The Glory Has Departed 4/22/2023
This prophetic message has been given to me in stages, and confirmed in many ways. Yesterday the Lord directed me to put it on this page, with the ongoing material that pertains to it. I'll include the notes I wrote, and saved in my private files with this blog link. Trump announces another run for president for 2024- Trump announces 2024 run for president Trump announces 2024 presidential run November 15, 20229:41 PM ET This post is God's response to his announcement. "Note: Yesterday, early in the morning, while I was still in bed, the Lord began to speak to me that He wanted me to do a blog and make graphics to go with it, and two graphics with "The glory has departed" on them. He gave specific things he wanted put in the blog about the churches in America, and the nation-and wanted me to post it before the end of the day- which was 11/15/22. He didn't explain why it was so important to get it done yesterday, but I worked on it all day, and had a lot of trouble again because of the demonic AI system that kept trying to corrupt, censor, and refuse to do what I was instructing it to do-I lost my temper at times, pulled the plug on the computer more than once-but kept on fighting on. I finished the graphics, the blog, and the main text of what God wanted, and got it posted at around 11:30 p.m., just before midnight. Exhausted, I went to bed. When I got up this morning 11/16/2022, the Lord directed me about some other graphics He wanted added to the blog-and I worked on it today, and got it finished just before dinner. I opened this video this afternoon around 3:00 p.m., and listened to this mans information-it blew me away. The Lord has spoken this to me, for months. It is solid confirmation of what God has told me. This puts the timeline for the Lord's return VERY CLOSE. Praise God-come, Lord Jesus." PROOF TRUMP IS PART OF THE CLUB! DONALD TRUMP ANNOUNCES 2024 PRESIDENTIAL RUN! ANTICHRIST GEMATRIA Below is the blog I worked on all day-with the date it was posted; only God could have put this together. God was adamant that it needed to be done on this date, and I had no rest in my heart, until it was completed-now I know why. I knew Trump was going to run again, but I didn't know the full significance of why God made sure I was shown he would, until now. This is mind blowing. The Glory Has Departed-11/15/2022 Comments are closed.
This page focuses on prophecy-some that's been given to me over the years by the Lord, and also by others-as the Lord leads. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:1-4 Archives
March 2024