6/28-30/21 When Will They Shut Down the Internet?-Will the conspirators who've taken over the world shut down the internet - or parts of it - to silence the Resistance Movement? International best-selling author and retired medical doctor, Dr Vernon Coleman, thinks it's very possible, and he warns that we should all be preparing for this eventuality. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/when-will-they-shut-down-the-internet_7gbrRYt5rpCbwxx.html https://www.vernoncoleman.com Comment: I've been expecting the same thing as Dr. Coleman for a while now, and won't be surprised if/when it happens. Over the years, I've had the same kind of problems. I don't know what will end up happening, but I have a few things to say about this and other issues. 1. I've never attempted to coerce or force anyone to believe in God, but also do not apologize for my own faith, and standing on the word of God. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or the bible. It is the foundation of my faith. I serve a risen Savior. He has proven His reality to me, and I will boldly proclaim the scriptures, and let people have the freedom to do what they wish. 2. These websites were created, and maintained in obedience to the Lord's call to me to do it. The reactions of rejection are not proof that they have failed-it is proof of how few truly believe the scriptures, and are willing to stand on them, in the face of opposition. The word of God reveals where people are at, by what they do with it. I am not perfect, and am the first to admit it. When I sin, and need correction-the word of God is the standard to get me back on the right road. The condition of the world is the evidence of those who won't allow the Lord, or His word to bring correction into their lives. But, my heart is ready and hoping as Paul did-for the coming of the Lord. Paul died with the desire to see Him coming-and I understand why. 3. Hypocrisy and deceit is rampant on the internet-and I consider the source of where it comes from. I'm not surprised, nor moved by it. Many here are guilty of hacking into my personal files, computer usage, and even my private life, then spread the gossip and stories far and wide-please, don't add to the lies-by denying it. I've got very good discernment. Of course the attacks, barbs, and dirt that's spread is self-serving, and self-promoting. Whatever happens now to these sites, is up to the Lord. He's let me know months ago, that I've accomplished what He's asked me to do. These will remain here, and if He shows me there's something important enough to post-it will be. I'll wait to see if they are censored and taken down, as I suspect many sites will be. I'll just watch, and seek God on it, day by day. I'VE BEEN THROWN IN JAIL AGAIN..!- This is more confirmation of what is probably coming- Free speech is disappearing. https://www.brighteon.com/2a195622-6bde-454f-b7b2-a65ea8114998 2021 JAN 26 Prof Dolores Cahill; Why People Will Start Dying A Few Months After the First MRNA Vaccination. https://www.brighteon.com/66327bf3-1396-4827-b478-6198d1056fee China killing on Demand-For Their Organs- https://brandnewtube.com/watch/china-is-the-real-life-hostel-killing-people-on-demand-for-their-organs_qp636tGhGcE4Arm.html Ready For The "Environmental Lockdown" Until 1 Apr 2025? https://www.brighteon.com/2926e335-5228-4ca4-8dc3-f2dd10174b9d A MASSIVE SATANlC RITUAL WAS JUST PERFORMED ON LIVE TV... https://www.brighteon.com/946f44c0-0020-4c9e-bb28-5daf527f6c5e North Koreans worried over Kim Jong Un weight loss, state media says- https://youtu.be/38IUoDx7aWg Pilots are dropping dead after second dose! Leaked audio included https://www.brighteon.com/8426004a-50d2-4117-905d-ddc8c1152399 Idiots Remove TR Statue- one of the best examples of how far and twisted the left’s manic loathing for America has gone. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/idiots-remove-tr-statue_nfox9QjYJjm7ifE.html Pfizer Whistleblower exposes the corrupt and unethical company for what they are truly- Pfizer Whistleblower exposes the corrupt and unethical company for what they are truly So would you put your life in the hands of this company? Becky McClain_ Public Awareness of Public Health and Safety in Biotechnology - Tarrytown 2011 https://brandnewtube.com/watch/pfizer-whistleblower-exposes-the-corrupt-and-unethical-company-for-what-they-are-truly_QtyG6kFT1EhLoXO.html BENJAMIN GOODMAN (32) - DIES OF CARDIAC ARREST FROM THE JOHNSON AND JOHNSON VACCINE! https://www.brighteon.com/f88b7cd6-1321-49b3-ab0a-8b959c9edd8a Building concentration camps for the un-vaxxed https://brandnewtube.com/watch/building-concentration-camps-for-the-un-vaxxed_Hzax3Svv7AvHQ9V.html 6/21-26/21 NATIONWIDE BLACKOUT WARNING - MILITARY WARNING FOR A MASSIVE ELECTRICAL ATTACK https://www.brighteon.com/88d53ccb-e033-48c8-91eb-bc85e2087a1e WARNING !! WHAT IS COMING WILL BE SO BAD THAT SOME WILL LOSE THEIR MINDS, SOME WILL LOSE THEIR FAITH- Comment: To add to his advice, stay calm, pray, live as quiet a life as you can, trust the Lord. If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, surrender your life to him now, and ask for His strength to endure what is coming-He hears, and answers prayer. https://www.brighteon.com/17b3a968-b1fb-4575-9e26-c46dc067e14d EDEX SHIPPING 100'S OF 1000'S OF BODY-BAGS-This video is some proof of the mans claims in the top video, and I've seen other workers in warehouses around the country saying the same thing. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/fedex-shipping-100-039-s-of-1000-039-s-of-body-bags_dWd15IDWCrEa9uv.html Fact-checking the fact-checkers: Snopes and others (4 minutes) https://www.brighteon.com/7f152280-e5b9-458c-a78e-ee9bba2d65af POLICE KILL A WOMAN IN PUTIN'S FASCIST RUSSIA FOR NOT WEARING A MASK!-Comment: It's not sure if she is killed, but the treatment of her is barbaric, and inhuman. There's two cops there-but he doesn't try to help carry her, she is dragged hundreds of feet through the store, the door, and the other cop could care less if she is dead or not-this is going on all over the world-I've seen other videos of the same kind of barbarism everywhere-absolutely disgusting-people have lost their minds, and their humanity. https://www.brighteon.com/2f30b020-f302-40da-b782-3cab6cd848df Challenge: Read the news articles below, then listen to this audio message by a man of God-(Audio) Vision by Leonard Ravenhill-- https://youtu.be/_GxZsCxpvRY British warships should not be goading a nuclear-armed state in the Black Sea https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/e/british-warships-should-not-be-goading-nuclear-armed-state-black-sea Russia accuses U.S., U.K of 'trying to provoke conflict' after Black Sea warship incident "Washington and London are denying reality... they are trying to provoke conflict," said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Comment: I agree, there's no excuse for this, and a sovereign nation has the right to defend itself. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-accuses-u-s-u-k-stirring-black-sea-row-n1272335 Helicopter carrying Colombian president and senior officials hit by gunfire https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/26/helicopter-carrying-colombian-president-and-senior-officials-hit-by-gunfire Hong Kong pro-democracy paper Apple Daily to print last edition on Thursday-"The closure of the popular tabloid, which mixes pro-democracy views with celebrity gossip and investigations of those in power, marks the end of an era for media freedom in the Chinese-ruled city, critics say." https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/hong-kong-police-arrest-apple-daily-columnist-under-security-law-media-2021-06-23/ Trudeau says Pope should apologize on Canadian soil for church's role in residential schools- Another school exposed- this is just the tip of the iceburg, there are schools all over Canada that have missing/murdered children, and their graves found in them; many unmarked. Trudeau, the Pope and other "elites" should be in prison. There's a long history of this demonic abuse in the Catholic Church, and it's going on right now. People turn a blind eye, and pretend to see nothing in this apostate dead church-but one day the dead who were abused will get justice-Judgment day is coming. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/trudeau-says-pope-should-apologize-canadian-soil-churchs-role-residential-2021-06-25/ Joe Biden begins creepily whispering during press conference as reporters weirded out https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1454442/joe-biden-whisper-creepy-press-conference-reporter-gaffe-latest-news-video-vn I fear we’re now just seeing the tip of the iceberg! Myocarditis and Vaccinating Children https://brandnewtube.com/watch/i-fear-we-re-now-just-seeing-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-myocarditis-and-vaccinating-children_WWSlp9z4fFS8fnU.html Vaxxed Dying at 3X Higher Rate After Contracting Delta Variant? 666 Protein & The Pyramid Mutant https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vaxxed-dying-at-3x-higher-rate-after-contracting-delta-variant-666-protein-amp-the-pyramid-mutant_G9c2uiAKoG1xwXC.html MrE: Blood Drinking Billionaires Harvest the Blood of Children [23.04.2020] https://www.brighteon.com/41ef5a04-f043-443c-9b81-7734127ff5df UK LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY BODY STORAGE FOR MASS DEATHS https://www.brighteon.com/c8e95422-8eca-4473-9d93-545db78e13f4 TruNews - 6/23/21*- At the 39:00 point, a Chinese representative-Miles Guo warns China, the CCP is plotting another bioweapon attack on the west-U.S., this summer/fall more deadly than the Corona virus of last year. He made this statement on 6/20/21 https://brandnewtube.com/watch/trunews-6-23-21_l6cVQHlFoBExvVB.html THE MARK OF THE BEAST VACCINATIONS - THE ABOMINATION CAUSING DESOLATION IN OUR BODILY TEMPLES/ THE 3RD TEMPLE (PART 1) https://www.brighteon.com/befa4739-7cf0-4561-a173-3f7026828bdc FNC’s Carlson Ties Scientists Advising Google on COVID-19 to ‘Human Engineering’- excerpt in the article: "Daszak and his collaborators wanted to make viruses more infectious to people. He didn’t hide this. In December of 2019, Daszak appeared on a podcast on YouTube which is owned by Google by the way, to brag about how easy it is in the lab to manipulate bat coronaviruses." https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/06/23/fncs-carlson-ties-scientists-advising-google-on-covid-19-to-human-engineering/? utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210623 Report: Tongan Woman Denied Chance to Compete in Olympics Because of Trans Weightlifter- Comment: There should have been two pictures of the Tongan woman next to the Trans weightlifter-to see the blatant, obvious difference. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2021/06/23/report-tongan-woman-denied-chance-compete-olympics-because-trans-weightlifter/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210623 CAR CRASHES : WRECKS & NEAR ACCIDENTS WHEN PEOPLE LOSE CONTROL OF THEIR BODIES DRIVING AFTER VACCINE https://www.brighteon.com/9995f490-f1eb-49b2-83bf-e2ff6a516ccb Metal or Vaccine? Walmart--LOW PRICES AND HEAVY METAL EVERY DAY!--Magnetic Meat https://www.brighteon.com/bf57cfa1-53ee-47e4-8f3f-29e329334ea4 AMERICAN AIRLINES - HUNDREDS OF FLIGHTS CANCELLED AS PILOTS GET SICK https://www.brighteon.com/67b49b40-84c0-4312-a243-2476c3d95b34 STRANGENESS IN D.C. IT'S NOT GOOD. I BELIEVE WE HAVE BEEN OVERTHROWN FROM WITHIN.- D. C. Has been evacuated. Our fake president is an actor in a mask or a clone. The book that said Trump would be the last president was correct. He is the key to this and I don't think for a second he was ever on our side. I think we have already lost. It may be too late to correct. Source: The Christian Statesman https://www.brighteon.com/ca9115e3-b88b-4035-9dc1-a2fece27203e THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS NO MORE. D.C. IS CLOSED AND IS A GHOST TOWN. SEE FOR YOURSELF- SOURCE: Jim_Crenshaw Having been there several times, there should be zero parking and bumper to bumper traffic. He should not be able to cover so much ground so quickly. I don't believe we the people have a functioning government any more. It may be being run by the military as an arm of the Untied Nations or worse China. Once they kill off and sicken enough of the people over the next few years with the current genocide we will find out. - Source: Richard Citizen Journalist Comment: Both Lynn and I were at Washington D.C., twice-what is in this video is not normal. The Library of Congress being closed is certainly not normal. When we were there, the lawns and public government buildings were open to everyone-and there were people coming and going in all of them. What this video shows, is a police state-not America. https://www.brighteon.com/c701c22c-ce1a-405c-948e-c876aebe1eca India today? UK tomorrow?- I've seen video footage of disabled, and the menally ill and autistic young people being forced to take these vaccines in Texas and other southern/western states, this illegal vaccination of people without consent is happening here in the U.S. right now-and they will start forcing everyone to get them. Those who refuse will be in for a hard time. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/india-today-uk-tomorrow_jLqHZaikiakkQ4i.html 13-year-old boy dies three days after getting vaccine- https://www.brighteon.com/c65759e0-76b0-411e-9092-b3b2965309e6 Exclusive — Pompeo: Putin, Xi, Ayatollah ‘Were Thrilled’ with Biden ‘Weakness’ on World Stage https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/21/exclusive-pompeo-putin-xi-ayatollah-were-thrilled-biden-weakness-world-stage/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210621 Exclusive — Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/21/exclusive-nellis-air-force-base-hosts-first-ever-drag-queen-show-essential-morale-cohesion-readiness/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210621 A biblical response to the article above- Paul - How We Fell - Romans 1 - April 18, 2021 - Pastor Bill Randles- https://youtu.be/fXqT1X1Xm0I BREAKING: MASSIVE FOOD SHORTAGE ACROSS THE USA - GOVERNMENT WARNING ON CROP LOSS AND WATER SHORTAGE- Government researchers and university scientists are warning that a massive food crisis is happening. The worst drought in 1200 years will lead to shortages of cotton, soybean, corn, beets, garlic, and onion in the United States of America. https://www.brighteon.com/6721d1f3-5798-4c68-adcd-73fa6fdbbdd9 Only one person in the Covid ward not vaccinated https://www.brighteon.com/789ebdb6-a477-45ed-aa32-661951c29f85 WHISTLEBLOWER - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SPEAK OUT - THE ONLY ONES DYING ARE FROM THE VACCINE https://www.brighteon.com/4bd719c2-6adc-4364-b558-b57913b7d852 The Gates of Hell are Wide Open-Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-gates-of-hell-are-wide-open_em6JVmK7uET8LNt.html How the ELITE plan to control and kill us off through 5G, Food shortages, Martial law and RFID CHIPS https://www.brighteon.com/d23e4e5b-fbca-4daa-b12c-7740dafb9a9c Celeste Solum Breaking News Graphene Hydrogel https://www.brighteon.com/31c5f9a1-38c7-42ef-a730-f9059d342d90 Cartoon Covid truth- PRICELESS! https://brandnewtube.com/watch/cartoon-covid-truth_usaBKx8wi4sNcg6.html Arch of Baal telegraphing the beast unleashed, The New race is here-Important prophetic video. If you haven't been vaccinated-please do not get the jab. https://www.brighteon.com/d8256b5d-9e7f-41b4-8cd3-9f7a82a69f50 Comment: I have a short statement to those in other ministries, on video channels, and platforms on the internet who have opposed this ministry. Some of you continue to condemn me for sins I've been forgiven of by Christ over 40 years ago, before I was saved, and feel you have the right to be my judge. I don't know what would fall out of your closets, and don't need to. We are living in a very critical hour-your petty disputes and disapprovals mean nothing to me. If you have a problem with me, I've said it before, you don't need to come here. My focus is on doing the will of God, and finishing the calling God's put on my life. You can take it up with Him, and pray about it, if you believe I'm deceived. I'm going on, and finish this with or without anyone's approval. The Lord is trying to get some souls saved, and woke up, before it's too late. I'm committed to doing what He's given me to do-no matter your opinion, or attacks. I forgive you, but one day, I can say with assurance, you will be shown how much you hindered the work of the Lord, and very likely the souls that could have been saved, and brought out of darkness-by your slandering, condemning, and unforgiving mouths and conduct. I'll leave that to God, but I have been shown the level of attacks that's come against this ministry, right from the start-and the effects of them. He's keeping the accounts, and is paying attention. People who actively work for the devil, and destroy ministries-are very often the religious crowd, and go right to the top. But, one day, payday will come. 1Th 2:18 Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us. Rom 15:22 For which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you. 6/14-19/21 Biden struggles to detail post-withdrawal Afghanistan plans- https://thehill.com/policy/defense/559229-biden-struggles-to-detail-post-withdrawal-afghanistan-plans Canada COVID-19 travel change: Canadians may have to show proof of vaccination to take a trip- https://news.yahoo.com/canada-vaccine-certification-passport-travel-justin-trudeau-171618905.html California unveils online tool for vaccine verification- In the article: "The digital record will show the same information as the paper card: name, date of birth, dates of vaccinations and vaccine manufacturer. It will also include a QR code that can be scanned by entertainment venues, stadiums or businesses checking people’s verification status. Whoever scans the code can see the same information but cannot copy or store it, state officials said." Comment: I can say with all assurance that it won't make a bit of difference whether the information can't be copied or stored, there is no privacy on the internet-and the information in these records will be hacked into by anybody who wants to know it. https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/California-digital-vaccine-verification-record-16257689.php BREAKING : Welcome To Hell 2021 Special Report !!! https://www.brighteon.com/1d184fd9-6d40-4a3d-bac1-d531aa90289f The Height Of Absurdity, Erecting A Bronze Statue For A Career Criminal! https://www.brighteon.com/d03d2013-4462-40db-9f44-4eb42d472ad9 Why and How Doctors have Betrayed Patients- Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/why-and-how-doctors-have-betrayed-patients_tD97j1JOCiZS2TW.html Ronny Jackson, House Republicans Call for Joe Biden Cognitive Assessment-Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) and several other House Republicans are calling for President Joe Biden to undergo a cognitive assessment after his trip to Europe. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/18/ronny-jackson-house-republicans-call-joe-biden-cognitive-assessment/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210618 Director Of Nursing - Covid Test Is Being Recalled Because Its Dangerous & Fails To Adequately Establish https://www.brighteon.com/ca4f92e1-1557-4708-9cee-a4833793562f Hydroxychloroquine is a Threat to Big Pharma Because it Acts Like a Vaccine - Dr. Richard Urso https://www.brighteon.com/2f2dff1a-6ffb-4e8d-a689-957b52e94a32 2021 The Year so Far UK England Police State-Note: The women parading in red are doing a Satanic ritual for the NWO. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/2021-the-year-so-far-uk-england-police-state_zAa1wQqko8AJCNH.html
6/14-19/21 New World Order-anonymous shows illuminati 2014 the new world order- https://www.brighteon.com/9a14154a-bfb9-447e-a3a5-e263fd627af2 Comment: Interesting point- The interview of Tim Russert with Bush during his election campaign was enlightening, and Russert was pushing Bush about his skull and bones connections-Russert died of a sudden heart attack not long after. Do some research on MK-Ultra, and how heart attacks and forms of torment and diseases can cause death-from a distance. The reference in this of Sandy Hook being an inside job is correct-however, Youtube has taken down just about every video that showed proof of this-go to the resource page of this site-I have an entire section at the bottom on the Sandy Hook hoax-with many videos that Youtube deleted, and were reloaded onto other platforms. Newscaster Tim Russert Dies at 58- https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=5065400&page=1 Well this is Terrifying... but also Corroborated 100% by Dr Deagle- https://www.brighteon.com/c0c055a0-e735-4264-b8d5-2bb27d5397ac Disney+ Hosting LGBTQ Pride Concert Aimed at Children, Starring Drag Queen Nina West-Comment: This is more of the revealing and unveiling of what Disney really represents. The agenda is now right out in the open-to destroy the family unit, eliminate any morality, and destroy the original creation of man/woman God designed in the beginning. We are now in full swing of perversion, and beyond Sodom and Gomorrah. The years of conditioning has worked, and the masses are completely brainwashed, and ready for the full disclosure of the devils agenda. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/06/17/disney-hosting-lgbtq-pride-concert-aimed-at-children-starring-drag-queen-nina-west/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210617 I can not say the Words 06/18/2021- To the Prophecy Club- A personal response: https://www.brighteon.com/fcc5a8c8-b274-4237-a6c8-7d96ad692eb5 As a called watchman and intercessor for this nation for over 40 years, I've been deeply aware of, and involved in the warfare in this realm, and as it escalates-it points ever to the return of Christ. This is the only answer to this worlds' dilemma. Donald Trump is not our Savior-and I do not trust him to have the resolve to turn this country around. You seem to either ignore or forget the many things Trump did and said during his term in office-that speaks volumes to me of who and what he is. He has bragged of being the "father of the vaccines"-these are poison shots, and I have no doubt he's known what they are from the beginning. I could say much more, but I'll just ask God to open your eyes, and see this through a clear lens of truth-with no political bias. In 2003 and 2004 the Lord directed me to fast, pray and then go to the top of Mt. Washington twice-and do a session of warfare intercession, and blow a shofar over the mountains of Vermont and New England-to hold back the evil long enough for a harvest of souls to be brought in, and then the ushering in of Christ to this world. I'm seeing it unfold before my eyes. My husband died just a few weeks after the second trip up there in 2004. I've paid some high prices over the years, for this work-but many of the Lord's people have-and are right now. I pray daily for His strength for his people-to endure to the end. I will not be attending your solemn assembly because I'm not willing to get tested or take a shot of the Covid poison vaccinations. I will stand here-and fast and pray on Sept. 6-8, and join you in spirit for the things you've spoken, and other things I can't talk about here. We are in the end of days, God's people need to take off the blinders, and see this as God does, and pray accordingly. 6/14-19/21 2021 FEB 01 TRUTH PILL; Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Many Dying in Israel after Receiving Vaccine- Short video with an audio broadcast of Mordechai Sones; so that I could pass on the information that many people here in Israel have been dying after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. Comment: This is heartbreaking to listen to, and a glimpse of the near future. https://www.brighteon.com/1d4bf9dc-ceab-4f41-ac2d-44b11be06e39 2021 MAY 13 The Magnetic Mark of the Beast https://www.brighteon.com/d8e9b93f-4871-47ab-a99e-17f231591cf6 STATE PRISON EMPLOYEE BLOWS WHISTLE - KILL SHOT FOR ALL VISITORS AND ALL INMATES! https://www.brighteon.com/c651dd3a-fa57-4222-92f2-289bc1d4aa91 DID 4 BRITISH AIRWAYS PILOTS DIE OF VACCINE THIS WEEK! https://brandnewtube.com/watch/did-4-british-airways-pilots-die-of-vaccine-this-week-hugo-talks-lockdown_EHNy2WeOCrqYzIJ.html The Brazen Censorship of the Hunter Biden Laptop Story - James Corbett-Comment: Some of the stuff on his laptop has circulated on the internet, and I've seen some of it-it is horrific, disgusting, and should be used for criminal evidence to prosecute him. But, yes, the mainstream media will make sure you never know the raw truth-or justice done by putting him away in prison, for the kids lives he's ruined. https://www.brighteon.com/22a9f3cc-846e-4409-8e3e-33c152962492 Deep State Illuminati Death Cult & The Destruction of Earth. Oh, & God!-Comment: Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. https://www.brighteon.com/7636ca58-57e9-40cd-b37d-cd2e2372ee4f
6/14/21 Doctor Lawrence Palevsky Explains What is Up with the CoV19 VAX and VAXXED https://www.brighteon.com/cf491d24-0117-459d-a274-b00fffb14ea7 There are no words to explain this but what an embarrassment https://brandnewtube.com/watch/there-are-no-words-to-explain-this-but-what-a-embarrassment_uKxZlOQRU1bUSTk.html WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON IN INDIA https://www.brighteon.com/56e65ea4-a7d4-418d-ac8d-3e84ecd50cb1 Tucker Carlson: Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-government-agents-helped-organize-capitol-riot Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Homes https://slate.com/business/2021/06/eviction-surge-moratorium-cdc-covid-tenant-rent.html Spanish man sentenced to 15 years for killing, eating his mother- https://www.foxnews.com/world/spanish-man-sentenced-killing-eating-mother More Chicken Meat More Magnet-I don't know about you, but this makes me angry, disgusted and ask myself again IS OUR FOOD BEING CONTAMINATED? THIS CERTAINLY LOOKS LIKE IT. https://www.brighteon.com/9c21be51-054f-400a-aab5-53254ddfac73 Joe Biden Describes United States and Russia as ‘Two Great Powers’ During Meeting Vladimir Putin in Geneva- Confused and vague; an uncomfortable event. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/16/it-begins-joe-biden-meets-with-vladimir-putin-in-geneva/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210616 Exclusive — Mike Pompeo: Wuhan Lab Still Operational, Next Virus Could ‘Kill not Three Million, but 30 Million’- Comment: I still have a video of a meeting between Pompeo and Trump giving an update on the Covid virus last year-and Pompeo told Trump "This is an experiment", Trump replied "You should have told us." He's giving another warning that this will never be over-and their cooking up more on the way. https://www.breitbart.com/health/2021/06/15/exclusive-mike-pompeo-wuhan-lab-still-operational-next-virus-could-kill-not-three-million-but-30-million/ NYC Gallery Owner Predicts Hunter Biden’s Artwork Will Sell over Double Its Worth Because of His Family Name-This man should be behind bars in prison-but he's going to make a fortune on the junk he's painting, and laughing at you while he does it. This is what the world wants, and what sells. He'll get away with his crimes, and the kids he destroyed, just like his father; for now. But, justice will prevail-one second after his last breath. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/15/nyc-gallery-owner-hunter-biden-artwork-sell-double-family-name/ Young Punk Picks a Fight With An Elderly Man - Big Mistake-....do you think the punk learned anything? This is the best thing I've seen in some time. https://www.brighteon.com/8caeb7d0-3041-4d19-9756-7e08a5142667 WATER WARS- Manufactured Drought to cause Food Shortages, Climate Totalitarianism - "Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019" (Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener). Diener has been warning steadily that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year: "Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No" (Diener). https://www.brighteon.com/2d79fa68-056a-46fe-b623-b5dcc3cbb635 Time travel PART 3 -- The fall of America- Listen to it, pray, use your discernment-People are used by God to give glimpses, and bits and pieces of prophetic events to help give guidance in the issues we face in our time-frame. https://www.brighteon.com/e667b8d7-de5a-4e9e-9191-41903255bc1c Vincent Rhodes: We Are Right at the Very End, and Here’s a Perfect Example [15.06.2021] https://www.brighteon.com/44c21c69-dfb9-489d-8961-ea76e19f2f39 Second confirmation: JUNE 14TH 2021. THE FBI BUILDING IN DC IS CLOSED AND BOARDED UP.-The White House has been abandoned. Housing and Urban Development is shut down and vacant. Has our government fallen already? Source: Richard Citizen Journalist. Video taken at 5:26 p.m. on June 14, 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/78cc711e-b52f-4e4e-8e0c-1f223f0c2431 FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in Building- FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in Building 15 JUNE 2021 Video below from a Citizen Journalist reports that the FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC is vacant this morning, June 15, 2021, and the entrance doors are BOARDED-up. No one can even walk-up the entry stairs which have a small chain across them to keep everyone out. Comment: I've heard the same thing about the White House-empty. This is ominous-something is about to happen. https://www.brighteon.com/b8905f14-a24f-4ba7-bb4e-bc7b9a3d1573 They are already planning the vaccinated phasing out https://www.brighteon.com/7cd513b2-de54-431e-b621-af5b95acf4d9 Covid Vaccines are Toxic – Finnish MP- https://www.brighteon.com/1a6d7302-5385-4b1a-a933-547fad83344f On June 9, Ano Turtiainen, member of Parliament of Finland, warned about possible COVID vaccine genocide going on in Finland. He warned all members of the Finnish Parliament they may be guilty of several different crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. "In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment....So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?" "Honorable Chairman, the committee's report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland's security. This report however omits a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns... I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; the awake and misguided. You can never again plead ignorance about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines. Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional license state that the authorization is conditional: "The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks." Yes, mRNA Modifies Your DNA! - One more Medical Fauci Bogey - David Knight https://brandnewtube.com/watch/yes-mrna-modifies-your-dna-one-more-medical-fauci-bogey-david-knight_RQea91BePR6bGAo.html Magnetic They Are Injecting Graphene Oxide As An Adjuvant In Vaccines! https://www.brighteon.com/e338eb8a-6a57-403e-9aa6-8b0dc97ace07 Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family-Comment: We are now in a Nazi regime. He is implementing a snitch on your neighbor, friend, co-workers policy that comes right out of Hitler's Nazi playbook, or Communist Russia. Go to the Resource page of this site, and listen to the audio book of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago, you will be amazed, and dismayed to realize how much this country now fits right into what he described in detail in his book, and lived through. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/15/biden-administration-asks-americans-to-report-potentially-radicalized-friends-and-family/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210615 URGENT WARNING !! ALMOST EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE IN THIS N.W.O RESET !! SHARE FAR AND WIDE !!-Braindead people lining up to get the shot, with give-away incentives of all kinds-including a vaccine clinic in Larry Flynt's Hustler club-get the shot, and watch the strip dance-and as the news guy says "Maybe your wife won't divorce ya." An RT news guy calls Biden your "Lord and Savior from the Covid", you can't make this stuff up. I posted a video about the CDC removing 150 thousand deaths from VAERS system-that were there. In the next couple of years, the death toll is going to go to the millions/billions. I'm saying this knowing I'll be labeled a conspiracy theorist-but the very reputable doctor's I've posted have the science to back up their warnings-that there are mass deaths coming soon in the next months, and two to three years. I'm posting this in hopes a few will listen, and heed the warnings. That's all I can do. These people are lining up for the kill shot-and getting enticed with the devils entertainment as they go-and they are all following the Pied Piper to hell. I regret the profanity, but the info is important. https://www.brighteon.com/20c7590f-f205-4625-9009-2c4b2061e5c9 ** DISGUSTING G7 SUMMIT PUSHES MASS EXTERMINATION ** - John Bowne – 14/June/2021-Comment: The ceremony before the Summit with the gals in read, and green/blue was a Satanic ritual-right in your face. https://www.brighteon.com/2f01c065-9084-48e3-8a9c-5ba62362329f Netanyahu out as Israel parliament approves coalition government-Comment: I am not a politician, and do not know all the dirty, corrupt dealings between the parties, and don't want to know. But, I do know one of the biggest reasons Netanyahu was despised, and attacked relentlessly, is because he would not divide Israel. On his watch-he never caved in. Now, it will be interesting to see what happens to the land God calls His own. If this new leader and his cohorts do cave in and plan to divide it-the word of God is clear; it will not be long, and hell will break loose. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/netanyahu-out-israel-coalition-government-b1865131.html Reporters Wait Nearly Three Hours for Joe Biden’s 25 Minute Press Conference https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/14/reporters-wait-nearly-three-hours-for-joe-bidens-25-minute-press-conference/ CDC Holding Emergency Meeting over Cases of Heart Inflammation Disorder in Young Coronavirus Vaccine Recipients https://www.breitbart.com/health/2021/06/14/cdc-holding-emergency-meeting-over-cases-of-heart-inflammation-disorder-young-coronavirus-vaccine-recipients/ MAGNETIC CHICKEN BREASTS - ARE THEY CONTAMINATING OUR FOOD SUPPLY https://brandnewtube.com/watch/magnetic-chicken-breasts-are-they-contaminating-our-food-supply_PnGqPpQE66pjzCt.html These Satanic Celebrities are Grooming an Entire Brainwashed World [12.06.2021]-Comment: at 15:19 the demon possessed tattooed lunatic in the bathtub with the pizza--connect the dots...pizzagate-sex trafficking, pedophilia-sexual abuse and murder of kids, he's in it-up to his neck-pun intended. https://www.brighteon.com/2fde6b01-035c-4bfd-b605-26e2f6097c40 TRUCKER IN DC WITNESSING UNUSUAL ACTIVITY- ARTICLE II SECTION 4 OF US CONSTITUTION-The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.???? Comment: I'll be watching to see if this proves to be true. https://www.brighteon.com/1d2936cd-3811-4051-a451-59eb4dc76140 CDC REMOVES 150K DEATHS FROM VAERS SYSTEM – VACCINE GENOCIDE https://www.brighteon.com/83513975-61c7-43b3-8d13-632fcbebb647 30 Years ago Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Faucci Of Genocide https://www.brighteon.com/9410e970-8ae0-4885-a0fe-6cadd2267b3f End-time biblical signs: May 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/3887a1c0-9687-405e-a0db-6bfda95dcc1d THE MEDICAL EXPERIMENT MUST STOP NOW-Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Roger Hodkinson https://www.brighteon.com/a3b33c9d-56eb-4e7a-a677-d1d3c6083ea6 6/7-12/21 5G CONTROLLED NANO TECHNOLOGY - SWABS AND VACCINE DELIVERY SYSTEM- A very important video, describing the agenda of nanotechnology/5G connection https://brandnewtube.com/watch/5g-controlled-nano-technology-swabs-and-vaccine-delivery-system_DeXYXQDyrkDFxIL.html ROCKEFELLER SPEECH 1991 - MEDIAS-There you go, he said it as clear as can be-the news media are completely complicit in this world takeover, and still are today. They've done a great job of keeping people brainwashed and asleep. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/rockefeller-speech-1991-medias_BUR2RcRk7X8C5cW.html Ohio House Bill 248 Dr Sherri Tenpenny Proponent Testimony-This testimony is very important. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/ohio-house-bill-248-dr-sherri-tenpenny-proponent-testimony_dNXcsi5YhT8hmME.html Magnetic Suicide Shots - RESEARCH!!- Deadly hypothesis by a UK doctor on the shots and test swabs https://www.brighteon.com/d84de705-499f-4fcf-943d-2dfd25ec9c5f Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Gives a Final Warning to Humanity-There is No Justification for Vaccines and Believes Vaccines and Passports Are for Depopulation of the World and Control of the Masses https://www.brighteon.com/3253d959-3ca7-4a8a-8222-9d4494dd3b1d The Most Dangerous Men In America Revealed- The strategy of the left, comes from Hitlers mindset. Tyranny, control, censorship, lies. https://www.brighteon.com/e34d7035-df61-43bc-81d3-0fe12c5de9ba 6/7-12/21
While out on business today, a remark was made to me, "Your content on your websites are all bad news, a Christian is supposed to be a blessing." I'll make a public reply-it's the same thing I said to the person who complained. "Yes, a lot of the content on them is considered bad news-it's also important truth on various subjects that can be verified, and can be of great benefit-and a blessing to anyone who may need the information in a situation they are facing, or a family member is going through. I'm called to serve God, and obey his guidance in what to put here. Truth is often rejected-that doesn't make the content of no value, or wrong to be placed in them-it reveals your heart and your unwillingness to allow truth to penetrate your bias, or wrong lifestyle. People who enjoy sin-often reject truth-they did in the bible. My sites are a blessing to those who are willing to allow truth to bring light, and change into their life." Final note: Yes, this is considered the "bad news" site-if you don't get anything useful from these sites, the answer is simple, don't come here. But-if you keep coming, and keep reading the content-on Judgment day, you will be responsible for the truth you saw, and rejected. I will continue to post what God prompts me to put here-you can do whatever you wish-like I said-if you don't like what is here-go somewhere else. This site will go on, but will probably be posting less, and only what has important content. I have a short fuse these days- I'm burned out, but will stand at my post. The war is heating up, Satan's minions are working overtime-and God's people are in the fire of affliction-but, God is in the fire with us. Now-today's posts: We really are Near the End, Look who is being featured in a DC Comics Tv Show! [08.06.2021]- Oh yes, Satan has all the ends tied up-you can go to the kids toy section and buy a pink Quija board for girls or a regular one for the family. The devil has convinced just about everybody that hell is going to be a great, fun place to be. Read your bible-and read the reality of what hell is-Jesus gives a very clear description in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. https://www.brighteon.com/88c73843-1871-42c3-80a8-274d345ad80f DAVID GOLDBERG'S FINAL WORDS- He knew what we are living in now, and are seeing the first steps of this evil agenda. https://www.brighteon.com/2d9ced8f-f0c3-4ec4-a292-e2753df40dae Chemotherapy does not Work but it is being used!- I have firsthand knowledge, and understanding of this doctor's statements, and agree completely with him. https://www.brighteon.com/333bf124-717b-4a94-a498-5a2b9cc51b56 Joe Biden Gushes in Europe: ‘I Don’t Want to Go Home’- That sounds good to me. www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/10/joe-biden-gushes-in-europe-i-dont-want-to-go-home/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20210610 Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying- Dr. Vernon Coleman https://brandnewtube.com/watch/lies-on-the-bbc-will-result-in-children-dying_ErotMtnUo2RjKyN.html Vermont at 79.6% vaccinations; remains safest state- AHS Secretary Mike Smith talks about going door to door to coerce people to take the shot-I will not be taking it. https://www.wcax.com/2021/06/08/vermont-state-leaders-hold-pandemic-press-conference/ UVM to require COVID vaccines once fully approved by FDA- This is the beginning of a nationwide agenda for all public interactions-business, social, churches, and the ability to travel. If you don't give in to this-you will be ostracized, demonized, and unable to "re-enter" society. https://www.wcax.com/2021/06/09/uvm-require-covid-vaccines-once-fully-approved-by-fda/ THEY INTEND TO REDUCE THE POPULATION IN THE USA BY 70% AND IN THE UK 80% BY 2025- Deagel.com is a military website with population calculations of nations of the world, and military equipment info-this is a legitimate site. https://www.brighteon.com/c508d290-4328-47c3-b583-545a6169a467 Vaccine Tattoo ~ The Mark ~ Anthony Patch- 8 min. on the mark of the beast https://www.brighteon.com/77ab9ac6-6853-40c6-82b0-bca076467e5c COVID VACCINE || MAGNETISM INTENTIONALLY ADDED TO MRNA TO FORCE IT THROUGHOUT ENTIRE BODY- Comment: connect the dots with the video above, and the population decreases by Deagel.com, these vaccines are part of the depopulation agenda. https://www.brighteon.com/c1972973-ad60-414c-9667-ddc45b596922 Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ 5G = HYPOXIA CELL OXYGEN DEPRIVATION OF LUNGS AND HEART!- Comment: This is also why the vaccines have the magnetic particles in them-to connect you to the 5G system-and the effects of the electromagnetic waves will be horrific, and deadly. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/5g-hypoxia-cell-oxygen-deprivation-of-lungs-and-heart_6Luw5FJQTQG6uGF.html Dr. Judy Mikovits-Spike proteins May kill 50 Million- https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-judy-mikovits-spike-proteins-may-kill-50-million_pABmSvWH1vIKa66.html Do Not Do Your Own Research! Part 10: The Blueprint- Vax by coercion. This is one of the reasons why people are walking away from their jobs- oppressive restrictions, and threats if they don't comply with getting vaxed, and wearing masks all day-and ruining their health by the oxygen loss. This fake pandemic is doing several things-depopulation by the vax, and dismantling society and the country, for the NWO. Some good info is in here about the origins of this virus, that mainstream media won't cover. https://www.brighteon.com/6326b1ee-e879-4caf-9872-2d27cf0a2e6f Imagine if this was your daughter. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/imagine-if-this-was-your-daughter_wqZHqQ7rFfbYJlN.html COVID 19 Side Effects 003 - Poor woman still didn't recover from Moderna shot. https://www.brighteon.com/0dc14905-1b0a-4c8f-a2de-f443eba2b5d0 IN THE “FOREHEAD” 666 https://www.brighteon.com/bfc83e5c-ebe4-4ef9-903e-e67e20c4028f Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax- https://www.brighteon.com/ee0fd90e-a60c-4bb8-8ee1-5ab531dc656b God is furious! The streets of Spain are covered with ice! A hail the size of a golf ball!-Comment: geoengineering weather warfare-Revelation tells of 100 pound hail in the Tribulation, looks like we're heading in that direction. https://www.brighteon.com/0002ede5-2317-4a46-a1c8-57686ec7f1a1 MEGADROUGHT In The West!- https://www.brighteon.com/c3b42bb5-dcb0-443b-beaa-d77d699ecb32 https://apple.news/AZEZOKWtdS-2-8oBMCCKfBw ‘Truly an emergency’: how drought returned to California – and what lies ahead https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/07/california-drought-oregon-west-climate-change Communist China Controls 200 Sq Miles in Texas Next to Major Air Force Base- https://brandnewtube.com/watch/communist-china-controls-200-sq-miles-in-texas-next-to-major-air-force-base_2RW2ysyAVC6oP1R.html China’s Social Credit System is Coming to America! - Reinette Senum https://www.brighteon.com/cc87ce7f-0b1f-4c52-aea9-6f1fd6ef4dd8 6/1-5/21 China Celebrates Tiananmen Massacre as a ‘Political Vaccine’ Against Democracy-Comment: Do a research on what happened at this massacre, the rhetoric spewed by China is more of the same layered lies, and cover-up they practice today. I watched this as it happened, and my heart goes out to the oppressed, enslaved innocent's in China-wake up America, and see your future. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2021/06/04/china-celebrates-tiananmen-massacre-political-vaccine-against-democracy/ Vermont Republican Governor Seeks to Give Non-Citizens Voting Rights in Local Elections- Another major sellout of America, it's laws, it's Constitution, and what this country was founded on. It's a disgrace to the millions who went through the process to become legalized citizens, for the right to vote, some of them were my ancestors. This is diluting and erasing citizenship rights by allowing illegal aliens the right to vote here in Vermont. He is a traitor to this country, and shows he's in league with the socialist agenda of Bernie Sanders. This is nothing for Vermont to be proud of. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/03/vermont-republican-governor-seeks-to-give-non-citizens-voting-rights-in-local-elections/ How the COVID Vaccine Can Create a DEADLY Autoimmune Response - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny https://www.brighteon.com/a1827315-a2a9-4477-87ed-ba9c382a62e6 80% Covid19 Vax people will die https://www.brighteon.com/3e46f4a3-f39a-4dea-b8ff-083574923125 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicts Pandemic Can be Used to Establish Global Authoritarian Power https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c6c918184efc8af41baedf7dc7bc840a44f937a7456da21d654f39461ecd4804.jpg Elon Musk is Not Who You Think He is https://brandnewtube.com/watch/elon-musk-is-not-who-you-think-he-is_OYkat6WDFzp1btO.html [WARNING] GENESIS 6 HUMAN ANIMAL HYBRIDS ON THE WAY | USA TODAY RUNS ADS FOR NETFLIX'S SERIES GASLIGHTING HUMANS BAD HYBRIDS GOOD- Comment: This a very important video, and the man narrating this is 100% right, your getting programmed for what's coming, and it's right at the door. You'll start seeing these monsters on the streets, and in public places-and do you really think they will act and behave like a human? We are in the days of Noah- combine this with the evil agenda with the vaccines- if the days aren't shortened, like Jesus said, no flesh will survive. Come Lord Jesus. https://www.brighteon.com/c4def3f7-8ab4-40a4-9859-852dac2090a2 The Corona Virus Beings of Frequency (OLD VIDEO) (MUST WATCH)-This video has important information, that is irrefutable. Take the time to stop it at the place the phone and electric companies give statements of the legal fines they talk about having to pay, due to the injuries from the frequencies through their systems, and the ongoing research they have to keep doing to gauge the health risks of the use of mobile devices. His statements about the frequencies triggering the corona virus is a proven fact-he has the qualifications to prove what he is saying. The only solution to this now is-come Lord Jesus. https://www.brighteon.com/56ccb35d-5f57-4eaf-a581-4bc03f148ff8 The Ban on "Conversion Therapy" - Dr. David Mackereth- Dr. David Mackereth became a Christian in 1982 whilst studying medicine at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He currently works in Accident and Emergency Medicine, but over the years has been able to engage in Gospel preaching ministry. In 2018 he hit the national headlines as the Christian Doctor who refused to use transgender pronouns, whilst working for a government agency. This action got him fired, but he does not regret standing up for the truth. With God’s help, he continues to take a firm stand on this, and other issues. https://youtu.be/nBftxYFGg1g Synthetic dna as receiver in electromagnetic fields=The Mark Of The Beast Zombies https://www.brighteon.com/a5b69f79-48fc-4bc4-9984-25856b10bf9e MUST WATCH It's out in the open now! https://www.brighteon.com/286fb584-ea39-4481-8847-55ef70f9c36c The DEATH of America - Idaho National Guard Vaxx site at Middle School https://www.brighteon.com/634f195d-2b28-4531-be3f-f67128c6ea44 Inflation Nation: Labor Costs Soaring Twice as Fast as Previously Thought-Comment-This is just the beginning. Too bad it never mentioned he is a pedophile. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/06/03/inflation-nation-labor-costs-soaring-twice-as-fast-as-previously-thought/ Fauci Emails: Mark Zuckerberg Says ‘People Trust and Want to Hear from Our Experts’ https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/06/02/fauci-emails-mark-zuckerberg-says-people-trust-and-want-to-hear-from-our-experts/ Emails Show Anthony Fauci Scrambled at Beginning of Pandemic to Determine Potential U.S. Role in Funding Coronavirus Research ‘Abroad’ https://www.breitbart.com/health/2021/06/02/emails-show-anthony-fauci-scrambled-at-beginning-of-pandemic-to-determine-potential-u-s-role-in-funding-coronavirus-research-abroad/ Tucker-Fauci deserves to be under criminal investigation- https://brandnewtube.com/watch/tucker-fauci-deserves-to-be-under-criminal-investigation_URRT1n74arEQhz8.html Frequencies, vaccines & the HAARP array in Wales- https://brandnewtube.com/watch/frequencies-vaccines-amp-the-haarp-array-in-wales_4RyfulCtNd5V84M.html Biden administration program sending horses to slaughter https://www.brighteon.com/92b15dc1-64f0-4cc6-a18a-74bbc77a378e Masks Are Killing Children, And The Elderly! https://www.brighteon.com/d94ac163-3be9-46cd-8bd0-e9ae0a5a6728 attached link: https://www.brighteon.com/f60fec5a-bbb5-4a9d-8de2-2f43b7a3a82c GRASSY KNOLL TALK - EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY (THE TRUTH ABOUT JFK ASSASSINATION) https://www.brighteon.com/77fe7095-1f9f-45d0-9483-cb4c9fc310a1 GLITCHES IN THE MATRIX? HOLOGRAMS? BIRDS/PLANES STUCK MID AIR? PEOPLE WHO JUST APPEAR AND FAKE CRAP? https://www.brighteon.com/897357cd-e431-44f6-bf50-8d425872457f 13 TV Shows and Characters Pushing the LGBTQ Agenda on Children- TV is poison for the soul and spirit-Within 6 years of gay “marriage” being legalized, we have transgender kids, gay sex being taught in schools, endless genders, drag queen story hour, men competing in woman’s sports, people advocating for the decriminalization of AIDS transmission, and grown men in woman’s bathrooms-society is dysfunctional, and doesn't have the backbone to return to the moral foundations it began with. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/06/01/13-tv-shows-and-characters-pushing-the-lgbtq-agenda-on-children/ Vandals Deface Republican Nancy Mace’s House on Memorial Day with Profanity, Antifa Symbols https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2021/06/01/vandals-deface-republican-nancy-maces-house-memorial-day-profanity-antifa-symbols/ Comments are closed.
This page contains news articles videos and commentaries on various subjects dealing with relevant and prophetic world events When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Eze 33:8-9 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The NightWatchman
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3-4 Gander Story Poems
https://www.ganderpoems.org/ Significant Posts
The Final Sacrifice-
https://www.thenightwatchman.org/devotions/the-final-sacrifice The Song of The Redeemed-The Song of Moses https://www.thenightwatchman.org/blog/the-song-of-the-redeemed-the-song-of-moses Noahide laws 3/17/19 - https://www.twosparrowsministry.org/home/the-coming-noahide-laws-what-you-need-to-know Archives
January 2025