battles in my life become fierce, and the devil seems to be winning. The Holy Spirit has been prompting me to post this for quite a while, and know it's because someone else needs to see what God can do, and how He works in circumstances. One of the biggest lessons I've learned in this is, when we pray in faith, and leave it in His hands, we need to just stand and watch, and see Him work. But, we cannot know the cost it may take, how long it will take, or how God will do it-He is God, we are not. I've got many other testimonies, of similar answers to prayer, I'll share here as the Lord directs me to. Now, may God use this, for His glory. Lorna Couillard Comments are closed.
In this page there will be devotions/poems music and inspirational material The Lord Will Pour Out His Spirit
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. Joel 2:28-32 But this is that which was spoken by the
prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: Act 2:16-18 Resources
Madame Guyon - A Short and Easy Method of Prayer / Christian Audio Book (1 / 2) Union With God By Jeanne Guyon Chapter 1 Of 7 The Practice of the Presence of God - audiobook Brother LAWRENCE (1614 - 1691)- DKMn Gander Story Poems
https://www.gander Archives
January 2025