Heaven Bound This page contains scripture verses, poems, commentary, and inspiration on our eternal destination if we are among those who belong to Jesus Christ-and desire to be home with Him, where He is-in heaven. This information, and material is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. Betwixt the Two For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Php 1:23 Our “manner of life” is all-important. In the open day and in the hours of darkness it must be worthy of the gospel. We must show ourselves to be of a heavenly tone and temper, as citizens of that “city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Lady Powerscourt used to say that she dwelt in heaven, but came down for a few hours each day to do her work on earth, returning home at night. Clearly, then, our dress, accent, and behavior should betray us as strangers and pilgrims who can well endure the discomfort of the inn or the troublous experiences of the place of our sojourn. Notice that remarkable expression, For unto you if is given in the behalf of Christ… to suffer, Php_1:29. This is an added honor conferred on us by our Lord. The King gives us the opportunity of lying in the stocks with Him, of standing at the same pillory, and of being crucified on the same Calvary. But those who have drunk of His cup shall share His throne. When earth and heaven shall pass away, His fellow-sufferers shall be His chosen body-guard and attendants in a world where all shall love and honor Him. F. B. Meyer What is Our Purpose We are all placed here in God’s world, endowed with various powers and different talents; here we are to remain for some few years, and then all to pass away. Fifty years—what is it in the history of the world? and yet in even fifty years how many of us will still remain in this life? The question then forces itself upon us as reasonable creatures, What are we put here for, and why should we desire to remain? The answer is simple: We are placed here to work out our own salvation and for the benefit each of the other. It need not distress any one to find that Paul’s language is out of his reach; he had much better honestly confess that it is so, than pretend that it is not; but if a man desire this life, at least let him desire it for some good end. Let him take a deep, sober view of his mission in the world, for every one is sent for an important end; every one of us has his work and his Master, who will demand an account of it. We are all successors of Paul in this respect, and that which formed to him the principal chain of life ought to occupy a similar position in our minds to that which it did in his. Longing to Leave Why should departure out of this life be an object of desire to a Christian? Let's break this down, and see what we can learn. First, because it is a full release from this evil world. There is something very expressive in the word we here render by "depart." It means the being set free after the breaking up of some long restraint, or the unyoking of the oxen wearied with the plough, or the weighing again of our anchors for a homeward voyage. On every side its associations are full of peace and rest. To be free forever from the petty rivalries, the fruitless pleasures, the waste of power, the frivolous talk, the world of frenzy; people striving to obtain, only to lose it through time and circumstances-no one is exempt. All come to the same fate, but blindness keeps them from seeing their common future; pride drives them on. Meaningless envy, covetousness, competition; never-ending consuming, but always dissatisfied. Living side by side with those in this cycle of materialistic madness, and finally facing the certainty of their own death. This is the hopelessness of those without Christ. For the saint-death is freedom from all of this. What can better express the passage of Christ’s servants from this tumultuous and weary world? So long as we are in this warfare, we must be open to the shafts of evil, and who would not desire a shelter where no arrows can reach us any more? What must be the peace of having put off this mystery of probation, when the struggle and the strife shall be over, and breathless, panting hope, dashed by ten thousand fears, shall be changed into a certainty of peace, into a foretaste of our crown! This one thought alone is enough to make death blessed. Well may evangelists say, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly," and souls already martyred, like Paul, desire to depart. Even to us it may be permitted to feel our hearts beat thick with hopeful and longing fear when we wait for the voice that shall say to the least of penitents, "Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away, for lo! the winter is past; the rain is over and gone." Come to Me from Lebanon; look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, unto the everlasting hills and to the eternal years. Paul longed for the spiritual body, raised in power and incorruption at the day of Christ, and meanwhile for that personal perfection in measure and foretaste which is prepared for those who die in the Lord and await His coming. Surely of all earthly sorrows sin is the sharpest. The heaviest of all burdens is the bondage of a will which makes God’s service a weary task, and our homage of love a cold observance. This is the longing for the saint, to be at last free forever from the wickedness and warfare of Satanic attacks of evil forces, and evil men. To share in the glory, and power of the Risen Christ, and to be with Him forever. To be united forever to the new creation of God. What is this new creation but the new heavens and the new earth, in which are gathered the whole order and lineage of the second Adam, all saints, from Abel the just, of all ages and times, in the twilight and the dayspring, in the morning and the noontide of grace, all made perfect, whether on earth or in rest, by the omnipotence of love? This is our true home, where all our reason, all our desires, all our sympathies, and all our love have their perfect sphere and their full repose. To be with Christ. This is the true foundation of heavenly joy. To be with Him; to see His face; to follow Him whithersoever He goeth; to be conscious of His eye; to hear, it may be, His words of love; to see the gathered fruit of His Passion in the glory of His elect. But for this, how blessed to go to dwell with Him for ever! The Reunion "Come, let us join our friends above, Who have obtained the prize, And on the eagle-wings of love To joys celestial rise! "Let all the saints terrestrial sing, With those to glory gone; For all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven, are one. "The saints on earth, and those above, But one communion make; Joined to the Lord in bonds of love, All of His grace partake. "One family we dwell in Him; One Church above, beneath; Though now divided by the stream, —The narrow stream of death. "One army of the living God, To His command we bow: Part of His host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. " Our spirits too shall quickly join, Like theirs with glory crowned; And shout to see our Captain's Sign, To hear His trumpet sound." Anonymous Beyond the Sunset https://youtu.be/KE5A7HcnLII Note: When I posted this, I already knew there would be no shortage of those who would either not understand the heart of this post, nor agree with it publicly-even if they did silently. Competition in ministry today is one of the worst evils of these end days. The prosperity evangelists and teachers won't teach or preach a message such as this, because it doesn't help them in filling their pockets with money, nor does it give them the recognition and attention they crave.
Many ministers, preachers and pastors of 100-200 years ago gave sermons like this on a regular basis, because scripture and a personal relationship with Christ was at the core of their service to God, this is not the case today. The message today in most circles of religion is centered on self-self awareness, self acceptance, "living your best life now". These charlatans paint the picture of never ending flows of peace, prosperity, and developing a charismatic personality that attracts people to you. Their methods work, but it's not borne from the Spirit of God, it's earthy, devilish, selfish. Coercion, manipulation and twisting of scriptures is common, they know how to use scripture to achieve their goals, and make you feel good about helping them do it. When I listen to them a mental picture comes to mind of them on their dying day-holding fists full of money in both hands, with a huge smile on their faces. But, the reality is, the moment they die, they will stand before their Judge and Master, Jesus Christ, and will give an account of their life. Everything they've accumulated will be gone. I've no desire to be there to see them face this, but it is coming. The post above will touch those whom it's meant for. Those who's entire being seeks after Jesus Christ, for Who He Is, not for what they can gain from using His Name. There are some who will read this post, and will nod their heads in agreement, because it speaks truth to their hearts, and they too, long for the day when they see Him, face to face, and join Christ and loved ones gone on before, in eternal bliss. For those who long for this, it will bring a tone of soundness, and an assurance of the promises of God, meant for them, when this life is done. May it speak to you, in the same way. Comments are closed.
This page will contain an assortment of material about our eternal destination-heaven. May it be a blessing to those who's hearts long for, and seek the things of God-and His Kingdom.
January 2025