5/31/2023 Earth is ‘really quite sick now’ and in danger zone in nearly all ecological ways, study says https://apnews.com/article/earth-environment-climate-change-nature-sick-2dded06915af4645253f5c29abff4794 IAEA Chief Outlines Principles To Prevent Nuclear Catastrophe At Zaporizhzhya https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zaporizhzhya-nuclear-grossi-un/32436377.html Russia Says Destroyed Ukraine’s ‘Last Warship’ https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/31/russia-says-destroyed-ukraines-last-warship-a81344 Germany orders closure of 4 out of 5 Russian consulates https://www.dw.com/en/germany-orders-closure-of-4-out-of-5-russian-consulates/a-65782164 Deadly blast at Palestinian terror group base in Lebanon; Israel denies involvement https://www.timesofisrael.com/deadly-blast-at-palestinian-terror-group-base-in-lebanon-israel-denies-involvement/ North Korea spy satellite launch fails as rocket falls into the sea https://apnews.com/article/north-korea-launch-military-spy-satellite-db6ce3f08e1ec8e23674aef519d04403 Minors arrested after video shows crowd attack 3 US Marines at California pier, police say https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/31/marines-attacked-san-clemente-pier/70272161007/ 3 MARINES BEATEN AND STOMPED AFTER CONFRONTING 30-40 TEENS FOR BEING UNRULY AT CA BEACH https://www.bitchute.com/video/ImaBhBbSoaVD/ An Indian girl was killed in public. No passersby intervened. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/05/30/exp-india-violence-women-vedika-sud-reporters-fst-053010aseg2-cnni-world.cnn Experts warn that AI is an extinction-level threat, and I wish they'd stop scaring us https://www.techradar.com/opinion/experts-warn-that-ai-is-an-extinction-level-threat-and-i-wish-theyd-stop-scaring-us WELCOME TO DIVERSE LONDON https://www.bitchute.com/video/XYs1hYWleSXK/ TEENAGE WHITE GIRL ON HER WAY TO CLASS https://www.bitchute.com/video/sudrZIHBiKuK/ A DRAG QUEEN EVENT IN LOS ANGELES, MOCKING CHRISTIANITY. IT'S STOMACH TURNING https://www.bitchute.com/video/ShmnoONOi1xq/ FINAL DAYS DOCUMENTARY – ELITE'S PLAN TO MERGE HUMANS WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY – STEW PETERS https://www.bitchute.com/video/XEh0T8wqS8Rv/ Final Days exposes the Scientific Technological Elite, who desire to usher in a dystopian trans-human merger of man, machine, and synthetic biology. The links below go further into the scientific information of what these vaccines do to the body, and what the intentions are in connecting people through 5G, and AI systems. Anthony Patch-Project Rooftop- https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf Anthony Patch-DNA-and-Mark-Questions.pdf-this file has information that explains in detail, why the Covid-19 vaccines are the Mark of the Beast-in scientific terms, that clearly reveals what is in them, and what they do. It adds to the information in Project Rooftop. Questions- 1. Does SARS-CoV-2, the virus (and it's mutations), alter our DNA? Do the vaccines for Covid-19, the disease, alter our DNA? 2. Is this the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13:16-18 and 14:9-11)-Yes https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-DNA-and-Mark-Questions.pdf Most Famous Geoengineer: It’s Really Not A Moral Hazard, It’s More Like Free-Riding On Our Grandkids https://youtu.be/RijTSKN1Klo ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Jesus Christ Or Buddhism What Does Scripture Teach Recently I watched a short video of a Buddhist giving some commentary on the existence of God, whether there is one or not. He made the statement twice in his remarks that Jesus never claimed to be God. Below are scriptures spoken by Jesus himself, that make it clear, He indeed did say He was God, and anyone who cares to take the time, can easily take a Bible and do the corresponding research, and see that Jesus Christ, does clearly claim to be God in the flesh, and risen from the grave. Also included are links to articles and teachings on Buddhism, and why a Christian can not be a part of this cult. The entire Bible, from cover to cover, points to Jesus Christ, and it would take a lifetime of careful study of God's Word, to come to all it reveals about Him, and the revelations that unfold, the further you go. You can take the scriptures given here-and it would take a long time, to gain the full meaning of them, but they are enough to make it clear to even a new believer, that Jesus Christ, is all He said He is, and the resurrection and the empty tomb-refutes those who refuse to believe Him. Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God. Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Joh 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Joh 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Joh 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. This was a solemn and official declaration, preceded by "Verily, verily." The utterance is a remarkable one. It does not merely assert that he was before Abraham, but before Abraham was, I AM. It identifies with the I AM of the Old Testament. Divinity has no past tense, no future tense, but always the present. The statement therefore is not that Christ came into existence before Abraham did (as Arians affirm is the meaning), but that He never came into being at all, but existed before Abraham had a being; in other words, existed before creation, or eternally (as Joh_1:1). In that sense the Jews plainly understood Him, since “then took they up stones to cast at Him,” just as they had before done when they saw that He made Himself equal with God. Joh 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Mat 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. Summation of these verses: Four things are here asserted: 1. That Jesus Christ is the Creator of the universe; of all things visible and invisible; of all things that had a beginning, whether they exist in time or in eternity. 2. That whatsoever was created was created For himself; that he was the sole end of his own work. 3. That he was prior to all creation, to all beings, whether in the visible or invisible world. 4. That he is the preserver and governor of all things; for by him all things consist. Now, allowing St. Paul to have understood the terms which he used, he must have considered Jesus Christ as being truly and properly God.
5/30/2023 One Killed, Several Wounded in Shelling on Belgorod Evacuee Shelter – Governor https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/30/one-killed-several-wounded-after-shelling-on-belgorod-evacuee-shelter-governor-a81335 Comment: In the late 90's the Lord spoke to me during an intercession for this country, that Russia was going to attack the U.S., especially the Atlantic Coast, and with submarines. I wasn't told when, but was told it would devastate the country. When this country attacked and destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline, this was an act of war-I can assure you, Russia has not forgotten what we did, and we will one day find ourselves with nukes dropped on us. This invasion by Ukraine on Moscow, and other places in Russia by drones, is going to escalate this war, and if we send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, that may have nuclear capabilities, it will be another act of war by us. Lyndsey Graham has stated his pleasure of having Russians killed in these attacks, and Russia no doubt has heard him-and if I was him, I'd be very concerned, that his house may be bombed some night by Russia-and blow up him and his house. They can do it. People in this country need to wake up, and see that we are headed for nuclear war, and it's not far off. Lindsay Graham Meets With Zelensky - Says Ukraine War 'Best Money We've Ever Spent' https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/lindsay-graham-meets-zelensky-says-ukraine-war-best-money-weve-ever-spent Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Lindsey Graham Over 'Killing Russians' Remarks https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-issues-arrest-warrant-lindsey-graham-over-killing-russians-remarks PUTIN: THE RUSSIAN ARMED FORCES HIT UKRAINIAN MILITARY TARGETS, THEY STRIKE OUR CIVILIANS https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ib3rjuOC2RBr/ North Korea launches space satellite; warnings lifted in S. Korea, Japan https://news.yahoo.com/north-korea-fires-space-satellite-214207228.html Changing weather in the Halifax area could make firefighting efforts 'dangerous' https://youtu.be/gl2xIOdbF7U Report: Israeli, Italian secret agents were on ill-fated party boat to swap intel https://www.timesofisrael.com/sunken-italian-boat-said-to-have-hosted-operational-meeting-of-israeli-local-agents/ Maine may legalize the composting of human remains- This is revealing the depravity of people now, it's growing across the country. https://www.pressherald.com/2023/05/30/maine-may-legalize-the-composting-of-human-remains/ PROTESTERS RALLY AGAINST ARMING UKRAINE, SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA, AND LNG TERMINALS IN GERMANY https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z2O97kg01Ldt/ Immunologist Akiko Iwasaki: ‘We are not done with Covid, not even close’-Comment: they've said this several times, and letting everybody know-we are going to be poisoned forever, this will never end. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/may/27/immunologist-akiko-iwasaki-we-are-not-done-with-covid-not-even-close DIED SUDDENLY - THE FULL MOVIE - STEW PETERS DOCUMENTARY https://www.bitchute.com/video/G3ckfFal8BBp/ Comment: If people insist on getting these shots after watching this documentary-there is no hope for them anyway. The past two and half years has been one of tyranny and death as bad as the holocaust-but there's still multitudes who can't or won't see what's going on around them-these are the ones who are sealing their own fates, and have no one to blame but themselves. The numbers in the report below-are not even close to the reality of people who've died, and are still dying, every day. CDC REPORT: At Least 1.1 Million Americans Have “Died Suddenly” After COVID Vax Release https://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2022/12/cdc-report-at-least-1-1-million-americans-have-died-suddenly-after-covid-vax-release-2785883.html NEURALINK GETS FDA APPROVAL TO MICROCHIP HUMAN BRAINS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/hTJK7QlRUNYG/ YOU DISCERN (PLEASE SEE RELATED PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING INFO & LINKS IN DESCRIPTION) https://www.bitchute.com/video/augnBdGNs7Zc/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. My Local News Brief This is going to be a news brief of my local issues, I'll keep it to the point, and short as possible, but will cover several subjects. 1. This weekend has been one I could have easily done without. From Friday afternoon, to Sunday, it was steady harassments from neighbors and those who congregate with them, in their junk trucks and vehicles gunning engines and dragging down the road and in front of my place as fast as they could go. This went on till late into the night-and hearing them yelling vulgar profanity at my house as they went by. What did the neighbors do?...went down to the village and gathered more people on Sunday to drive back and forth in front of my house, again, for hours. These are the type the bible describes as busybodies- who go from house to house troublemaking, and telling lies, to cover up their own hell-raising craziness. They recruit other's to help them, because of the lies they tell. If anybody really wants to know what happened here in the last 3 days, come to my door, and ask me; I'll be glad to describe it to you. I'll also describe how this has been going on for years, along with vandalism, and trespassing. I've got some evidence I'd show to anybody, emails, photos, and a no trespassing warning from the sheriff I asked for last year, issued to these people. 2. When I'm on the roads in just about any local area here, I'll get targeted, and deal with various types of harassment. I get tired of it, and sometimes admit I retaliate, and shouldn't. The world is full of mental cases today. 3. For those who continue to make public exhibitions to me when I'm out, with double messages trying to push their agendas at me that what I need is a dog, or you like bikes or motorcycles-and I must also- you are wasting your time. a. I do not want another dog, I've had many over the years that I loved, but do not want any more.-you like dogs, enjoy them, you have the responsibility, and the cost of caring for them, and the fleas. b. If you like bikes-enjoy them, until a tire goes flat, or the chain kinks or breaks-and your pushing it up the road. c. You like motorcycles- go for it, ride off into the sunset, until it breaks down somewhere, and your left walking, or you've perhaps caused an accident. Those of you who have wasted your time tracking me on the roads, and continue to make these bizarre exhibitions-I feel sorry for you. What is wrong with you, don't you have anything better to do? 3. There are a great many who come here and read what's posted and think I'm crazy, who mock, and ridicule. I've wanted to quit this many times. Nobody pays me anything for doing this, I'm not doing this for any other reason, other than I know God's called me to do it, and I'm going to do it, and finish this, the best I can. I'm doing it for the Lord, what you do with it, is up to you. On Judgment day, we will see what the results are for all of us. I'll ask the question, that's the main issue in this entire ministry-Who is Jesus Christ to you? That, is the most important question, you will ever be asked. 5/29/2023 As rising oceans threaten NYC, study documents another risk: The city is sinking https://apnews.com/article/new-york-sinking-sea-level-rise-77c92f3603e90d7322b54e339d085abb A.I. poses existential risk of people being ‘harmed or killed,’ ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt says https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/24/ai-poses-existential-risk-former-google-ceo-eric-schmidt-says.html Suspected suspicious fire burning on Great Barrier Reef 'sensitive' marine site, home to threatened species https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-30/rangers-battle-suspicious-fire-on-great-barrier-reef-island/102408970 Insurer cites "growing catastrophe exposure" as it stops new sales in California https://www.axios.com/2023/05/29/state-farm-home-insurance-california-wildfires US-Canada border in Maine is shut down after crazed driver failed to stop for cops and claimed he had a BOMB before being shot at by officers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12137435/US-Canada-border-Maine-shut-driver-claimed-BOMB-truck.html Rescues underway in Iowa after apartment collapses https://youtu.be/xKsJKNAzO64 A LOOK INSIDE THE LARGEST MIGRANT HOTEL IN NYC: DRUNK KIDS, ALCOHOL & VIOLENCE https://www.bitchute.com/video/YvDXp992Dutp/ 1900 FOOD COMPANIES DESTROYED IN USA. FAMINE IS COMING.-comment: people need to be paying attention to this. https://www.bitchute.com/video/kbIDXGtoOMGF/ ++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++++++ 5/27/2023 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 27, 2023, # 407 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/80N2n8bWYzU WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN CANADA | MAY 2023 https://youtu.be/gl3pdRYxiDw 15 BIGGEST RETAILERS in America That Will Disappear Soon! | with Clayton Morris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O__YPXK8eto&ab_channel=RedPilledTV Russia Starts Moving Nuclear Weapons to Ukrainian Neighbor https://www.newsweek.com/russia-starts-moving-nuclear-weapons-ukrainian-neighbor-1802721 Germany to remove at least 100 staff from its missions in Russia - source https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-remove-over-100-its-employees-working-russia-source-2023-05-27/ Electronic passport gates fail at all Britain's major airports https://youtu.be/idsPrragiWk Orcas ram and severely damage another boat. But a sailor onboard says stop 'demonizing' the 'beautiful creatures.' comment: This is the rationality of many people, unable to see reality, even when it's in the midst of destroying them. https://www.businessinsider.com/killer-whales-severely-damaged-yacht-off-spanish-coast-latest-attack-2023-5 Influencer dies after live-streaming himself drinking bottles of Chinese spirit Baijiu https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/27/asia/chinese-livestreamer-drinking-baijiu-intl-hnk/index.html Another deceased Jesuit priest accused of sex abuse in Bolivia as pedophilia scandal grows https://apnews.com/article/bolivia-church-abuse-pedophilia-despujol-pedrajas-b92660b896da436be0ba65d7ed2d33a9 DEW OR SPACE FORCE-this was done at the Paradise fires in California https://www.bitchute.com/video/u37iEK6inpWQ/ Krakatoa Volcano: Dangerous Eruption Has Started, Indonesia, Indo-Pacific Ring Of Fire https://youtu.be/J-XLlic2G3c Europe In Shock With Huge Eruption Of Etna https://youtu.be/t471Se7F870 The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film-comment: an exceptional film on money laundering by the elites in Britain and here in the U.S., and the schemes they devise. https://youtu.be/np_ylvc8Zj8 ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Waging War-Without the Armor On Below is a link to a video teaching about Satan, and some good historical information, and some truth, and I'll post it. But, it also has some Catholic references and doctrine that is useless. Catholic doctrine has no answers to the problem of the devil. Those who are Catholic and have a ministry in exorcism, I question, because the devil lies, and he will even fake a deliverance. I won't say it's not possible, but highly question them. I've also posted some links to teachings by Christian teachers who do know the Word of God, and have reputable ministries. In my life, I've personally been delivered more than once from demonic oppression, from the first day of my salvation, and onward. Satan never stops attacking people, he never gives up, it is a battle every day, to stay free, and he looks for an open door to re-enter if he can. We must be vigilant, and stay in the Word of God, and in prayer to remain free and walking in righteousness with the Lord. This is being posted in the news section-because Satanic and demonic activity is in the news every day, and below are some teachings that attest to our fight in this battle being waged in the streets, the schools, and the government-it's the biggest news we are dealing with in these end days. I'll post a few points that are important-as a short teaching on spiritual warfare; every believer needs to check his/her life, in these areas, to remain in balance, and be equipped with the armor of God. 1. We must be fully confident, and know who Jesus Christ is, and What He accomplished on the cross, in order to have the faith to stand against demonic powers. Read the accounts of Jesus' casting out demons, and when he sent the disciples, and read the verses carefully, and also the accounts of the disciples in the book of Acts-this will teach you more than any teacher could. Ask the Holy Spirit to put the word of God within you, and raise your faith in the living Christ. If you do not believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and do not know He is risen from the dead, and do not have the faith to do this, knowing who He is, and who you are in Christ, you are defeated, before you ever start. A great many never get beyond this point. 2. We must renounce all sins, and repent of sin, and be walking in righteousness, to have the authority to cast out demons. The Bible says Noah walked in righteousness, it didn't say he was perfect. This is an important point. 3. We must be convinced of the power of the Name of Jesus Christ when coming against demons-they know who he is, and tremble. We must never think we have any authority on our own, the authority comes from the One who rose from the dead, and is going to one day judge Satan and his minions, and he knows this. When you come against an evil spirit- command it to leave in the Name of Jesus Christ, in faith, and stand believing. I've seen many delivered, and know that Satan must obey that Name, I've seen it with my eyes over and over again. 4. Many people get stumbled on this point, because they don't understand the spiritual aspects of this ministry. No one can be delivered from demons, unless they recognize they have them in them and are oppressing them, and truly want to be delivered. If you try to cast out a demon from somebody-even if you have been shown they are demon possessed, and they do not want to be, you are in treacherous territory, and the demon will not relinquish his hold on them. You will find you are wasting your time, and could find yourself in danger. People have been killed, from trying this. When Jesus was walking the earth and ministering, he cast demons out of everyone who came to him; BUT- he never cast out demons from the Pharisees, Sadducee's, or those who mocked him, he left them to themselves. In confronting them, Jesus called them a den of thieves, and that Satan was their father. This is a very important point. Today, there are some mega church leaders and pastor's who I believe are demon possessed, and millions are following them. It's a waste of time to try to warn them-many have tried. They have been given over to the devil and he has ownership of them now. I leave them alone, and know one day they face a horrific future. 5. There are many ways God uses to set people free from demonic oppression, and sometimes it takes years. It takes a lot of prayer, and discernment, to know how to approach every individual situation. Go to God in prayer first, and seek clear direction, before you ever do anything in the area of demonic activity-if you don't you can easily be sucked into deceptions, and in great peril. Some have lost their lives working in this area-because they don't stay strictly with what the scriptures teach, and walk in wisdom. There is a great deal of hype, and supernatural stuff going on that looks like it is from God, but is counterfeit. The only way you can discern the truth from the fake, is stay in the word of God and do not deviate from it. Sadly, a great many do not heed this warning, and pay very high prices for it. 6. God gives every believer the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out demons from their own life, and set themselves free, using the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ, but, everyone is not called to be a minister in this area. If your not specifically called to do this as a ministry, your better off not going any further than making sure you, and your family members are set free, and remain free as you walk with the Lord. If we pray and seek Him, he will show us how far to go in this area, and when to leave it alone. He hedges in his people and places them in ministries that we can handle. Vigilant prayer is needed to keep ourselves walking in Step with God, but, this is part of our daily warfare, in this land of the wicked. 7. It takes a great deal of prayer, and wisdom to know when to speak, and when to not say anything. Many people make grave mistakes, and get themselves into great trouble, because they don't know when to walk away from a situation, and pray for the one oppressed, and leave them in the hands of God. We have to remind ourselves all the time, we are not God, we can only minister to the extent God gives the ability to do it. If someone is badly oppressed by the devil, intercession is the approach to take and asking the Lord for specific discernment on how to pray for the person- to get them free. God may choose to move that person to be ministered to by somebody else. Whether we pray and let someone else to do the ministry of deliverance, or we do it, is up the the Holy Spirit. Egos and pride, have no place in this area of warfare. It has been, and continues to be the downfall of many because of this. BAPHOMET THE GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE GREAT RESET-THE END TIMES OF 2021-2025 WATCH NOW! https://www.bitchute.com/video/e6w5EVO4tbdH/ Resource link: Spiritual Warfare on Earth - Derek Prince https://youtu.be/x0rUaQneH9E In this teaching, Derek Prince confirms what I was shown-there are more than one heaven-different levels of heaven, and different realms of heaven. Spiritual Warfare, Teachings 1-3, a message by Derek Prince - https://youtu.be/cYh8aB7eA28 Alien Entities (1-4): What the Bible Says About Aliens - Dr. Lester Sumrall-- This is the equivalent of a college course on spiritual warfare that includes more than 20 lessons. https://youtu.be/3YY_HFMVAgM Alien Entities (Pt 9-12): Aliens, Witchcraft, & Crime - Dr. Lester Sumrall-In parts 9 - 12 in his series titled, Alien Entities Dr. Lester Sumrall breaks down the relationship between these entities and how the devil is infiltrating and targeting kids, crime, witchcraft and even nervous breakdowns. But, I've seen evidence of how trauma, and massive horrific things that can happen to people-can destroy them inside. With discernment, a lot of understanding, and prayer-some can be restored in time, and brought back to a normal life-but sometimes some have gone through so much, and suffered so much, they are emotionally destroyed the rest of their lives. I'm very careful to not put everyone in the same bag, every case is individual, and unique-only God knows how much that person has endured, and what the devil has done to them to try to destroy them. https://youtu.be/xuMuukNa6HQ Lester Sumrall's End Time Prophecy https://youtu.be/yv0wK1KeTag Lester Sumrall - Revelation part. 2 Prophecy End times teaching- Revelation chapter 2- I know thy works and your labor-that you cannot bear the evil. He knows our minds/souls, and what we say/do- the importance of checking ourselves, and our deeds/words. God's people are to have no fear-even in dangerous situations. Invading Satan's territory-enduring persecution to the death-being faithful to the Name of Christ. Strenghen the things that remain-be faithful in what's given you. https://youtu.be/ntIGQeNr0EA Resurrection of Jesus Pt. 1- Win Worley- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCUKwGllAnc Keys to God's Power - Win Worley- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqpbiL7q3jQ Authority in Jesus Name- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyoe0L0yyOI Living in Dangerous Times- Win Worley- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r4hPzkxWcs Get Focused-Stay Focused Last night here at my place it was another night of harassment's and troublemaking from the neighbors, and a mob of the young people that congregate on the corner with the owners, and gossip and plot their next target for their troublemaking games. I'm usually one of their main targets, but I've spoken to some other's in the area on the phone, who have had to deal with it too, I'm not alone in this. Some of these people that are involved are the parents, in their 40's and 60's, and they not only condone the kids bad behavior, they encourage it, and help them in it. It's gone on for years, and I've been to the police more than once, it does no good. I've let it be known to them, that if I ever come across them in public, I'm going to confront them of it, and have no problem with having the courage to do it. One day, if they do not repent and change their actions, they will stand accountable to God, and He will show them what He says in His word, about what they did with these kids, who roam the streets now, causing chaos many weekends and nights. They will stand accountable for what they have produced in them. This kind of people would never go to a church to hear this, and most churches won't preach it anymore-but I'll say it, and don't care if it offends you or not-it's what God says about it, you can read it for yourself, if you pick up the Bible and check it out. I'll make a few remarks to the good kids in this area, that have to deal with the influence of the troublemakers, and bullies. I had it in my school growing up and know what you face, It's not easy trying to get an education, keep your mind on learning, and be able to keep out of the way of these gangs of two legged savages, who look to recruit other's and make them like themselves. This goes on with both the boys, and females. It's very easy to get trapped into a bad situation with these kind of kids, and it can happen so fast, you don't know how you got mixed up with them. If this is the case for you-don't let another day go by being with them-leave them and don't look back. Get your focus on the things you enjoy that are good, and with other kids who are likeminded. Don't open the door to let yourself be ruined by these smiling double talkers, and liars. Find your soul, and what really matters to you, and what you'd like to become in the next ten years-it goes by like a whirlwind, but before you know it, your an adult, and if you make serious mistakes now, it could cost you much, in the way of your future and who you really want to be. I made serious mistakes like this when I was a kid and let some people influence me, that I should have stayed away from, it cost me much. It wasn't until I was in my mid twenties before I learned what I'm saying now, but when I did learn it-I spent the rest of my life using the advice I'm giving now, and have never regretted it. I just wish I'd never opened the door to the wrong people in the first place-but, what I've learned and say now, may help you to enforce your own boundaries now, and not make the same mistakes I made. Let the good that's in you, that God put there, develop and grow, and ask the Lord to help you and guide you in school, and your studies. He made you, and cares about every aspect of your life-he can open doors and opportunities, that you may not even dream of now, but if you put your life in God's hands and trust him, and keep focused, amazing things can happen. Jesus came to give you life, and life more abundantly, I hope, and pray this will move you to choose Him, and choose His promises. Let Him be the Master of your life, and a shield for you against the many battles you will face in this life. There is victory in Jesus. Lorna Couillard 5/25/2023 Race against time to stop ‘humanitarian disaster’ among Sudan refugees in Chad https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/may/24/race-against-time-stop-humanitarian-disaster-among-sudanese-refugees-in-chad US warns of ‘serious threat’ after Iran unveils new ballistic missile https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-warns-of-serious-threat-after-iran-unveils-new-ballistic-missile/ A 95-year-old Australian woman dies after police shoot her with a stun gun-comment: there is no excuse for this whatsoever. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/25/1178104089/a-95-year-old-australian-woman-dies-after-police-shoot-her-with-a-stun-gun Migrants sent to NYC respite centers, SUNY campuses being considered https://youtu.be/1HNth6i9WdM Hong Kong-flagged vessel briefly blocks Egypt’s vital Suez Canal https://apnews.com/article/suez-canal-ship-aground-600947a2899e03c7d457bc39c0251783 The Italian farmers at risk of losing their livelihood due to heavy flooding https://youtu.be/e8ppkHJiB_I Killer whales wreck boat in latest attack off Spain https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/killer-whales-wreck-boat-latest-attack-off-spain-2023-05-25/ Paralyzed man walks with device that connects brain, spinal cord https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/25/paralysed-man-walks-with-device-that-connects-brain-spinal-cord Toxins hidden in plastics are the industry’s dirty secret – recycling is not the answer https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/25/toxins-in-plastics-industrys-dirty-secret-recycling-not-answer "Radioactive" roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste could be headed to Florida under new bill https://www.cbsnews.com/news/radioactive-roads-phosphogypsum-mining-could-be-headed-to-florida/ 5/25/2023 Banks REFUSING people bank accounts | 'Let this be a warning to all of us' says Calvin Robinson https://youtu.be/BMKNoJ2In98 War criminal John McCain predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine back in 2015 after NATO coup https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vm7JQrxvBg1H/ Note: I apologize for the vulgar profanity in these videos, and do not agree with all personal opinions-but the trafficking information, abuses, and surveillance agenda of this country needs to be exposed. The people giving these accounts are not saved, and do not know Jesus as Savior, but they have done courageous work, trying to get the truth of these crimes and abuses out. Some have lost their lives for it. The supernatural views they talk about are demonic, and Satanic. The content can be very disturbing, if it's too much for you, please do not watch them.- Listen with discernment. WAS TORY SMITH MURDERED FOR EXPOSING MIKE PENCE IN CHILD TRAFFICKING https://www.bitchute.com/video/WbImcwJBtwdS/ RONALD BERNARD APRIL 2018 TESTIMONY-His testimony before a panel of a committee, of his story as a victim of child trafficking, and abuse. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dIL2QJOXkJlf/ VANA TRUMP & GISLAINE MAXWELL RECRUITED SCHOOLGIRLS FOR EPSTEIN - WHITNEY WEB & MARIA DISCLOSE https://www.bitchute.com/video/niHZBknA4x58/ TRUST THE PLAN DEEP FAKE TRUMP-comment: I had Epstein's black book of the people listed who flew to his island and Trumps name was on it, many many times-my computer was hacked into by somebody, and blacked out Trumps and many other's names, so it couldn't be seen. This is Trumps voice. warning- foul vulgar language. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SyzpBPtIkmeO/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 5/24/2023 Ukraine updates: Wagner Group reports 10,000 prisoner deaths https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-wagner-group-reports-10000-prisoner-deaths/a-65714776 Satellite images show scale of destruction in Bakhmut, Ukraine https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/5/24/satellite-images-show-scale-of-destruction-in-bakhmut-ukraine Dramatic video shows 'Ukrainian' marine drone dodging gunfire while homing in on Russian warship - before exploding in a massive fireball when it suffered direct hit in the Black Sea https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12119207/Russias-modern-spy-warship-attacked-marine-drones-Black-Sea.html Bill requiring Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms fails in House after missing crucial deadline https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/24/texas-legislature-ten-commandments-bill/ Comment: Again, this country is making it clear that God, nor His commandments are welcome in public schools or institutions-that's why we are in the mess we are in now, on every level. 19-year-old accused in U-Haul crash near White House had Nazi flag, planned to 'seize power' https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/24/man-charged-white-house-uhaul-truck-crash/70251068007/ US lawmaker demands action against Chinese chip firm CXMT after Micron https://www.reuters.com/technology/chinese-chip-firm-should-go-us-trade-blacklist-after-micron-ban-lawmaker-2023-05-23/ Saudi embrace of Assad sends strong signal to US https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/saudi-embrace-assad-sends-strong-signal-us-2023-05-24/ Guyana school fire: Pupil suspected of starting deadly blaze over 'confiscated phone' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-65691848 How solar farms took over the California desert: ‘An oasis has become a dead sea’-comment: think of what this is doing to the atmosphere-and the birds who have to fly over this. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/21/solar-farms-energy-power-california-mojave-desert Australian police officer faces charges after shocking 95-year-old woman with stun gun https://news.yahoo.com/australian-police-officer-faces-charges-101025958.html Spain is in Flames: 4 Towns Evacuated!🔴Texas Was Hit by Huge Hail! /Disasters On May 17-19, 2023 https://youtu.be/fHFxVtd2vFo Unmasking freemasonry - Dr Selwyn Stevens https://youtu.be/XAx5W821tqQ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information 5/20/2023 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 20, 2023, # 406 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/UA3c_LpReOk New York City is sinking, study says: Huge buildings, rising seas contribute to subsidence https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/19/nyc-sinking-study/70233254007/ Alberta, Canada, wildfires show no sign of slowing, experts say https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65638922 Alberta Wildfires Persist as Outages Weigh on Canadian Oil Stockpiles https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alberta-wildfires-persist-outages-weigh-160502477.html Smoke from Canadian fires is pouring into the US and could linger for days https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/19/americas/canada-wildfires-us-smoke-air-quality/index.html Over half of the world's lakes are drying out, study warns https://www.axios.com/2023/05/19/study-lake-water-levels-drop Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/magnitude-74-earthquake-strikes-southeast-loyalty-islands-usgs-2023-05-20/ Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ discovered in drinking water all over Washington https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/toxic-forever-chemicals-discovered-drinking-water-all-over-washington/WCUY5ZXG7VA33PCEGGWJJTOLG4/ Would you want a big wind or solar farm in your community? We took a survey-I have to look at wind turbines every day from my deck, on the ridge line right in plain view of my house; I wasn't asked if I wanted them, but I've got them. They destroy the natural beauty of the Vermont landscape, and don't produce enough energy to justify them being there. They are an eyesore. https://www.latimes.com/environment/newsletter/2023-05-18/would-you-want-a-big-wind-or-solar-farm-in-your-community-we-took-a-survey-boiling-point Messianic World Update | Ceasefire in Israel, Russia-Ukraine Update & more-In this edition of Messianic World Update, Monte Judah discusses the recent ceasefire in Israel with Gaza, the commemoration of Flag Day in Jerusalem, the US military's special offer to the IDF and Israeli military, and an update on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. Monte also discusses the issues surrounding King Charles-and him asking banks to begin to go to digital money. https://youtu.be/_hD_hlax1fM ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5/18/2023 CHAOS: US DEBT SOARS TO $31 TRILLION, DEBT SERVICING COST JUMPS 78% IN JUST 1 YEAR AS RATES RAISED https://www.bitchute.com/video/517v06xaheFY/ RUSSIA WARNS THE USA ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. NO TIME LEFT https://www.bitchute.com/video/5R1LEbLYtVyK/ LIVE: Press Conference on Surrender of US Sovereignty to the World Health Organization https://www.youtube.com/live/CDl3mJwxaq0?feature=share Comment: Biden has been planning to do this for over a year. On the Biden Administration’s plans to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization https://chrissmith.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=409995 Biden administration poised to hand over U.S. health sovereignty to WHO https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/biden-administration-poised-to-hand-over-u-s-health-sovereignty-to-who/article_60abdba8-db91-11ec-9653-63ba236be71e.html Open Forum: The World Health Organization remains a threat to American sovereignty https://www.winchesterstar.com/winchester_star/open-forum-the-world-health-organization-remains-a-threat-to-american-sovereignty/article_371c4693-6dde-5ea0-ab7d-acd324725b7b.html Anthony Patch-Project Rooftop- https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf Anthony Patch-DNA-and-Mark-Questions.pdf-this file has information that explains in detail, why the Covid-19 vaccines are the Mark of the Beast-in scientific terms, that clearly reveals what is in them, and what they do. It adds to the information in Project Rooftop. Questions- 1. Does SARS-CoV-2, the virus (and it's mutations), aler our DNA? Do the vaccines for Covid-19, the disease, alter our DNA? 2. Is this the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13:16-18 and 14:9-11)-Yes https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-DNA-and-Mark-Questions.pdf The Final Solution (Part 2)" Transcript-pdf https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/Anthony%20Patch%20-%20The%20Final%20Solution%20Part%202%20Transcript.pdf +++++++++++++++++++++++ American Flag At US Capitol Upside Down- https://dainikbidyaloy.com/2023/05/17/american-flag-at-us-capitol-upside-down/ Justice says upside down hanging of U.S. flag was not intentional-This is supposed to be done by a company of military service men/women. I do not believe this was done by accident. https://wvmetronews.com/2021/01/06/justice-says-upside-down-hanging-of-u-s-flag-was-not-intentional/ According to U.S. rules: 36 U.S.C. United States Code, 1996 Edition Title 36 - PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES AND OBSERVANCES CHAPTER 10 - PATRIOTIC CUSTOMS Sec. 176 - Respect for flag From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov §176. Respect for flag - (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. The United States is a Federal Corporation located in the District of Columbia, per both 28 US Code § 3002[15] and UCC 9-307[H]. Below is a visual tour of some of the reasons this country is in the peril it's in. America Once the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave Now the Home of the Reprobate and Corrupt 5/17/2023 PART 2 - THE SNAKE & THE PLAN-Little known information about who's manipulating us from behind the scenes https://www.bitchute.com/video/ejjPcpulNqcc/ Chinese Envoy Arrives In Kyiv As Heavy Fighting Under Way In Bakhmut https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russia-bakhmut-shelling-/32415127.html Russia says hypersonic missile scientists face 'very serious' treason accusations https://news.yahoo.com/kremlin-says-three-scientists-face-100444826.html North Korea shows Kim Jong Un examining a military spy satellite that may be launched soon https://news.yahoo.com/north-korea-shows-kim-jong-020452596.html South Korea signs $130 million aid package with Ukrainian minister https://www.reuters.com/world/south-korea-signs-130-mln-aid-package-with-ukrainian-minister-2023-05-17/ At least 8 dead in north Italy floods, Formula One race called off https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/two-dead-thousands-evacuated-floods-hit-northern-italy-2023-05-17/ China: 39 missing after boat capsizes in Indian Ocean https://www.dw.com/en/china-39-missing-after-boat-capsizes-in-indian-ocean/a-65651314 Freighter freed after running aground in Detroit: Photos show ship stuck along US-Canada border https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/17/detroit-ship-stuck-river/70227366007/ Former U.S. Ambassador May Have Been Poisoned Months Before Ukraine War https://www.newsweek.com/john-herbst-former-ambassador-poisoning-symptoms-ukraine-war-1800810 Family wants students held accountable for making fun of disabled student and using wheelchair https://www.klfy.com/local/vermilion-parish/family-wants-students-held-accountable-for-making-fun-of-disabled-student-and-using-wheelchair/ Multiple bison put down after escaping from northern Maine farm-these animals look very thin to me, malnutrition-starving; probably why they got loose. https://wgme.com/news/local/multiple-bison-put-down-after-escaping-from-northern-maine-farm-presque-isle-fort-fairfield-buffalo-animals-livestock Buffalo Grove High School students killed in Wheeling crash ID’d https://wgntv.com/news/northwest-suburbs/4-teens-killed-in-multi-vehicle-crash-in-wheeling/ Man and 12-year-old boy arrested after fatal shooting at Sonic restaurant in Texas https://news.yahoo.com/12-old-texas-boy-arrested-161418066.html Gov. DeSantis signs Florida laws to combat human trafficking https://youtu.be/-Aa_n-kfs-k NYC 'not reversing course' on school gyms for migrants' respite, but moves some to another location https://abc7ny.com/nyc-migrants-gyms-brooklyn-schools/13258610/ Rise of AI in healthcare: AI a game-changer or potential risk? | World DNA https://youtu.be/rzNr9roiXec US appeals court to weigh fate of abortion pill-I posted information here all of last year trying to stop a law on late term abortions in Vermont-and it still passed; they will never stop abortion here in this country, and the powers that be, and the media, will make sure it never is stopped. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-appeals-court-weigh-fate-abortion-pill-2023-05-17/ PILOT-sprays chemtrails-geoengineering-how do they live with themselves; demon possessed monsters. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Q2w1N8CxF7z/ Find out more at: https://www.GeoengineeringWatch.org WITCHES PLEDGE LOYALTY TO KING CHARLES BECAUSE HE HAS PAGAN BELIEFS https://www.bitchute.com/video/xhRY53WRFVX2/ MRNA “NANO TECH BABIES” ARE THE NEW TRANSHUMAN GENERATION! MORGELLONS, PARASITES ON THE RISE https://www.bitchute.com/video/sf6PsbCRAOyF/ These two posts are added confirmation to the information from the doctor above-people who have taken the jab-are patented products- VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE PRODUCTS, PATENTED GOODS, TRANSHUMAN- If you took an MRNA vaccine anytime after 2013 the Supreme Court declares you no longer human and you no longer have human rights because you are no longer human but transhuman. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-398_1b7d.pdf The mark of the beast, https://www.bitchute.com/video/jqkSi8h0vEBG/ YOUR COUNTRY IS SUBVERTED. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?- https://www.bitchute.com/video/wbJx1x6CHBeq/ The footage showing the issues, perversion, crime against Whites, rigged election, Jewish takeover, taking guns, mass immigration, destroying White culture -- all very descriptive. But, when the nukes start dropping, it won't matter what race you are-they do not discriminate. We are at the point of no return. I'm ready to leave this cesspool of a world-but will stand my post, till the end. THE PAEDOVORE SATANISTS WHO RUN THIS HELL ARE USING CONTAINERS FOR HUMAN & CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING https://www.bitchute.com/video/4qRAIMgy8GwY/ COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrnmxLbTFibc/ CHRISTIANITY UNDER ATTACK | AFRICA NOW WITH PAULA SLIER https://www.bitchute.com/video/n0n6zVfu9oT9/ MEXICO VOLCANO SPEWS LAVA AND ASH IN SERIES OF ERUPTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/GJukGB25lbDL/ Author Tim Cohen: Is King Charles III THE Antichrist OVER Multiple Antichrists? Do I believe King Charles is the AntiChrist?...I don't know. This is posted for you to listen to, and decide for yourself, what you believe-pick up the bible, and read it, and listen to the information, and make your own mind up. I will add-if your not saved, this won't make sense anyway, it's the Spirit of God, that helps us discern truth-Jesus is the Way, The Truth and The Life. When He comes into your heart and life-He will reveal truth to you, by His Spirit. https://youtu.be/-YsKRuWELFg DANGERS OF FLU SHOTS Why I’m Not Getting a Flu Shot - https://philmaffetone.com/flu-shots/ Reporting flu vaccine science - https://www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k15/rr Flu Shot Side Effects danger - https://www.wolfsonintegrativecardiology.com/flu-shot-side-effects-danger/ Flu Shots May Not Protect the Elderly or the Very Young - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/flu-shots-may-not-protect-the-elderly-or-the-very-young/ The Flu Shot Remains The Most Dangerous Vaccine Based on Injuries and Deaths Compensated by Government - https://www.mondialisation.ca/the-flu-shot-remains-the-most-dangerous-vaccine/5550163 Flu Shot Warning: The Controversial Flu Shot Pros and Cons You Need to Know - https://yurielkaim.com/the-flu-shot-pros-and-cons/ Thinking About Getting the Flu Shot?… Read This! - https://learntherisk.org/flu-shot/ ++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. +++++++++++++++++++ Comment: As I continue with this service to the Lord, I am very aware that about 90% of those who come here "incognito" will read/watch what's posted-and do nothing, but walk away, ridicule, some will mock-some will just view it as more entertainment. Most, could care less about these tragedies, and crisis situations-including most pew sitters, and church leaders. The world is full of arm-chair critics. I don't broadcast most of what I do-God knows what's done behind the closed doors-that's the way it's supposed to be. But, posting the information that's been put here over the years, has gotten me almost nothing-but trouble. God's called me to do it, and until the end, or I'm gone, it will go on, because...God cares, God sees, God knows, and He's still moving in the world. God bless those who have the courage to make the stands their making, and sacrificing their lives to make their stand. God be with you. 5/16/2023 BIDEN'S BORDERLESS AMERICA: IN A WORLD WITHOUT BOUNDARIES CHILDREN ARE AN EASY TARGET https://www.bitchute.com/video/eg7d39O93Hzq/ FORMER GOOGLE CEO OUTLINES THE RISKS OF FALSE CONTENT CREATED WITH AI https://www.bitchute.com/video/iJbqchR3ywXt/ This intense AI anger is exactly what experts warned of, w Elon Musk- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2bdGEqPmCI New METAHUMANS are TOO REALISTIC in UNREAL ENGINE 5.2-Unreal Engine 5.2 ML Deformer can be utilized to achieve lifelike deformation on your own real-time characters. It shows an approximation to a full muscle sim that takes 1 minute per frame normally. Also does cloth approximation. The footage included in this video is running live on PS5. https://youtu.be/FYgxLuhVzhw Comment: This shows the real possibility of the creation of the "Image of the Beast" in Revelation by AI-consider the horrific truth-that what you see on the internet-is probably a majority of fake images-truth and reality are very rare. We live in a movie. AI and the future of humanity | Yuval Noah Harari at the Frontiers Forum- https://youtu.be/LWiM-LuRe6w ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 5/13/2023 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 13, 2023, # 405 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/zlSmKyon0Tw END-TIME BIBLICAL SIGNS: APRIL 2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/y8lXs6qvlYMK/ WARNING Get Ready! 7 MILLION (CHINESE NATIONALS - VENEZUALANS...) shtf 2023 | prepper https://youtu.be/Kx2_Z7FQXLw ‘The country is becoming a desert’: Drought-struck Spain is running out of water https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230513-the-country-is-becoming-a-desert-drought-struck-spain-is-running-out-of-water ‘It’s essentially a game of chicken.’ The debt limit standoff has no real winners and potentially one big loser: The U.S. economy https://finance.yahoo.com/news/essentially-game-chicken-debt-limit-100000957.html At G7, a warning about economic outlook as US debt crisis looms https://www.reuters.com/markets/g7-finance-chiefs-warn-global-uncertainty-us-debt-crisis-looms-2023-05-13/ Recycling 'end-of-life' solar panels, wind turbines, is about to be climate tech's big waste business https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/13/recycling-end-of-life-solar-panel-wind-turbine-is-big-waste-business.html Multiple Russian Jets, Helicopters Reportedly Crash Near Ukrainian Border https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-jets-helicopters-downed/32410378.html Islamic Jihad keeps up rocket attacks after ceasefire takes effect at 10 p.m. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-13-2023/ A record-breaking heat wave is forecast to scorch the Pacific Northwest this weekend https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/weather/2023/05/13/pacific-northwest-heatwave-could-break-records/70214918007/ MIA FARROW CONFESSES: 'SATANIC HOLLYWOOD ELITES RAPE AND EAT CHILDREN' https://www.bitchute.com/video/LVyqYo9maCB5/ DHS CHIEF MAYORKAS CLAIMS BORDER IS NOT OPEN DESPITE BIDEN ENDING TITLE 42 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ug9cmS3O4PE/ Ideological Subversion Yuri Bezmenov Full Interview 1984 KGB Defector Russia https://youtu.be/yru14mMES1c Yuri Bezmenov - The Great Reset. Full interview Ideological Subversion. You will own Nothing and Be Happy. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. Russia Ukraine India KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov explains the Ideological subversion and the four stages: Demoralization Destabilization Crisis Normalization This process explains the steps taken by the World Economic Forum's The Great Reset initiative. 26 Major Signs King Charles is THE ANTICHRIST- https://youtu.be/YMTSuwocYmw King Charles the new Anointed One | MWU Shorts https://youtube.com/shorts/RTVAVqEL_p4?feature=share Messianic World Update | Conflict in Gaza & Charles is King of Israel? The Queens funeral was on 9/19/2022, his coronation was 5/6/2023. So that does work out to 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days, on the Gregorian calendar. https://youtu.be/6vq60ts2TYE +++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++++ 5/12/2023 South Africa rejects US accusations of arms shipment to Russia https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/12/south-africa-rejects-us-accusations-of-arms-shipment-to-russia Tens of thousands march against Serbia's populist leadership following mass shootings https://news.yahoo.com/serbias-populist-leader-denounces-planned-112809055.html Gray whale killed by vessel strikes, malnutrition in San Francisco Bay, experts say https://youtu.be/BtQFv6c03nY King Charles’ Bloodstained Crown | The Untold Story of UK Royals | Flashback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUI8gMelNOM Messianic World Update | Conflict in Gaza & Charles is King of Israel? The Queens funeral was on 9/19/2022, his coronation was 5/6/2023. So that does work out to 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days, on the Gregorian calendar. https://youtu.be/6vq60ts2TYE +++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. +++++++++++++++++++ SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY: THE SECRETS OF THE VATICAN | CURSE CATHOLICISM - https://www.bitchute.com/video/xRU8yZS9mN0r/ An in-depth documentary about the Mystery Babylon, the Jesuit Order & American history. Roman Babylonian Vatican is the city from where the Antichrist will rise into his power written in Revelation 17-18 KJV. Note: This documentary was made before Pope Francis was put into place-the events from this point adds even more to the evidence shown in this. And, those who made this documentary, I'm sure, now realize the 911 catastrophe was an inside job, and also can be added to the Jesuit connections. Presidents bow down to the Pope. The Pope is a Monarch. He says he is the Monarch of the World. The word Vatican means "worship of the divine serpent". Draw from that what you will. Personal comment: In watching this, I come away realizing the tentacles of an Octopus, that reaches into every aspect of politics, and religion-and the level of wickedness people are entangled in, whether they like it or not. Those with a righteous spirit, with godly intentions, are in a never ending battle with the seeds of the Serpent-which use the Masons, Illuminati, and the Jesuits, to pull the strings, and move people like puppets to do their bidding, or, if they fail in doing that-plot to kill them. It goes on to this very day, as the documentary clearly shows. We are now reaching the end of the age, and this scenario is about to take a drastic turn-when God intervenes, and interrupts Satan's demonic schemes and plots. He's about to find himself with the heel of God, on his neck. This is a very good documentary to watch, to connect the dots to the time in history we are living in today, and how this world has come to this place-the end of days. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ As a watchman I'm required to pray, seek God's mind and post what God directs, as warnings to the people, and let them make their own decisions on what they choose to do. If the preacher in the video below is in error, everybody will know by the end of September-but, if he is right, I'll have done my job, and given you the warnings. I've prayed through the night about this, and have been shown to post it. God's will, be done. URGENT UPDATE RE: "GAME ON! WE ARE IN DANIEL'S 70TH WEEK" BRO BILL MACGREGOR https://www.bitchute.com/video/6j4QZTREa2V1/ According to this preacher-Jan. 20, 2020 started Daniels 70th week-the tribulation-and, according to him the mid date of the tribulation begins on July 3/2023 of this year...and, according to him, at this time the Anti Christ will set up the AI mark of the beast, and the dictatorship will be put into place, and the image of the Beast to be worshipped, and those who won't worship it will be killed...by 5G put into place. In a few weeks from now, the tribulation will become the Great Tribulation which Jesus described as the worst tribulation for Christians in the history of the world, see Matt. ch. 24- if we are still here, those in the cities especially will be killed in-mass by the 5G towers, this man says it will be a slaughterhouse, I know he's right. He also says, New York City will be nuked by Russia-and wiped out, according to Rev. ch. 18. God gave me a prophecy of this in the 90's, and have known it's coming for a long time; and when the Holy Spirit spoke it to me, he said it would be on the east coast, and NYC would be destroyed by submarines. I still have the notes to this in my journals. This preacher is also saying the abomination of desolation takes place on July 3 of this year-and the rapture on Sept. 16; I'll definitely be watching. The word of God tells us that every word should be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. The videos below give confirming information on biblical prophetic events we are seeing now, and that graphene now is in just about everything-the foods we eat, and the air we breath-because it's being dropped on us by planes. When 5G is turned on-those who have been vaccinated, will die quickly, other's will suffer immensely-it's recorded in Revelation. Did you see THIS at the CORONATION? https://youtu.be/MsR2MS_6mls Nano Particle Contamination Cover-Up-report from a scientist covering the climate engineering nanoparticle pollution of our air, water, soils and food supply. He confirms graphene are in the samples of tests. - https://youtu.be/xQReY4trXbs https://www.GeoengineeringWatch.org ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. God's Word and Comfort For the Saints Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him. All except the true and faithful saints, hidden in obscurity but known above and recorded in the book of life, shall give him homage. If any man have an ear, let him hear. Let him give heed. The words to be heeded are in Rev_13:10. If any man is for captivity, into captivity he goeth. The meaning is "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." "With what measure a man metes, it shall be measured to him again." If the beast and his adherents lead the saints captive, they shall finally be made captive; if they slay with the sword, so shall they be slain. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. The assurance that God will, in the end, right all their wrongs gives them faith and patience. Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. There followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen. As a result of the great gospel revival shown in Rev_14:6-7, the city of sin, here called Babylon, but called "spiritually Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" (Rev_11:8) shall fall. The wine of wrath of her fornication. This Babylon was a city of fornication, of unholy alliance with the world, wedded to the prince of this world instead of to Christ, and made the nations sin with her, or drink her wine. Wine of wrath. So called either because her wrath was manifested in persecution against those who refused to drink, or because the wine of God's wrath shall be poured on her (see Rev_14:10). And the third angel followed. This angel proclaims God's judgment on all that worship the beast and his image. (See Ch. 13). The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. Those who received the mark of the beast, worshiped the beast, drank the wine of Babylon, shall drink the wine of God's wrath. His judgments shall be poured out on them. Shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. These are symbols, just as wine and cup are symbols. The meaning is that they shall suffer bitter anguish. And the smoke of their torment. This is also a symbol suggested by fire and brimstone. The thought of this verse is the eternal unrest and pain of those who have followed the beast. Here is the patience of the saints. The thought that the enemies who oppress them and torture them will be finally utterly overcome gives the saints patience to endure. Rev 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. Rev 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Rev 15:4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest. They sing the song of Moses . . . and the song of the Lamb. When Israel was delivered from Egypt they sang the song Moses as they had done on the shores of the Red Sea. Here, the spiritual Israel, redeemed, standing on the crystal sea, sings a song of deliverance, but it is the old song to a new strain; the song of the Lamb now; of the Redeemer. Just and true are thy ways. The salvation of the true worshipers and the judgment seat upon which the wicked beast, demonstrated the truth and justice of God. Who shall not fear thee? The judgments now given to the seven angels showed that God is a consuming fire, as well as a sun and a shield. We are left in no doubt concerning the identity of these singers. They are "them that had gained the victory over the beast and his image, and over his mark and the number of his name." The ground of their rejoicing is also recorded. "All nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest." The mighty arm of God is to be revealed in bringing to naught the powers of evil, and especially all the great enemies over whom they had been victorious. The saints who have undergone the persecution of the beast are represented as rejoicing because the day of its judgment has come. 9/11/2023 King Charles the new Anointed One | MWU Shorts https://youtube.com/shorts/RTVAVqEL_p4?feature=share Israel-Gaza hostilities persist; Russia-Iran-Turkey-Syria find common ground - TV7 Israel News 11.05 https://youtu.be/WLqeIG_DoFg 1st babies born in Britain using DNA from 3 people https://www.ksl.com/article/50641575/1st-babies-born-in-britain-using-dna-from-3-people comment: This life-form that's been created is cannot be called human, in the sense of being God's creation-it is a Crimea. It has a spirit-but not a human soul, as created by God. The Frankenstein doctor's are continuing to play God, and we will reap the judgment that comes with it. US debt standoff overshadows G7 meeting https://youtu.be/0WEa2J3rDjc Europe’s Drought-Riven Future Is Here, Decades Earlier Than Expected https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-05-11/as-drought-in-spain-worsens-europe-braces-for-battle-over-water-resources?leadSource=uverify%20wall Gaza strike kills deputy commander of Islamic Jihad rocket forces, after chief slain https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-strike-kills-deputy-commander-of-islamic-jihad-rocket-forces-after-chief-slain/ NYC reports treatment-resistant ringworm infections, first ever in the U.S. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ringworm-tinea-infections-treatment-resistant-new-york-city/ Indiana sheriff's deputy killed in dog attack that left her son, 8, wounded- another pit bull attack, down south, and in many cities the dogs run in packs in the streets and attack and kill people-but the dog lovers will excuse, and turn a blind eye to this one too. https://news.yahoo.com/indiana-sheriffs-deputy-killed-dog-191329322.html Trump jokes about sexual abuse verdict, repeats election falsehoods- https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-he-will-pardon-many-involved-jan-6-attack-2023-05-11/ comment: The media are promoting him, and are going to push him back to the top-no matter what he did. It makes a difference who you are, whether you continue to get air-brushed and cleaned up by them. It's clear that they intend to support him from every angle. And, they'll even use Trumps mocking the victim, to slam her and keep him pumped up. A bishop in Australia has prophesied Trump will win again in 2024-if he does, we won't be any better off than we are with Biden; judgment still is coming to this nation, and Trump is just another part of it. Anybody who votes for him again, is either suffering from Alzheimer's, or amnesia. I won't forget the four years he was in office, and what he did, and didn't do. BILL GATES IS 'FORCE JABBING' HUMANITY WITH MRNA IN FOOD SUPPLY | VAXX WITHOUT CONSENT https://www.bitchute.com/video/DyRhK7VIZpnD/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++ 9/10/2023 Florida lawmakers want to use radioactive material to pave roads https://www.npr.org/2023/05/09/1174789570/florida-roads-radioactive-paving-phosphogypsum Russia's war on Ukraine latest: EU to discuss sanctions on Chinese and Iranian firms https://www.reuters.com/world/russias-war-ukraine-latest-eu-discuss-sanctions-chinese-iranian-firms-2023-05-10/ Stock market today: Asia dips ahead of US inflation report-comment: better decisions might be made, without the stupid masks-restricting air to the brains. https://apnews.com/article/stock-markets-banks-rate-recession-d2b7b9561269fe6a106ac9fafcee2627 Pope says Argentina government wanted 'my head' when he was in Buenos Aires https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/pope-says-argentina-government-wanted-my-head-when-he-was-buenos-aires-2023-05-09/ More than 20 dead as wildfires rage in Russia's Urals region, following suspected arson https://youtu.be/HErH8VSSmDU Tucker Carlson: Former Fox anchor to launch new show on Twitter https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65536392 Biden Administration Announces Another $1.2B for Ukraine, Bringing Total Military Aid to $36.9B-comment: Where is the money coming from...more fiat printing from the White House basement? https://www.bitchute.com/video/fxAHSv1QyHuu/ WEF Orders Schools To Force Children To Watch Hardcore Porn 'For Their Own Good' https://www.bitchute.com/video/TNJsvonerWlO/ COVID-19 is no longer considered a global emergency—but you can still take precautions-comment: the "Covid emergency" is over, because they've waved their wand-and the virus has now disappeared-now it can go back to being the seasonal flu, which is what is was from the beginning. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/reviewed/2023/05/09/world-health-organization-ends-covid-emergency-how-to-still-stay-safe/70199039007/ WEF WANTS TO SLAUGHTER MILLIONS OF PETS CATS AND DOGS TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE https://www.bitchute.com/video/xXX16iX8jek4/ DEATH BY MEDICINE | A DOCUMENTARY BY GARY NULL, PH.D https://www.bitchute.com/video/g6XqZ1oYqmIp/ ++++++++++++++ Comment: This video below saddens, and angers me, because once again the blatant biblical illiteracy of people is seen in the demonic, blasphemous manifestations shown in it from this apostate church-Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. It needs to be exposed, and rebuked. What they are doing is supernatural alright-from the pit of hell. There is nothing of the Holy Spirit in it, and I'm praying against it, that it will be shut down; but, if God allows it to go on, it shows the level of demonic activity and deception in these mega churches again, in the same league as Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen. What Goes On At Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM): You Will Be Utterly Shocked! https://youtu.be/D7NXYNpwcvE Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Yesterday a letter from Les Feldick's ministry came in the mail, with the announcement that Les had passed away on April 5, 2023. It stated he died at his home at about 8:30 p.m., with his family present. I had seen a notice of his death posted by other's, but did not want to say anything, until I knew for certain that it was true. He was another faithful servant of the Lord; God's peace be with his wife, and family. His ministry has impacted millions I'm sure. The letter also stated that the program Through the Bible would continue on Youtube, Roku, and other platforms; so his sound teachings of the gospel will go on.
The Motives and Intentions of Preaching Php 1:15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: Php 1:16 The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: Php 1:17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. Php 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. There's a steady conflict among those who don't just desire to lift up Christ, and preach the gospel because God's called them to do it-there's some who want to make a name for themselves, and promote their own reputations, and gain a following. You can pick up on what's in their hearts by listening to them and what they talk about most. If your called to minister in any capacity, and won't endorse or follow some of them, they will be quick to work to undermine you if they can-Paul dealt with it throughout his ministry. The verses above are good advice for us, when we find ourselves under "friendly fire". If God permits it, rest in the place where you are-God knows, and He will do the sifting in His time. If I don't endorse someone, it's not because I necessarily disagree with you, it's because God's not called me to, and we are to obey God, not man. B.W. Johnson gives some added counsel on this: "The motives of all preachers are not pure. Some still preach Christ, full of envy for other preachers, and some from a love of strife. Those envious of Paul were probably Judaizing Christians. See next verse. The one preach Christ from contention. Not from sincere love of the gospel, but from a factious spirit. While preaching, they sought to undermine Paul's influence, supposing to add affliction to his bonds. For an illustration of this class, read the first and second chapters of Galatians, The other of love. These are the true and earnest preachers. They knew that Paul was not sent to Rome because he was an evil doer, but because he was set for the defense of the gospel. God had sent him there to preach it. What then? So anxious is he to have Christ preached, that, whatever may be the motives of men, whether their zeal is only a pretence or in truth, still if only Christ is preached, he will rejoice. This is not a sanction of a false gospel (see Gal_1:8), nor of the men themselves, but rejoicing, if by any means the knowledge of Christ is spread. How different this glorious unselfishness, and greatness of spirit, from the narrowness of those who higgle over "plans" and forbid "those who walk not with them!" ++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. +++++++++++++++++++ 5/9/2023 14,000 Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in the Gulf of Mexico Are Spewing Methane https://gizmodo.com/14-000-abandoned-oil-and-gas-wells-in-the-gulf-of-mexic-1850416009 Elderly Rochester couple scammed out of $14k-comment: This almost happened to me 2 months ago, the same way, somebody claiming to be from PayPal called me saying someone from my email address bought a large sum of money in bitcoin and they were taking it out of my bank account. I didn't allow it to go through, and called my bank and stopped them from taking anything out-it was a very close call. I took my computer to my service man, and he had to clean it out completely, and I had to change every password I had, for every site, and I now only send money by snail mail-I never donate or give any money on-line. My computer man said this is the only way I can avoid this problem again, and I heeded his warnings. He told me over a dozen people had come to him in just one week, with the same problem, of being hacked into, and scammed by these people, and he gets a steady stream of people with the same problem. https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/elderly-rochester-couple-scammed-out-of-14k After hitting new heights during the pandemic, PayPal has struggled in the market. Here’s what’s killing the company’s stock growth-comment: this article isn't giving the real picture of why the company's losing ground-the scamming disaster is what's putting them under. The article above is an example of what's going on in many areas with people getting hacked into, and robbed by internet crooks claiming to be from PayPal. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/08/heres-whats-killing-paypals-stock-growth.html Wildfires have burned nearly 1 million acres in western Canada https://grist.org/wildfires/canadian-wildfires-destroy-nearly-1-million-acres-alberta/ Sudan deepens crisis in Africa as UN sees 5 million more needing aid https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/sudan-deepens-crisis-africa-un-sees-5-million-more-needing-aid-2023-05-09/ Germany and China Foreign Ministers discuss Ukraine war, international relations | DW News https://youtu.be/4Ng3xsizHCw At least 10 reported killed as Israeli jets hit targets in Gaza https://youtu.be/pIL9rVUTn2g Jury finds Donald Trump liable in civil sex abuse case of E. Jean Carroll https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/05/09/donald-trump-liable-civil-sex-abuse-e-jean-carroll/70197179007/ +++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++ 5/8/2023 Wildfires in Canada's main oil province Alberta force output shutdowns https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/cooler-weather-brings-some-relief-wildfire-hit-canadian-oil-province-alberta-2023-05-08/ Canada Expels Chinese Diplomat, Risking Retaliation in Feud https://news.yahoo.com/canada-expels-chinese-envoy-risking-193545585.html Russia launches a barrage of air strikes across Ukrainian cities | DW News https://youtu.be/Q7DTebXtBhs Leaders from Japan and South Korea vow better ties following summit https://www.npr.org/2023/05/08/1174707067/leaders-from-japan-and-south-korea-vow-better-ties-following-summit Catholic Bishop of Oakland files for bankruptcy to facilitate sex scandal settlements https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/08/oakland-catholic-diocese-bankruptcy-sex-abuse/70195803007/ E. Jean Carroll was 'exactly' Donald Trump's type, her lawyer says in closing arguments https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/e-jean-carroll-was-exactly-donald-trumps-type-lawyer-says-closing-argu-rcna83333 TRUMP THE LIAR, MAY 5, 2023-comment: never forget... https://www.bitchute.com/video/7gQYEHXZ8tKr/ Former Tampa Neo-Nazi sentenced after pleading guilty to murdering roommates https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/jury-selection-to-begin-in-murder-trial-of-tampa-man-accused-of-killing-roommates/ The New Madrid Fault Line and Impending Doom https://youtu.be/g958uz2K5Hs The 5 WORST Fallen Angels SOON will be Released | Abaddon and Euphrates River Fallen Angels https://youtu.be/wzX6Sl1jHOw ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 5/6/2023 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 6, 2023, # 404 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/qDEvBrZJNsI Russia's Lavrov says Kremlin drone incident was 'hostile act' https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-lavrov-says-kremlin-drone-incident-was-hostile-act-2023-05-05/ Ukraine war: Russia accused of using phosphorus bombs in Bakhmut https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65506993 DeSantis signs bill allowing Florida board to cancel Disney deals https://www.reuters.com/world/us/desantis-signs-bill-allowing-florida-board-cancel-disney-deals-2023-05-05/ Trump’s video deposition in rape lawsuit made public https://apnews.com/article/trump-deposition-video-rape-carroll-30227cdf71216b74254fb6f3594ef4aa Dust storms have killed hundreds and are a growing problem in parts of the U.S. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/dust-storms-killed-hundreds-are-growing-problem-parts-us-rcna82889 PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE BANK CRASH THAT IS COMING…-Footage of an FDIC meeting held in November 2022 reveals how the financial insurance sector is expecting a banking crisis. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5MYF5yTw2tGW/ comment: these people sitting around the table talking about how to announce this takedown are in my opinion-lizard people from hell. US-CHILEAN BLOGGER GONZALO LIRA ARRESTED BY UKRAINIAN SECURITY SERVICE https://www.bitchute.com/video/a2E3HeYKf4pQ/ Thousands forced to evacuate as wildfires ravage western Canada https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/05/canada-wildfires-thousands-evacuate-fox-lake-fire BLACK MAGIC MONEY https://www.bitchute.com/video/YrluHGrDIFRV/ 9-11 CNN REPORT - NO JET HIT PENTAGON (RE-UPLOAD ORIGINAL WAS DISABLED) COPY AND SHARE WIDE AND FAR!-comment: I sat and watched this reporter give this description the day he did it, and never forgot it. It was never aired again. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dr9wQRALUBGy/ THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL YOU (1980S) BY DR, JOHN COLEMAN, THE CLUB OF 300 https://www.bitchute.com/video/QCd5DvdFOgec/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 5/5/2023 US regional bank shares partially recover but fear of crash lingers https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/05/us-banking-crisis-risks-becoming-self-fulfilling-prophecy-analysts-say Ukraine's Offensive Could Be Make-or-break Moment for Western Military Aid https://www.newsweek.com/ukraines-offensive-could-make-break-moment-western-military-aid-1798154 US Can’t Use Philippine Bases for China Offensive, Marcos Says https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-04/us-can-t-use-philippines-bases-for-china-offensive-marcos-says?leadSource=uverify%20wall Zelenskyy wants Putin trial; Russia accuses US on drones https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-war-zelenskyy-icc-netherlands-ceddd00e3576d474d2ed80dc2665426b Nigerian senator jailed for nine years in UK organ harvesting plot https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/05/africa/nigeria-senator-ekweremadu-sentenced-intl/index.html Financier buys Jeffrey Epstein's private islands, with plans to create a resort-comment: I wonder what they intend to do with what's under the buildings-the tunnels, chambers, etc. that was used to traffic kids. I also wonder what kind of people would want to go there. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173956903/jeffrey-epstein-island-sold-st-james Florida legislature approves bill allowing board to cancel Disney deals https://www.reuters.com/world/us/florida-legislature-approves-bill-allowing-board-cancel-disney-deals-2023-05-05/ Lauren Heike murder: Man arrested after woman killed in brutal attack on hiking trail, police say https://abc7chicago.com/lauren-heike-murder-arrest-arizona-hiker-found-dead-phoenix/13215047/ THE WHOLE THING IS GOING DOWN FASTER THAN THE TITANIC https://www.bitchute.com/video/Efv7OcpXhw51/ 26 Major Signs King Charles is THE ANTICHRIST- https://youtu.be/YMTSuwocYmw A third perspective: Is Prince Charles the Antichrist? Does His Name Equal 666? https://youtu.be/jOK63aIcWqI Note: When I post videos on the possible Anti-Christ, it is to give people the information, and the reasons given, to watch these people-I'm not making any prophetic statement, but watching, and comparing scripture, along with many other's. I'm praying, and seeking the truth, and willing to listen to what God may be saying to other's, and putting the puzzle pieces together. I believe the AC is alive now, and will soon be revealed, but I do not claim to know who he is. The possibilities are posted, but no one but God who it is right now. ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++++ 4/16/2023 Fetanyl Overdose Deaths More Than Tripled Over Past Few Years https://www.newsweek.com/fentanyl-overdose-deaths-tripled-cdc-1798319 Russia says U.S. was behind Kremlin drone attack, drawing quick denial https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-accuses-us-being-behind-alleged-kremlin-drone-attack-2023-05-04/ US Bank Stocks in Jeopardy as Banking Crisis Worsens | Vantage with Palki Sharma https://youtu.be/KN3d-0Gr9EU McDonald's franchises face more than $200,000 in fines for child-labor law violations https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173900867/10-year-old-mcdonalds-fine Magnetic Rain? (Activist Video)-I lay in bed many nights and listen to the planes going over my house-and I know they are dumping this right over me, it's infuriating, and frustrating. I've also posted what this poison does to the leaves on the trees in my back yard in the summer, and kills my bushes, and the trees. It leaves brown spots all over them-and bores holes right through them. https://youtu.be/YERbzbY8mTc Florida Residents Sound Off on DeSantis-Disney Feud-It's not hard to figure out that most people who won't see the importance of what DeSantis is trying to do, and no one down there wants to lose the money Disney generates for the state; but the media is also very selective who they interview, and allow to be seen. The dangers of the control of Disney is much more important than any of them want to go into, and they'll do their best to paint DeSantis as the ogre-but I'm praying the truth comes out eventually. https://youtu.be/02UO9k-HZKM Donald Trump’s hostile deposition played for jurors as E. Jean Carroll NYC rape case wraps up https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-trump-hostile-deposition-sdny-trial-e-jean-carroll-20230504-za6ox27gl5elxl3vck7me6eade-story.html NEW YORK BECOMES THE FIRST STATE TO BAN GAS STOVES | NATIONAL REPORT https://www.bitchute.com/video/LsVzmeMo9Ss/ A DECADE OF GLOBAL FUNDING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY INCREASED ITS USAGE BY ‘ONE PER CENT’ https://www.bitchute.com/video/yIocA94iFYU/ DIEDSUDDENLY: OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST TORI BOWIE WAS FOUND DEAD IN HER HOME https://www.bitchute.com/video/J7cS86IkKxu6/ NO BUY NO SELL - THE JAB IS THE MARK https://www.bitchute.com/video/JbUvpsYtGfAb/ Anthony Patch-Project Rooftop-vaccines-mark of the beast https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf ++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++ 5/3/2023 Israeli airstrikes on Gaza kill Palestinian as violence ebbs after prisoner’s death https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-airstrikes-gaza-palestinians-death-khader-adnan-hunger-strike-rcna82602 Gaza militants launches 104 rockets at Israel; IAF Strikes at PIJ-Hamas in Gaza TV7Israel News 03.05 https://youtu.be/dbh4ep6YaL8 US Navy video shows a dozen Iranian fast-attack boats swarming an oil tanker in its latest maritime seizure https://www.businessinsider.com/video-iran-attack-boats-swarm-oil-tanker-latest-maritime-seizure-2023-5 Ukraine denies Russian claim Kyiv sent drones to hit Kremlin https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-drone-attacks-ammunition-fc88f31f8bf5ebfbed4cad4d0173dfb5 Rock throwing death in Colorado: Murder charges filed against teens https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/03/rock-throwing-death-in-colorado-murder-charges-for-teens/70179494007/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information.
5/2/2023 SatanCon 2023 was a rousing success, as Boston saw the ‘largest satanic gathering in history,’ beating the record set by last week’s session of congress. Satanists banded together to enjoy such satanic activities as ripping up Bibles, burning pro-police flags and attending lectures such as ‘Reclaiming the Trans Body’ and ‘Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure.’ The event marked the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Satanic Temple in Boston, although the Satan worshippers were quick to point out that they don’t actually worship Satan in the traditional sense. They merely ‘encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits.’ And openly worship Satan. MICHELLE OBAMA'S STEALTH 2024 BID: REPUBLICANS BEWARE! https://www.bitchute.com/video/iOhCuv9-N-A/ Comment: I'm going to post two videos that give the truth about "Mike" Obama-and if she does run, the implications of this are a great sign of a speeding up of end time events, and the return of the Lord. MICHELLE OBAMA IS REALLY MICHAEL LAVON ROBINSON- https://www.bitchute.com/video/vHrWFfjYELsd/ Joan Rivers : Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is Transgender https://youtu.be/B9C3SAdw-AA ++A point to consider about Michelle's possible run in 2024: On 9/4/21 I watched a video that was very thought provoking, and at the time, the Lord brought to my mind Michelle Obama, and the Holy Spirit told me to watch for her to make a move for running for president in the future, the video above confirmed that it was the Lord who spoke to me. He also said at that time that it fits in the verse of scripture that the Anti-Christ would oppose and exalt himself above all gods, and have no desire for women...., this was a puzzle to me, until I realized she/he is a transgender-then it made perfect sense. Below are the comments I made when I watched the video below-and my thoughts about it on the day I saw it-I'll be watching this issue closely. As for the Anti-Christ having no desire for women, this is found in Daniel 11:36-37, and 2Th 2:3-4. Dan 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Dan 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 9/4/21 " As I watched this video, I took note of several things: 1. I should have realized the obvious connection between the statues in Europe and Greece/Asia and the fact that they are real life pictures of what life was like during the time they were made. I makes perfect sense, I should have studied it more-but this video does connect a lot of dots to what is going on now. 2. If the Anti-Christ is a Hermaphrodite-I can think of several prominent people right now, who would fit. Michelle Obama is one of them. 3. I have heard it from several sources and people doing videos, that they believe we are going to start seeing real monsters, "aliens", and other very horrific entities right out in the streets-(they are already there-but up to now have wanted to remain unnoticed). Most people won't know the difference, because their so drugged/boozed up, they don't even know who they are or where they are anyway-but the sober ones might get some hair raising experiences-it's definitely coming, and soon." Apollyon the Destroyer is a Hermaphrodite - Part 1 - By Gorilla199 https://www.brighteon.com/browse/new-videos?page=5 ANOTHER ASPECT OF THE ENDTIME SCENARIO- Pope Francis Declares The Coming Of The Anti-Christ...-Yes, this happened not too long ago at the Vatican. I agree he was making a public pronouncement of the rise of the Anti-Christ, and the complete turnover of the Vatican and the Catholic religion to Satan. We are on the very edge of the end of days. This could be the last one, for the Christian-I'm looking up, every day. https://www.brighteon.com/db6cb9ab-b7da-47cf-9be9-5ada976bcfc4 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ODESSA: ON THIS DAY IN 2014, NAZI SCUMBAGS BURNED 48 PEOPLE ALIVE IN THE HOUSE OF TRADE UNIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/ccYJ8ae75Jgu/ THE REAL REASON BEHIND THE RELEASE OF AI TECH https://www.bitchute.com/video/9966KpVqpkVL/ THE PLAN: FROM COVID-19 TO TECHNOCRACY-The elites plan for world domination-putting the technology into your body, to make you a product, and own you. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QUjQ0pqqIewN/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information.
PNC, JPMorgan putting in final bids for First Republic Bank in FDIC auction https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/pnc-jpm-putting-final-bids-first-republic-fdic-auction-sources-2023-04-30/ Inside the DEATH CULTS: After 100 people starve themselves to death 'to meet Jesus', a look at the sects whose followers died in mass poisonings, ritual suicides and other horrifying ways-Comment: No one who takes the time to read the Bible for themselves, would ever be brainwashed to fall for this. People follow cults, and deceptive people, because they want someone to lead them, and want to trust somebody. Read the word of God for yourself, you'll find it very easy to spot the wolves in sheep's clothing and stay away from them. And again, this is what the news media loves to report on-to try to condemn all Christians as being this way, as "mentally ill", this is what they use a great deal, to portray us all the same way. It's nothing new, they did it in Jesus' day as well, and how they killed him. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12010653/After-100-people-starve-death-Kenya-meet-Jesus-look-DEATH-CULTS.html Russian Freight Train Derails After Hitting 'Explosive Device' https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/01/russian-freight-train-derails-after-hitting-explosive-device-a80993 The last days of death row in California: ‘Your soul is tested here’ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/01/san-quentin-death-row-prison-california 15 MINUTE (CITIES) PRISONS (CANADA .GOV MAP) https://www.bitchute.com/video/pkjcSQqkGSup/ HELL ON EARTH.-We are now living in a reprobate, insane nightmare-contains manifestations of demonic manifestations, and graphic, vulgar, vile profanity. https://www.bitchute.com/video/F3KgHH3ppMIS/ FBI ATTACKS FORT WORTH POLICE https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpFjgghuAnD2/ SIN CITY SECRETS: MASSIVE UFOS FILMED OVER LAS VEGAS – GOVERNMENT COVER-UP UNRAVELED?-these are either military aircraft, or demonic manifestations. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGhtUOtPslI/ This May Be Why Jesus is on His Way… The THIRD DAY is FAST Approaching! https://youtu.be/CCwlqlUF9cA ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Comment: I'll add a few things to what Mark Twain says about news media; if he were here today, I believe he'd smile, and say "you nailed it". The people putting out the news will pick out who the public is following, and push them, promote them, and puff them up in their articles-and it doesn't make a bit of difference what they do behind the scenes, they'll keep twisting the story if they want them promoted. They'll use dead people and the story around them, to exploit them, just because of their smile, and it doesn't make any difference how horrific their death was; if the story brings attention to their article, they'll keep pushing it-sometimes for months. They care nothing about the person-it's just propaganda for profit. If you have failed in some way, but have turned your life around and are walking with God-but you don't play the games it takes to stay on top, such as smile all the time, or do/say things that will help them, you'll be attacked in various ways, much of it through innuendo, and they'll continue to condemn you for your past, but never speak you name, they know how to get their messages across, and you learn to pick up on their weapons. Christians do this too, who have platforms and channels on the internet. They know all the tricks of the trade, right along with the news media. They'll also push somebody to the top, just to watch them get destroyed-then use that tragedy, to keep it going, and use it for their benefit. Don't be fooled thinking there is any real compassion or truth out there-the truth is well hidden, but those with discernment watch, listen, and see through the smoke and mirrors. I keep my eyes on Jesus, and just keep walking on with Him, and do what I believe He gives me here in these two sites. One thing I've learned in life, Jesus forgives, and forgets; but people many times don't. I let them go, and let God take care of them. I live in God's promises; If we confess our sins, He is faithful, and just to forgive us of our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, to those who are called according the His purpose. I'm one of them-praise Him forever. Knowing this, I pray, do the research for my sites, and most of the time ignore the wickedness and tactics. I keep my focus and this work where it belongs, in God's hands. I do the best I can, and leave it at His feet-it shields me from a lot of attacks, and keeps me in His will, the very best place anyone could be. Comments are closed.
This page contains news articles videos and commentaries on various subjects dealing with relevant and prophetic world events When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Eze 33:8-9 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The NightWatchman
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3-4 Gander Story Poems
https://www.ganderpoems.org/ Significant Posts
The Final Sacrifice-
https://www.thenightwatchman.org/devotions/the-final-sacrifice The Song of The Redeemed-The Song of Moses https://www.thenightwatchman.org/blog/the-song-of-the-redeemed-the-song-of-moses Noahide laws 3/17/19 - https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/home/the-coming-noahide-laws-what-you-need-to-know Archives
January 2025