Heaven Bound This page contains scripture verses, poems, commentary, and inspiration on our eternal destination if we are among those who belong to Jesus Christ-and desire to be home with Him, where He is-in heaven. This information, and material is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Forever with the Lord Forever with the Lord! Amen; so let it be, Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, so near, At times, to faith's far-seeing eye Thy golden gates appear! Yet clouds will intervene, And all my prospect flies, Like Noah's dove, I flit between Rough seas and stormy skies. And the clouds depart, The winds and waters cease, While sweetly o'er my gladdend heart Expands the bow of peace. In darkness as in light, Hidden alike from view, I sleep, I wake, as in His sight, Who looks all nature through. Forever with the Lord! Father, if 'tis Thy will, The promise of that faithful word Even here to me fulfil. Be Thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail, Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand, Fight, and I must prevail. Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word! And oft repeat before the throne, Forever with the Lord! Forever with the Lord! Amen; so let it be, Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. —Octavius Winslow Leavin' On My Mind- Rusty Goodman https://youtu.be/xlYrGzy_JMU Look for me ~ Rusty Goodman and the Goodman Family https://youtu.be/-9s-E90jb14 “They shall see his face.” This is the highest station of honour in the service of God. To stand in the presence of the Great King, is the station of princes, the honour that belongs only to the royal family of heaven. In them the saying is fulfilled, “He raiseth the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; that he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.” Theirs is the dignity of a life at court, the court of the “Ancient of Days.”
The face is the index to the character and distinctive attributes of any being. In the poetry of the primitive ages, the “face” is another word for the character; and thoroughly to know it, and see into it, is thoroughly to know the real man. “The face of God,” let it be reverentially spoken, is the character of God; to see it is to know what God is. The greatest revelation of the Father, according to St. Paul’s teaching, was in “the face” of the Redeemer. St. John here tells us that this is the face which Christ’s servants shall see by and by. But had not John seen this face already? Yes, in a sense. He had leaned upon the Master’s bosom many a time, and looked up into that face, and if there was anything in Christ’s human nature that expressed to John His Divine glory and tenderness beyond all other, it was that countenance. But John also saw only as much of that face as to awaken within him an intense yearning to see more. “We shall see him as he is,” and “they shall see his face,” are his fond refrains. He practically says, “It is true that for a brief time I saw His face, but there was so much of hiding in His incarnation, that I only saw dimly its deep meaning. By and by I shall see Him without any of the mist of His humanity that gathered round Him while on earth to lessen the brightness of His glory or the full beauty of His face.” (Source- Great Texts) Comments are closed.
This page will contain an assortment of material about our eternal destination-heaven. May it be a blessing to those who's hearts long for, and seek the things of God-and His Kingdom.
January 2025