And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. Rev 21:25 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. Rev 22:5 The Land of No Night These passages have a myriad of aspects that could be brought out; this devotion will go into a few. At the close of this age, which is coming soon-Rev 21:25 speaks of the gates being opened, and will never be shut. What this implies for us is: First, that the city has no fear of any foes. These have all been conquered and subdued. The struggles have been ended forever and no enemies remain to invade. In the second place, that "the nations of the saved" can always enter. There is always admittance freely to those "who have the right to enter in through the gate into the city." All nations are represented as contributing to increase its glory, as the nations pay tribute to an earthly capital. Nothing sinful or unclean shall ever enter, "neither whatever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie; but they that are written in the Lamb's book of life. Night is the symbol of sin. The time which God has ordained for rest, man has appropriated to crime. All classes of the depraved and lawless look upon the night as their chosen patron and protector. “The way of the wicked is as darkness.” “Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.” When, therefore, we read of heaven as being without night, the expression evidently implies that beyond those eternal gaits, no impurity can ever be admitted. “There shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they that are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Night is the symbol of danger. The hours that darkness broods over the earth also harbors insecurity. It is then that the robber, the housebreaker, the incendiary, and the whole tribe of predators on property and life, steal from their lurking places, and roam the streets in their work of mischief. It's at night that perils easily avoided in the day, deepen and multiply. The exclusion of night from heaven may, therefore, be interpreted as a pledge that, in that secure abode, no adversary shall assail us, and no possibility of evil ever menace our peace. The seductions of the world, and the treachery of our own hearts, will not follow us there, nor can Satan cross “the great gulf fixed” between hell and heaven to vex us with his assaults. Night is the symbol of ignorance. The bible often describes the depravity of the wicked-walking in intellectual and moral blindness, under the bondage of sin and blindness. Job, describing the errors and foolishness of the ungodly wisdom says, “They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope at noonday as in the night.” And the fearful ignorance of God and of truth, which overspread the world at the period of the Redeemer’s birth is described in graphic terms: “Darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people.” These passages give the dark picture of the gloom of the earth, wrapped in the depths of sin, and wickedness; how far man fell, when Adam and Eve rebelled in the garden, and the consequences of it, for all mankind. The open relationship between God and Adam now severed-brought him low, in many ways. Once he had open communication with God, all knowledge was available, all he had to do was ask. God had brought all the animals to Adam, and he named them-think of this fact. Now, having disobeyed the one thing God told them not to do, eating the fruit of the forbidden tree-that open relationship was severed. Now, their knowledge and understanding was darkened by sin, and brought distortion and limits to our knowledge, and ability to understand creation, and truth. Now, our perception is obscure and uncertain, and our researches marred, to this day, because of their one act of rebellion. Now, barriers of gloom and mystery meet us on whatever side we attempt to push our investigations. But in heaven there will be no intellectual night. All the errors that now shade and darken our minds—all the obstacles that here impede and limit our acquisitions-shall there be forever removed. The faculties of the soul which, amid the fogs and illusions of sense, are so restricted in their range, and so distorted in their vision, will, in that radiant world of eternal light, expand and be renewed into the first form of Adam, before he fell into sin-and be restored to all that God intended us to be, without sin. Immortal strength, limitless intelligence, perfect perception, and creative vision. Under the beams of eternal day; and in that never-changing realm of eternal life, receive a new impulse, and a right direction. Night is suggestive of sorrow. This is the inevitable lot of the good on earth. But “there shall be no night” of sorrow “there!” No tears shall be shed, no hopes shall be frustrated, no disappointments felt, no friends removed, no graves opened. Night, as we have seen, is associated with deeds of darkness. Night is associated with weariness and fatigue. To declare, therefore, of the heavenly world that there shall be no night there, is to declare that weariness and fatigue shall be unknown. One of the most difficult questions is, what will we really be like in our glorified bodies. And, night is associated with obscurity, questions, that remain unclear. Mystery surrounds us on every hand. Questions are continually arising to which we can have no complete answer. All of our studying, and researching, as good as it may be, is flawed, and imperfect. There, in that eternal day-we will know, as we are known. What Will Be the Benefits? Living in this world of decay and rust, we cannot imagine what heaven will really be like. Our minds try to create images, and the creation we live in give us glimpses-but it's marred by the affects of sin. Beyond the gates of heaven, there is nothing imperfect there. And, the darkness of night will never be there, in that realm of eternal day.
I. The absence of night in the glorified church implies that there will be no sin there. II. The absence of night implies there shall be no ignorance there III. The absence of night implies there shall be no weariness there. Here God’s people are wearied with labors. This is added because we are always reminded by the decay around us-what we work for here, is not going to last forever-it will either go to someone else at our death, or it will rust or rot. IV. The absence of night implies that there shall be no change there. V. The absence of night implies that there shall be no death there. It will be a realm of unlimited beauty and progress 1. All natural beauties will be there. 2. All artistic beauties will be there. The very instinct of genius is to invent, imitate, and create, and there genius will flourish in perfection. 3. All moral beauties will be there. The beauty of holiness, the beauty of the Lord, will adorn every spirit. There will be no jealousies, contentions, envying or competition there. People will gladly, and freely rejoice in each other, and all will be happy in what the Lord has prepared for each one, and be willing to share in each other's abilities, and work with joy in the capacities that God has prepared us for. It will be a realm of unchecked progress. 1. No check to the advance of life. The vital energies will always be increasing. Sinew and soul, character and conscience, will be ever growing in force. No blight or disease to wither, no shadow to chill there. But all the influences that exist there, inspire, invigorate, and uplift. 2. No checking of labour. Our range of action will be unrestrained. We shall be always abounding in the work of the Lord. In this world of decay and sin, our work only profits for a short term. In that realm it will be eternal, with endless purpose, never to rust, or come to ruin. The work we will be employed in will be companied with a joyous spirit, glorious music to gladden the heart, and nothing to disturb the happiness and peace of God's saints. This is the heritage of God's people, in a world where there is no night. Lorna Couillard Comments are closed.
This page will contain an assortment of material about our eternal destination-heaven. May it be a blessing to those who's hearts long for, and seek the things of God-and His Kingdom.
January 2025