Note: This dream/vision was given to me in the middle of the night on 12/3/2023 "I was laying in bed with my eyes closed, and felt sleep coming on, and know I did go into slumber, not knowing for how long. Then, I awoke, and immediately alert-as I opened my eyes, instead of seeing the ceiling above my bed, I was standing upright in a sky aglow with sunlight and clouds that went on beyond the horizon. Far in the distance I saw a small dot, that gradually grew and became larger, until I could see it was the figure of a man, walking toward me. I stood still waiting for him until I could make out the details of his form. He had on a dark brown robe as a monks, with a golden rope as a belt. As he came to about a dozen feet from me, I knew, this was the same angel that was in the dream/vision given to me in 1994, when the Lord took me to heaven. He had given me a tour of my home, the land surrounding it, and the mansion, with many details and the beauty and glory of heaven, and things I couldn't share. Here he stood again, with the same serious, but kind expression in his large deep brown eyes. There was no fear in seeing him. As the first time, it was as if I had always known him, there was a spiritual connection between us, and an understanding without words. I waited to see what he would say. In my mind I heard him say to me "I've been sent to speak a few things to you about the season of time you are in, the hardships and the attacks you've been dealing with, and give encouragement and comfort. Yes, the warfare you've been dealing with has been relentless, and has come from many directions. Satan's time is short, he's tried every tactic to stop you, and drive you to defeat. He's brought you to the brink of giving in to discouragement, but hasn't shattered your faith. Remember the approach you used when training and showing your horses-you narrowed your attention, and your focus to the point that you wouldn't allow anything to interfere with the goal you wanted to achieve-success. Your focus, and your heart were in tune with each other, and you gained the victories you strove for. Now, in this season of your calling-go back, and use the same tactics, and approach that you did then. Narrow your focus, and discard everything that would be a hindrance to the victory God has called you to gain. What seemed like failures-were needed lessons, to not repeat. Satan's attacks have been great, because he knows what your calling is, and has done all he can, to destroy it, and you. I've come to tell you, is what was given you to do the day you spoke to Dave Davis in Morrisville, much of it has been accomplished, but not all. Spend more time in prayer about this, and how to proceed in finishing this calling, and the outreach you are doing with your websites-they are reaching far more than you realize. Don't allow any outside influences to take your focus away from what you need to accomplish. As you've known-the warfare in heaven is great, and will get even more intense, as the wars across the earth multiply. Your attention to prayer, and warfare in the spirit realm must increase. Be assured, angels are at hand, to help finish this and keep the hedges around you, but, as deception increases in the world, be diligent to stay in God's will, and not deviate from it." As I listened to this my heart was wrenched. "I've given in to speaking things with my mouth, profanity, that I am ashamed of, out of frustration, and have told the Lord I would not blame him if he sent me to hell. I deserve it. I do not feel worthy to think He's not canceled this call that was given to me. I've felt I've failed, and have only continued the outreach, because I still love Him-even if He does send me to hell." The angel listened, and then, he smiled, the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen, and said "Oh no, your destination is not hell, child, but heaven; haven't I shown you? Your home awaits you, and, the Lord wants you to know, even if you landed in hell, the devil wouldn't want you there because you wouldn't stop talking about your love for Jesus. Satan would expel you!" I found myself laughing, as I saw the humor and enormous grin on his beautiful face. The bond of our spirits was hard to describe. Then, he spoke again "Now, go on with new strength, and encouragement. Let the glory of the risen Christ be your flame of faith, and be bold, and remember His victory, is your victory." Then, immediately, I was awake again, in my bedroom, looking into the dark at my ceiling. Laying there, how I longed again, and wished, I could have gone with that angel into the realms of heaven. My spirit and heart-are already there. In this dream/vision I was also given further instructions but told not to write them down here-I've put them in my journals. Lorna Couillard Posted 12/5/2023 The Introduction Page of My Book The NightWatchman Which Relays My Visit With Dave Davis-and the Call of God Given to Me Then In 2002 an event took place that was no doubt a move of God in my life, and I still have the notes in my journal describing what happened. I'll share the majority of the actual event, and then explain it's meaning in regards to this book now.
"On a Monday in the early part of the month of April, 2002, I finished a riding lesson with one of my young students, and got in the car to keep a meeting that was set up by my pastor's at the church I was attending. I didn't bother to change, just kept on my work clothes and boots. I looked like just another working farmer. The weekend before, I had attended a small Christian gathering in Hardwick Vt., at a public place, and listened to a man with a prophetic and teaching ministry. The next day, Sunday-my pastor spoke to me and asked if I would be willing to meet this man in a private meeting during a week day. I wasn't given any details, and I wondered what he could possibly want with me, but I nodded and agreed to meet with him, and the date was set for Monday later in the morning. I found the residence given to me in Morrisville Vt., parked in the front and went to the door, I was directed to the back of the residence and asked to follow the paved walkway, I followed it around to what appeared to be a small garden area, and the walkway led up to a doorway, as I was instructed, I just walked in, to what appeared to be a small meeting room. A chair was at my left, and at the other end of the room two people were already seated waiting for me. A woman sat at my left, with a door behind her that led further into the building, at my right, also at the other end of the room sat Mr. Davis, the man who had asked for this meeting. I never met him before, only heard him speak at the Saturday night meeting, and what my pastors had shared with me about him. The heavy presence of the Holy Spirit was among us, and I silently asked Him to guide me in this situation. Then Mr. Davis spoke: "Thank you for accepting my request, please have a seat." I sat at the chair to my left, and continued to wait on Mr. Davis, to continue. "I know you are wondering what the purpose is for this meeting. I'll try to be to the point, and brief. The Lord has laid you on my heart for some time, and has a few things He'd like me to share with you, if you don't mind." I gazed steadily at him, and said, "Yes, I'm willing to listen." He began- "I asked the Holy Spirit to confirm to me what he's given me. When you walked in, you were holding a bible, and a large journal under your arm, that's one confirmation which I'll explain later. First, I'd like to relay something I believe God has shown me about you, and when I've finished, please feel free to tell my I'm crazy, or I've heard from the Lord". I said nothing, but nodded to continue. "You've had a very difficult life, Satan has tried to kill you many times. From a baby, you've had dreams and visions that have come true and do to this day. You are a seer, and prophetic, but keep it mostly to yourself-because of unbelief and misunderstanding with people. You keep them written, and when they come to pass. Some of them are far in the future, but you will see them. You've gained a level of authority in prayer and spiritual warfare because of your obedience when your husband divorced you shortly after you were saved, and you continued to pray for him and believe for your marriage to be restored, which it was. But, even in this, you have been met with many adversities, and battles. Your husband almost died from a heart attack, your fasting and prayer kept him alive, and still going today. Your still believing for his salvation. Satan hates you for this. You've had much jealousy, and contention with people, because you won't compromise the word of God, but your standing on it has given a place of authority that most never understand." He stopped and looked in my eyes for my response. "Yes, you've been shown the truth. Now, what's the real purpose for this meeting?" He looked down at a piece of paper in front of him, and continued. "First, the Holy Spirit has asked me to tell you, He'd like you to write a book. I don't know about what, but he's asked me to share this with you. It may confirm to you what He's already been speaking to you." "Yes, but I've been putting it off. My feeling is-does this world really need another book?" Dave Davis looked at me and said-"If God wants you to do it, there has to be a good reason. Ask the Lord to help you get it done." I remained silent, and waited for him to continue. He went on, "The Lord wants you to do spiritual warfare against the spirit of Jezebel over New England. He has told me to pray with you for it to be done, and how he wants it done. If you agree to do it, it will open the heavens for a greater harvest of souls into the kingdom, before the Lord returns." Dave Davis had no way of knowing that in 1988, I had traveled with my younger sister to the Hegwisch Baptist church outside of Chicago, and during the three days there, they had teaching every day on the Jezebel spirit by Win Worley, and that God had spoken to me to make this a special matter of prayer over my area when I got home. He was confirming again what I had been told many years earlier. After a year of fasting and prayer, and seeking God for how he wanted this intercession to be done-It was accomplished during a 3 day stay at an Inn in N.H., in June 2003, between the 19th through the 21st. I still have the journal notes of that intercession, and the Lords direction in it. He continued on-"Because these are the end days, you will see an acceleration of trouble, and misunderstanding. The years you've learned to stand on God's word, and stand alone if you must, will be a matter of course in your life. Few will be willing to hear or heed the scriptures, and you will continue to be labeled too dogmatic, and legalistic. We will add this to the time of prayer-for needed strength to see you through. As Jesus said, some of your enemies will be those in your own household. Satan will be relentless in using people to falsely accuse you." It would take too long to go into great detail on this, but what he spoke has come to pass completely. "Lastly-you will be a powerful witness against the Masons, Jehovah Witness, Buddhism, and Mormons in New England. Do not be discouraged at not seeing outward results, it is the obedience of boldly proclaiming the truth of what scripture teaches, and exposing these false religions and cults for what they are that the Lord is concerned about. On the day of Judgment with the truth you proclaim-anyone who has seen it and read it, will have no excuse." Sidenote: In the two websites I created and maintain, and , there are multitudes of sound biblical teachings by reputable bible teachers, and videos that boldly proclaim the error of these false religions, and cults, and I know many people have read and listened to them. This has been fulfilled in the past seven years. He stopped, and questioned with his eyes whether I agreed with his statements. I answered simply-"Much of what you've spoken has already been confirmed by events you had no way of knowing about. I have no doubt the Lord is speaking through you. However, I don't feel adequate for the job." Dave Davis smiled slowly, "None of us are, but when we pray together I'll ask the Father to equip you with all you need to accomplish these things, and for angels to assist you. With God, nothing is impossible". We stood and gathered together in the center of the room, and held hands. The presence of God intensified. He began to pray: "Father in heaven, all you've shared with me concerning Lorna, she witnesses to in her heart, but is feeling the pressure of our weakness, we are only humans. Lord, I ask for you to fill her to overflowing with your Holy Spirit and the boldness to proclaim the things you've commissioned her to do. I ask you to send the angel Gabriel and Michael to assist her in the intercession against the spirit of Jezebel over New England. Help her to accomplish this, that Satan would not succeed in hindering it to be done. Give her the needed wisdom and discernment to accomplish this task, for the souls of many who will be set free, saved and brought into your Kingdom. In Jesus name, amen." We hugged, spoke a few moments, and I turned to leave. His last words to me were "Remember, in eternity, it will all be worth it." I looked at him, and his wife, nodded, then opened the door and left. The gravity of this meeting and it's purpose has been part of my life ever since. After eighteen yrs. since this meeting, the book still hasn't been written, until now. There’s been much wrestling in the Spirit and prayer over this. I've got material everywhere, in journals, on my computer, and in private letters. What God would want shared, will not be easy to decide-there’s been a lifetime of answered prayer, and experiences that God has used to teach me His ways-which I’m still learning every day. But, how far God had to go, to reach me, and the life of sin he saved me from, will also be told; not to dwell on it, but to show the extent God will go to rescue somebody, and what He can do with anybody, who will turn to Him, and surrender their life to Him. As this story is told, looking back to the past before my salvation will be like telling of a dead person, because that person is dead now, and has been for a long time. Much of this section of the book will be written as an observer, an outsider, simply relaying what happened. When one becomes born again, and walking in the salvation and freedom that Jesus provides, our past is truly dead to us, only to be used as reference, and the lessons learned during that time of darkness. For the saved, God has cast our sins in the depths of the sea, never to be remembered again. Unlike people, God forgives, and forgets our sins. He never brings them up to us in condemnation again. No, his word gives us again and again the promises of His love, mercy, and restoration to our lives. From the point of our salvation, if we hear any condemnation coming at us from anyone, we can be assured, Satan is using that person to once again, heap guilt and bring destruction to our souls if he can; we are to reject and refuse to receive this, at all costs. Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. His word gives us full authority to stand against all condemnation of our past, and reject it-no matter who it is that’s trying to heap it onto us again. I’ve had to deal with this even from my own family members; the Lord tells us we will deal with this, we must accept it and deal with it; and go on with God. There are times, when it’s necessary to shut the door to people who attempt to undermine us, in order to walk in freedom with the Lord, and fulfill His will in our lives. The devil will use anyone he can, to pull you back into the world, and sin; in the power of the Spirit we are to resist it, no matter who it may be; I learned this very well in my own personal walk, which will be shared further on in the book. The experiences are true, but the names of some people may not be shared, out of consideration to them; if the names are shared, it will be because it’s necessary. When sharing specific dreams, visions, answers to intercessions- care will be taken to provide dates, and details to validate the truth regarding them. Over the years He’s shown me His word is true, He’s a God who does not lie, He means what He says in His word, and He can be counted on. He is a God of infinite mercy, and love; but, He is holy. When we begin to understand that He is a holy God, we begin to understand His heart and His person. I’ve been given glimpses, and will share some of what I’ve come to understand, to this point. But, I’ll quickly add-the mystery of His being, will never be fully known here-only when we reach the other shore, and see Him, face to face. It’s my prayer that this will be conveyed to the reader, in the content in what is shared. Lorna Couillard (Note: this Introduction, and the book The NightWatchman was written in 2020) Comments are closed.
This page focuses on prophecy-some that's been given to me over the years by the Lord, and also by others-as the Lord leads. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:1-4 Archives
October 2024