12/31/2022 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 31, 2022, # 386 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/8iEnC62-d6A 2022-12-30 The Coming Famine https://ugetube.com/watch/2022-12-30-the-coming-famine_m8WucYTmtlPfepy.html Brazil’s haunting graveyard of ships risks environmental disaster https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2022/12/29/brazils-haunting-graveyard-of-ships-risks-environmental-disaster The week in wildlife – in pictures https://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2022/dec/30/the-week-in-wildlife-in-pictures Can geoengineering fix the climate? Hundreds of scientists say not so fast- Another example of deceptive, fake news. They have been dropping chemicals on everyone for almost 100 yrs., and are doing it every day all over this country, and the world. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/25/can-controversial-geoengineering-fix-climate-crisis How Colorado River cities are preparing for shortages with conservation and alternate sources https://www.azcentral.com/in-depth/news/local/arizona-environment/2022/12/30/colorado-river-shortages-cities-conserve-phoenix-las-vegas/69736208007/ 70-foot drop at Lake Mead among urgent concerns in 2023 on Colorado River https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/70-foot-drop-at-lake-mead-among-urgent-concerns-in-2023-on-colorado-river/ India suspends construction, demolition work in Delhi as air worsens https://news.yahoo.com/india-suspends-construction-demolition-delhi-131652209.html On a tropical vacation, Biden ponders a serious question: To be or not to be (a 2024 candidate)?-Here's a good example of "double the trouble"- the video in this is of the meeting with Biden and Zelensky in the White House (continuing to pump up the actor leader of Ukraine), along with Biden's "musings" about the next election-it will be like watching a comedy, and a question whether he'll remember what he decided to do; somebody will have to keep him clued in. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/12/30/biden-2024-reelection-decision-holiday/10960086002/ President Biden Signs $1.7T Funding Bill https://youtu.be/rfoSu5lKgnc Netanyahu Sworn In As Israeli Prime Minister With Far-Right Cabinet https://youtu.be/d8Ka-vi4z9o Former Pope Benedict dies aged 95 in Vatican monastery https://www.reuters.com/world/former-pope-benedict-has-died-spokesman-2022-12-31/ North Korea fires three ballistic missiles, Japan Coast Guard confirms firing of missiles | WION https://youtu.be/uMz8AVLZJeE The 10 Best Games of 2022-A summary of the demonic entertainment developed and sold in the last year; some of the reason the country is in the condition it's in. https://www.wired.com/story/best-video-games-2022/ We've Been Played. Dr. Scott Jensen- posted 11 months ago https://youtu.be/5yo-w7BpLW4 Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of using "RNA as a drug" and core mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies. https://youtu.be/nYkUePQMfkE Will Russia Destroy the United States? - J Vernon McGee - FULL Sunday Sermons-The analysis and warnings given in this sermon-are upon us now, we are living in the fall of the U.S., as Rome fell. https://youtu.be/yicP8xfHrYs +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/28/2022 Kremlin says any Ukraine peace plan must include annexed regions https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/kremlin-says-any-ukraine-peace-plan-must-include-annexed-regions-2022-12-28/ Biden vacations in Virgin Islands as Americans face problems at home-Comment: And if you think Trump would be any better, you are not awake. He has shown in many ways, there's no difference between them. He's having a good time on his golf course at Mar-a-Largo, and regular celebrity events of his choice. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-vacations-virgin-islands-americans-face-problems-home Russian sausage tycoon Pavel Antov dies in Indian hotel fall https://news.yahoo.com/russian-sausage-tycoon-pavel-antov-122816235.html This Prestigious Institution is Trying to Cancel America? https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2022/12/this-prestigious-institution-is-trying-to-cancel-america-2599884.html QUANTUM DOT MICRONEEDLE TEST SWABS GLOWS UNDER UV LIGHT https://www.bitchute.com/video/WzOebuiYXyiX/ Former pope Benedict 'very sick', Pope Francis calls for prayers https://www.reuters.com/world/pope-francis-asks-prayers-ex-pope-benedict-who-he-says-is-very-sick-2022-12-28/ Comment: The articles below, and this one especially are being posted to show the level of deceitful, callous, and unethical reporting that's now an everyday occurrence. Open the one directly below-and you will read the account of a woman who shoots and kills her husband on Christmas-BUT, the video within the article is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY, TOTALLY UNRELATED TO THE ARTICLE. I've opened many like this, and have refused to post them-but am posting this one to expose it as an example. This is terrible reporting, cold, callous, they could care less about the man killed or the people involved. I also know they will CHANGE the content of an article, after you've posted it; total deception. I am praying about what God wants me to do-this media corruption is so bad, I am asking God if He wants me to bother with this anymore; if so, how much. Hamilton woman charged with Christmas killing was in a fight when shooting occurred, court records say https://pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/hamilton-woman-charged-with-christmas-killing-was-in-a-fight-when-shooting-occurred-court-records/article_c6c7bfee-85f3-11ed-9bde-5be0fc6bc7ec.html Comment: The article is posted below to show an example of blatant "fake news", that is so ludicrous, and ridiculous, that it should not even be allowed to be presented as news. It's in the same category as the gossip rags sold in grocery stores, staring you in the face as you wait in the checkout line. This kind of trash is what makes it very difficult to sift through, and the worst part is, these kinds of stories are in the independent platforms, and mainstream media as well. So-called Christian news media do this, and it brings a reproach on the Name of Christ-but they don't seem to have any conscience about doing it. They seem to think they will always get away with being as crooked as the world. One day, they will face Jesus, and their deeds. It makes it that much harder for those who strive for integrity, honesty, and are seeking truth, and do care about not wanting to deceive people. Nancy Pelosi Hanged At GITMO? (Video) https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/12/nancy-pelosi-hanged-at-gitmo-video-3786200.html +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/27/2022 Texas National Guard installs more than 2 miles of new fencing near El Paso https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/el-paso-border-fence/285-1c6b0be1-372a-4b8c-af4f-0c535c149e66 S. Korea military sorry for failing to down North’s drones https://apnews.com/article/politics-south-korea-north-705284733b16284ca85fefb13594bee7 Man Arrested For Fatally Slashing Two Strangers In Random New York City Attacks https://youtu.be/saFaRdgnWug Fears of extremist campaign after attack on US power station https://news.yahoo.com/fears-extremist-campaign-attack-us-190951134.html ‘Heartbreaking’: New York surveys damage after historic blizzard https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/27/heartbreaking-new-york-surveys-damage-after-historic-blizzard What Parts of New York State Look Like After Record Winter Storm | Insider News https://youtu.be/kBTMaRUwOzg AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY: JOE BIDEN'S NET ZERO MILITARY CLIMATE "FRIENDLY" SOLUTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/L3HFVoY7UscO/ WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN IN 2023? BY DR. VERNON COLEMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/FljsMeR5eltS/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/26/2022 THREE BUSLOADS OF MIGRANT FAMILIES UNLOAD NEAR U.S. VP’S DOORSTEP-Over 100 migrants, including small children, were dropped off near Vice President Kamala Harris's residence in Washington DC on a bitterly cold Christmas Eve. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AAToLWnMgrKT/ BUFFALO CHRISTMAS LOOTING SEASON https://ugetube.com/watch/buffalo-christmas-looting-season_AfRyshuHmTnjLp2.html PHARMAKEIA POPE / HUGO TALKS https://www.bitchute.com/video/rzSMvZWJTlk8/ CHRISTMAS 2022: PARIS ON THE BOIL | KURDS MAKE ANTICHRIST TURKEY PARTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR PARIS ATTACK https://www.bitchute.com/video/ua7GAKJrorwc/ CHRISTIAN WOMAN ARRESTED FOR SILENT PRAYER OUTSIDE 'LITTLE BRITAIN' ABORTION CLINIC https://www.bitchute.com/video/mKoZ496Nd9Z0/
CIA INSIDER TALKS ABOUT DISGUISES AND MASKS USED TO DECEIVE YOU https://www.bitchute.com/video/c5C8OBhGnkav/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. A short bible teaching: Today, especially on the internet, and TV, it's become a common thing to see people call themselves by titles. In a biblical sense, this can be deceiving, and dangerous. Somebody may decide to start a TV show, or a preacher may become over-bloated, or somebody may decide to give themselves a title that sounds impressive, or descriptive to what they are trying to do, but if God hasn't called them to do it, they are doing it in their own flesh, and one way or another, it will become clear if they are called by God-or not. They may achieve great success in the world's eyes, that doesn't mean God is with them, and it doesn't prove He called them to do what they are doing. A couple of things to ask yourself when your listening to anybody who's given themselves a title from the bible, such as calling themselves a prophet, or bible teacher, or a watchman would be: 1. Who is this person promoting? Jesus Christ, or someone, or something else. 2. Is money a factor-I can tell you, God doesn't care if you have the ability to acquire wealth; Satan is the god of this world, he owns it, and he deceives many down this road. 3. What is this person emphasizing-his own agenda's, or God's eternal purposes-seen through the keen eyes of somebody who will speak the truth, without compromise, no matter the cost. 4. Does this person lift up the word of God as the final authority-or man's popularity, and opinions. Most of the world today-couldn't tell you what the ten commandments are-and have no clue what scripture teaches on most relevant subjects of this day and hour. People as a whole are biblically illiterate, and do not want to know what's in it. A true prophet, and watchman called by God spends most of their time, searching the scriptures, and in prayer, day and night seeking the heart and mind of God, to know and understand the world events unfolding-as He sees them, and are willing to speak what God may give, and be willing to pay the prices that come with that office. Intercessions, supplications, pleadings, warnings, are the ongoing work for the watchman, prophet, and effective intercession comes with years of intimate relationship with God, and how to dialogue with Him, on His terms. A watchman's main desires are seeking the truth, and unraveling layers of people's deceptions and motives, and knowing how to look to God for the best way of prayer-to bring about His righteousness in the issue. A hireling won't have a clue what this means, and won't be willing to live in this realm for long, they will quickly find that fame and money-are not guaranteed in this calling. 12/24/2022 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2022, # 385 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/qI4R9LN8M5Q From Arctic sharks in the Caribbean to red wolves and black rhinos: The best species-related stories of the year https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/arctic-sharks-caribbean-red-wolves-black-rhinos-best/story?id=95015247 Canada polar bears declining at alarming rate, study finds-They are starving to death, nothing for them to eat. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/24/canada-polar-bears-declining-at-alarming-rate-study Tanker explosion kills 8 in Johannesburg https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/tanker-explosion-kills-8-johannesburg-2022-12-24/ Scotland passes transgender self-indentification bill- A sad day for Scotland, and the world. https://www.dw.com/en/scotland-passes-bill-allowing-transgender-self-indentification/a-64192004 House quickly approves $1.7T spending bill, flees DC for Christmas break https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-quickly-approves-spending-bill-flees-dc-christmas-break New law ends COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US troops-It's too bad for the ones who already had to take it. https://apnews.com/article/biden-lloyd-austin-e4047962b92087be278c6886e2e2d0c5 U.S. deep freeze forecast to break Christmas Eve records https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-deep-freeze-forecast-break-christmas-eve-records-2022-12-24/ Live winter storm updates: Fatal car crashes, power outages, as dangerous, freezing weather settles in for Christmas https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/12/24/winter-storm-updates-deaths-crashes-power-outages/10950466002/ Power cuts and travel misery in US and Canada amid freezing winter storm https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/24/us-winter-storm-bomb-cyclone-power-cuts-travel-canada Police: 19-year-old killed in shooting at Mall of America https://apnews.com/article/business-minnesota-a154a75f729954ba579ce71ad9af7144 +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. From My Heart To You Winter has come upon us with a vengeance, and many have found themselves in the midst of horrific weather, treacherous roads, and freezing temperatures, and it looks like we will be facing it for some time to come. My prayer for all of you is; stay safe, stay home where it's warm if you can. You may be facing being without power, I've just had the power restored here, after being without it since yesterday. My heart goes out to those who have to work on the lines, to get the power back on-they face terrible conditions, to get the power back to our homes. God bless them. As another Christmas eve is here, it causes me to ponder the reason I choose to pay attention to this day, the foretold coming of the Christ. Born among cattle and sheep, because there was no room for Joseph and Mary in the Inn; they were directed to a cave, the only place available. Before he was born, Joseph was told by an angel in a dream what his name would be: Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Mat 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Mat 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. Jesus-born to be a King, was a King from the beginning of Creation, but born among the lowest rank, it was just like Jesus, born and lived out a life of humility, among the unseen. No, Jesus wasn't born in December, his birth was researched by many scholars who believe his birth to have been in September, or early October. One telling fact regarding shepherds who tended flocks of sheep is that they would be known to be out with their flocks at night during these months because the grass was still available for them, and the weather would be tolerable for them to be guarding them; but not in December, it would be too cold. I've studied and read many other bible teachers accounts of when they believe Jesus was born, and have come to the point that I'm not willing to get dogmatic about it to the point of being obstinate. It destroys the joy and wonder of the event-and causes people to lose sight of the most important fact-THAT HE CAME INTO THE WORLD-LIVED AND DIED AS SCRIPTURE FORTOLD HE WOULD AND HE IS ALIVE TODAY. This is the fact I choose to center my attention on, and spend the time giving thanks to the Father, for the Gift of His Son, who came into this world to save sinners; that describes me, and all of us. There is no greater gift-nor one as precious, as Jesus Christ. God the Father, gave us His very best, His only begotten Son. The gift of salvation He offers you, is free, all you have to do, is look to Jesus, repent, and believe on Him. To anyone who reads this-may the true reason for this season be brought to your heart, and mind. May you find the peace, joy, love, and assurance of Jesus' ability and desire to cleanse you of every sin, renew you, and make you into a new creature-made to spend eternity with him in heaven, when your time here in this world is over. May you know His great love, and salvation this Christmas. 12/22/2022 SEN. RAND ADDRESSES OMNIBUS "PAYOFF FOR CRIMINALS" BILL https://www.bitchute.com/video/wZnYIBm24foh/ TUCKER CARLSON: WHERE DOES ZELENSKYY GET OFF TALKING TO US LIKE THIS? https://www.bitchute.com/video/LzoFlC1MI9Kf/ TIME NAMES 'PERSON OF THE YEAR' & IT'S EXACTLY WHO YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE | DM CLIPS | RUBIN REPO.. they named Hitler Man Of The Year in 1938 https://www.bitchute.com/video/7QbsIImvMDc/ U.S. JUDGE DEAD! (WAS BEING INVESTIGATED REGARDING FBI, SEALS, & CARTEL CHILD TRAFFICKING ON BORDER) https://www.bitchute.com/video/5vZBL8UsMWYU/ Putin Prepares For ALL OUT WAR With DEVASTATING New Military Move https://ugetube.com/watch/putin-prepares-for-all-out-war-with-devastating-new-military-move_z74qnISn3AXToRw.html NWO: Study reveals COVID-19 vaccines are ''a eugenics weapon for mass depopulation'' https://ugetube.com/watch/nwo-study-reveals-covid-19-vaccines-are-039-039-a-eugenics-weapon-for-mass-depopulation-039-039_qDVs75KIvfqX2Qb.html FBI & TWITTER: "... FBI RECEIVED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP IN DECEMBER 2019- https://www.bitchute.com/video/NAp0NnZHJTNv/ NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958 - Full Documentary https://www.bitchute.com/video/0qJw4TV98J5O/ ++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++ 12/21/2022 U.S. pipeline regulator reviewing special permits after Keystone oil spills https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-pipeline-regulator-reviewing-special-permits-after-keystone-oil-spills-source-2022-12-21/ Ukraine Prepares for Possible Military Offensive From Belarus https://youtu.be/zba6XVz5JCE Biden says in video that Iran nuclear deal 'is dead, but we're not going to announce it' https://news.yahoo.com/biden-says-in-video-that-iran-nuclear-deal-is-dead-but-were-not-going-to-announce-it-232112612.html What Prompted Japan to Adopt Its ‘Earth-Shattering’ Military Buildup Plan? https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/12/21/what-prompted-japan-adopt-its-earth-shattering-military-buildup-plan.html US flies bombers, jets in joint drills with South Korea https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2022/12/20/us-flies-bombers-jets-in-joint-drills-with-south-korea/ Ex-Russian president makes surprise trip to Beijing as Zelenskyy arrives in Washington, highlighting growing divisions between superpowers https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-russia-president-meets-china-xi-before-zelenskyy-us-visit-2022-12 Alongside Zelenskiy, Biden calls for global unity on Ukraine to continue in 2023- https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-situation-extremely-difficult-several-ukrainian-regions-2022-12-20/ Peru crisis: Family of ousted leader Castillo leaves for Mexico https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-64047765 U.S. couple detained in Uganda gets fresh charge that carries death penalty https://www.reuters.com/world/us-couple-detained-uganda-gets-fresh-charge-that-carries-death-penalty-2022-12-21/ Elon Musk Warns TWITTER ABOUT TO DIE, Says Its A Plane Crashing, https://ugetube.com/watch/elon-musk-warns-twitter-about-to-die-says-its-a-plane-crashing-corporate-press-covers-up-fbi-psyop_XpEPVAGLlbI3FYl.html JOB OPENING AT THE CDC. VAX PUSHING CDC SPOKESMAN AND NFL GREAT FRANCO HARRIS IS DEAD https://www.bitchute.com/video/QwrFocRQLpn9/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/18-24/2022 Russian troops set up 'dragon's teeth' in Melitopol over fears of street battles https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/12/18/ukraine-blog-ukraine-blog-power-kyiv-energy-russia-attacks/ One Dead and Several Injured in Strikes on Russia's Belgorod Region https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/18/one-dead-and-several-injured-in-strikes-on-russias-belgorod-region-a79728 US officials tried to stop Ukraine from killing high-ranking Russian general who was on a risky visit to the front lines, report says https://news.yahoo.com/us-officials-tried-stop-ukraine-155335242.html Iranian atomic official says uranium enrichment capacity hits record highs https://www.timesofisrael.com/iranian-atomic-official-says-uranium-enrichment-capacity-hits-record-highs/ Governments move closer to deal at biodiversity conference https://apnews.com/article/china-united-nations-biodiversity-climate-and-environment-eee5683a8fac71540f94e9934031bd22 Why is Peru's parliament rejecting calls for early elections? | DW News https://youtu.be/W_LFRQHsjgk Many killed after fuel tanker explodes in tunnel in Afghanistan https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/18/afghanistan-fuel-tanker-explodes-tunnel-deaths Qatar reiterates denial that its government involved in EU corruption case https://www.reuters.com/world/qatar-reiterates-denial-that-its-government-involved-eu-corruption-case-2022-12-18/ Pope Francis has already signed resignation letter in case of bad health https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/18/europe/pope-francis-bad-health-resignation-letter-intl/index.html Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 17, 2022, # 384 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/E-D4beOvtj4 Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++ MOTHER OF 4 SHOT TO DEATH KILLS 2 COPS TRYING TO KIDNAP DAUGHTER FOR PEDOPHILIA (FALSE FLAG??)-Comment: Listen to the analysis of this-I agree with it, this is put out for more than one reason, and the way they did it causes a lot of questions. My heart and prayers goes out the the traumatized daughter, and the family. https://www.bitchute.com/video/tO8KrFuWGYM8/ MEANWHILE IN PERU, PROTESTORS DRIVE PERUVIAN POLICE BACK IN SHOW OF STRENGTH & RESILIENCE. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iXZkrnuzjyv6/ VACCINATED BLOOD INFUSION KILLS BABY WITHIN DAYS FROM BLOOD CLOT – REESE REPORT https://www.bitchute.com/video/W4VWusmxfax5/ BILL GATES PLANNING CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION THAT KILLS MILLIONS OF CHILDREN, STARTS 2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/eaap6JW2EnyQ/ DENVER AIRPORT MURALS…WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY SYMBOLIZE/PREDICT? https://www.bitchute.com/video/A4Z1qNfvweuN/ GENE 1P36-Important video- please watch and share it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hf35cDnBxKf6/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/16/2022 Russia Warns Of "Unpredictable" Spiral If US Sends Patriot Missiles To Ukraine https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2022/12/russia-warns-of-unpredictable-spiral-if-us-sends-patriot-missiles-to-ukraine-2476859.html More questions than answers at Colorado River water meetings https://apnews.com/article/arizona-colorado-river-droughts-climate-and-environment-14d3dcbcf3bc9ac21643f88aefb8c079 Vote of no confidence topples Slovakia's government https://youtu.be/6LxK0-7pMn0 Russian Culture Center's Chief In Central African Republic Survives 'Assassination' Attempt https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-culture-center-central-african-republic-assassination/32180062.html Japan unveils biggest military build-up since World War II | DW News https://youtu.be/q9NPZGtvMH4 Arizona Officials Show No Sign of Caving to Feds Over Makeshift Border Wall https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2022-12-15/arizona-officials-show-no-sign-of-caving-to-feds-over-makeshift-border-wall Friend of CHP commander's ex-husband: 'We all believe that she had Mike murdered' https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/sacramento/investigation-of-chp-commander-continue/103-df5781cd-b097-4556-9bf3-6078935fe278 Bucks DA: Man killed wife in Sellersville, dismembered her body https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/southeastern-pa/bucks-da-man-killed-wife-in-sellersville-dismembered-her-body/article_361b8460-7c18-11ed-98c4-4787016d9bc6.html ALMOST HALF OF ALL CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THE END TIMES ARE HERE | WAKE UP AMERICA https://www.bitchute.com/video/dBnGVfJuTMI/ IRGC NAVY COMMANDER: AMERICA CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE THE MISSILES WE HAVE- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q8x2XOKaZ9dp/ Comment: Just one example of the many world leaders boiling for a fight-and an excuse to hit the button, along with North Korea, China, and the turmoil between Russia/Ukraine. They confirm the times we are in described in the video above this one. DR. CHARLES HOFFE COVID SHOTS CAUSING TURBO CANCERS https://www.bitchute.com/video/ThQPlUeKFy4p/ How 2022 turned into a 'year of botched executions' for the United States | World News | WION https://youtu.be/3PYSisCAwtY 3 get prison time for assisting Gov. Whitmer kidnap plotter, including SC man https://youtu.be/a1YJyGR3je8 Three men convicted of numerous charges in one of the largest poaching cases in Wyoming history https://www.ktvq.com/news/crime-watch/three-men-convicted-of-numerous-charges-in-one-of-the-largest-poaching-cases-in-wyoming-history Berlin's AquaDom fish tank bursts, aquarium spills water, tropic fish | USA TODAY https://youtu.be/itTrsd6O_58 AG: Monsanto to pay $698M for polluting Oregon's people and environment for 90 years https://katu.com/news/local/monsanto-to-pay-698-million-for-polluting-oregons-people-and-nature-for-90-years-cancer-legal-chemicals-disease-pesticide-hospital-lawsuit-millions-corporation-environmentalist-environmentalism Florida's property insurance commissioner calls it quits https://youtu.be/Zh3xUVgDPAA THE MOON LANDING-Comment: I sat in my parents living-room and watched this footage on our TV-I was just a kid....we didn't believe it then, we were right. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fDuzyRXujTFX/ ARE THEY HUMANS? HYBRIDS? BILLY GRAHAM & FAMILY EXPOSED? Comment: This is being posted because there is documents and photos shown in this that prove Billy Graham was a freemason, it is still debated by many, but it is true, and this shows proof of it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/d2RpBOfkR7dq/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Biden Denounces America to African Leaders- https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/12/biden-denounces-america-to-african-leaders-3649599.html 8 Foods You Can Cook From Scraps You Normally Throw Away https://beforeitsnews.com/self-sufficiency/2022/12/8-foods-you-can-cook-from-scraps-you-normally-throw-away-2537990.html New Steve Quayle: False & Controlled Narratives - Satan's Soldiers Are Turning the Devil's Lies into Truths Embraced by the Deluded https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2022/12/new-steve-quayle-false-controlled-narratives-satans-soldiers-are-turning-the-devils-lies-into-truths-embraced-by-the-deluded-2536577.html Comment: Believer's in Christ won't agree on every point, I don't endorse or promote the Q movement, or other ads on this video-but, listen to the military information, and the biblical connections to the national and world events now, and pray. The Anti-Christ is here now, and I also believe the two witnesses are-and will be revealed in the near future-I do not know exactly when, no one does. Also listen to the level of harassment, and shutdowns taking place on platforms like theirs, I've just gone through the same thing, none of us knows how much longer we have to do this, that's why I'm doing this for as long as I can. The filth, degradation, and debauchery in the White House and the Pentagon is a mirror of this country now, Sodom and Gomorrah- this country has become reprobate-what is evil is called good, and good is called evil. It is ripe for judgment. If you've found this site again, and listen to the broadcast above, and are a serious, praying believer-now is the time to pray for those on the front lines, who are trying to keep putting out the information like I'm posting here-and the Hagmann Report, and Steve Quayle, and other's. The situation is going get darker, and more dangerous; as these two men have alluded to in this broadcast. +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/11-17/2022 DR VERNON COLEMAN | BETRAYED BY POLITICIANS, BETRAYED BY JOURNALISTS, BETRAYED BY DOCTORS https://www.bitchute.com/video/EjmZdeGruR34/ March 09, 2021 vernoncoleman.org It was Schopenhauer who said that: ... all truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident. History has shown, time and time again, that this is absolutely true of all attempts to introduce fresh, original thinking into medical practice. The medical profession has a long history of promoting useless and dangerous treatments, of resisting change, even when it is supported by strong evidence, of protecting existing practices (however harmful they might be) and of opposing helpful ones. For centuries, doctors believed that blood-letting was a valuable method of treatment for almost all diseases. Using leeches and scarification blades to remove blood from patients was a standard treatment which was popular with the best informed health professionals (both physicians and apothecaries) well into Victorian times and was used for heart failure, headaches, fever, pneumonia, depression, broken bones and just about everything else you can think of – including anaemia. Surgeons used to sharpen their knives on the soles of their shoes and strongly resisted the evidence that this was a remarkably dangerous thing to do. For decades surgeons performed lobotomies and treated patients with ECT. At one time it was fashionable for surgeons to remove huge lengths of intestine. All these things were endorsed, promoted and protected by the medical establishment. Things are worse now than they’ve ever been. Years ago, I showed that one in six people in hospital is there because they’ve been made ill by a doctor. Moreover, I proved that iatrogenesis – doctor induced disease – is today one of the three top causes of death and serious illness. It’s up there alongside cancer and circulatory problems such as stroke and heart disease. And there is extraordinarily persuasive evidence that vaccinations kill far more people than they save." READ MORE AT: https://vernoncoleman.org/videos/betrayed-politicians-betrayed-journalists-betrayed-doctors Comment: This man's wisdom, and information in the video below is correct to the minute detail. His analysis of the elites schemes, and the information he's gathered, and his sources are phenomenal-we are living in the middle of what he's preached in this message in 2011- today in 2022. The lockdowns, the restrictions, the insane laws, systematic, intentional infiltration of chaos and riots in the cities, public lands restrictions, global tyranny, dumbing down society-people who can't complete or form a complete sentence, pornography promoted and sold everywhere including grocery stores, floods the internet, etc.....on and on it goes. The next coming years are going to be catastrophic for many, we are in the end of days. The prayers of many saints and warriors for the Lord have postponed this onslaught, and held it back, but it is moving on, and God's timetable will bring this to an end. I do not know the day nor the hour, but I see the end on the horizon. I highly recommend watching this message-to the end, it's well worth it. The Mark of the Beast- Pastor John S. Torrel https://ugetube.com/watch/the-mark-of-the-beast_YsvdlcsNfkhULpF.html The Book of Revelation tells us that the nations of the world won’t be conquered by military might but by a catastrophic global financial meltdown. The cost of being rescued will be to take the Mark of the Beast. Such a result doesn’t come about overnight and requires much planning. Pastor John shares insights from a secretive document that is more than one hundred years old and lays out detailed plans of the Antichrist’s rise to power. This diabolical text discusses creating a global financial crisis, promoting greed in stock market speculation, using the environment to tie up economic development, destroying personal initiative, ruining the industrial base, flooding the world with pornography, using antisemitism to corral Jewish people into submission to their leaders, re-writing history, deceiving the working class and controlling the media. That may sound inconceivable but history has shown that someone is indeed following this satanic inspired game plan. The roar of a world financial crisis is getting louder and we are just around the corner from the birth of the Antichrist regime and the beginning of the tribulation period. Sermon Outline: https://eaec.org/sermons/2011/RLJ-1311.pdf MIGRANTS WAITING FOR SHELTER CLASH WITH COPS AMID FALLING TEMPERATURES-Migrants clashed with riot police in Paris as the stress of waiting for shelter for people living on the streets rises while the weather gets colder. Officers attempted to disperse the demonstrators, who were seen throwing trash bins. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1YgmaLX0YLXv/ SECURITY FOOTAGE IN SAUDI ARABIA CAPTURES A SUDDEN DEATH (PHONE IN HAND) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2lIvXPOE2YfB/ EXTOLIFE OF THE CAVE-Playing God, "we can do this ourselves"-the end of days. What they've been doing underground in bases like DUMBS-is now coming to the surface, right in your face. Once they have you conditioned to accept this-it will go to chimeras. Frankenstein technology. Come, Lord Jesus. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lhBTL5MPZGpw/ BILL GATES CATASTROPHIC "CONTAGION" EVENT https://www.bitchute.com/video/YsWz3JIoDFvK/ MUST SEE AND SHARE : LUCIDITY-WARNING-Some vulgarity, and obscene images-which I do not promote, but, sometimes the truth is VERY vulgar and obscene. It's time for truth to rise to the top. https://www.bitchute.com/video/skYjVWkWGQhA/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++ FLORIDA GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS SEEKS GRAND JURY OF COVID VACCINES-COVID CRIMES (NUREMBERGTRIALS.NET) https://www.bitchute.com/video/vekNzCYqBFC5/ DR ROBERT MALONE & FDA - DETECTION OF VAXXED USING LUCIFERASE W/ BODY IMAGING (NUREMBERGTRIALS.NET) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2w0nscgHNHda/ Dr Robert Malone & FDA admits Luciferase can be detected with a body scanner, imaging device or camera ala "Mark Of The Beast" https://fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/science-research-biologics/luciferase-immunoprecipitation-system-lips-assay-rapid-simple-and-sensitive-test-detect-antibody -- (SOURCE) COVID-19 VACCINES LUCIFERASE https://www.bitchute.com/video/YPyzPEhFrJYZ/ December 9th 2022 THE COVID-19 VACCINE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST (WITH THE BIBLE VERSES TO BACK THIS UP) https://www.bitchute.com/video/EL9dAzjklrPa/ Detection of Luciferase for 40 miles line-of-sight with LUCI (originally LUCIFER: The Vatican's Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Binocular_Telescope -- Detection of mercury ion (in vaccinated people) by infrared fluorescent protein and its hydrogel-based paper assay https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21323346/ -- Preparation of injectable hydrogel with near-infrared light response and photo-controlled drug release https://bioresourcesbioprocessing.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40643-019-0289-x October 25th 2021 Viper Venom Covid Vaccine w/ cytotoxin spike protein ft Cryogenic Freezing as used in Snake Anti-Venom https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/viper-venom-covid-vaccine-to-stop-protein-synthesis-ft-cryogenics US HERALDS A NUCLEAR FUSION BREAKTHROUGH https://www.bitchute.com/video/0YgyhMVsChY/ EUTHANASIA https://www.bitchute.com/video/R7jHftVpAHg/ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++ Starving seabirds on Alaska coast show climate change peril-it's not climate change, the oceans are dying. https://apnews.com/article/science-arctic-sheffield-bering-strait-climate-and-environment-e4111a9c3ced963f63f9d33e9f366490 Colorado River water users convening amid crisis concerns https://apnews.com/article/arizona-colorado-river-droughts-climate-and-environment-056202c5d8e5212025b495355fc54a53 The US is a rogue state leading the world towards ecological collapse- "The US is a "rogue" state"-this is the NWO mentality, of dissolving the sovereignty of our nation and other's-to meld into a One World System, and controlled by powers we have no voice in, or control in the laws or lockdowns and changes they enforce-tyranny. We're seeing it unfold around the world now. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/09/us-world-climate-collapse-nations Judicial Watch: FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal Deformations-Comment: This will also stay here for a while along with the one below about Desantis seeking investigations; they go together very well, and the information in this gives good evidence that Desantis is on the right track. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/12/judicial-watch-fda-records-show-significant-number-of-mrna-test-rats-born-with-skeletal-deformations-3649388.html Desantis seeks grand jury investigation of Covid-19 vaccines: Comment: When I tried to open this, the page came up, but within 3 seconds-my computer was taken over by the AI system, and it blocked out the page completely-leaving it blank. Those in power who've been pushing these vaccines are doing everything they can, to stop anybody getting to the truth and getting it out to the public. I've opened it here, and it can be seen. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/13/desantis-seeks-grand-jury-investigation-of-covid-19-vaccines.html Republican Slams Greg Abbott for Not Stopping Border 'Invasion' https://www.newsweek.com/republican-slams-greg-abbott-not-stopping-border-invasion-1766472 ‘If she wasn’t safe, no one is.’ Family of Buckhead stabbing victim grateful for arrest-My heart and prayers goes out the family. https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/if-she-wasnt-safe-no-one-is-family-of-buckhead-stabbing-victim-grateful-for-arrest/DANJNAJYPZDDRAXAPK4DWED53U/ Biden to sign same-sex marriage bill despite concerns by some progressives- Legalized Sodomites in marriage- will it force all pastor's and ministers to perform these marriages... America is Babylon. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-sign-same-sex-marriage-bill-despite-concerns-some-progressives Biden’s Nuclear Waste Guru Out of a Job After Alleged Luggage Theft-Comment: this non-binary theif needs to be put in a mental ward of a jail. https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-bidens-non-binary-nuclear-waste-guru-sam-brinton-out-of-a-job-after-accused-of-luggage-stealing +++++++++++++++++ White House calls attacks on Fauci ‘incredibly dangerous’ after Musk tweets- https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3772339-white-house-calls-attacks-on-fauci-incredibly-dangerous-after-musk-tweets/ Comment: I'll reverse this, and call out the White House, and say they are "disgusting, and they are divorced from reality". No, worse, they are intentionally oppressing the truth of many crimes Fauci is guilty of, and covering up his backside, because they are as crooked as he is, they cover for each other. I'll re-post two documentaries that detail some of his crimes, and then tell people to go to my other website- http://twosparrowsministry.org/ to the blog page, and read and watch many articles and videos that give many details of Fauci's crimes against humanity. The direct link is- Covid-19 Vaccines-Important Information- https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/blogs/january-14th-2021 In this two-part testimony Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes Dr. Fauci and the co-conspirators in their involvement in this "plandemic for profit". Plandemic Part 1 (2020)- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.- https://www.brighteon.com/b9fc2f64-eeda-40d1-8b30-ac7b1fc43c29 Plandemic Part 2 - Follow-up Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits - 480p (No Subtitles)- A compelling testimony by Dr. Judy Mikovits exposing Dr Fauci and his Plandemic co-conspirators as brutal and heartless profiteers who are quite literally responsible for the death of millions. https://www.brighteon.com/09ed39b3-659b-4ce5-8cea-a5aa3c7912c5 Twitter disbands its Trust and Safety Council- Comment: People need to pay attention to what he's doing, I've never been on Twitter-and will stay off of it. This Twitter chaos has taken over the news-people are totally hypnotized, and brainwashed. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/twitter-disbands-trust-safety-council-rcna61400 Michelle Obama pressured Twitter to ban Trump: Twitter Files https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/michelle-obama-pressured-twitter-ban-trump-twitter-files/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=wnd-breaking&ff_campaign=breaking&ff_content=breaking MICHELLE OBAMA IS REALLY MICHAEL LAVON ROBINSON- https://www.bitchute.com/video/vHrWFfjYELsd/ Joan Rivers : Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is Transgender https://youtu.be/B9C3SAdw-AA 429- LEO HOHMANN - TRACK AND CONTROL GRID BEING ERECTED RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES! https://www.bitchute.com/video/uYKZzb91bRdF/ +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Vladimir Putin Canceling Event Sparks Rumors About His Health https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-health-rumors-cancels-event-1766422 CBP rushes border agents to El Paso amid migrant surge https://www.borderreport.com/immigration/cbp-rushes-border-agents-to-el-paso-amid-migrant-surge/ Britain braces for winter of strike action as nurses walk out https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britain-braces-winter-strike-action-nurses-walk-out-2022-12-12/ Arizona’s governor is creating a border wall with shipping containers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63946771 Another Moscow Shopping Mall Goes Up in Flames https://www.thedailybeast.com/another-moscow-shopping-mall-goes-up-in-flames Crash kills 1 man in New Hampshire; icy roads hamper first responders https://www.wcax.com/2022/12/12/crash-kills-1-man-new-hampshire-icy-roads-hamper-first-responders/ 3 bald eagles die, 10 sick after eating euthanized animals https://www.keloland.com/news/local-news/3-bald-eagles-die-10-sick-after-eating-euthanized-animals/ Kim Jong-un dogs end up at South Korean zoo after care costs row https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/12/kim-jong-un-dogs-end-up-at-south-korean-zoo-after-care-costs-row Supreme Court takes up second Biden student loan forgiveness case-Comment: This is the real issue-does he have the power to do this at all-"If the Supreme Court were to conclude the states or individuals have standing and then reach the legal question of whether Biden had the authority to forgive the loans, the administration would most likely face an uphill battle, with the court’s conservative majority skeptical of broad assertions of federal power." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-takes-second-biden-student-loan-forgiveness-case-rcna61294 Box removed from Christopher Columbus statue in South Philadelphia https://youtu.be/8HY2VGGJXtU Richmond removes its last city-owned Confederate monument https://news.yahoo.com/richmond-remove-last-public-confederate-142207176.html ++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++ One woke agenda now consuming vast expanses of American land https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/one-woke-agenda-now-consuming-vast-expanses-american-land/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking&ats_es=%5B-MD5-%5D Comment: I watched wind turbines being put up on a mountain ridge not far from me. I have a clear view of them from my deck-it ruined the countryside. Many days I see only one or two working, while the rest sit idle; the landscape is ruined and they continue to put more up, even though it's proven they do not provide the savings that's been claimed. I've read articles of the troubles they cause, the noise, frequencies, some have complained of smells, and about what to do with the turbines that don't work anymore-and who's going to pay to have them removed, and recycled-and into what? I see acres of land here in Vermont with solar panels in them, that will never be farm land again, but the proof of their saving ability-hasn't shown up. Many scientists are worried about the problems of these panels causing massive beams of heat with microwave intensity-that may be killing flocks of birds, and raising the planets overall temperatures-including the Arctic, and Antarctica; causing the loss of the glaciers and overall ice pack on both poles. No one seems to want to open up and be honest about the long term effects of these power sources; money is what moves them, and what they choose to allow to leak out, in terms of the truth. Excerpts from some comments under this article: "A study done by a respected scientific group, and they discovered if just 20% of the Sahara Desert, which is about as useless for anything but solar arrays, is covered with solar panels, it will RAISE global temperatures by nearly 2°C, and raise the temperatures at the poles by nearly 5°C. Now, isn't that what the climate alarmists claim they're trying to avoid?" "Solar only works when the sun shines. Not mentioned hardly at all is the massive area required for countless storage batteries to provide power when snow covers the solar panels, or at night. This is but another ecofascist plot to force people to do what they want. What will all those hundreds of workers do after the installation is complete and it only takes 10 people left with jobs? How about all the pollution from all those fossil fuel vehicles used in construction, loss of food crops and other jobs displaced because of land businesses lost to solar farms? What happens to dead solar panels? In the landfill to go along with the spent windmills and all those defunct EV storage batteries? What happens to the wind turbines that won't work anymore-where are they ending up...." "The entire thing is based on fraud. The left has been gnawing away at the carbon thing for decades, spewing false, fraudulent, and devious information about the essential plant nutrient carbon dioxide, and carbon in particular. Carbon IS. Carbon IS bedrock. It's an element on the periodic table. It CANNOT be 'banned', shunned, or legislated against any more than legislation can be passed to stop the sun from shining. Most people are ill-informed about carbon's role in the world, and this is where the Left is able to gain traction. " "Remove trees that breath in carbon dioxide and pump out oxygen. If I didn't know better, I'd say that trees are part of God's plan to keep our atmosphere safe. But God is someone these greenheads don't believe in, so we have to put up with all this virtue signaling that costs a fortune and propels us backwards as it relates to energy creation." "Studies have found that solar panels create about 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants over their lifetime." "These technologies can only operate if the sun shines or the wind blows, requiring large amounts of storage for back up. Additionally, their land mass requirements are immense, they have much lower capacity factors compared to traditional sources, and the cost of transition would be enormous. Today, the U.S. Uses 81 Million Acres to Power Its Economy" "Notice you don't see windmills around high income housing or on Martha's Vineyard." "Solar is toxic; from the chemicals and manufacturing of the cells and batteries, to the disposal of the toxic mess when they no longer function. Our descendants will curse us for this." Giving up great land, family business and a way of life, once its gone its gone forever." +++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 'Firmageddon': Researchers find 1.1 million acres of dead trees in Oregon-Comment: There are places I could go right here in my state of Vermont-and take pictures of mountsides, and entire groves of dead trees, it's happening here as well, but not because of drought-because of geoengineering. https://news.yahoo.com/firmageddon-researchers-1-1-million-150000577.html The Dead Sea is dying. These beautiful, ominous photos show the impact https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2022/12/11/1139524126/photos-dead-sea-water-level-dropping-sinkholes-erosion A trash heap 62 meters high shows the scale of India’s climate challenge-In India and many other 3rd world countries, the filth and squalor is mindboggling. The infestation of rats, rodents, snakes, vermin, and the diseases that develop is a never ending cycle of death. The saddest part is, it's unnecessary today-if they would be willing to learn, roll up their sleeves and clean their environment up, and be willing to change. There's places right here in this country just as bad, it's sickening to see what this world is turning into-one huge world-wide dump. It kills people, and the animals and birds as well, and we are to blame for the decimation of this planet. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/10/india/india-bhalswa-landfill-pollution-climate-intl-hnk-dst/index.html International Union for Conservation of Nature lists dugong populations in East Africa as critically endangered https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-10/dugongs-in-east-africa-listed-as-critically-endangered/101758296 Ukraine strikes Wagner HQ in Luhansk, governor says https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-war-odesa-melitopol-under-055428864.html Twenty seven bodies dumped by the roadside in Zambia https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-63935257 Cop15: what are the key targets for the biodiversity agreement? Comment: The nations of the world should have been vigilent over a hundred years ago, and not allowed the nuclear contamination, and destruction of the planet; it's too little, too late. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/10/cop15-what-are-the-key-targets-for-the-biodiversity-agreement Hiker falls to death from cliff while taking photos atop New Hampshire mountain https://www.wcvb.com/article/hiker-falls-to-death-mount-willard-new-hampshire/42208791 2 from Massachusetts among 4 college students killed in fiery Maine crash https://www.wcvb.com/article/massachusetts-natives-killed-fiery-crash-castine-maine/42207334 Mauna Loa alert downgraded as scientists believe Hawaii volcano may stop erupting soon-Comment: If I were them, I'd keep paying attention. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mauna-loa-alert-downgraded-scientists-believe-hawaii-volcano-may-stop-erupting-soon (WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURES) PERSECUTION - ARE YOU POLITICALLY OR BIBLICALLY CORRECT? https://www.bitchute.com/video/TkRwPf7a1roH/ Major farming nation forcing closure of 3,000 farms to combat 'climate change' https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/major-farming-nation-forcing-closure-3000-farms-combat-climate-change/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking&ats_es=%5B-MD5-%5D Police Are Calling Shoplifting A Nationwide Emergency: But It’s Really Legalized Theft (The Doctor Of Common Sense) https://ugetube.com/watch/police-are-calling-shoplifting-a-nationwide-emergency-but-it-s-really-legalized-theft-the-doctor-of_iyMVmxgGacjBnXd.html +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. THE HUMAN MEAT PROJECT - YOU ARE WHO YOU EAT. BE SURE TO GET YOUR 'HUMAN MEAT' DONOR CARD-Comment: Soylent Green. These are among those Paul describes in Romans ch. 1-having a reprobate mind, totally given over to evil, and depravity. The world is fast becoming full of such as this. If this continues to develop-which I think it will, it's going to change this society in ways we've not seen since the dark ages-but now it will be worse; the technologies and weapons people have today, will bring on conflicts for survival that will take on a whole new perspective. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. https://www.bitchute.com/video/sRLu0VQiZTVl/ 12/10/2022 Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2022, # 383 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/FaP5GGRvCaE US military atomic cleanup crews were sent out in the wake of American nuclear testing, and many paid a heavy price, veterans say-Comment: This planet has been decimated by the countless nuclear bombs blown up around the world, including here in this country-and the nuclear waste from the power plants that are polluting everything-Fukushima is a prime example. It is not contained to this day, is still spewing poison waste into the ocean and poisoning everything-and they do not know how to stop it. If the war between Russia and Ukraine goes nuclear-this planet and everything on it, will be subject to untold suffering. https://www.businessinsider.com/us-military-atomic-cleanup-crews-heavy-price-nuclear-testing-2022-12 Putin Says Russia Could Adopt U.S. Preemptive Strike Concept https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-russia-us-preemptive-strike-concept/32170720.html Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 290 of the invasion https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/10/russia-ukraine-war-at-a-glance-what-we-know-on-day-290-of-the-invasion Russia: Huge explosion as Moscow shopping centre goes up in flames https://youtu.be/TnS5-0ZCw3E The Air Force wants to send its Reaper drones to Ukraine. The Pentagon’s not so sure. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/09/air-force-reaper-drones-ukraine-00073344 UK’s Big Bang barely mitigates City’s Brexit pain https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/uks-big-bang-barely-mitigates-citys-brexit-pain-2022-12-09/ Portugal euthanasia: Parliament backs assisted suicide bill https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-63907807 Kansas residents hold their nose as crews mop up massive U.S. oil spill https://news.yahoo.com/residents-hold-nose-crews-mop-150902727.html Search warrants issued, FBI applies to retrieve cell phone records in search of power grid attack suspects https://www.wral.com/gov-cooper-announces-75-000-reward-for-information-leading-to-arrest-of-those-who-attacked-power-grid/20612201/ Five electricity substations in Oregon and Washington are attacked just days after two in North Carolina were shot up causing widespread power outages https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11515081/Authorities-confirm-five-attacks-electricity-substations-Washington-Oregon-month.html Alex Murdaugh murdered wife, son as distraction to avoid discovery of financial fraud https://youtu.be/9QEj6gKVwUE +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Why There Won’t Be "Nuremberg Trials" For The Perpetrators Of The COVID Genocide (Video)-Comment: I've no pleasure in saying this, but I agree. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/12/why-there-wont-be-nuremberg-trials-for-the-perpetrators-of-the-covid-genocide-video-3785211.html M6.1 earthquake shakes Turkey – At least 50 people injured – Power disruption – People jumping from balconies.mp4 https://ugetube.com/watch/m6-1-earthquake-shakes-turkey-at-least-50-people-injured-power-disruption-people-jumping-from-balcon_xufn52RrZRGaHsN.html Vandals smash ancient church's nativity, decapitate Joseph figure in 'barbaric' attack https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/vandals-smash-ancient-churchs-nativity-decapitate-joseph-figure-barbaric-attack/ MAN DEATH ZAPPED IN TRAIN STATION- Comment: This man was attacked by some kind of DEW-directed energy weapon, I've seen several other people killed like this-horrific. This is the world we live in now. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yafwwPRF7g2z/ Mysterious plasma starts glowing from fingertips during lightning storms in Saudi Arabia.-Comment: they should have been asked if they were vaxxed, I'm sure they were. Go to the resource page of this site and read about Luciferas-and what it does to the body. https://ugetube.com/watch/videos-mysterious-plasma-starts-glowing-from-fingertips-during-lightning-storms-in-saudi-arabia-mp4_Yz8gcfpfehNtjdl.html Massive Explosion and Fire In Moscow https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/12/massive-explosion-and-fire-in-moscow-video-3785215.html RESIST THE SCAMDEMIC, SAYS DR. PETRELLA - Banned From YouTube- Please listen to this doctor from Italy explain to you what this is really about.- From 2021, but needs to be reposted. https://www.brighteon.com/e96e2027-d40f-47c9-b814-6a3e13f15e6e Comment: There is no endorsement of any products, or individuals in posting the videos here-it's only for the relevant news it contains. They are Showing You Who THEY ARE: Person of the Year Volodymyr Zelensky https://ugetube.com/watch/they-are-showing-you-who-they-are-person-of-the-year-volodymyr-zelensky_u9lCQo8UgbavbSQ.html What Will You Do When They Come For You https://ugetube.com/watch/what-will-you-do-when-they-come-for-you_6EmcoOxDJ2GzVaW.html In this two-part testimony Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes Dr. Fauci and the co-conspirators in their involvement in this "plandemic for profit". Plandemic Part 1 (2020)- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.- https://www.brighteon.com/b9fc2f64-eeda-40d1-8b30-ac7b1fc43c29 Plandemic Part 2 - Follow-up Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits - 480p (No Subtitles)- A compelling testimony by Dr. Judy Mikovits exposing Dr Fauci and his Plandemic co-conspirators as brutal and heartless profiteers who are quite literally responsible for the death of millions. https://www.brighteon.com/09ed39b3-659b-4ce5-8cea-a5aa3c7912c5 +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/7/2022 NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'-Comment: What he said in this video nine years ago, is just what this country has done-it has not had the will or courage to stop the onslaught of invasion by surveillance, and totalitarian power by the government-and we are living in tyranny. “The greatest fear I have about the outcome of these disclosures is that nothing will change” https://youtu.be/0hLjuVyIIrs HE SAID WHILE YOU'RE ON YOUR DEVICE WATCHING ME WE'RE WATCHING YOU AND WE KNOW IF I MAKE YOU ANGRY- https://www.bitchute.com/video/t6Ih5ZLAtpcK/ YUVAL NOAH HARARI | "COVID LEGITIMIZES THE DEPLOYMENT OF MASS SURVEILLANCE" https://www.bitchute.com/video/I9EttHqcQMPc/ Comment: the videos above describes the world today-people obsessed with knowing everything they can about what you do, where you are, and use it to torment, and destroy you if they can. To many, it's a game they enjoy playing. This is what they use their GPS's, and tracking devices for. It is a world full of deceitful, lying, psychopath's. It can be the neighbor from hell next to you, to the majority of the people in town. I know it goes on all around me-and see it every time I travel. I know my house and phone are bugged. It infuriates me. I've never consented to being under the microscope of evil barbaric people who I've never met-to probe and inspect everything I do and say. I am among the ranks of people like Solzhenitsyn-who valued human dignity, and privacy; a vanishing breed of people. This evil man is wrong-I've never consented to becoming a targeted animal, will never consent-and will speak up, and resist this every chance I get. I'm targeted and tracked all the time-and don't have any problems calling these crazy people out when I see it happening, if I am able to. I may turn around-and get in your face, if I know I'm being stalked, and confront you. If I don't know you, haven't done anything to you, and realize your tracking me- don't be surprised if I face you, and ask what you want. I've done it before. Jesus confronted his enemies many times-and looked them in the face and asked them what they wanted, and what had he done to them-he confronted men's evil hearts, I will do the same, if I need to. I also won't have any problem telling you-if you don't stop your evil actions, and repent-you'll find yourself in hell when you die. The bible says it's so-and you can count on it. Demand for "Pure Blood" skyrockets Globally-Have you consider what will happen the next time you have surgery? https://youtu.be/b2Iz5o_bihE CRAZY THIRD WORLD COUNTRY STUFF: PRIVATE ARMED GUARDS WITH AR-15'S PATROL PHILADELPHIA GAS STATIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/3NX62bQLYn3V/ DEATH RATES RISING AND THEY CAN'T COVER UP THE BODY COUNT https://www.bitchute.com/video/IySDvfSRXdcI/ DR. ANDREAS NOACK EXPOSES NANOSCALE GRAPHENE RAZOR BLADES IN GENE THERAPY KILL-SHOTS https://www.bitchute.com/video/vgl5ltjsn63U/ Here are some quotes by Dr. Andreas Noack from the video above: “People bleed to death on the inside.” “As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer.” “It’s a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet.” “Why are these razor blades in the vaccine?” “Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA which has complex effects. The theory of mRNA is complex. But every chemist understands what this (the graphene hydroxide) does. You see the mRNA story is possibly a diversion.” “I cannot imagine anyone will be able to give me as a carbon specialist a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine.” “This is war. They distract us with the messenger RNA.” “Any doctor in Austria, who, after this information is now public, continues to inject this, is a murderer.” “But if you hit a vein, and the batches contain different amounts of GHO [graphene hydroxide], then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside. And it is a highly intelligent poison.” “Toxicologists just don’t expect any nanoscale razors.” “As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades.” “This material has zero biological degradability. It stays in the body forever. Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks. All the strokes. As a doctor, you have to ask, where is this coming from? If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear. The heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up.” “They are first to impose a vaccine mandate. They are killing the whole Austrian nation.” The quotes from this doctor debunks those who are claiming on the internet-that people who've gotten these shots can be detoxified, and get back to normal. According to this doctor-once you've taken it, it's too late, your never going to get it out. He paid for giving this information, with his life. I believe him. +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. 12/6/2022 How to destroy a country- The comments below are a chilling expose' of what we are living in now, we have been warned, many times, by many people of courage, and integrity-like this man in this video-we didn't listen. "On July 31, 2015, in his speech to a meeting of Swinton Circle in London, England, Liberty GB leader Paul Weston exposes the left's relentless assault on British culture, identity and tradition. This is applicable to all western nations where there’s an assault by the left against existing western culture in the United States, Canada, etc. with the real intent of eliminating Christians. Western nations used to have Christian values but with the relentless attack by satan’s minions against European and western culture, Christians are primary targets as Revelation 20:4 is about to come to pass. As Christians, we need to stand strong in the faith in Jesus Christ and regardless of our circumstances, we need to remain faithful and obedient to Christ in all things." https://ugetube.com/watch/how-to-destroy-a-country_Wtx2q13RSCSvH7N.html Anthony Fauci deposition released: Replied 'I don't recall' 174 times! https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/fauci-deposition-released-replied-dont-recall-174-times/ 'Satan is real': Dolly Parton passionately rebukes devil on prime-time TV-Comment: Yes, Dolly-Satan is real. I've got a short comment to say about this article-actually a few questions. Has Dolly truly repented, and asked the Lord to forgive her for pushing the poison shots-that have killed over a million people so far (this is a very low number, it's actually a lot higher), and the multitudes that will be suffering and dying for years to come? Have you ever really repented for the sexually explicit and promiscuous image you've promoted just about all of your life, and the people you've influenced over the years? Your the only one who can answer this, but I can tell you assuredly from the Word of God-you have no authority to rebuke the devil, unless your heart and soul has been washed with the blood of Christ-and you've truly repented of your sins, otherwise the devil just laughs at you. And, if your doing this with sin still in your life-you are opening the door for a lot of demonic attack in your life, because all the honors, money and fame you've gotten from the devil by doing his work over the years, won't gain you anything. If you think you can rebuke him now, while your living the hypocrite, you will find your very mistaken. Go to the word of God yourself, and check this out. https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/satan-real-dolly-parton-passionately-rebukes-devil-prime-time-tv/ DOLLY FREAK SHOW PART-ONE- DRAG QUEEN OF COUNTRY-AND GET YOUR VACCINE https://www.bitchute.com/video/uDJamqyOQ0j3/ Climate Lockdown Begins in UK- https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/12/climate-lockdown-begins-in-uk-3648586.html All-time Low For Great Salt Lake-The water level in the Great Salt Lake in Northern Utah has declined to its lowest level since they started tracking water levels over 175 years ago. Recently the elevation dropped so low that the equipment we rely on to track water levels no longer works properly. https://youtu.be/YFY3mI92qWc Canadian veteran offered assisted suicide after asking for wheelchair help https://beforeitsnews.com/religion/2022/12/canadian-veteran-offered-assisted-suicide-after-asking-for-wheelchair-help-2567039.html Today, We’re Living In Orwell’s 1984 https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/12/today-were-living-in-orwells-1984-3648705.html Emergency Lockdowns & Travel Restricted! EU President Warns Of Imminent Attack - Patrick Humphrey https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2022/12/emergency-lockdowns-travel-restricted-eu-president-warns-of-imminent-attack-patrick-humphrey-2476767.html +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not agree with all personal comments or views of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Hell's Christmas This commentary is going to be short-and to the point. I'm not going to mince words in what my intentions are-and it will be merciless to those it's intended for. The time has come to be blunt, and precise in any discourse with the devil, and those who run with him. The devil only listens to one thing-the word of God. He cares nothing about you, or how innocent you may be in your desires to "just get along", "just have fun", "enjoy the party", "Bring on the Christmas Joy". None of this matters to him in the least. All he cares about is twisting, corrupting, and lying. His desire is to destroy every shred of truth, distort it, and use it to drive people to do what is everywhere today. Pushing debauchery, immorality, merchandizing and promoting every perversion-bringing it up from the pit of hell, and parading it in front of you-and especially your kids is his main target, because that's what these perverts and demon possessed people really want-your kids. His ultimate goal is the total destruction of God's creation, as He originally made it, and take it over, and re-make you into a hideous creature owned and possessed by him and his demons. What we are seeing on TV, on the internet, and in movies is the product of demon possessed barbarians, atheists, and satanist's. The devil doesn't care if you drink yourself to death at a Christmas business party, or get in the car drunk and die in a wreck. He doesn't care if you buy your cancer sticks and smoke them till you give yourself lung cancer-and go broke paying doctor bills, and suffer until the cancer kills you. He doesn't care if you get a sexually transmitted disease from having sex with multiple partners-and die of syphilis, Aides, or something else, and he doesn't care how many you may infect if your already diseased-keep right on partying-till your dead. His thinking is-the more you destroy yourselves, the better. He knows how to get ignorant, blind, emptyheaded people to do most of his work for him. Oh- and don't leave the kids out.... Christmas and the other holidays have been a major source of deception and twisting of the truth by Satan and his demons. Jesus was not born in December-but in the fall, many scholars believe in September; I believe this also. But the saddest part of the deceptions of this, and all other holidays, is the success he has in keeping people blind, and driven after the desires of the eyes, and lusts of every kind. For me, even as a kid, I couldn't understand why so many went into great debt, buying stuff for people who many times didn't even want the gift they were given. I saw at an early age, the emptiness and futility of the endless buying, and giving- that it was for show. The links to video's below give a good example of what Christmas has turned into. For several centuries, believing Christians celebrated Christmas and centered it around their faith in Christ, and His birth. Even though legends and fairy tales of Santa infiltrated-Jesus was honored and I do believe in His mercy, He pities us, and forgives, because of our ignorance. There is still some who honor Him during this holiday, but they are not the majority any longer, but a remnant. The more you walk with the Lord, study His word, and learn the truth, the more it reveals the deceptions, and lies we've been told, and how much we live in error. Satan hates the beauty, inspiration, intelligence, and glory that God originally put in the first two people-Adam and Eve, and has been working tirelessly since the day they fell in the garden-to de-value them, pervert them, contaminate them, and destroy us. It's a battle that's coming to a head now, and escalating to the point that he is actually hastening the day of the Lords' return. To this I say-even so, come Lord Jesus. Watching the videos below will educate, perhaps make you angry, perhaps get you to face the truth-and see this for what it is-demonic blasphemies, that have grown to horrific proportions.
The Good News Jesus-The Son There are many today who discount the virgin birth of Christ, and have called it a fallacy. However if you do a thorough study of the prophetic statements proclaiming Christs birth and his life in scripture, you see the events unfolded as they were proclaimed. In the book of Isaiah, 700 years before the birth of Christ (760 to 713 b.c.), he proclaims the birth, life and death of Jesus, in minute detail. Later in the book of Matthew the details of Isaiah's prophecies are substantiated in the events of Mary's virgin conception, and the recorded life of Christ as he fulfilled each prophetic word concerning him. The commentaries below hold excellent information, and research material to learn the events, and genealogy of Christ. Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. THE SIGN OF IMMANUEL
Snapshots of Faith: Jesus-The Son https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/blogs/snapshots-of-faith-jesus-the-son Snapshots of Faith: Jesus Christ; His Mission https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/blogs/snapshots-of-faith-jesus-christ-his-mission They Do Not Know What They Do https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/blogs/they-do-not-know-what-they-do 12/3/2022
Admiral Byrd And The Invasion Of The Nazi Base At Antarctica https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2022/12/admiral-byrd-and-the-invasion-of-the-nazi-base-at-antarctica-2559702.html Police: Vandalism suspected in North Carolina power outage https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/12/police-vandalism-suspected-in-north-carolina-power-outage-3648484.html Moore County Press Conference on Electrical Substations Attack - LIVE Coverage & News Updates https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/12/moore-county-press-conference-on-electrical-substations-attack-live-coverage-news-updates-3784906.html Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 3, 2022, # 382 (Dane Wigington) https://youtu.be/IlfSWZSwAQY DIED SUDDENLY - THE FULL MOVIE - STEW PETERS DOCUMENTARY https://www.bitchute.com/video/G3ckfFal8BBp/ CDC REPORT: At Least 1.1 Million Americans Have “Died Suddenly” After COVID Vax Release https://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2022/12/cdc-report-at-least-1-1-million-americans-have-died-suddenly-after-covid-vax-release-2785883.html THE REAL PROBLEMS WILL SOON CREATE REAL PAIN https://www.bitchute.com/video/e8YYtnFFaqKt/ Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination https://www.bitchute.com/video/KaOhhpbbjRWk/ Dr Tenpenny: 8 ways to die from the mRNA vax https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/12/dr-tenpenny-8-ways-to-die-from-the-mrna-vax-3784864.html PERU EXPLODES IN PROTEST OVER TRUCKER AND FARMER REGULATIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/T0O9vnhxp0hz/ KANYE WEST, ALEX JONES, & ELON MUSK EXPOSED! DON'T FOLLOW THESE PUPPETS! GEMATRIA https://www.bitchute.com/video/cnmlq2RULpGu/ More deliberate destruction: food shortages-Comment: I recently purchased two small snack packages of Planter's Peanuts to take on my business trip-I decided to take a look at the ingredients, even though they were supposed to be just peanuts. It was eye-opening; it had a wide variety of ingredients that had nothing to do with peanuts, and at the end it said "This package contains peanuts, and MAY contain "tree nuts"?.....what kind of tree nuts? They didn't tell you. https://beforeitsnews.com/tea-party/2022/12/more-deliberate-destruction-food-shortages-2731500.html B-21 Raider Revealed- https://ugetube.com/watch/b-21-raider-revealed_fciWrIrnhRFpglo.html UNDERGROUND SECRET BASES - PHIL SCHNEIDER (Full)- repost-important video https://ugetube.com/watch/underground-secret-bases-phil-schneider-full_hwrkfoZ7aBzcP1q.html Disney Kids: We Love You Satan https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/11/disney-kids-we-love-you-satan-3647948.html +++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not agree with all personal comments or views of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Comments are closed.
This page contains news articles videos and commentaries on various subjects dealing with relevant and prophetic world events When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Eze 33:8-9 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The NightWatchman
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3-4 Gander Story Poems
https://www.ganderpoems.org/ Significant Posts
The Final Sacrifice-
https://www.thenightwatchman.org/devotions/the-final-sacrifice The Song of The Redeemed-The Song of Moses https://www.thenightwatchman.org/blog/the-song-of-the-redeemed-the-song-of-moses Noahide laws 3/17/19 - https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/home/the-coming-noahide-laws-what-you-need-to-know Archives
January 2025