Heaven Bound This page contains scripture verses, poems, commentary, and inspiration on our eternal destination if we are among those who belong to Jesus Christ-and desire to be home with Him, where He is-in heaven. This information, and material is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Col 3:1-4 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Mat 13:43 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. Php 3:20-21 Heavenly Citizenship There are only three ways on record by which any man ever became a citizen of any state; but not by one only, but by all the three, are we citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. (1) For, first, we were made citizens by purchase. He who was the King of that beautiful city did actually give up for a season His kingdom, and He was content to become a stranger here, and to forfeit all His dignities, and to be human enough to die and to be buried, that He might by that absence and death buy an admission for you and me to that heavenly city. (2) And, in addition to this purchase by the blood of Christ, it was free for us to take as a gift. (3) And because birth is better than purchase or gift, therefore by the same grace we are born again, that we should change the place of our nativity and have our settlement no longer in a slavish world, but be born free; and this admission by birth is that which lies in the text: "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Look, next, at the privileges of citizenship. (1) It is the first privilege of every citizen that he is represented. Accordingly it is the plan of God’s great government that every one who belongs to His Church is represented. Christ is gone into heaven for this purpose, and there at God’s right hand He stands. (2). And the right of a citizen is that he is under the laws of his own state, and no other; he may appeal up to this. The Christian is continually appealing to a grander award than that of this world. (3) The citizen can go in and out. Is he not free of his own state? But it is a holy liberty. There is the same God to all there in the city; He is very near. (4) It is the right or privilege of all citizens to go to the presence of the King. Whatever be their petitions, the access is open. We carry in our hands a white stone, with a new name written; we command entrance by that stone, the proof of our union with Christ. We are His people, and His whole empire is pledged to us; and we may be in that royal presence night and day, and enjoy such elevation and such converse and partake of such favours as it passeth the natural eye to see: "but God has revealed them to us by His Spirit." Dead End by John Janzen © 2017 Each passing day upon this earth I’m drawing near my death, Each time I fill my lungs with air I’ve left one fewer breath As time goes on I close the gap From start until the end These labours cease the day that I My tabernacle rend What then of all those fleeting things I’ve laboured to acquire Or what of those I’ll leave behind Sooner than desired My deepest heart shall be laid bare My motives once concealed Shall in the brightness of my Lord Be perfectly revealed And what suppose ye would He find A heart of rapturous joys Or one of grief still of the world Bereft of friends and toys Should I with sadness and regrets Now spend my living days Or rather let eternity Direct my wayward ways Don’t worry of those left behind Don’t fret or be afraid It’s not like God who’s led til now Can’t lead without your aide Possessed by our possessions we Bind fast our earthen ties So comfortable that when God calls “So soon?” each one replies Set your affections up above Not here upon the earth This vapour shall soon fade away To your eternal birth The hope of those “In Christ” is such It makes the world grow dim They count but loss those things they’ve gained They’ve all in all, in Him Consider now the greater good Is it to live or die? If life means earth and death means Heav’n Tis hard to choose, but why? The moment those “in Christ” do pass Eternity is theirs The “well done” heard from Jesus lips Erases all their cares Suppose we all decided now To take God at His Word We choose not to be scared again But trust the things we’ve heard Imagine if we faced the grave With hope and joy and trust Because in heaven’s treasure store No moth, no thief, no rust! Consider if the world looked on Just utterly amazed If Christians practiced what they preached And faced the grave unfazed In light of this eternity And promises He’s giv'n Let’s realign our focal point And set our sights on heav'n So bear in mind the lesson here Don’t run headlong to die But when God calls to take you home Just say “Lord, here am I” It’s guaranteed the time will come When each must round the bend What blessed joy the Christian has To know it’s no dead end
Thoughts of Heaven-From Two Perspectives Alone, the sun rises over people unknown. Although they ignore it, its sunlight is thrown, over the river and through the faint fog, like lone little flowers on top a dead log, growing so freely, so gentle, so bright - as God's great creation is seen from His light. Some hovering noises seem somewhat bizarre, trespassing nature from places afar - while God, the Great Artist keeps painting His way - another day passes just like yesterday. A bright colored sunset surrounds a lone loon. Reflected on water, His bright crescent moon. Now stars hold God's canvas while brush strokes so grand, paint wide vivid colors with love's perfect hand. And God - although we cannot even imagine - prepares us a place, in His painting called 'Heaven'. So things we see here will seem dreary and gray, compared to the next one that'll blow us away! ©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://www.ganderpoems.org/ John 14:2 (KJV) In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Vacation I'm going on vacation soon, alone or so it seems.
I won't do any packing or going to extremes. I will not need my wallet, for everything is free. And I won't need my brand new phone, for there's so much to see. I will not take a big jet plane or ride a fancy bus, yet I'll be meeting my best Friend. There's so much to discuss. And all will meet Him one fine day - not many, but a few. I will not keep you in suspense, for you should know Him too. --- Now first I'll need to be in court. It's all or nothing there. My Friend will be there for me too. I'll not be in despair. His Father is the highest judge of anyone around. And quietly, I will stand there, in awe without a sound. My Friend is there to defend me. My faith in Him is strong. He sacrificed His everything. His grace blots out all wrong. For those, through faith, believeth Him, His grace pours from above. The Judge will tap His gavel soft. His countenance shows love. AND THEN all Heaven will rejoice, in unison will sing- as I enjoy this paradise, vast love and ev'rything. --- Though body soon will turn to dust as earth can clearly see, don't shed a single tear for me. I'm alive as I can be! The masses run through widest gate. The narrow allows few. So many store up treasures here. Is gate too small for you? Possessions are not needed there- and yours won't leave this earth. For God prepared a place for us alone with immense worth. You, too, will see this paradise, at least I pray you do... Yes, I'll be on vacation soon and I'll wait there for you by louis gander © 2022 Comments are closed.
This page will contain an assortment of material about our eternal destination-heaven. May it be a blessing to those who's hearts long for, and seek the things of God-and His Kingdom.
January 2025