News/Articles/Videos 5/25-31/21 The Prophecy Club-Urgent- This is being posted because since 1984, I've had several dreams of the same thing this man has described-of Washington D.C. being invaded by military forces, and nuclear blasts in cities across the country. What he shares, and the testimonies of the other's, is confirmation to me, and my spirit witnesses that this is going to happen soon. I'm giving no dates-I do not know when- weeks/months/years, but I don't believe it will be very long. I'm very aware many will not believe me-but the Lord has required me to post this, I must be obedient. God is trying to warn anyone, who will listen. Some Good News- Official at Kenyan Atheist Society Resigns After Finding Jesus- The Atheists in Kenya society (AIK) announced Saturday the secretary of the organization, Mr. Seth Mahiga, resigned from his post because “he has found Jesus Christ and is no longer interested in promoting atheism in Kenya.” 14-Year-Old to Be Tried as Adult for Allegedly Stabbing Teenage Girl 114 Times Will The COVID Vaccines Complete The Zombification Of America.mp4- People who have been vaccinated are becoming magnetic-this is evidence of this mans description of nano-particles in the body-and brain. Covid SHOTS Causes Magnets to Stick to Arms?!! Magnets Are Not The Only Things Sticking To Injection Site On The Vaccinated CDC's own webpage-definition of Zombie Preparedness-This is what is coming with these vaccines, for those who don't die right away. The nanoparticles that make their arms magnetic is going to cause brain dysfunctions, and you'll start to see people turn into these Zombies, and when the 5G system gets turned on in this country-watch what happens to these magnetized people. Why is Chanel building "Smart Guillotines"? Why is Chanel building "Smart Guillotines"? Clip from: Insider Exposes Freemasonry as World's Oldest Religion and Luciferian Plans for The New World Order - Article here: Armed black militia on the streets - Two Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Members Get 40 Years in Prison for Murdering Girl in Satanic Ritual-Take note of the looks on the two animals faces- they know they got away with it, and not an ounce of remorse. They should have gotten the death penalty ASAP. Vatican Wishes ‘Joy, Serenity, and Hope’ to World’s Buddhists- This apostate Pope is showing you the new One World religion he is developing. Jesus Christ is not His Lord and Savior-he needs to stop playing games, and just admit he is not a Christian. Anyone in the Catholic church who sees this, and doesn't see what is happening, is totally deceived. If you believe in Christ, and know your bible, you have to know this is apostasy-come out from among them, and be ye separate. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by Me." It's time to come out of that dead apostate religion-and follow Christ. Buddha did not die for you on a cross for your sins, Buddha did not rise from the dead-he is still in his grave. When you stand before God on Judgment day, it won't be Buddha-it will be Christ. Biden Budget Proposes to Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions- President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget Friday, one that would eliminate the longstanding Hyde Amendment and force American taxpayers to fund abortions. He's doing what many of the women in power such as Pelosi (who is a witch) and her followers want-they have cast their spell of "open Biden" to get whatever they want-including free abortions on demand, and you pay the bill. This is part of the "empowerment of women" movement-through enticement, and coercion. America is Babylon. Vatican Pedophilia (Bombshell information)- Lawyer Jeff Anderson press conference on lawsuit involving pedophile Jesuit Donald McGuire. Exposing the rampant pedophilia within the catholic church, and their attempts to cover it up. THE VIDEO the VATICAN DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE! Enthronement of Satan Pope says Paganism is Biblical? Homelessness is a growing problem across the country-below are some articles about homeless camping in public parks, and state/national parks across the nation. The issue of increased drug problems, vandalism, and indecent exposure in public places goes along with this dilemma. Government leaders seem to turn a blind eye to much of it, but the problems that come with it-will be devastating, if it's not resolved. It's another sign of a country collapsing from within. Temp homeless campsites in Portland parks? City debates Uproar Over Proposed Camp Sites For Homeless People At West L.A. Beaches, Parks Salem leaders plan to end homeless camping in city parks Owen Shroyer Enters Tent City, Austin TX Rand Paul: Fauci Should Testify Under Oath About Wuhan Lab Funding Corona Coverup? Biden Shut Down Trump Probe into Virus Origins in China ** PREPARE TO INCINERATE THE DEAD VACCINATED BODIES ** - Luc Montagnier/Nobel Laureate Strange Happening in Lake kivu is like Hell opened in the Middle of the Lake The Mark of the Beast - FULL MOVIE LONG VERSION GET READY: THERE WILL BE NO RETURN TO NORMAL - MOST AMERICANS WILL NOT SURVIVE WHAT IS COMING Killer Drone Swarms are Here! God gave me a dream of this very thing in 1984, and described to me what they would do to people during the Tribulation. I relayed this in the book I wrote-The NightWatchman, along with other prophecies given to me over the years. A few years ago-I saw the first video of these mini-drones equipped to kill-that confirmed the dream, and what was said to me about them. Another video about this is on the resource page of this site. THE SUN IS GOING DOWN FOR GOOD VERY SOON.... The 5G System- The 5G Beast Grid Babels Rise From The Ashes- Excellent Youtube documentary which was removed, due to their Nazi censorship. Connect the dots-research the vaccines which contain nano-bots that will make you a walking computer/cell tower, you will be connected to the 5G system-if you don't die from the injection, or get micro-waved by the frequencies. The push for the 5G kill grid. The spectrum frequencies 3.5GHz 26 and 36 will activate the dormant pathogens in the contaminated Vaccines that have metal contamination also so that the body acts as a resonator opening up the cells for the pathogens and increasing their lethality. The 60GHz will gas the populations causing Oxygen starvation. ROME — Pope Francis issued a dire report on the state of the planet Tuesday, insisting the earth is suffering the worst environmental crisis of its history.- The Satanic Signs In Disney Movies In Plain Sight Best & Taylor Intel Update (5/14/2021): This Scripted, Satanic Matrix World — Head's Up! 5/17-22/21 The Mysterious Death Dr. Fauci's Most Notable Critic whole warehouse- full of body bags Ontario Canada Premier Doug Ford tells Toronto that he will "Use Force" to Jab People Police Chief vs Canadian Pastor Will Cain: Welcome to the decline of America- Racism is alive and growing, and the people who are targeted, are the white people. Time is Running Out - We Must Act Now!- The link to Dr. Coleman's website: Magnet sticking to mans face after having the Covid 19 Vaccine Tesla's Elon Musk: 'We're Summoning the Demon' with Artificial Intelligence Prepare For The Coming Wave Of Massive Deaths Of Children! For Not Heeding The Warnings. Could May 21st be Judgement Day? When they say Peace and Safety - then Sudden Destruction Come?- My comment: I do not know the day nor hour of Jesus coming, but this could be the day, we are at the door. As a watchman, I will just post this as a warning, that's my responsibility. The signs are all around, for those with eyes to see. If not today-I'll keep watching, and looking for that day. Update: This will remain here, as an example of another false prophecy. It is now 5/22/21, and Jesus has not returned, nor Judgment day. This can be put in the same category as the Jehovah Witnesses, and Joseph Smith of the Mormons. The lesson is-the only One who can be trusted is Jesus Christ-and His word. When prophecies fail, He remains the same. Spacebusters 2020 Doc, Part 5- New World Order- I will add, yes, pray, but it's very important who you pray to: not Buddha, not Mohammed, but to the Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ. It is Christ who we worship, and pray to, and through-Every knee will bow, and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Horrifying Bombshell! Connecticut Warns Moderna VAX Contains Deadly Poison Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did- My comment: I will intentionally put this right under the post above, for good reason. Franklin Graham is intentionally skirting the truth's about these poison vaccines-and why-only God knows. But, he is giving deadly advice that is not only wrong, it is potentially dangerous to the health and life of millions of people. I will add-Jesus healed people because He is God-and has the power to whatever He chooses. He healed everyone who came to Him-without exception. He also avoids the fact that there are aborted fetal tissue in these vaccines, and that right now, thousands have died, and thousands more are permanently disabled and seriously sick. I do not want to be anywhere around, when he faces God one day. An honest doctor tells us the truth- CERN IS ABOUT DESTRUCTION AND ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. THEY OPEN A PORTAL IN THIS VIDEO AT CERN- Have they opened a portal to Hell? They have the "Shiva" statue which is the god of destruction. They believe Shiva will destroy the world and they will have a "New World Order" rise out of the Chaos. Around 80 countries involved all working together and contributing and getting along in this effort...and warring and disagreeing with each other everywhere else? My comment: I do not know if Obama is the Anti-Christ, it's possible, but right now, no one knows who it is-but we will before long. Why are people so stupid and corrupt- My comment: couldn't have said it any better-amen. Elon Musk - You Know what AI Is? More dangerous than Nukes! My comment: I believe it is already too late, and there are AI computers that are thinking independently-and humans will not be able to control them. I believe we will see and hear some real horror stories, such as the 27 scientists in China several years ago, that were killed by robots that would not obey them. I don't think Elon Mush wants to be totally honest about what he already knows, because as he said "he's scared to death." Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God - In Whom The god Of This World Hath Blinded The Eyes... Half of NIH/CDC Refuse the Covid Vaccine- Susie Forbes says the ASTRAZENECA VACCINE turned her into a MONSTER 5/13-14/21 Guinea pigs from Israel: The death shot called the vaccine Report: U.S. Capital Nearly Out of Gas While North Carolina, Virginia Also Endure Steep Outages LGBT Activists Call for Ban on ‘Hate Prayer’ for Gay Conversion- Sodom and Gomorrah took great offense over the accusations of depravity and utter corruption that they practiced. Practicing evil isn't enough for these people , they demand our approval and insist we "celebrate" their depravity. Pipeline Inspector Calls In to The Alex Jones Show- 'It's 100% Engineered Collapse'- ** NANO-BOTS MAGNETIZING THE VACCINATED ** - The reason the magnets are sticking to your arm is because of the NanoBots - My comment- a clip is in this showing a small boy having a seizure after getting the covid shot-why would a parent be so stupid-it's too late for the poor kid now. 12/May/2021 Tesla's Elon Musk: 'We're Summoning the Demon' with Artificial Intelligence It’s always too late when you take it!! Woman Has Adverse Reaction 5 Minutes After 1st Moderna Covid19 Vaccine Shot Publix Riverview Florida 5/11/21 Prophetic warning for The State of Nevada (May 11, 2021)- Room where wait after the vaccines given-watch them collapse- TOP DOCTOR WARNS: ONCE VACCINATED, It will Be Your Death- Tucker Carlson: Why Isn't Fauci Under Criminal Investigation?- 5/10/21 Canadian Pastor Arrested By Canadian Gestapo- Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother David were arrested on the highway as if they were high risk armed criminals. Their crime? Attending church in the Province of Alberta Canada. This arrest is actually likely a criminal act on the part of the police. If anyone told you a year ago the police would be arresting pastors for performing their God ordained duties you would be accused of being a tin foil hat wearing goof. In British Columbia Canada, police are now assigned at four different roadblocks to enforce travel restrictions from one area to another. If this is where we are at in one year, by next year we in Canada will be living in a police state with a complete disregard for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Nolte: Canadian Pastor Arrested for ‘Inciting’ People to Attend Church-This article tells more information about the church service before this arrest. Letter From Ex-Witch Regarding Harry Potter- I will add my amen to this testimony, and share my own-Very shortly after my salvation in 1978, within a couple of weeks, the Lord Jesus Christ's presence manifested to me in my home, and directed me to destroy many Occult, and witchcraft books I had on a bookshelf in my livingroom. I spent the entire afternoon burning them in my woodstove, until they were all destroyed-from there I was directed to renounce all activity with the Occult and witchcraft, repent, and ask for the cleansing of Jesus blood over my life, that was over 40 years ago, and I also am a testimony of the power of Jesus Christ to save, and deliver anyone who comes to Him-He loves you, if your into any of this turn from it, repent, and give your heart to Christ. His love is far above anything the devil has to offer-and, it's forever. My testimony can be read in my book, The NightWatchman, available on this page A sidenote-this video was made in 2000-Now, in 2021 we are seeing the kids of 20 years ago, now young adults and the effects of a country given over to Satanism, and witchcraft. Our government is run by Satanists-and is in the process of totally destroying this country. People didn't listen to, or heed the warnings given by many of us for the last few generations-and now the country will reap what it has chosen to worship, and promote. Evil is having it's day-and we will see it become as "hell on earth", in the near future. Why and How They Plan to Kill Seven Billion-Dr. Coleman explains why it is important to see the big picture rather than to concentrate on small issues, and why we are now all in the "killing fields". He discusses Sustainable Development Goals, genocide and the various ways governments are killing people and how they plan to reduce the world population to 500 million. My comment: In my book The NightWatchman, I describe how my father was in a V.A. hospital in New York, suffering with lung cancer-and the nurses would put his food tray too far away to reach it-and leave without even trying to feed him. I saw them do this with my own eyes. When I worked in healthcare in nursing homes, this was done silently and most never caught on to what was really going on-I could tell much more, but not here, it would take up many pages. THEY ARE DRAGGING THE ELDERLY FROM THEIR HOMES: MASS GENOCIDE AGENDA 21 [2021-05-08]-The level of FEAR around the world is unprecedented. This vaccine was designed and developed to kill billions. These sick and evil few, the Elites (1%) of the world will win this battle if you don't fight back. REMOVE your Masks and say NO to the Vaccine because if you don't ....and soon, everything will be lost forever. The next time you go into a store, take off your mask instead of being a coward and living in Fear. This is exactly what they want. 5/1-8/21 National Day of Prayer: Joe Biden Mentions ‘Racial Justice,’ ‘Climate Change,’ Not ‘God’ Report from the front lines: We're banned by Facebook, harassed by the Vatican, blocked and hindered- My comment: Many of the hindrances spoken of by this man, and his work is very much the same as I've dealt with over the years, right from the first year. I left Facebook a couple of years ago because of the same obstructions, and problems, that increased every year. My own website company has actively opposed me in many areas and many ways. I've spoken a couple of times on my own websites of the intentional obstructions, and the frustration of getting my work posted. When I asked the Lord why I was getting this ongoing trouble, the answer I got was because I was hitting the nail on the head-and provoking Satan by exposing his agenda in many areas. The work over the years has been very difficult and stressful-but I'd do it again-just to give the devil a black eye, and expose him. His saying the time is about up, is also correct, and many scriptures spoken in this video are the same ones given to me over the past few months. Come, Lord Jesus. Supreme Court Says You're Owned If Injected W/ Patented Synthetics; CDC, et al., Admit World Undergoing Vaccine Trial; Australia Admits Vaccine Is Poison- Deadly Vaccines Will Soon be Required to Work in the US Sadly, History Seems To Be Repeating Itself! Attachment to this: DO NOT Get Tested - The PCR Test Is Lethal - SHARE EVERYWHERE Attached link: A Beastly idea: DARPA- DARPA Implanted Microchip to Detect Covid-19 in Humans Today on TRUNEWS, the team explores the forced vaccinations taking place by armed law enforcement upon the most vulnerable of our population, the homeless and the mentally handicapped. Also, new revelations about microchips and COVID-19. FDA Will Not Authorize or Aprove any Covid 19 Vaccine! Lets see if isn't another lie... Beast Banking System Getting Ready 4/26-30/21 75 year old Christian preacher arrested in West London 23-4-21 Biden Dumps Banned Covid-19 Vaccines on India- My comment-I'm hearing two stories on India, that the Covid deaths in India are out of control, and other's who say the media is lying-and using just two cities who are having a surge in Covid cases as a means to spin a false narrative. I'm posting this article only because of the truth that can be easily found, that Biden is sending the vaccines that are banned here-to them, this speaks loud and clear what the agenda really is for these vaccines. Masked Madness! - Unsustainable: The UN's Agenda for World Domination (2020)- One of the best documentaries I've seen on the government indoctrination of Agenda 21, and how it's being put in place, and the criminals who run this country who are involved in it. I could go into several subjects in this video-but will just touch on a couple. 1. Blocking off humans from public lands. Here in my area, every state owned public land, such as wildlife sanctuaries, and parks are blocked off and gaited right now, and are every winter-until well into late spring, almost summer-and no one is able to use these public areas. We pay taxes on these lands by government agencies such as the Forestry Dpt., and the signs say they are public lands-but they are not. Even when most of them are opened, there's a station at the entrance and you must pay a fee to go in and use these "public" state owned lands-more profit for the government. There are very few public wildlife areas that are truly accessible to the public, without restrictions. 2. The border catastrophe of illegal aliens flooding the country-do you really think this is not a well planned event? It is-and you can thank the powers that be right now in Washington, who stole the election and got away with it-and the globalists who are working behind the scenes and pulling the strings of these puppets, Biden and Harris-who are just their mouthpieces. This country is in total collapse, and the tyranny in the streets of the cities, along with this border crisis is a well-laid plan to completely destroy this nation, along with the fake pandemic, to put in their NWO agenda. BOOK WRITTEN IN 1994: "4 BILLION USELESS EATERS SHALL BE ELIMINATED BY THE YEAR 2050" Those who haven’t been brainwashed understand that the risk is essentially nonexistent, and science does not uphold the mandate or law of wearing a mask. On the contrary-there is an abundance of scientific evidence that wearing a mask is detrimental to your health- It restricts about 20% of your oxygen intake, wearing one for over 20 minutes, and your breathing back into your lungs-bacteria and germs from the moisture and mold that's beginning to grow in the mask, and your breathing back into your body carbon dioxide-which is poisonous to your body. The data still doesn't support it. As of yesterday: 0-9 survival is 99.9990%, 10-19 is 99.9996%, 20-29 is 99.9987%, 30-39 is 99.9897%, 40-49 is 99.9665%, 50-59 is 99.8832%, 60-69 is 99.5510%, 70-79 is 98.7768%, and over the age of 80 is 96.7260%. Even in the older demographics, it is leveling off. 47% of all deaths are over the age of 80 (many in their 90s or in hospice care already), 75% are over the age of 70, and nearly 40% are from nursing homes. That's your at-risk group. Under the age of 70 is essentially nonexistent. This isn’t even remotely a pandemic. This is a case where a case isn’t even remotely an actual indicator of illness. ** FRANKENSHOTS ** Violating the Nuremberg Code of Medical Experimentation - Jones/Boyle - 17/Mar/2021- One of the leading experts in bioweapons & international law reveals bombshell intel** Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Rules WATCH: NYPD Detective Assaulted in Broad Daylight, Suspect Arrested Vaccine deaths stall global rollout- Crazy Video: White Supremacist “Proud Boys” Drag People Out Of Cars And Street Fight At Airport!- Think this crap only goes on in the cities?.....I can tell you firsthand-it happens right here in the sticks-in the middle of nowhere, in the backwoods of Vermont. This world is an insane asylum. Nolte: After Year of Anarchy, Portland’s Democrat Mayor Squeaks ‘Take Our City Back!’ ‘White Savior’ Isaac Newton Benefited from ‘Colonial-Era Activity’, Claims University: Report- From the article- "“The so-called decolonization of the curriculum is, in effect, censoring history,” she said, adding: “It otherwise becomes fiction, if you start editing it, taking bits out that we view as stains.” Lucifer The new norm in America Part 2 44-year-old female pastor dead 26 days after vaccine MR: Cities of Confusion in the Apocalypse of Isaiah- This is a very good account of where we are at right now-I will only add-there are many people who are believer's in Jesus Christ, who have no church in their nearby area that preach the gospel in truth, and have nowhere to go-find a good bible teacher, and pastor on the internet, and feed your spirit and soul that way. God is not going to abandon us, even in this dark hour, and he understands the darkness we are living in. THE LAST SURVIVING PROSECUTOR OF THE NUREMBERG TRIALS HAS A MESSAGE FOR US- Brazil forced jab - RIP Old Man Now You are Free- News/Articles/Videos TED L GUNDERSON FBI ---------------------- C H E M T R A I L S- The vaccine-chemtrail, 5G, NWO connection, explained. They are spraying us like bugs, to get us connected to their "cloud", and make zombie robots out of us, or kill us-whichever comes first-and I assure you, they do not care which does come first. Second agenda-weather warfare. For more info on geoengineering- go to Comment- This escalation in the Ukraine is very serious, and Putin's warnings and coinciding actions are clear. If Biden has intended to "wake the Bear" with his insults aimed at Russia-he has succeeded. NUCLEAR WARNING- Putin warns of tough Russian action if West crosses 'red line'. Putin warns of tough Russian action if West crosses 'red line'. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West not to cross a "red line" with Russia, saying such a move would trigger an "asymmetrical, rapid and harsh" response. The warning came in his annual state of the nation address, amid heightened tension with the West over Ukraine and jailed Putin critic Alexei Navalny. Mr Putin said Western powers were constantly trying to "pick on" Russia. Police have detained nearly 100 Navalny supporters rallying in several cities. Hundreds staged pro-Navalny protests on Wednesday in eastern cities including Vladivostok, Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. The authorities have declared them illegal. The anti-corruption campaigner is being treated at a prison hospital in Vladimir, about 180km (112 miles) east of Moscow. He is on hunger strike and his allies say his life is in danger President Putin said some Western countries were like jackals trying to please the US, just as a jackal behaves with the tiger Shere Khan in Kipling's tale The Jungle Book. "We don't want to burn bridges, but if somebody interprets our good intentions as weakness, our reaction will be asymmetrical, rapid and harsh," he said. "We'll decide for ourselves in each case where the red line is." (My comment- it is interesting, and no surprise, that they will decide where the line is, and move it as they see fit. This leaves everyone but them, in the dark as to their intentions.) Tensions have been building over Ukraine, as reports say Russia has moved more than 100,000 troops close to disputed areas. A large part of that force is in Crimea, the peninsula which Russia annexed from Ukraine in March 2014. A senior Ukrainian officer, Gen Serhiy Nayev, estimated the total force to be 103,200 last week. Russia backs the separatists holding a swathe of eastern Ukraine, and its maneuvers have fueled fears of a new Russian military intervention. In his speech Mr. Putin said that "the West didn't think about Belarus or Ukraine, when the Maidan events were going on there". Mass protests in Kyiv's Maidan Square led to Ukraine's pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing to Russia in February 2014. "The organizers of any provocations against Russia will regret [their actions] in a way they never have before," Mr. Putin warned. Mr. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov later described the "red lines" as "our external security interests, our internal security interests in preventing any outside interference, whether in our elections or other domestic political processes". Last week the US government accused the Kremlin of "malign activity" and expelled 10 Russian diplomats. Russia responded tit-for-tat. Similar hostile exchanges of diplomats took place between Russia and both the Czech Republic and Poland. Calls Grow For Democrat Maxine Waters To Be Kicked Out Of Congress- The verdict has been given-and the outcome will be ongoing; but the point to posting this now is, why is she still in office? Why doesn't Biden do to her, what they did to Trump?....the double standard is clear. Socialist Bernie Sanders Launches Bill for Tuition-Free College, Disproportionately Helping Wealthier Families- Yes, educate more brats to become dirty mouthed, disrespectful Marxist, communists, to loot, burn buildings, and destroy this country-and make them all good little socialists-like himself. Teach them that we have to be punished for the sins of dead ancestors from over 150 years ago-to keep the race issue hot, and the hatred to rise to the point of another civil war. This country needs to learn what to do with those who teach and promote tyranny-and do it again. Mousseline's fate is a good example. For the record: I've stated before, I am not racist, and anybody who accuses me of being racist, is a liar. I had nothing to do with what my ancestor's did hundreds of years ago-many of them in my family fought and died to free you black people. I also had nothing to do with what color I was born into-you'll have to talk to God about that. I will never bow my knee to anybody either, except the Lord Jesus Christ. All lives matter-and it makes no difference what color you are. This is what I talked about in the teaching page on this site, in the The Screwtape Letters, Bernie is a very willing puppet for Wormwood right now. And, a couple of years ago, his wife who was president of a college here in Vermont, ran it into the ground, look it up. Your house and phone are spying on you >>EVEN ENCRYPTED apps but worst of all so is your smoke detector-This video is just a sample of the snooping that goes on everywhere, including your vehicles now. Everything you do and say is picked up and used against you, if somebody can do it. The only thing the satanic people who do this can't achieve-is knowing the intentions and motives of your heart-that is still only seen by God Saint Greta: U.S. Isn’t Serious About Climate Unless It Bans Fossil Fuel Subsidies- Taking advice from someone especially created by media-and just as truthful. Let's see now-how old is she....really? And, this world doesn't need anymore advice from mentally challenged people-it's run by them already, and the results speak for themselves. She and Joe Biden would make a good team-but might not remember what they said, before finishing the sentence. The term saint, can only be applied to someone who's made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior-has she done that....? Empty Covid Beds- A medical team in Brazil decided to show the truth to stop fake news on TV, empty covid unit beds. This is what is going on in hospitals everywhere-including right here in the U.S., wake up, and stop helping the criminals running these governments-push back. I've decided to add a page in order to have one place to put relevant news/articles/and videos on prophetic world events, and various topics. Keep coming back, new material will be added regularly, as I come across them.
This first post fits perfectly for those of us in New England right now-look out your window-we are back into winter. Is it climate change? Are the poles getting ready to flip..., are we going into another ice age?... no, we are being attacked by weather warfare-look it up, research it, it's real, and we have been under attack for many years, it's just getting worse, and they are ramping it up. The "climate change" they keep trying to get us to believe in-is man made. ELECTRIFIED MICROWAVED 5G WEATHER - HAARP GMO MANIPULATED FREEZE HAIL OR SNOW! SEE IT IN REAL TIME CAPTURED ON FILM - UN CLIMATE CHANGE WEATHER WARFARE! WEAPON. WAKE UP For much more information on this subject go to Comments are closed.
This page contains news articles videos and commentaries on various subjects dealing with relevant and prophetic world events When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Eze 33:8-9 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The NightWatchman
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3-4 Gander Story Poems Significant Posts
The Final Sacrifice- The Song of The Redeemed-The Song of Moses Noahide laws 3/17/19 - Archives
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