8/23-28/21 IDF attacks in Gaza following riots, incendiary balloons https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/night-harassment-units-gathering-on-gaza-border-report-677983 Pentagon official holds first talks with Chinese military under Biden: report https://thehill.com/policy/international/china/569820-pentagon-official-holds-first-talks-with-chinese-military-under Report: Taliban Hunting Down Afghans Using U.S. Biometric Data https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2021/08/27/report-taliban-hunting-down-afghans-using-u-s-biometric-data/ Senator Rand Paul: It's Time for Us to Resist - Choose Freedom! (The HighWire Enhanced Version) https://www.brighteon.com/a2d7460e-0bc8-4b36-b94f-02041eba42af The COVID-19 Vaccine KILLED MY MOM in 24 Hours https://www.brighteon.com/89da0632-56fe-4fde-844a-d62ec723b5fd NEW DEATH CAMPS WITH INCINERATORS TO EXTERMINATE YOU https://brandnewtube.com/watch/new-death-camps-with-incinerators-to-exterminate-you_snkcXqcAhaG6fts.html ‘Man Of Sin’ Emmanuel Macron Takes Control, Flies To Iraq To Steer Middle East Summit Negotiating With The Taliban About Afghan Evacuations-Comment: I'm not convinced Macron is the Anti-Christ, but he is a man of sin, that is sure. I see nothing good coming from this. https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/man-of-sin-emmanuel-macron-takes-control-middle-east-summit-baghdad-iraq-talks-with-taliban-afghan-evacuations/ "The Taliban regime is coming to an end." - Bush, 2001- Comment: I and my husband stood in our livingroom and watched him say this in this speech. Now 20 years later, I watched as Biden-the puppet man put into office by a stolen election-hands over our military machinery to the Taliban-increasing their power exponentially, and abandons Afghanistan and our people. He and this corrupt government is responsible for the murder, rape and carnage, the murder of our men, and a catastrophe we could never have imagined. It makes me sick to my stomach. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/quot-the-taliban-regime-is-coming-to-a-end-quot-bush-2001_3aQESHXmQW5XBc3.html Comment: God has required me to post an event that happened shortly after Bush announced he was deploying the military to Afghanistan. After watching him give the speech in the above video, that same night I asked the Lord how to pray for this, and what was His mind on it. I received this: "It will not end on a short term, it will be a quagmire of quicksand. Once they are there, it will go on for many years. It will not end well. Pray for My people, that their eyes would be opened, and see what lies behind the Twin Towers being destroyed." The very next day after this was given to me, I was to go to a Christian meeting with my daughter and a friend. On the way through Morrisville Vt. my daughter asked me if I'd been praying about Bush's decision and if I'd gotten any answer. I told them both as we drove through town what God had spoken to me, and they said it witnessed to their spirits. We didn't speak of it again. But, as the years have gone on, I've watched as the truth had been revealed by many other's, as well as me, that the Twin Towers assault was an inside job. This crooked government, along with other's help and influences, did it to our own people. What has gone on in Afghanistan over the years, and what's happening now, is more confirmation that I heard correctly. When God shows his prophetic interceding servants events such as this, and what will happen down through the years, they carry responsibility to not speak, only pray, unless told otherwise. And carry the burden of the sorrow, grief, and a part of the heartache in God's Being (we could not stand to bear all He carries, it would kill us)-as he watches the brutality, and murdering spirits of the heathen-who rage throughout the world for power, and control. The devastation is the result of people who are their own god, hate the God of heaven, and refuse to turn to Him. I am very reluctant to share these inter-actions between God and I. I'm very tired of the mocking unbelief of the heathen. But, someone needs to see this apparently-for His own purposes. I'm the servant, and will obey. UN FEMA Camps, Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles, Guillotines, And the NWO https://www.brighteon.com/c8d50765-f218-43a1-867b-0d84d4310518 Australia- The prison citizen's new rules rolled out as of September https://www.brighteon.com/afbbf7a9-0393-4925-bc7a-3866f9751c16 End Times News - WhiteHouse admits PLANDEMIC / Unvaccinated will not be able to use BANKS https://brandnewtube.com/watch/end-times-news-whitehouse-admits-plandemic-unvaccinated-will-not-be-able-to-use-banks_AYqjIsjXZpLtQjw.html Funeral Director, I'm looking after the terrible mistake, most deaths are vaccinated https://www.brighteon.com/068a937d-0e3c-4403-aabb-2b39902c9edf VICE PRESIDENT WARNING - SAUDI ARABIA AND RUSSIA - MORE EMPTY SHELVES THIS WINTER https://www.brighteon.com/de39cf22-7f6b-4781-9687-45c7a1e59ca8 Some words of comfort and encouragement to the remnant Body of Christ-no matter what happens, we are secure in The Lord's hands. No fear. Pro 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Righteousness exalteth a nation,.... Administered by the government, and exercised by subjects towards one another; doing justice between man and man: this exalts a nation, as it did the people of Israel, while practised among them; this sets a people above their neighbours, and high in the esteem of God and men; and is attended with privileges and blessings, which make a nation great and honourable. Some understand this of aims deeds, or beneficence to the poor; which, both in the Hebrew and Greek languages, is called righteousness; See Gill on Mat_6:1. It may be put for the whole of true religion, which is an honour to a nation, where it obtains; and is what makes the holy nation, and peculiar people, so truly illustrious; and particularly the righteousness of Christ makes such who are interested in it really great and noble, and promotes and exalts them to heaven and happiness; but sin is a reproach to any people; where vice reigns, iniquity abounds, profaneness, impiety, and immorality of all sorts prevail, a people become mean and despicable; they fall into poverty and contempt; are neither able to defend themselves, nor help their neighbours, and so are despised by them. The word rendered "reproach" most commonly signifies "mercy" or goodness; and some render it, "and the mercy of a people is a sin offering" (p); or as one: or it is so "to the nations"; it is as good as a sacrifice for sin, of which the word is sometimes used, or better, more acceptable to God, "who will have mercy, and not sacrifice", Mat_9:13; even beneficence and kindness to the poor, the same with righteousness, as before. I think it may be as well rendered, "the piety" or religion "of the nations is sin" (q); it being idolatry, as Aben Ezra observes: such is the religion of the antichristian nations, who worship idols of gold and silver; and though they may afflict themselves, as Gersom remarks of the idolatrous nations, with fasting and penance, with whippings and scourgings; yet it is nothing else but sin, will worship, and superstition. John Gill comm. CALL HIM JOE DIVIDEN: With His Head Bowed In Defeat, The American President’s Policies Are Now Creating The World’s Largest Terror State https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/joe-dividen-ordered-afghanistan-retreat-creating-worlds-largest-islamic-terror-state/ The Evil Fraud Behind the Covid Hoax- Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-evil-fraud-behind-the-covid-hoax_EAhHk8MW5yh29Ax.html US Ex-Soldier - '' Do Not Obey Illegal Orders '' https://brandnewtube.com/watch/us-ex-soldier-039-039-do-not-obey-illegal-orders-039-039_V28PSI1YvTFLv9H.html Los Angeles Fire Department Capt Is Ready To Go To WAR With City and Union Over Vaxx Mandates- There's broken clips in this, but keep watching, it's worth it. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/los-angeles-fire-department-capt-is-ready-to-go-to-war-with-city-and-union-over-vaxx-mandates_IPFRIba6jIycoGo.html 'A SHORT ILLNESS' / Hugo Talks #lockdown https://brandnewtube.com/watch/039-a-short-illness-039-hugo-talks-lockdown_PPDAiydEcEO4Ff5.html BREAKING NEWS FOOD SUPPLY LACED WITH GRAPHENE OXIDE https://www.brighteon.com/9179f3c9-8519-41e1-bf78-0d5e8a5ce699 War Crimes Against The People Helping With Genocide and Reset- Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/war-crimes-against-the-people-helping-with-genocide-and-reset-vernon-coleman_WYzv77edHxwTFiR.html Indian military vaccinated its troops and many of them dropped dead https://brandnewtube.com/watch/indian-military-vaccinated-its-troops-and-many-of-them-dropped-dead-apparently_ae2OG7nRKbgHw7G.html Dr Mike Yeadon Speaks About PCR Testing https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-mike-yeadon-speaks-about-pcr-testing_VcO4AlZgKJ37SS4.html California Drought, How To Party On The Titanic https://youtu.be/hnKJNvl2yI4 8/23-28/21 POLICEMAN Writes OPEN LETTER Let's Stand AGAINST TYRANNY - Open letter from a police officer in Ireland- important video https://brandnewtube.com/watch/policeman-writes-open-letter-let-039-s-stand-against-tyranny-hugo-talks-lockdown2_j39AjzcBnlBxocr.html Man speaks facts about Vaccines to Board of Health in Canada.- excellent presentaton about the poison vaccines https://brandnewtube.com/watch/man-speaks-facts-about-vaccines-to-board-of-health-in-canada_xVeEwvnnjBLCz4p.html The Pentagon On Wednesday Ordered All 1.3 Million US Troops And 800,000 Reservists To Receive The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccinations Immediately- Comment: This will totally cripple our military, and Biden and this corrupt government knows it. I'll be watching to see if those in the military who know what this means-will finally say "enough", and refuse to comply with this order. This could mean civil war. https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pentagon-wednesday-ordered-all-1-3-million-us-troops-800000-reservists-to-receive-pfizer-covid-19-vaccination-immediately/ Officials ‘furious and disgusted’ over Allies Left Behind as Biden Bows to Terrorists https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/25/nbc-afghans-american-passports-u-s/ Reiner Fuellmich Talks To Dr Michael Yeadon 20th August 2021 https://brandnewtube.com/watch/reiner-fuellmich-talks-to-dr-michael-yeadon-20th-august-2021_UZ5EcigB9UA5P4T.html VACCINE TERRORISM WORLD HELD HOSTAGE AS EXTERMINATION CONTINUES https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vaccine-terrorism-world-held-hostage-as-extermination-continues_1LTwXwFeQYUmjj3.html Transhumanism RFID Nano New Breed Of Humans! YOU READY? Comment: This is being posted for one reason-to expose the satanic agenda of Transhumanism. These evil, proud, arrogant elites have the idea they are their own god, and can achieve immortality-through transferring themselves into the "Cloud", and downloading everything they want/need to know, and never taste mortal death. That's what their working to do-outwit God. The inter-action with the guy talking to the two robots was chilling. Pay attention to what the male robot said-and the females answer, it was a deadly answer; but the guy was clueless to what they were really talking about-and admitted it. These people's arrogance is going to be their downfall. Ultimately they are in for a sad reality when their bodies go back to the dust they came from, and their souls drop into hell. God Almighty makes it very clear: Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/transhumanism-rfid-nano-new-breed-of-humans-you-ready_ol667M5sexgJqVC.htm Joe Biden Walks Away from Questions About the Thousands of Americans Still Stranded in Afghanistan https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/23/joe-biden-walks-away-questions-thousands-americans-still-stranded-afghanistan/ FDA Fully Approves Pfizer’s Coronavirus Vaccine- Comment: Now it begins, prepare the best you can. Please, don't take these shots. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/23/fda-fully-approves-pfizers-coronavirus-vaccine/ 8/23-28/21- https://www.fda. [dot gov] /media/150386/download Top of page 12: This product has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an EUA to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 12 years of age and older; and • The emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner. OPEN COMMENT TO BRIGHTEON AND MIKE ADAMS- I've known for some time now that my comments are not being posted under any videos on your platform, and I'm being censored. I won't ask why-I'll just give you my take on why you won't allow any of my comments. First however, I'm going to point out that any time I've tried to post a comment, there's never been any profanity, threats, or pornography, which I've seen in other comments THAT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED by a lot of other people. It's clear to me that the so-called "truth" channels censor and shut down people just as much as mainstream media does- there's really no difference between you. So, why do I believe your censoring me-I've been outspoken and made stands that you don't like. I won't stay on the Trump train, I won't put my nose up people's rear-ends to get you to publicly promote me. I'll call what I believe I'm seeing, and don't care whether anybody likes it, or believes it. I've been proven right many times, but none of you will acknowledge it, unless you can tweek it and make it look like it was your idea all along. You've done this to others just as much as you've done it to me. I'm not sellable. You have learned the art of cut and paste, and exploitation. So my answer to this is to post the comment you refused to post, right here, as a matter of fact-I've added more to it, that needs to be seen in public. A lot of lurkers will see it, and read it. That's all I need to do, the truth will rise to the top-and this time, If anybody uses what's here, some will see that they got it from here first. I'm learning to counter this toxic, phony atmosphere also, and how to get around the corruption. DJT Takeover of America 08/23/2021- www.brighteon.com/c8efc962-e41a-4dcc-a011-bc70868d86de Brighteon comment they refused to post: To Prophecy Club "You and your followers are the worst kind of "prophets". You are mesmerized by DJT, Donald John Trump-who is the snake. You are a respecter of persons, and the bottom line with you is Kaching....Kaching.....$$$, and getting the recognition you seek. DJT, Donald John Trump-is not a savior, he is continuing to fulfill the job given to him. He is a puppet, and a Pied Piper-and you, and those with you have succumbed to his sorcery. There will be no mass repentance in this nation. The remnant Body of Christ will see persecution here-that they have not known, and many won't stand, many will fall by the wayside, and lose their faith, many will also die from believing the lies from stupid pastors and media religious leaders like Franklin Graham, and Robert Jeffress, and others; and take the jab. I have to wonder-why do you not speak out about this holocaust-and warn people to not take it, and why have I not heard you-nor any other "prophet's" call out these leaders about their promoting this poison jab, and expose them? Are you a coward, ignorant on this issue, or both? Nobody can stop what is coming-and you would do well to get a backbone-and do some research on these poison Covid jabs, and start warning people to summon the courage to not take them, and find ways to get around the restrictions, lockdowns and not cave in to getting them to comply with the government forcing vaccine passports to shop, work, and travel. If you don't your selling your soul to the devil, just as much as those pushing these poison jabs. Make up your mind where you stand, soon, you won't have a choice." The NightWatchman HOSPITALS AND "CARE CENTERS ARE MURDER FOR HIRE-DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO KEEP OUT OF HOSPITALS AND "CARE" CENTERS MEDICAL PRACTITIONER ABRIEN AGUIRRE EXPLAINS HOSPITALS PAID TO MURDER PATIENTS FOR "COVID MONEY" https://www.brighteon.com/e084d25b-1760-47c8-a9f2-a4186107072a THE DEPOPULATION AGENDA IS ACCELERATING. THE PROOF IS ALL AROUND US. SOME CAN SEE SOME CAN’T. https://www.brighteon.com/cbb7b96e-bfd9-4f0a-9c4d-b68327a6924d PFIZER insider claims deaths near 200,000 within a week of getting VAXX - Dr. TENPENNY https://www.brighteon.com/17872946-849a-423f-84e5-d9d9976e6d53 Dead straight after Covid Vaccine - ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST-Comment: And people stroll by-just looking on. https://brandnewtube.com/videos/latest?page_id=4 Catherine Austin Fitts Former Federal Housing Commissioner, Unravels The Real Covid Agenda, Crypto's Misleading Tool Of CB's, And Leave The Banks Advice With Del Bigtree Comment: You will get your eyes opened, and understand why these vaccine passports are really being put in place, and it has nothing to do with health care. There's also some good suggestions on what can be done to resist this tyranny. https://www.brighteon.com/c1d4e5fc-7b5d-4da6-9c7e-d8cc645486b3 This is how you get your freedom back, give them some of their own medicine https://brandnewtube.com/watch/this-is-how-you-get-your-freedom-back-give-them-some-of-their-own-medicine_j4dYeFsUGvgWxCD.html 9 year old girl MALICIOUSLY BURNS a supermarket to the GROUND-She did it deliberately and is still at large because the Nigerian police can't find her or her accomplices anywhere. Will take years for the insurance to pay up if at all, as Nigeria is so corrupt. Comment: the same thing goes on here in the U.S. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/9-year-old-girl-maliciously-burns-a-supermarket-to-the-ground_dDgCC6a5RLMPaXr.html Donald Trump Gets BOOED in Alabama After Encouraging His Supporters to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 (2021-8-22)- Comment: The Snake-continuing to promote the "bite". https://www.brighteon.com/5d3fbd2b-bfe0-446b-819e-a9d11ac0dd8a Trump reads "The Snake" poem at a rally- https://youtu.be/qSrOXvoNLwg 8/16-21/21 Taliban Fighters Wear Stolen US Military Gear, Mock American WWII Photo http://newsletters.worldisraelnews.com/c/154248?id=749857356.151544.1.46fdcde5f678d062a17f39b90710605e WATCH: Biden Refuses to Identify Taliban as US Enemy http://newsletters.worldisraelnews.com/c/154248?id=749857356.151547.1.8d951580d3841ed406592712ffd01e64 Mandatory Covid vaccines for troops are coming. What happens if they refuse? https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/09/mandtory-covid-vaccines-troops-refusal-502865 COVID vaccine mandate for military is just one of many. Here's what some veterans are saying about it. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/vaccine/military-covid-vaccine-mandate/103-38dc3281-4c1e-4f5b-b2db-ee3f7409d37a Report: Kabul Airport Gates Are Closed, Taliban Confiscating U.S. Passports www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/21/watch-disturbing-video-report-reveals-violence-outside-kabul-airport/ …HORROR: DISTURBING VIDEO SHOWS VIOLENCE CHAOS OUTSIDE KABUL AIRPORT… https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/21/watch-disturbing-video-report-reveals-violence-outside-kabul-airport/ *Graphic Warning* Video Allegedly Shows Taliban Executing Police Chief https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2021/08/20/video-allegedly-shows-taliban-executing-police-chief/ Bill de Blasio Advocates Vaccines for Children: ‘Let’s Get to Those 5-11-Year-Olds’ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/20/bill-de-blasio-advocates-vaccines-for-children-lets-get-to-those-5-11-year-olds/ Podcast – Business Owners | Mandating Employee Shots Could Bankrupt You https://www.brighteon.com/d7b18a17-2b3e-4a1f-aece-e483deec8267 Civil war in Melbourne?- Massive anti lockdown street protests met with Aussie Police brutality - something has to give https://brandnewtube.com/watch/civil-war-in-melbourne_WX6xKwKl57FrD2z.html No Vaccines No Food- France https://brandnewtube.com/watch/no-vaccines-no-food_HADjelKbnug5yS6.html Burning The West https://www.brighteon.com/00417559-da68-4877-a895-958cf1493d16 SECRET OF A MONSTER AT THE NUREMBURG TRIALS https://brandnewtube.com/watch/secret-of-a-monster-at-the-nuremburg-trials_Dt6guaoprWeKyrZ.html DONALD TRUMP IGNORES QUESTION ON VAX PASSPORTS- Trump also bragged- "I'm the father of the vaccines". Yes, the father of death. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/donald-trump-ignores-question-on-vax-passports_lktWFo6y1xaogDh.html IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT WILL SEND ALL WHO KNOWINGLY COOPERATED TO PRISON?- He has leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" database- important video. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/irrefutable-evidence-that-will-send-all-who-knowingly-cooperated-to-prison_anVjxCenLZdttc9.html YOU NEED A CERTIFCATE AND TWO JABS TO GET INTO ITALY https://brandnewtube.com/watch/you-need-a-certifcate-and-two-jabs-to-get-into-italy_b9koLw5uIf2gbKa.html EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE! Kids Dead After Jab in Australia, Eye-Popping Interview With Aussie Veteran- Comment: According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and other doctor's, once you've taken the shot-it is irreversible, once it's in your body-it's too late. Stew Peters needs to get informed on that point. But, the interview with the man in Australia is important. Royal Australian Air Force Veteran, Alan Hennessy, who bravely came forward to paint the picture of what's really going on in the land down under. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/exclusive-footage-kids-dead-after-jab-in-australia-eye-popping-interview-with-aussie-veteran_iLX2mspmcI5xSEZ.html KILL SHOT NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING- important video Posted without permission For Educational and Research use only Fair Use, as allowed under Title 17 Chapter 1 Section 107 (Fair Use) SW Ohio school board meeting. I told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was as if I had said nothing. Masks were reinstituted for all people inside all buildings on this night as well. Tyrants. Mass non-participation, permanently, is the only way. https://www.brighteon.com/cd119d8e-52f1-4758-837d-b7f447f81bbc ******* Australia August 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/e0c869f2-c076-4a20-806f-f59643daa319 WARNING: THIS IS THE MOST DANGEROUS TIME - FEAR AND PANIC RUNS ARE GRIPPING AMERICA https://www.brighteon.com/16679e34-13cf-42d7-84a2-2b9c23d7438e France. No vaccine passport = no food. Covid fascism. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/france-no-vaccine-passport-no-food-covid-fascism_7QgwEUt2cib3vfh.html Masks Cause Cancer - Here is the Proof https://brandnewtube.com/watch/masks-cause-cancer-here-is-the-proof_dpPTzdEdNxVpn4z.html Comment: I'm posting a couple of videos concerning Trump-that reveal who he really is, and others with him. Many still want Trump to return to office-and are actively working to try to get it to happen- even the so-called truth platforms, will not report many of the facts of what he did during the first term in office, because they want to keep pushing him as the savior the country needs. They turn a blind eye-to what they don't want to see-or want you to see. All paid puppets, and liars. TRUMP ASSOCIATION WITH ROTHCHILDS-NWO Proof that Donald Trump and his boss George Soros and Rothschilds are all same Deep State NWO elites= https://www.brighteon.com/118cf27f-d004-49e4-a06a-f3bdec0c3632 *** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2021). Both the Clintons and Trump work for Rothschilds. The Rothschild communist DNC and Trump Nazi GOP do not matter because they belong to the same “gay mafia elite” gang. All royal bloodline elites are on the same team playing the “good saviors and bad scapegoats” mind game of Satanism’s “dualism” doctrine on the dumb human populace. Donald Trump’s commerce secretary Wilbur Ross worked for the Rothschilds for 25 years. He was the former head of the Rothschild Inc.’s bankruptcy advising team, and had business ties to Trump spanning 25 years. Wilbur Ross saved Trump from the Atlantic casino bankruptcy 1990. Donald Trump does not arrest Hillary Clinton, and he instead arrests the human who exposed her 2 pedophile cannibal snuff films on the darknet, and tries to start his Illuminati NWO nuclear war. George Soros gave Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Donald Trump told the right wing religious Christian patriots to stop criticizing his rival communist Satanist Zionist ruler of America George Soros (former “Phoenix” or leader of the Satanists). Donald Trump tried to marry his family into the Rothschild family. Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu are boyfriend sex couples. They are tied to the Jesuits. The Satanist LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) “Bohemian Grove” drag queen elites like President Donald Trump and Wilbur Ross and Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rockefeller family have many secret societies like “Kapa Beta Phi” where they entertain themselves by ridiculing the non-elite slave populace, and they have “gay mafia elite” orgy child sex slave pedophile cannibal Satanist spirit cooking ritual cross-dressing parties. These Satanists and their CIA Mossad Al-Qaeda DHS ISIS servants caused the Syrian war to take over the oil industry. The Satanist black nobility families factions’ Donald Trump and their rival communist Satanist Rothschilds will be getting rid of their U.S. corporation, and replacing it with the Illuminati NWO one-world government, after they destroy the United States of America off the face of this planet. Wilbur Ross bought a condo in the same building as Evelyn De Rothschild. These pedophile cannibal Satanist Zionist “fake Jews” are what the Bible calls in Revelation 3:9 and 2:9 as liars of the Church of Satan, who falsely claim to be Jews but are Edomite Amalekite Dan tribe. They hate the Israelites and Hebrews, and they killed 6 million Jews during the Nazi holocaust. Donald Trump is part of that Saturn Saturnalian black nobility families bosses of the global Nazi faction. The Rothschilds financed the Nazis. They used the American Revolution to replace the free currency and put it under the Rothschild control. They financed the communist Satanists to steal Russia and slaughter the Romanov family allies. They created all the nations in the Middle East and make them fight each other to make money and steal oil and test weapons and depopulate. They caused the 9.11 global terrorism using their Nazi partners to start their NWO police state and removal of all the humans’ privacy and human rights, and retrieve the Afghan opium heroine industry and pillage Babylon’s Iraqi advanced ancient technology that was found. The Rothshilds and the various black nobility families control the central banks and media. They invaded Syria, and they will take over Iran, in order to tie the noose around Russia’s neck, just as they have already taken over Ukraine and Georgia and other surrounding nations one by one. They have factions inside Russia. They already got rid of all the independent nations like Libya and Yemen and Egypt. Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047 Trump Is A LUCIFEREAN FACT - https://youtu.be/_VofLkTQjb0 Trump quotes on Epstein- Trump grabbing the attention of his friend.....Now what grabs the attention of a pedo? Never mind....Donald Trump so pleased with the reaction of his dear pedo friend that he claps in delight “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it - Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” - Trump 2002 Epstein visited Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach just 2 miles distant from his own home and posed for photos there with Trump in 1997 and 2000. Epstein’s voluminous personal address book - leaked by an Epstein employee in 2009 - contained 14 phone numbers for Trump, his wife, Melania, and members of his staff. Trump/Epstein video chumming it up- https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7547aafadfe65236037893cd07374c7eceb76f1b3d03cd2da926b3afa1a39ad5.gif NWO Extinction Level Event - Biotechnology Genetically Engineered Pathogens! - Roy Potter-Comment: I do not hold to, or agree with all of this mans statements, especially about faith-Jesus Christ is Lord-and there is salvation in no other Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. However, his information on the bio-weapon vaccines is important. Take what matters, and leave the rest. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/nwo-extinction-level-event-biotechnology-genetically-engineered-pathogens-roy-potter_WrBkdekXeskN5CS.html Remember that SNAKE poem that Trump often reads? ... He reads it to imply that there is a Deep SNAKE NWO Government that we are feeding and it is wrapping it's body around us and this Government's intent is to BITE (JAB) us and KILL us ... This is TRUE. However, while Trump barks from the public podium CLAIMING that HE is the HERO Serpent SLAYER ... when he is OFF CAMERA he makes deals with the Deep SNAKE ... and he wants ALL the credit for this WARP SPEED DEAL he made to Execution Americans by a Genetic Code Injection. But even though Trump is a MASS MURDERER and TRAITOR to the American ... those who are Desperately CLINGING to this world MUST HAVE "someone" to CLING too and promise them that everything is going to be ALL RIGHT! ... All you have to do is "TRUST THE PLAN" ... even if that Plan is the 7 year TRIBULATION PLAN and even if that PERSON is the NWO Antichrist King! Trump reads "The Snake" poem at a rally-Comment: I've heard him read this poem many times. He began to read this in public, long before he was elected. Through his presidency he read it, including in the White House, with all his staff standing around him. He was asked at that incident-"What does it mean?" His reply "You'll find out". People have come up with many ideas on what he meant-I believe we are seeing it unfold now. In sorcery, and witchcraft incantations and spells increase in power, when they are repeated, and in public. This is what I believe he was doing. In the rally, watch the peoples' reactions-it's sad to observe them, because they are blindsided. https://youtu.be/qSrOXvoNLwg Trump reads the Snake poem before an audience- https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/donald-trump-reads-lyrics-snake-illustrate-syrian-refugees-36257165 Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens - Lieutenant Colonel Joel O. Almosara, USAF - June 2010 ---> https://media.defense.gov/2019..../Apr/11/2002115517/- Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War ---> https://youtu.be/cTtIPBPSv0U Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan's neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress. KILL SHOT NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING- important video Posted without permission For Educational and Research use only Fair Use, as allowed under Title 17 Chapter 1 Section 107 (Fair Use) SW Ohio school board meeting. I told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was as if I had said nothing. Masks were reinstituted for all people inside all buildings on this night as well. Tyrants. Mass non-participation, permanently, is the only way. https://www.brighteon.com/cd119d8e-52f1-4758-837d-b7f447f81bbc Informed Consent Matter (113 pages of details of those who have DIED from the JAB) ---> https://fossaorg.files.wordpre....ss.com/2021/04/54aae Get Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications in the USA in almost every state within 24 hours ---> https://deeprootsathome.com/an....alyze-risk-benefit-f Get COVID medication sent to your home ---> CALL RAVKOO PHARMACY - Phone: 863-875-5700 SHARE this with Loved Ones (An excellent 16 minute video to articulate the DANGER of this EXPERIMENT Genetic Code Injection!) ---> https://brandnewtube.com/watch..../share-with-loved-on People's International Court of Justice ---> https://peoplesinternationalcourtofjustice.org/ Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3 Watch-The Chosen- Nicodemus meets Jesus-You Must Be Born Again- https://youtu.be/YgWvBfGsUB4 You must be "born again" Spiritually to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven, to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST! For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 Salvation explained Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23) Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16) Repent and call upon His name (Romans 10:13) THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN AUSTRALIA AND SOON IN UK TOO- The ceremony was full of satanic elements. The Complete London 2012 Opening Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4As0e4de-rI figure shows up carrying a syringe in its hand, children get utterly scared, other smaller monsters show up too and scared the children. The Complete London 2012 Opening Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Games beginning at min 44:00-this is the whole official video. so it won't get deleted, the commented/analyzed part about the children (that also foretold crown virus) See the connection: 24,000 kids to be jabbed in a stadium WITHOUT parental consent! https://brandnewtube.com/watch..../24-000-kids-to-be-j You can't make this stuff up #JoeImbriano August 17th 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/c5e98e28-b950-4c5b-a63a-ee5372d91222 CHILDREN DROP DEAD AFTER BEING BRIBED TO TAKE THE VACCINE https://www.brighteon.com/12ebe7cd-adae-4732-970b-71e727da74c9 Enraged Mother Says The Pfizer Vaccine Killed Her Daughter In 5 Hrs & Other Reports Of Rapid Death https://www.brighteon.com/5ea35318-868a-466f-8d5e-3bb50ddc0117 A Fitting Devotion For This Time "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing" (2Co_6:10). Sorrow was beautiful, but her beauty was the beauty of the moonlight shining through the leafy branches of the trees in the wood, and making little pools of silver here and there on the soft green moss below. When Sorrow sang, her notes were like the low sweet call of the nightingale, and in her eyes was the unexpectant gaze of one who has ceased to look for coming gladness. She could weep in tender sympathy with those who weep, but to rejoice with those who rejoice was unknown to her. Joy was beautiful, too, but his was the radiant beauty of the summer morning. His eyes still held the glad laughter of childhood, and his hair had the glint of the sunshine’s kiss. When Joy sang his voice soared upward as the lark’s, and his step was the step of a conqueror who has never known defeat. He could rejoice with all who rejoice, but to weep with those who weep was unknown to him. "But we can never be united," said Sorrow wistfully. "No, never." And Joy’s eyes shadowed as he spoke. "My path lies through the sunlit meadows, the sweetest roses bloom for my gathering, and the blackbirds and thrushes await my coming to pour forth their most joyous lays." "My path," said Sorrow, turning slowly away, "leads through the darkening woods, with moon-flowers only shall my hands be filled. Yet the sweetest of all earth-songs-- the love song of the night-- shall be mine; farewell, Joy, farewell." Even as she spoke they became conscious of a form standing beside them; dimly seen, but of a Kingly Presence, and a great and holy awe stole over them as they sank on their knees before Him. "I see Him as the King of Joy," whispered Sorrow, "for on His Head are many crowns, and the nailprints in His hands and feet are the scars of a great victory. Before Him all my sorrow is melting away into deathless love and gladness, and I give myself to Him forever." "Nay, Sorrow," said Joy softly, "but I see Him as the King of Sorrow, and the crown on His head is a crown of thorns, and the nailprints in His hands and feet are the scars of a great agony. I, too, give myself to Him forever, for sorrow with Him must be sweeter than any joy that I have known." "Then we are one in Him," they cried in gladness, "for none but He could unite Joy and Sorrow." Hand in hand they passed out into the world to follow Him through storm and sunshine, in the bleakness of winter cold and the warmth of summer gladness, "as sorrowful yet always rejoicing." "Should Sorrow lay her hand upon thy shoulder, And walk with thee in silence on life’s way, While Joy, thy bright companion once, grown colder, Becomes to thee more distant day by day? Shrink not from the companionship of Sorrow, She is the messenger of God to thee; And thou wilt thank Him in His great tomorrow For what thou knowest not now, thou then shalt see; She is God’s angel, clad in weeds of night, With ’’whom we walk by faith and not by sight.’’" Source: Streams In The Desert 8/16-21/21 Can graphene oxide do the same in your body when exposed to the radiation of wireles technology? https://www.brighteon.com/96db3511-d23b-4298-a5da-4bdb30bd8a8e Carbon & Graphene https://www.brighteon.com/a19c12c2-ccfe-40f9-a10f-78ecbbd6dac4 Do we really see graphene oxide moving around when exposed to wireless signal? https://www.brighteon.com/cd515bcd-6ccc-470e-8b3a-658d1866b30d David Goldberg's FINAL WORDS: Classified docs reveal DEADLY "Project Zyphr" https://www.brighteon.com/7705a81e-6d10-4a0a-a6cd-02d0888a572c IT WILL HAPPEN EVERYWHERE - Are You Ready For This? www.brighteon.com/dbb2527c-3c6d-4670-9abc-1d4bc24e6c31 KEN PETERS TRIBULATION DREAM OF AUGUST 1980 https://www.brighteon.com/e04df1de-520e-4bfd-823a-44827afd581 8/16-21/21 “Global Middle Finger to End Christianity” Day- This is the attitude of a great many today-one day they will give an account for their rebellion, and hatred. I hope, and pray some will do a turn-around, and get saved before that day comes. https://backtojerusalem.com/today-is-global-middle-finger-to-end-christianity-day/ This is not good, desperate Afghans cling to undercarriage of C130 Military Plane! https://www.brighteon.com/30187316-f733-4a52-a978-88b65dcd476a Carnage on Kandahar Streets After Taliban Pull People from Their Homes and Slaughter Them- Comment: Everybody just keeps on going walking by, on their bikes and cars; not one stops to help or assist the dead and dying, some even stop for conversation-with the dead all around them. This is just about hell on earth, and soon to be worldwide. https://www.brighteon.com/8d55b4c0-3450-4855-bb63-262139394a5d Biden Takes No Questions After Speech Defending Disaster in Afghanistan https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/16/joe-biden-headed-back-to-camp-david-to-resume-his-vacation-after-afghanistan-speech/ 5 doctors forced a teen to get vaccinated when the teen said i don't want it! https://www.brighteon.com/2047d1e6-3976-4dca-858b-d3cf3359603f Dr Zelenko Exposes Global Genocide Event https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-zelenko-exposes-global-genocide-event_nIdDk1njICQpzDz.html Medical mandates are a step toward a fascist dictatorship https://www.brighteon.com/84a954e0-fcb1-4e15-b0e0-c1ab0947033e 5 Vax Injured While Dr.'s Won't Help https://brandnewtube.com/watch/5-vax-injured-while-dr-039-s-won-039-t-help_nUvdjPyvo52MAXj.html Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others https://apnews.com/article/science-health-coronavirus-pandemic-d9504519a8ae081f785ca012b5ef84d1 84% New Covid Cases Are Vaccinated https://www.brighteon.com/50e4ec83-14eb-47db-bcba-d19539497760 A NEW TERROR ALERT RELEASED BY HOMELAND SECURITY - YOU ARE THE TERRORIST! NBC NEWS https://www.brighteon.com/6f1e870c-2f1d-4d6a-8861-3165e220f2da Dire Warning From France Tyranny Food Shortages Trucker Strikes Hospitals And Airports Shut Down https://www.brighteon.com/e2a79094-cdf4-4e73-9cbc-7f48eed57e41 U.S. INFANTS KEPT ALIVE WHILE ORGANS HARVESTED - FAUCI IS FUNDING THIS! SOUNDS LIKE CHINA'S LIVE ORGAN HARVESTING FOR MILLIONS https://www.brighteon.com/109ba802-57c2-4e8d-8e3a-f309593321a4 8/8-14/21 THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY Dr. Judy Mikovits – Fauci’s C-19 Crimes Aren’t His First ‘Plandemic’ https://www.brighteon.com/c23befc0-924b-4dc0-bacc-a2375df28292 90% Will Die, Dr Zelenko, Refined The Hydroxychloroquine Protocol, Speaks To Three Rabi's And The Israeli People Directly Of The State Of A Highly Vaccinated Population https://www.brighteon.com/f5b2c49f-6ab5-4062-b567-1ab7c843e1ef Horrific Findings In The Blood Of The Vaccinate https://www.brighteon.com/a068fc68-f920-4a9b-bc84-4a228575ff18 How Animals are reacting to the Magnet shift and why you should take note https://www.brighteon.com/3c74b647-8dc0-4604-ac78-0031cd67a610 Call: Everybody Needs to Know About This and Share It With People- Comment: The goal, turn humans into a walking AI system, connected to the Beast system-the Cloud, if it doesn't kill you first. Graphene is in all the Covid vaccines-and once you've taken it, there's no way to get it out. https://www.brighteon.com/c77217c6-8c4f-47db-b1a1-7b3907ba31e6 LUCIFERASE Quantum Dot LuciferRACE - Bioluminescent Illumination Mark https://www.brighteon.com/a37b47e9-fbc1-4a51-8fd2-b5760d68fff0 Hawaii Fire Fighter Captain and team of lawyers Sue over Vaccine Damages. https://www.brighteon.com/f6cea3b7-b486-4fff-9a0e-5ad4966f6050 KGB defector Yuri Bezmenovs warning to America 1984_ https://brandnewtube.com/watch/kgb-defector-yuri-bezmenovs-warning-to-america-1984_YnUzMdH5gMQZTcS.html Biden leaves town amid rising inflation and congressional battle- Comment: I'm posting this for a totally separate reason than the topic. At the 3:22 mark, watch Pelosi take off her mouth diaper-and then watch carefully as the camera gets a closer picture of her-look at her hair line-you can see a definite line, and difference in color/and texture-this woman; whoever she really is-is wearing a FULL FACE MASK, I have seen video footage of Biden wearing one also. We are living in an evil, demonic, 1984 Orwellian movie. Isaiah told of this day we are in: "Isa 59:14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." https://www.brighteon.com/0bc3bbcb-a67a-49d3-89ce-67794ec91e8d GOP lawmaker explains why Biden's handling of border is 'immoral' https://www.brighteon.com/c6b655a9-cbec-4996-b6ef-b09c34aa5a42 This is what happened to a woman called Jess 4 days after taking the Pfizer vaccine https://www.brighteon.com/f04275a8-e7cf-4e75-b999-c6c96ef0f261 +++++++ FULL SPECTRUM SURVIVAL: MILITARY WARNING ON AMERICA'S WORST DAY EVER https://www.brighteon.com/045e9693-b849-449f-82fb-9622f4d41d54 Oregon lets students graduate without knowing how to read or write https://www.brighteon.com/e69d48c0-f0f9-4119-80b3-8ab7d9152b6f FEMA Camps Hiring, Are You Awake Now https://brandnewtube.com/watch/fema-camps-hiring-are-you-awake-now_3pDE3NS98cRnVB8.html MANDATORY KILL SHOT & THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE https://www.brighteon.com/cb84b153-7e83-4d19-b90f-4b75c417f814 ******* The Covid test swabs contain poison and will change your DNA. https://www.brighteon.com/f53f41de-f6c0-43ac-9ee8-15c078d78a0e Dr. Fauci personal views on vaccines-Comment: Research what happened to all the animals in the test trials for these vaccines-they ALL died. https://www.brighteon.com/abc6166f-939a-4b35-9a2e-b6be6b46df02 Another Tragedy At A "Care" Home! 0 Cases Of Flu In UK? https://brandnewtube.com/watch/another-tragedy-at-a-quot-care-quot-home-0-cases-of-flu-in-uk_pyhSQDQUEEzgutu.html I've seen 32 people die after getting the COVID vaccine https://www.brighteon.com/eaa9ab2f-ff7a-4cfe-9f24-8231544dc600 Philadelphia schools sends out a message to get vaccinated on all students phones- The City Of #Philadelphia Sends Out Message Telling Kids 12 And Over To Come Get Vaccinated, No Parental Consent Needed https://www.brighteon.com/2b626b6d-e375-4bdb-9a20-8e6d147a9b04 The Side Effect is Death- Source @EndTimesApokalypse https://www.brighteon.com/ce175367-1fa2-4233-a2a3-30c154af9e3a HAARP upland attack kills farmer´s sheep https://www.brighteon.com/67fafb23-71ad-4274-9c9e-89249be5d9da Your phone is going to sound an emergency alert this afternoon. Don’t freak out- FEMA, along with the FCC, plans to conduct a national test of the Emergency Alert System this afternoon. That means alerts will appear on televisions and radio stations, as well as many cell phones. Comment: Now the alerts are coming from FEMA, not the U.S. government, and to every device-people need to pay attention to this. https://fortune.com/2021/08/11/fema-emergency-alert-today-august-11-2021/ Australia is now under Martial Law https://www.brighteon.com/52930b97-e2cc-4731-8545-74050aae1f53 Dr Vladimir Zelenko - The Poison Death Shot (testifies before Rabbinic Court in Israel) Fritjof Persson https://www.brighteon.com/e7b6dc6e-f69f-4fbf-9317-40c96dc5cf0d Comment: There's been some knit-pickers and media Pharisee's who've let it be known I'm using scripture out of context in my work- in the teachings/and blogs. I'm going to answer it and make it short, and to the point. In every teaching or blog I do, where scripture is used-I do extensive research with my on-line bible, and commentaries I use-which are many. These commentaries are from solid, reputable sources that the bible site considers sound enough to use-so the knit pickers can complain, but the recommended corresponding verses that are posted are in context. I'm used to the endless faultfinders-but am very tired of it. To anyone who God has called, but feels unworthy-God calls the most unlikely people, for His purposes. Moses, David, and Paul were murderers and committed great sins-but through repentance and God's mercy-they were called into God's service. the bible is full of other's also called, who were just sinners-who turned their life over to God, and He used them. There's also a lot of these professional complainers who make it known, they will never forgive you, and would like to see you do penance for the rest of your life-even when you have openly and clearly repented, and are living a solid life for Christ, they will never let you forget your past. Don't let people's faultfinding, and criticism discourage you, because it will come your way. Just keep your eyes on Jesus-and the road he's put in front of you. When I stand before Him, no one else will be there, I will answer to only Him. 8/8-14/21 Situation Update, August 11th, 2021 - CDC announces covid internment camps for every US city; will meet MINIMUM "humanitarian" standards. Comment: I disagree with Adams analysis of Trump being deceived about this Covid plandemic. I believe he knew just what he was doing, and still does. He's in on all of it, right along with the rest of them. And, I'm not seeking a "cosmic foothold"-I'm looking up, our redemption draws nigh. https://www.brighteon.com/1ff9d132-0698-4884-90d7-6427958102ab Senator Rand Paul - We choose Freedom https://www.brighteon.com/d9b132bb-d591-480c-9269-3e1677c5ac92 Dr. Zelenko Tells Israel They Genocided the Jews & Just Sacrificed Their Kids to Moloch- Slawomir Slowianin https://www.brighteon.com/8c44a78e-3322-49e2-8968-86c9bda0497e ******* They Killed Granny - Now They're Going to Kill the Kids- Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/they-killed-granny-now-they-039-re-going-to-kill-the-kids_ZFzqRTNLGgYfjXG.html Nurse Whistleblower: Threatened & Coerced To Get Injected https://brandnewtube.com/watch/nurse-whistleblower-threatened-amp-coerced-to-get-injected_hoxWvPeZYdwY6In.html **PROPERTY RIGHTS SUSPENDED IN AMERICA ** - Anti-Constitutional Assault by Marxist Democrats to Destroy the American Middle Class- Tucker- Comment: I listened to this and thought-NOBODY LISTENED TO THE MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE TESTIFYING OF THE EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD, AND THE ELECTION BEING STOLEN-NOBODY IS EVER GOING TO WAKE UP- THE COUNTRY HAS BEEN TURNED OVER TO THE FILTHY CROOKS-AND NOBODY CARES. https://www.brighteon.com/514aa864-eecb-4c1e-a413-31816f2d2294 Tennessee Executive Order 83 Authorizes Concentration Camps & amp; National Guards https://www.brighteon.com/0b179007-db8b-4fe5-b8f3-155532a2dddd NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo has resigned over a barrage of sexual harassment allegations in a damning report. Comment: I am sure there is a lot more to this, than anybody is talking about. https://www.brighteon.com/bd2ab317-180c-4885-a612-46eb344365cd
Canadian Military Warning Canadians About Vaccine.. PLEASE SHARE- THE SOUND QUALITY IS POOR , BUT THE MESSAGE IS THERE ''DON'T GET JABBED'' https://brandnewtube.com/watch/canadian-military-warning-canadians-about-vaccine-please-share_tjOmYSmYEw5cozd.html First Body Bags Shipping Out and now FEMA Coffins West Bound https://brandnewtube.com/watch/first-body-bags-shipping-out-and-now-fema-coffins-west-bound_KjfXZsyozvCADX4.html Former Staffer Files Criminal Complaint Against N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo- This and the sexual assault issue is smoke and mirrors to divert the public from the real story with Cuomo-the nursing home deaths of the elderly. https://www.breitbart.com/news/former-staffer-files-criminal-complaint-against-n-y-gov-andrew-cuomo/ Lt. Col; Roy Potter, "We Are Out Of Time!" - Comment: The warnings are serious, and need to be heeded, however, I do not agree with every statement about the word of God. I stand on it, as God's holy word. Prepare the best you can, August 11, is just around the corner. And, if nothing happens on that day- watch, they may change the days, and time of whatever they've got up their sleeves. https://www.brighteon.com/4d6bff2a-942d-4c6c-a419-ffeb237f203f Rand Paul To Fauci: "We’re Done Listening To You!" https://brandnewtube.com/watch/rand-paul-to-fauci-quot-we-re-done-listening-to-you-quot_YrTYRA985MLks9k.html Fauci Admits Antiviral Treatments Can Work Against COVID 19... No Worse Than A Common Cold- NO VACCINE NEEDED-OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH. https://www.brighteon.com/4f5fd644-2168-4fc5-8ba9-f1d91278d828 FACT- "Unvaccinated, you can get COVID and have over 99% chance of survival," EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS WITHOUT VACCINATION- Comment: When these medications are Googled, there are multiple articles and videos disputing their effectiveness and safety- Like Fauci- Google is hand in hand with this depopulation agenda-and they are lying. Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID‐19 - Cochrane ... https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD015017.pub2/ Study supporting ivermectin Covid treatment withdrawn over ... https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/16/huge-study-supporting-ivermectin-as-covid-treatment-withdrawn-over-ethical-concerns What is ivermectin? Joe Rogan, others claim it treats COVID- https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article253290108.html Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7534595/ Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate - Henry ... https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study BOMBSHELL- CDC ADMITS COVID 19 VACCINE PROGRAM IS A HOAX https://www.brighteon.com/e93df8ab-f5a4-4362-9fbe-69dd6d8aee4f ******* Off With Their Heads https://brandnewtube.com/watch/off-with-their-heads_jhAsp5chhZ4Z2ba.html It Is Time For Unfiltered News https://brandnewtube.com/watch/it-is-time-for-unfiltered-news_9ppjZ4LjjJQuKwi.html VACCINATION SITES ARE THE EXTERMINATION SITES - STOCK UP FOR WHAT'S COMING AT THE END OF AUGUST https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vaccination-sites-are-the-extermination-sites-stock-up-for-what-039-s-coming-at-the-end-of-august_BRMsatjg1JlXWFw.html Breaking! Biden Secretly Releases 7000 COVID Positive Migrants Triggering Texas Emergency https://brandnewtube.com/watch/breaking-biden-secretly-releases-7000-covid-positive-migrants-triggering-texas-emergency_EgTPCkqxY483vvr.html The 11th hour is upon us - Get organized locally in groups - saveusnow.org.uk ~ 5th August 2021- Mark Steele report from UK https://www.brighteon.com/8739c475-6697-4f92-ae9a-7a9c91986d55 A Satanist doctor refuses to see an unconscious patient https://www.brighteon.com/f5222f43-09fa-4da8-909d-48f66316b2f7 Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Among Us. Part 1, Pizzagate https://www.brighteon.com/47df8ada-7e63-433a-9678-1beefb61c73d Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Among Us. Part II, Hollywood & Disney- Important video https://www.brighteon.com/528a4d0f-c33c-4140-9a54-70de00b9fbce BREAKING!! STEVE ON ISRAELI NEWS LIVE GOT INTEL THAT CHINA IS ABOUT TO INVADE TAIWAN!! https://www.brighteon.com/74678717-9968-4882-8dfe-d6318d949847 Warning went out 11/08/20 WARNING NZ - In 8 days it will be a year and now NZ IS UNDER MARTIAL LAW. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/warning-went-out-11-08-20-warning-nz-in-8-days-it-will-be-a-year-and-now-nz-is-under-martial-law_rZEdYMDFdokqBy7.html Virginians furious after large health system mandates coronavirus vaccine for employees https://www.brighteon.com/74e66f6a-41e1-4ac7-848d-1a1cfd388930 16 YEAR OLD FOOTBALL PLAYER HAS VAXXX INDUCED HEART ATTACK, DIES AT HOME https://www.brighteon.com/1abc31d0-a7ab-4ab7-bbc5-eddeb34092b2 SHOCKING Police Brutality As GLOBAL UPRISING CONTINUES! - This Was NEVER About HEALTH https://brandnewtube.com/watch/shocking-police-brutality-as-global-uprising-continues-this-was-never-about-health_f8TKmKjV9NT19wF.html ******* WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST? IRAN HITS 6 OIL TANKERS IN THE GULF OF OMAN - CAPTURES 1 SHIP https://brandnewtube.com/watch/war-in-the-middle-east-iran-hits-6-oil-tankers-in-the-gulf-of-oman-captures-1-ship_RGSR7OztIMomTGS.html MANY DIDN'T SPEAK OUT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO LOSE THEIR JOBS. NOW THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE https://www.brighteon.com/bb606840-1bb3-418e-a7fa-843e7d255be3 VACCINE COERCION BY TELLING YOU LIES. CAUGHT LYING AND REPORTED ON BY MAIN STREAM MEDIA https://www.brighteon.com/8da59e39-b5b8-4e10-bc07-44eb8145bf15 BREAKING : Learn Where the Billionaires are Hiding to Escape The Lockdown They Impose https://www.brighteon.com/a5a57714-5448-494c-9336-5f6947dc5e81 Restaurant owner bans vaccinated people from his restaurant - his business is booming https://www.brighteon.com/0e908971-2202-4354-b8c8-0ee47c18a76e FAUCI ADMITS US GOVERNMENT FUNDED WUHAN- Listen to the testimony/documentary of Judy Mikovits below-and you'll understand better who Fauci really is, and this corrupt agenda we are all involved in now. https://www.brighteon.com/334bd144-5fa9-4738-8a4f-33c09781cde9 In this two-part testimony Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes Dr. Fauci and the co-conspirators in their involvement in this "plandemic for profit". Plandemic Part 1 (2020)- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.- https://www.brighteon.com/b9fc2f64-eeda-40d1-8b30-ac7b1fc43c29 Plandemic Part 2 - Follow-up Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits - 480p (No Subtitles)- A compelling testimony by Dr. Judy Mikovits exposing Dr Fauci and his Plandemic co-conspirators as brutal and heartless profiteers who are quite literally responsible for the death of millions. https://www.brighteon.com/09ed39b3-659b-4ce5-8cea-a5aa3c7912c5 Comments are closed.
This page contains news articles videos and commentaries on various subjects dealing with relevant and prophetic world events When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Eze 33:8-9 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The NightWatchman
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3-4 Gander Story Poems
https://www.ganderpoems.org/ Significant Posts
The Final Sacrifice-
https://www.thenightwatchman.org/devotions/the-final-sacrifice The Song of The Redeemed-The Song of Moses https://www.thenightwatchman.org/blog/the-song-of-the-redeemed-the-song-of-moses Noahide laws 3/17/19 - https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/home/the-coming-noahide-laws-what-you-need-to-know Archives
September 2024