1/5/2024 Update: The Holy Spirit has prompted me to re-post this because escalating events in the Ukraine, and the Middle East are going to continue to boil, and these prophetic messages are going to once again become very relevant today. They were given to me by God long before any of these events have taken place, and are still unfolding. Below this section, in the older prophetic messages the Lord gave me in the yearly 2000's, which are also coming to pass in these days. When they were given to me at that time, the pastors who allowed them to be spoken said they felt they were meant for a time in the future, and advised me to keep them, and keep watching. If you go down through them, I believe the Lord will speak to your heart, and they will witness to you, as you keep watching the news, and the wars and rumors of wars, that are continuing to brew. These are the days Jesus told us to watch and be ready-for we know not the day or hour of His coming. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 1984 Tribulation Dream In 1984, at the early stages of my service as a prayer chairman for a local women's ministry, God gave me an Apocalyptic dream, and told me I would see the things in the dream unfold in my lifetime. I've begun to see them in the last several years, and escalating rapidly. The video clip, and excerpt from my book The NightWatchman, is posted below explaining what God gave me then. Excerpt from the book: "1. One night in a dream-I saw a man in a parked vehicle get out, walk to the back, open the hatch/trunk, and a swarm of small insect like things came out and flew in unison over his head, and he seemed to somehow direct them to do what he wanted. Then the picture changed; in the dream-and I saw untold millions of these tiny things that looked like dragonflies, they covered the sky, flying in unison, and attacking people on the ground-killing them with what looked like stings. I woke up in a cold sweat, and couldn’t move for quite a while. I asked God “Lord, what in the world was this? Was it just a nightmare?” In my spirit I heard “No, you will see these with your eyes one day-and they will be used during the Tribulation, and torment and kill multitudes.” Today in 2020, anyone can Google weaponized drones, and will find many Youtube videos, and articles about mini drones used in the military. Some are as small as a mosquito, and look just like one. I will list three here: Killer Drones to combat Evil Ideology - what if YOU are the evil ideology according to the narrative? Comment: God gave me a dream that this would happen during the Tribulation-I had the dream in 1984, and now I'm seeing it being put into place. I've relayed it in my book The NightWatchman, available on Amazon-on this site, in the right column. This video is on the resource page of this site, it's been there several years. https://www.brighteon.com/b6541af6-1411-4e13-bfb5-cc44727e4ff6 Future weapon used by intelligence(Mini drone)- https://youtu.be/stHLrBs-_iE US Military Released Micro Drone Swarm From FA 18 Super Hornet Jet... - https://youtu.be/CGAk5gRD-t0 2. In another dream I had several times in 1984, and repeated years after; of driving on an interstate highway, looking over at the opposite lanes, and behind me in the rear view mirror, as far as I could see-there were no vehicles. In the dream, I remember saying “What is going on, is this in the entire country?” As the dream continued, I’d be driving into a city-and the streets were completely empty, no people or vehicles of any kind-it was eerie, and ominous. I’d awake, looking at the ceiling, not understanding what I was looking at, and couldn’t believe I’d ever see such a thing." Comment: There are no dates given to the events as they unfold. I've waited many years to see with my eyes, what was shown, and told to me long ago. I will never give any dates, trying to foretell the return of the Lord-but what has been spoken, and shown- are now being seen with my eyes, tells me we are very close to that day. I've said this before-if He does not come in my lifetime-I'll go to my grave looking for His return. But, I won't be surprised if the sky unfolds and He comes, any day. To any who see me as prideful-It's taken God a long time to get me to finally do what He's asked of me, and I've made plenty of mistakes along the way. I'm always amazed at the depth of His forgiveness, mercy, and determination-to mold and use the imperfect servants he calls, and use them for His purposes, and His glory. Even so, come soon Lord Jesus. A few scriptures to encourage someone else, who may also be struggling with being obedient to the call of God, on your life: The Parable of Two Sons Mat 21:28 But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. Mat 21:29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. Mat 21:30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. Mat 21:31 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Mat 21:32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him. Now, what was Jesus telling these people? Let's break it down: into the kingdom of God before you — The publicans and the harlots were the first son, who, when told to work in the Lord’s vineyard, said, I will not; but afterwards repented and went. Their early life was a flat and flagrant refusal to do what they were commanded; it was one continued rebellion against the authority of God. The chief priests and the elders of the people, with whom our Lord was now speaking, were the second son, who said, I go, sir, but went not. They were early called, and all their life long professed obedience to God, but never rendered it; their life was one of continued disobedience. JFB comm. To add to this- These people were good at lip service, and knew how to talk the religious talk; but wouldn't walk the walk. They liked wearing the long flowing robes, praying long prayers in public, and telling other's what they needed to do to keep the law; which they couldn't do themselves. But, when John came preaching repentance-they shunned him, and would not believe or repent. The harlots and notorious sinners repented, but they would not. This is the work and will of God: Joh 6:28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Joh 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. Jesus spoke of them: Mat 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Mat 23:2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: Mat 23:3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. Mat 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. John Gill commentary gives added understanding: go into the kingdom of God before you. They are signified by the first son, who repenting went, and did the will of his father: these repented under John's ministry, were called, and brought to repentance by the preaching of Christ, and his apostles: these justified God, their Father, by being baptized with John's baptism: these embraced the Messiah, believed in him, and were the first in his kingdom, and set an example to the chief among the Jews to follow: and it is easy to observe, that a poor profane sinner may, by the grace of God, be brought to repentance, that before was obstinate, rebellious, and disobedient, and be made willing to go and work in the Lord's vineyard here, and be at last glorified; when a self righteous person, notwithstanding all his fair promises and resolutions to do good, his professions of, and pretensions to religion, neither repents of his sins, nor believes in Christ; has no share in the kingdom of grace here, nor will he enter into the kingdom of glory. Finally, perhaps you've been called to serve God, but have many fears, doubts, not knowing where to begin. Or, not knowing if you could keep on, and afraid of failing. You may stumble, you may grow weary, you may make many mistakes-Gods hands will undergird you. He will pick you up when you fall, He will be there when you fail, and grow weary-He'll guide you to times of rest, and getting alone with Him, for the strength to keep going on. He'll give wisdom, purpose, and insight as you seek Him with your heart. He knows what it's like down here. He understands our frame-that we are dust. But, when filled with the Holy Spirit, He will empower us, move us, and use us. We find the strength to go on, and do His will. Without Him we can do nothing-but, with Him-there's no devil in hell that can stop us, until God's will has been accomplished, for the glory of Christ. Do not allow the world to define success in your work for the Lord-let Him define what success is, in what He's called you to do. Many times- success in the kingdom of God, has nothing to do with this world's goods, or applause. We will see the results of our labor on the other side, in glory; when all that we didn't understand here-is revealed. Post's below are prophetic messages given to me by the Holy Spirit over the years, some of which have come to pass, and other's we are starting to see now. As they are read, let the reader understand-these are being made available for your eyes to see-because God wants as many people to see them as possible. You may receive them, or reject them-whatever you do, is between you and the Lord. Neither reaction is any concern to me, except that I do care for your soul, and where you spend eternity. There will be more added, if God prompts me to post something else He may reveal to me. A few points I will share to bring some clarity: 1. No one who is used by the Holy Spirit has the full picture of God's unfolding of events-we see through a glass darkly, and only as much as He chooses to reveal to us. The Body of Christ needs discernment, and the ability to know the word of God to the point that their discernment is molded by it-not the worlds opinions. There are no limits to people's personal opinions, and Satan's deceptions-the word of God is the only thing that cuts through that. 2. Those who God calls, and chooses to do this are not perfect, we make mistakes, and live in this fallen world, and deal with the same temptations and battles as everybody else. Those who are called, and surrender and say "yes" to the Lord, will find no friendship with the world, nor those who reject what is given to us to say. We learn this early, and speaking for myself alone-have come to never expect or desire approval from man. 3. The Holy Spirits desire in the servant of the prophetic is to fore-warn, and give guidance when we are given it-which is most of the time to try to get people to repent, and turn to the Lord; and get as many as possible rescued. The choice is completely between the people-and God. The messenger is only relaying what is given to them-that is all. 4. In my experience, my approach to finally obeying and speaking a message from the Lord has come after checking, testing, and going to the word of God, and prayer-sometimes for years, before finally speaking it. When I do say "Thus saith the Lord"-it is after these steps, and finding the message still a growing, burning fire in my bones-as Jeremiah describes. It comes to a place, that I cannot deny the Holy Spirit any longer, and must obey. 5. The greatest test for me on whether a message is truly from the Holy Spirit is-does it clearly lift Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, does it glorify Him in every aspect. Does it proclaim Him as the Crucified and risen Son of God-and God in the flesh. No demonic deception would do this. 6. When these messages are read please take into consideration- I am not a theologian, nor biblical scholar. I am a serious bible student of many years, an ordained outreach minister, an intercessor, but make no claims of any titles, nor important credentials from this worlds institutions. I am a woman, who for reasons I do not understand, God has called to speak some things for Him, and I've chosen to surrender-no matter the reaction from the world. People have the complete freedom to believe, or not to. I've been told more than once- "You are not qualified, and your life has been very stained with sin." You will find no argument with me, I agree with you. If it was not for the blood of Jesus Christ, that covers my sins-and His ongoing mercy and grace in my life-there would be no hope for me. As for this calling-you will have to take it up with Jesus, I've just surrendered to do it, because I love Him. 7. From the very first days of my salvation over 40 years ago-Jesus has made it clear to me that He is coming again, and soon. I believe it will be in my lifetime. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it-if I am mistaken, it won't keep me out of heaven. The events taking place around the world, only cause me to believe this even more. As the reader goes through these messages, I hope you will do it along with a bible in hand, and look up some of the scripture references given to me after the messages were given, and were spoken-it will help give deeper understanding of God's intentions and discernment in what the messages convey. May The Lord Jesus use this page for His glory, and His people's personal understanding and guidance-in these last days. Prophetic Messages Note: Each message will be posted with the date, place it was given, and when it has been recorded. When my book "The NightWatchman" was published, they asked to have the names and places to be omitted because they didn't want to be sued. I am going to add them here-because it is the truth, and I'm not afraid of telling the whole truth. I have already died to the threats of this world. What is said, or done now is because God's purposes is all that matters. The rejection for speaking these was completed when I was sent a certified letter from the church I was attending-telling me if I came again-I would be escorted out of the church. I have never gone back, nor to any other. I've also paid for standing on what I believed God spoke to me, regarding a serious dispute between my son-in-law and daughter while teaching at Teen Challenge-there are very high costs, for not compromising, or bending the knee to the world. But, I will obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, and my God and Savior Jesus Christ-whatever the cost. March 4, 2001- To Promise Land Church
As Ruth came and layed at Boaz' feet, he covered her with his skirt, protected her, and provided for her. He took her as his own, He was her near kinsman. Come and lay at my feet, let me cover you with my garment. Rest with me, you are precious to me. Every drop of my blood that fell to the ground, cried I love you, I forgive you, you are mine. Let me hold you close to myself, I AM your kinsman Redeemer, let me protect you, cover you, provide for you. For consider this: Am I not greater than Boaz? Prophecy given 2/27/02 Many are saying today...Prophesy to us, give us a radio broadcast from heaven... a satellite message from the throne of God. We would forget the disasters of the past, it is time to move on. "Speak to us of good things to come, of how you want to use us in ministry, of your love for us...but, don't ask us to really look at ourselves, to really look at the sad condition of our hearts. The rebellious condition of those around us, or our own hearts and souls. Don't make us look at the sin we will not acknowledge. They say to themselves..."Is he not a God of great love and mercy?" Yea, verily and I am a consuming fire. All sin and un-holiness becomes ashes before Me. And I am about to make this known...there will be more unrighteousness exposed in the near future-things that have been hidden in secret, in the darkness, will be revealed and exposed to the light. I will cleanse My Body. (this concerns the sexual scandals in the Catholic church, and our own scandals right here in Vermont, such as Rinaldi etc., as well as other issues coming. At the time this was given to me, I knew nothing of the Catholic church issues yet.) Prayer is made to relieve the great drought of this nation...But is it not a reflection of the drought in men's hearts? They refuse to be corrected, will not come to repentance, and will not realize that obedience is better than sacrifice. This drought is the sad condition of men's souls who are bent on rebellion. However, I have heard the cries of my saints, and will answer for their sakes. And...any prophet truly sent by Me in this day is as "One crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord-make straight His path." Anyone who speaks a prophecy in My name with the same spirit of necromancy and divination as John Edwards-I will drop from My hand the same as my servant drops the hat from her hand, and let it land where it will. These are the days of seeking My face, turning from your wicked ways, and desiring to worship me for who I AM...not the god of your imagination. If you do not know My word...how will you know Me? What will protect you from the onslaught of the devil in this day and hour? You will be devoured by the devil because you have no shield or sword to war against him. Take up my Word...feed your spirits against these evil days. Again I say... these are the days of seeking My face, turning from your wicked ways, and worship Me for WHO I AM, not the god of your imagination. March 2, 2004- Soon To Come My servant Paul, stood on Mars hill and preached to the people of Athens and said, "I found an alter with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Who you ignorantly worship, him I declare unto you." Today in this nation it is the same-the people grope in the darkness and ignorance, worshipping god's they have created for themselves. At the same time they reject outright my Word, and my Son. They will have none of Me in their hearts, their laws, or their institutions. They pervert The Word of My Truth with their own vain philosophies, to condone their perversions and their lusts. Man laying with man, woman laying with woman. Sorceries, occult practices, every abominable act. And now, the courts of your land are working to give legal license to those things I have called evil in My sight. I am doing a short work of great witnessing thru my people, using every method at MY disposal. For mark my WORD, the time is soon to come when this nation and the entire world will know there is a GOD in heaven. The earth itself will begin to erupt, with mighty signs and wonders. Devastation that has never been seen since the flood. Only those who are walking holy and righteous in my sight will be able to stand in peace thru what is to come. My Holy Spirit will keep those who are truly mine, but the scoffers and unbeliever's will know My wrath, and what I think of all of their perverted laws that they flaunt in My face. There will be a special place reserved in hell for those who have twisted my Word to feed their perversions, and have worn their royal robes of religion to promote their lustful desires. To those who are mine, remain in My peace, let not your hearts be troubled. My Spirit will keep you till I come. I have promised to never leave you or forsake you. Know I am a God of My Word. Simply walk with Me every day, and stay in My Word for your comfort, and to keep your hearts pure before Me. July 30, 2006-I gave a prophetic message on this date, a Sunday at Solid Rock Assembly of God, in Barton Vt. "How this generation loves it's entertainment. It matters not whether it is real or an illusion, with no limits, and the bloodier the better. But the cup of indignation must be filled up. (Isaiah 26:20-21, Rev. 14:10) And, I have an appointment with those who lust after blood, and will gather them together, and their lust will be filled to the full. (Zeph. 3:8, Joel 3:2) But now let me change the scene, click the remote, and go to New England. From the ocean shores, thru the valleys, to the highest mountains, hear the word of the Lord.... The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, and all who live in it, and, Every knee SHALL bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Psalm 24:1, 1Cor. 10:26, Psalm 89:11, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:9-11) Note: When I asked the Lord why this was in the message this is the reply I received. "The Holy Spirit was using your mouth to speak the WORD to the spirits over New England, reminding them that they are subject to the authority of Christ, and must yield their dominion to Him, including the people in it. The Gospel preached in faith will yield a harvest, even in this dark hour." Now to every servant and to my angels I say, reap the harvest, and glean the fields, before the Great day of the Lord comes." (Lev. 19:10, Ru. 2:7) Personal Note: This message disturbs me, and if I am in error in any way, may God forgive me. But as I researched this I found these scripture references listed above, by each statement. December 2, 2006 At Sunday service today this message was given to me, my heart is so heavy, and the Lord gave me a tiny portion of His heartache over this, it is crushing me. "Who can measure the value of one human life: I measured it by the blood of my only Son. But this nation values life in terms of convenience, or inconvenience. I will not hold this nation guiltless. I am waiting to see the ultimate outcome of this nations decisions. The blood of countless innocents cries out to Me from the ground, from one end of this nation to the other, and I surely hear them. Only those who walk in righteousness, and repent from their hearts will remain under My covering and protection." May God help us.... December 10, 2006 -This message was given to me to speak at the Sunday service at Solid Rock Ass. of God, in Barton. "As My Spirit goes throughout this nation, and even the nations of the world; it is with great sadness that I see that so many have made their faces harder than a rock (Jeremiah ch. 5) against Me. But, surely My mercy and My grace hovers over those who are My own, and I am a shield to all who trust in Me. Do not be shaken, or in fear of whatever may take place in time to come, be comforted by My presence, and My peace. I will never forsake you. For as I roam looking for those who love Me, know this; you are very precious in My sight." December 11, 2006 Last night, the Lord woke me and spoke this to me. "I'm asking you to join me in the sorrow I am in because of the conditions of this nation and Israel. As you mourn for your husband, I am mourning for these two nations, and indeed the nations of this world, because they have forsaken Me. My choices are few, and My heart is very heavy. I'm asking you to wear clothes of "sackcloth and ashes" as you continue to intercede until the day you join Me in heaven. There is a beautiful robe waiting for you here. But, the days ahead are going to be full of turmoil and trouble, especially for those who do not know Me. I laid awake a long time after this, my heart is like lead. May God help me to be obedient. January 7, 2007- This prophetic message was given by me at Solid Rock Assemble of God, at the evening prayer service: "Again, battle-lines are being drawn, and borders defined by many, to destroy the land I love. But it will be as in the days of Jehoshaphat. When he was surrounded on every side, he gathered all of Judah around him, with their wives and little ones, and he cried; We have no might against them, and we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You. My answer to him was, stand and see the salvation of the Lord, for the battle is not yours, but Mine. I will show myself strong again, and my arm strong to go into this battle. There will be great struggle, and horror. And, I will raise up a man again, who knows my covenant, who has the strength of heart and spirit to fight to keep it. That man is Benjamin Netanyahu." This prophecy was given two years before Mr. Netanyahu was in office. Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected Prime Minister of Israel in February 2009. Update in 2021- In the last several years, I've watched Netanyahu's conduct in his leadership, and have witnessed a change in him, that saddens me. He has become unstable, and his decisions are not held with integrity. Last year when the pandemic started I watched him get involved in the push for the vaccines-and now he has given over Israel to the pharmaceutical company Phyzer, and put lockdowns and restrictions in place that are inhuman. All Jews must be vaccinated, and have ID-or will not be able to do anything, go anywhere, or buy or sell. He has sold out his country-my heart grieves, because he seems to have become a Judas. I will be watching to see what happens with him, and Israel. Sept. 2, 2007- This prophetic message was given by me at Solid Rock Assembly of God, in Barton Vt., at the morning service. "I am a God of covenant, and have pledged myself to Israel, and Jerusalem. She is my beloved, even thou she has rejected me, and hardened her heart against me. I have not changed my mind, and I will not allow this Land that is Mine to be divided, nor Jerusalem. In time to come, those who oppose her will know this. And when He sets His foot on that mountain, all of Israel will look on Him whom they have pierced, and know He is the only God, and there is no other. His name is not Allah, nor Mohammed, and all will know this. He only is the One, and His Name is One." This word was spoken at Solid Rock Assembly of God in Barton VT., in the summer of 2006. Scripture references for this are in Rev. ch. 4 Holy Holy Holy Cry the Seraphim who stand before My throne day and night forever! Holy Holy Holy Cry the elders who bow before Me and cast their crowns at My feet! Holy Holy Holy Cry the myriad of angels from every corner of My creation! And now I say join them my redeemed in the earth, those who are my chosen, My royal priesthood, My holy nation. Before the great day of the Lord comes, let everything on earth, and in heaven cry Holy Holy Holy! And in this day I am separating those who are true worshipers from the entertainers, I desire true worship from the heart. Those who will lift up their eyes and cry Holy! Holy! Holy! September 25, 2007- This prophetic message was given at Solid Rock church, in Barton at the morning service: "Awake, awake New England. Shake off the slumber, and the sleep from many generations. My spirit still is calling thru the mountains and the valley's. Though you have wearied me, I am still calling all who are seeking for me from their hearts. And, now, even as I called to the dead, so long ago.....Lazarus Come Forth! October 7, 2007- This message was given by me at the morning service at Solid Rock Assembly of God church. "When you arise to meet Me, your horses are ready for you. Their bells will chime to "The Song Of Moses", and their breastplates have written "HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD". Time is very short, be encouraged; your horses are ready." October 26, 2007 This message was given to me by the Lord in the middle of the night, which He wants to have spoken. I'm going to give it to Larry and see if he will allow it to be read to the people. Note: I spoke to Larry, gave him the message by email, he said he witnessed to it, and to plan to speak it on Sunday. Personal Notes: After this message was given to me by the Holy Spirit; I asked the Lord "Can you tell me who you are referring to in this message?" The answer was this: "Those I'm speaking of are, Benny Hinn, Bishop Weeks and his wife Yaunita Bynum, Paula and Randy White, Richard and Lindsey Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joyce and David Meyers; along with others who will be revealed in the near future." Then I asked "Do you want me to speak these names when this message is given?" Reply; "No, only what was given you. I will expose them on My own." Then I prayed "Please help me to do this, I know it will not be received well." On October 28, 2007 the message below was given. I could see and sense the opposition. Praise the Lord anyway. I pray the He will come soon or take me home soon, I'm getting very weary in this work. "One by one the mega churches have risen, filling their storehouses with merchandise which they've acquired by using My Name. They have made them dens of thieves, full of perversion, twisting my Words to fit their plans, and fill their lusts. But, as I took Ezekiel by his hair to see the abominations in Jerusalem, I've taken some of my servants by the Spirit and shown them the abominations of these corrupted pastor's, and ministers in these mega churches. My true servants wail to me and cry for justice with great weeping. Because of my longsuffering mercy I've held back, seeking them and convicting them by My Spirit to come to repentance, but they will not. They are drunk and blind with pride. They preach my Word with compromise, and trickery, while they live in debauchery, and pomp and pride. They think I do not see, or hear. The gods they serve are demons of lust, excess, and fraud, and they teach their sons and daughters the same. My sheep are being destroyed by them, and led into hell, because of the error being preached. Hell will be hotter for those who are teaching them. But now the stench of rotten fruit has come up to My throne, and I can no longer bear it. As a house of cards, and dominoes in a row; with one touch of My finger they are going to fall. I will lay low all who have corrupted themselves, and no one will be exempt. As they have brought reproach and shame to My Name, I will expose them, what is done in secret will be brought to the light. My Father's house is to be a house of prayer; and it is time to clean His house once again." January 7, 2008- In the middle of the night; The Lord has spoken this to me concerning Bush, and this nation: "Bush has sealed his fate, and his destruction is sure. He has had many warnings from servants I've sent to him to not continue in these dealings with Olmert to divide My land. But, he has closed his heart, and will not listen. They are both headed for hell. This nation will follow close behind, the disasters will continue. There will be weeping and wailing; the likes this nation has never seen. Anyone who is not with Me; is against Me, it is as simple as this. Each person will be tested to see where their heart truly is. I'm coming; and nothing the devil can do will stop Me. The church I come for will be pure, full of light, and there will be no darkness in her at all. Gird yourselves now with the Word of God, it is the only thing that will last in the times to come." Personal Note: My only prayer concerning this is; "May Your will be done, in Your time, and in Your way, amen." A servant, Lorna Prophetic Dream-and message given 5/12/2008- Vortex of Evil Larry, (my pastor) Last Thursday night, the Lord gave me a vision and a prophetic message; and has asked me to share it with you. I've been very reluctant, because of the gravity of it. It made me sick to my stomach for several days, and my heart is like lead. I've prayed about this and checked it with all the knowledge, scriptures, and discernment I can think of; I'm sure I've heard correctly, but it is very hard to do this. I pray the Lord will show you His heart in this. In the vision, I was taken up into space; and looking down on the globe of the earth, I saw a funnel cloud form from about the center of Florida. It grew, and grew until it went up to the heavens, and was enormous. Then, it slowly started to move; still growing as it went. It continued to move slowly, weaving back and forth, consuming everything in it's path; until it had circled the globe. Then I saw smaller funnel clouds being birthed from this first one; and doing the same thing; growing and growing and beginning to move these funnels moved in a rhythm together and I knew as I watched that they were the "children" of the first vortex. Then, my eyes became like telescopes; and I could see great details within these funnels even from where I was. I saw multitudes of people being sucked into them; and falling headlong into the center; as they fell they became aware of the trap they were in and started screaming for help; but it was too late, and they were sucked into the bottom....and disappeared. I perceived it was like being drawn into a black hole, once your in; there is no way out. There were millions upon millions being sucked in, never to be seen again. As I watched in horror; I cried to the Lord, "What is this; what are you showing me; and why?" This is the answer I received. "This main huge funnel, is the "Lakeland Outpouring", of Todd Bentley's crusades, and his doctrine. This is only the beginning; and it will grow to cover the world. He will not receive any correction, and he will infect the entire Body of Christ, worldwide. Every denomination, and every church on the globe will be affected by this ministry." Then, I was given this prophetic message: "Now the doors of darkness are open even wider; and My Body is given over to the ways of Eli, and his sons. Todd Bentley is igniting his own strange fire; is being endorsed by the leadership behind him, and anyone who has tried to correct him has been dismissed, and rejected. He, and those who follow him are saying: "Tickle me, tell me I'm ok, do not show me my sin, don't tell me I must change my behavior and my ways. Let me worship you; as I remain the same, don't show me where I need to align myself with the Word of God. It is a day now when only those who will go deep into my Word, and prayer that will be protected as this vortex of evil swarms over the land; and consumes many in it's path. For those who want to worship the God of their own imaginations; they will be sucked in; and there will be no way out. They are making their choices; and I am making Mine. I am calling out to those who will hear "who will say as Joshua; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." This is the beginning of the "great falling away", and as I have said "even the elect will be deceived." Whoever chooses this strange fire, will be allowed to; and ultimately destroyed. I will cleanse My House. I'm coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle." I've wept bitter tears over this vision and message. My heart is like lead. But, I know the Lord wants you to know what is coming; and be prepared for it. My prayer concerning this is this: Father; Tonight, laying on my bed; unable to sleep; You are on my mind. As I ponder the conditions of the world; and it's woes, I wonder; what is on Your mind, and on Your heart tonight. How sad you must be; to see the magnificent world you created, and us, your people; who were created a little lower than the angels, but satisfied with the base things of earth. How this world struggles in sin; and reaps the consequences of it. And, Your Christ by the vast majority; rejected, just as when he walked among us. My heart and mind longs for Your courts Lord; where righteousness reigns, and nothing can pervert or disturb that perfect realm. I will praise the Lord; while I have any being, and look unto the heavens; whence comes my help. As Simeon long ago; as he beheld his Savior in his arms; my heart cries with him: "Now, Lord: Let your servant go in peace. This prophetic message was given to me by the Holy Spirit, and spoken at the Barton Assembly of God church on July 25, 2010. "Every way seems right to a man in his own eyes; but I weigh the spirits and ponder the hearts. It does not matter to me if you come before Me barefoot or shod; in rags or robes of royalty; and I don't care if you have a hat on your head. But if anyone comes to me with a heart full of malice, guile, and slander, I will say of them "this people honor me and praise me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."" Posted on my website-in a public blog- 4/18/20 Note: The demonic principalities and powers of darkness who are now working in and among the governments, and especially the U.S., will now put on the pressure and the storms of economic collapse, along with this pandemic will bring an uprising in this country, which is what they want. Civil war is coming, and probably war from another country. For years, in my area, I've tried to warn the pastor's, the churches, my own daughter and son in law, that the merchandising had to stop. The last night I taught at Teen Challenge, was because my heart was broken when I walked into the chapel to find a pool table, slot machines, and games set up; I finished the last teaching that night in 2009-and never went back. I do not see any change today, and it's grievous to me, the emphasis is all smiles and comedy shows; but it is more grievous to God. Now, I'm going to say what God has give me specifically to say to the Churches of this country; the Lord spoke this to me the first time many years ago-BEFORE I left Teen Challenge. When God spoke this to me, I couldn't believe it, and said to him, "How can it possibly be done, to shut down EVERY church in the country?....well, now I know. This is what I was given by the Holy Spirit: "I am nauseated with these prosperity teaching churches, if they do not repent, and turn back to my gospel, I'm going to shut down every church in this country at once. I've sent servants to them, warning them, pleading with them to repent and stop fleecing my people-they will not listen. You will see it where you are teaching, it will break your heart-but know it's only a taste of what I am seeing world wide, I will not put up with it for very much longer. Pray for them, that they repent, if they do not; I WILL shut down every one of them ALL AT ONCE. I will judge my Church, I will cleanse it, I will separate those who will keep my word, and preach it without compromise; from those who only do it to promote themselves, and make a profit off of MY NAME. The day will come, I'll require you to say this-when there's been space for them to repent. If they do not, I'll tell you to release this." A prophetic message from the Lord- given to me on 12/10/20 "The day of decision has come- Whom shall you serve? I put words in people's mouths-even the unbelievers-to accomplish My purposes. Yes, as I spoke through General Perna-it is the end. The end of game-playing on the world scene-the divisions will be permanent. Choose who you stand with- it is a time for decisions that will go into eternity. My Son chose to surrender, and obey, and paid the ultimate cost-for your eternal soul. Do not dismiss the price that was paid for your redemption. Step over the line, and choose to accept the pardon for your salvation- sealed in Blood-the Blood of My Only Begotten Son. Don't follow those who will spend eternity wishing they had listened, wishing they had heeded the warnings-but chose to laugh, and scorn. Put down the instruments, the games, and face the reality that you will soon have no choice-but to accept. Heed the cry from this servant- Choose Christ, today is the day of salvation." A final word from me- God has shown me, in the very near future-we will be seeing sights in this land, of bloodshed and death, that it's never seen before. I do not know the timeline for this-it could be months-or years. Comments are closed.
This page focuses on prophecy-some that's been given to me over the years by the Lord, and also by others-as the Lord leads. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:1-4 Archives
October 2024