Notice: There is new information, and content in the Fifteen Minute section below-posted today, regarding the fires in Los Angeles. 1/13/2025 THE GREAT RESET and 2030 AGENDA What is the 2030 agenda? The definition from the UN website: "The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals." Below is the link to the UN website to do your own research, to read their information, and their very carefully worded explanations.The Sustainable Development Agenda- However, you have to go much deeper than the information they give, to find out what the true agenda is- total control of the human race, in every aspect of your life. Where you live, how much you can achieve in life, what you eat, how you travel, and where, your social credit status-and what that means on how much you can buy, or can't buy; including a home. The governments of the world being in total control of every inch of land, even the so-called open state lands for recreation. Access to these lands is carefully controlled and blocked, where they don't want you to go. Gender equality means you will have to accept transgenders and homosexuality, and have taught as normal in schools and there will be no restrictions on them at all anymore. This will escalate into pedophilia, and beastiality being accepted, it's begun already. Transhumanism is also going to be included in this. They are talking about brain implants, and chips to monitor your brain, and hook humans up to computers, to be able to "upload" data into your brain, and other technologies that come from their Frankenstein scientists. The climate change agenda they've added to this is a man made disaster, that's been going on for almost 100 years, go to Dane Wigington's website for more on this intentional decimation of the planet. Forced medical procedures, and vaccines is on in the agenda-whether you want them or not. The Covid disaster has killed and seriously injured untold numbers. There's many accounts of what vaccines by the Bill Gates agenda has done to women and children in Africa, and some countries have banned his vaccines totally. I'll let you do the research. In the 2030 agenda, they want everybody vaccinated. Those who won't comply, will be persecuted. This documentary gives extensive information on the activity of Bill and Melinda Gates and their vaccine programs: The Truth Behind The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation They will organize and control every aspect of your life, and where you live. These people have not been elected, they are billionaires with enough money to force their rules and agendas into power, and put them in place. They want you to be a slave, and do their bidding. But, they've carefully worded these intricate plans to make it look like it's totally for your health and benefit. You have to listen carefully to their words and how they plan to achieve their goals to get the picture of what they are really doing. It's a takeover of the planet, and it goes much deeper than the pretty colored logos, and multi-raced smiling faces in the pictures they carefully choose. Below are videos that fit into the 2030 agenda, and it opens the picture of the days Jesus describes as the end of days in Matthew chapter 24, as the days of Noah. We are in them now. The information below will help piece together what we are facing, and the timeframe these elites and the aliens have in their plans to put all this into place. However, the coming of Jesus Christ, will interrupt their plans. He will have the last say on what happens to this world. Tearing Down-To Re-Construct The Fifteen Minute City As 2025 begins, another series of incidents have been taking place, that point to the ongoing agenda's of the elites, and their concept of what their utopian world should look like, and how it should function. However, in their planning, a great many people's lives are destroyed. In the Paradise fires and the fires in Maui, and actions of the leaders of their communities are very similar, and the level of incompetence is inexcusable. Nothing about the fires in Los Angeles makes any sense, it should never have gotten to this point. There's reports of arsons, being caught in the act, and let go. No water in the fire hydrants, people being told they can't go back to their homes, military coming into the situation, people being blocked from their homes and no answers being given. Below are links to videos of people putting out information, news articles, and videos of information regarding the Agenda 2028 for Los Angeles, what the globalists are pushing for fifteen minute cities. The governor of California is already talking about re-building Los Angeles....while the people's homes are still burning down. I'll let the reader, and listeners read/listen and connect the dots to this corruption. Lost Angeles, Hollywood, and California is being burnt to the ground-by design. Resource Links: 15-minute cities: a new environmental vision-- The NWO's worldview of rebuilding cities in all countries- a dystopian nightmare. Freedom of choice, mobility, rights to travel, owning personal property, will be no longer available. Stack and pack them in high rise apartment buildings. How ’15-minute cities’ became a lockdown conspiracy - BBC Newsnight--comment: They say 'conspiracy' theory and then say they are doing exactly what they are being accused of. The Rise of '15-Minute Cities'--Mark Dixon, chief executive officer of flexible office landlord IWG Plc, discusses the rise of the '15-minute city' concept, which describes a city in which residents live within a short walk or bike ride of all their daily needs. The concept has become more popular with the increasing demand for flexible remote work. LA's Smart City Strategy - SmartLA 2028 Mel Gibson exposes the LA fires on live TV 16 Celebrities Who Lost Their Homes In LA Fires (Before & After) Officials say at least 24 people dead, more than 100,000 remain on evacuation orders from California California fires aerial view shows wildfire damage in Pacific Palisades, L.A. and Malibu Comment: I'll let this video speak for itself. Hollywood Mocks God, Then This Happens ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer: I do not share the values or beliefs with all personal comments of those posted-it is here for the news/information content, and coverage only. This information is offered freely under terms of Fair Use, according to the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for research, comment, news, reporting, scholarship, and educational purposes. This website is not monetized and no profit is made from posting this information. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cop28 Event Articles and Information Update: 8/16/2023- There is new material being added when I come across more information that is important on this subject. There is video footage below that gives prophetic end time connections to the 2030 meetings being held this year, especially in upcoming December-that is significant to many events happening now. Look for the caption- End Time Prophetic Events-And Is King Charles the Anti-Christ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++New Update 2/25/2024+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The news media, the CDC, and Biden have been warning that there is another pandemic coming, and to get ready for it. This is also part of the agenda for 2030, the pandemic is to keep their timetable rolling, for what they want to accomplish. The well done documentary/movie gives a full explanation for what they are about to do, how and why. The links to information about the Corona Virus and Graphene Nanotechnology is also very well done, and it all fits together, they are an excellent resource for anyone who wants to be awake in these perilous times. DEATH FOG - DISEASE X - PLANDEMIC 2- Corona (Crown) Virus Graphene Nanotechology ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12/4/2023 THIS IS ALL PLANNED AND ORCHESTRATED/ WOW! LISTEN TO WHAT KING CHARLES JUST SAID WITH BROTHER CHAD-comment: this young man's discernment of the scriptures refuting King Charles is correct; and yes, I believe Jesus Christ is at the door, He is coming very soon. Satanic Agenda Exposed-The owner may block this from playing-but it will be posted because there's some information worth hearing, if it does play for you. ttps:// ACTIVISTS RALLY IN BRUSSELS AMID COP28 SUMMIT IN DUBAI-The people all dressed in red are performing a Satanic ritual-right in the open. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12/2/2023 King Charles COP28 speech: ‘The Earth does not belong to us’ KING CHARLES: THE ONLY HEAD OF STATE ON THE COP28 PODIUM - UK COLUMN NEWS - Reuters: Britain's King Charles urges rapid environmental repair in COP28 speech - The Mirror (YouTube): 'The Earth does not belong to us': King Charles delivers speech at Cop28 - UK Column Article: The Not So Great Carbon Reset – Part 2 - United Nations: International Mother Earth Day - UN Press: General Assembly Proclaims 22 April ‘international Mother Earth Day’ Adopting By Consensus Bolivia-led Resolution “We are strangling the planet -– strangling ourselves,” President Morales declared, stressing that, for too many years, the world had been held captive by the seductive notion of capitalism. However, it was now clear that “we don’t own the planet, we belong to it,” - IMDb (2016): Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra (A Manifesto for Mother Earth) - Midory Press: Pachamama, Mother Earth - Mercator: The environmentalist cult demands human sacrifice +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++New Update 2/25/2025+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The news media, the CDC, and Biden have been warning that there is another pandemic coming, and to get ready for it. This is also part of the agenda for 2030, the pandemic is to keep their timetable rolling, for what they want to accomplish. The well done documentary/movie gives a full explanation for what they are about to do, how and why. The links to information about the Corona Virus and Graphene Nanotechnology is also very well done, and it all fits together, they are an excellent resource for anyone who wants to be awake in these perilous times. DEATH FOG - DISEASE X - PLANDEMIC 2- Corona (Crown) Virus Graphene Nanotechology +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++New Update: 11/28/2023 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Update: The Pope will not be attending this event, due to ill health. It will be interesting to watch what happens, and how it alters this situation. Pope Francis ‘still unwell’ after cancelling trip to Cop28-it will be interesting to watch who will replace him, or if they go on without any replacement. This event is getting ready to unfold in the next few days-into December, until 12/12/2023- in this video more on their scheme to bring about an alien incident, and it well may be a worldwide event. I believe they've been planning something like this for a long time, to terrorize people and deceive them on a massive scale. Watch Before That Date! [Major End-Time Event]- Craig Bong reveals what's coming on December 12, 2023. King Charles to open COP28 Event on December 1, then Pope Francis on December 2, 2023 THE NEW WORLD ORDER 2030 AGENDA-AN ALIEN TAKEOVER Phil Schneider breaks down the truth about the NWO agenda, and who is running it. He, and others like Bill Cooper paid with their life to expose the truth; few have listened, and we are only seven years from their agenda being put into place-the depopulation agenda is well underway. These aliens are not from outer space, they're from underground, under your feet, and from another dimension; principalities and powers of darkness, demons. The globalists have been working with them for years, Schneider details this, and it goes on all over the world, including Antarctica. What Eisenhower did, when he agreed to let these demons take humans and animals to allow them to do experiments on them was a horrible thing to do. I can only hope he truly didn't know what he was doing, but regardless-the outcome has proven to be catastrophic for the world. What's being presented to the world through their propaganda campaigns is an intricate cover that must be peeled like an onion to see the many layers to the schemes of this diabolical agenda. It is evil to the core-only those with eyes to see, will understand what they are really doing. But, the evidence is all around us, and coming to the surface, because there won't be any way to hide their real intentions much longer. These posts are to warn you, what you do with them is up to you. I've done what God's asked me to do, and now it's up to everyone, to make their own choices. PHIL SCHNEIDER - DULCE AREA 51 DUMBS ALIEN CONFRONTATION - ALIEN TAKE OVER BY THE YEAR 2030- The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider Philip Schneider (April 23, 1947 - January 10, 1996) was an engineer, geologist, and lecturer on Dulce Base & Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). He had been on lecture tour for less than two years, prior to his death, speaking out about government cover-ups, black projects and the UFO/ET phenomena. His motivation to speak out in public, came after the US government dark projects murdered his friend, Ron Rummel (Publisher of Alien Digest) in September 1993, and a bit of prodding by Al Belick of the real Philadelphia Experiment. He told the world he played a role in the construction of several Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) across the United States, and as a result he said that he had been exposed to classified information of various sorts as well as having personal experiences with Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs). He also survived the Dulce Wars against Aliens, and thus decided to go public in hopes it would protect him from being murdered too. He died from SUICIDE BY ILLUMINATI on January 10, 1996, after a series of several public lectures he gave in late 1995 on topics including the Illuminati, the New World Order Agenda, Dark Projects, the Deep State, Black Budgets, underground highways & magneto levitation trains the connect all the DUMBS and underground alien bases on earth. Dr. Karla Turner (a UFO/ET abductee that was also speaking on public tours was murdered on that exact same day). The main thing to get out of this video is the New World Order and the Alien Agenda ARE THE SAME THING. Our earth is run by non-humans, and most of government & military work for these beings. NEVER FORGET that "Real Heroes" are killed by the government dark projects, are discredited in all ways possible, and none of them have their birthdays celebrated with holidays. True Heroes are remembered by their dates of murder, fake heroes are remembered by their dates of birth. Phil Schneider - DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES - Evidence 1 of 12-Fifteen min. video-Military witness accounts, and short excerpt of Phil Schneider's testimony-Commentary: BEHIND THE HUMAN ELEMENT: THE HEAD OF THE OCTOPUS Shortly before his murder, Phil Schneider presented physical evidence for the real-life inspiration for the Marvel Comics Hydra organization. Thomas Edwin Castello held top-secret clearance and worked inside a deep underground military base during the alleged time Philip Schneider tunneled into it from above, and a shootout between factions ensued. Pat Price worked as a top-secret United States Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) team member (later declassified by the CIA in 1995). Pat was murdered after providing sketches and information regarding the deep underground military bases and high-speed tunnel systems. Further investigations have left a trail of dead researchers. Deep Underground Base Details (DUMBS) Elites Flee to Under Ground Bunkers -- They're Okay Thinking We're Left to Die. [mirrored] Aliens Met With Eisenhower -- Shocking Video -- Aliens & UFOs- Bill Cooper. Comment: Now, he knows they are principalities and powers of darkness, demons from hell. The pacts and agreements this government has made with these demons-has been a great reason this country is falling-along with many other sins and corruptions-that are rampant now throughout the land. Ike and the Alien Ambassadors Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials, held talks: Ex-government consultant President Eisenhower Did Meet With Aliens in 1954, According to Former Politician Did 34th US President Eisenhower Met ‘Aliens’ In Early 50s? UFO News, UFO Sightings, UFO Disclosure- NWO- AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A ONE WORLD RELIGION The inter-actions with these aliens has gone into the governments plans to control the religions of the world-and it will put the beast system into place. The pope has said he would baptize an alien, he made this statement for a good reason-he knows how far the governments have gone in making hybrids, he knows aliens exist, and he knows it's just a matter of time before it all comes out into the public. It's already being done, but many people are still asleep, and some don't want to know the truth. Below are some videos that go into this, for those who do want to know. SCHWAB'S GREAT RESET WILL ENFORCE A RESET OF ALL FAITHS & RELIGIONS TO THE WORSHIP OF THE BEAST This documentary/analysis is confirming, but also a very sad commentary on the situation of this world today. It convinces me all the more that the only answer to this planets problems is for Christ to return, and the sooner the better. There's no turning this back now, it's gone too far. It confirms what Phil Schneider said about the underground bases, and their cloning, and mixing the aliens with humans down there. Now humans are being contaminated just like in the days of Noah. THE OCCULT TRUTH ABOUT GRETA THUNBERG (ALSO BORN AS A BOY & GRANDSON OF GEORGE SOROS) Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens: 'Who are we to close doors?' Pope Francis Says He Would Definitely Baptize Aliens If They Asked Him To These videos and articles may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. There is no monetary gain in posting this material on this website. Eze 33:7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. Eze 33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Eze 33:9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. The New World Order-From a Christian Perspective As the NWO agenda's are put into place, changes are going to happen that are out of our control, we can't stop what's coming. But, the Bible gives accounts of what happened in ages past, when famines, pestilences, and disorders took place. God chose certain people to warn of what was to come, and other's to prepare and store up what would be needed, before the trouble came. Joseph was warned of a seven year famine to come-and God showed him what to do to prepare, and save many people. Moses was called to deliver the people of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt and Pharaoh, and God gave him the wisdom and ability to lead the people out and what to do to supply their needs. God will be with His people today, even in this dark hour, He will not leave us, nor abandon us. Now is the time to get very close to Jesus and stay there-talk to Him daily, read His word, study, worship, lean on God-He will guide us through the coming storm. Below are various documentaries and teachings to give wisdom, knowledge, and guidance as we face what's coming. More will be added, as I am able to find reputable, reliable material. Knowing what is coming is better than living in denial. Knowledge and faith brings strength of mind, soul, and spirit, to cope with whatever we face. Chuck Missler- Full End Time Mix, Rapture, Nephilim and Coming Deception- There are some very important points brought out in this seven hour long session of teachings by Chuck Missler. All of it is very good, but the later sessions from the UFO's, to the Nephillim are especially good-He debunks the righteous Seth line claimed by many-and does it with reputable information. He goes into the giants, the six fingered mixed hybrids half human half fallen angels-and many other topics of interest. He goes into the crop circles around the world-but got sidetracked, and didn't go into it as much as I wished he would. This session of teachings are some of his best. Chuck Missler -- Transhumanism- Chuck Missler spoke at Calvary South Denver in Littleton Colorado on July 24, 2013 on the subject of Transhumanism. (It is recommended that you watch this video at full 720p resolution so that you can clearly see all of the powerpoint slides used in this presentation.) America's Current Predicament - Chuck Missler - His analysis is more relevant now, than it was when he gave this message- The video below gives insight, information and encouragement, detailing the research and discoveries of Ron Wyatt in Egypt, as he shows the remains of the grain storage bins and explains how they were built by Joseph, and used during the seven year famine God warned was coming. Joseph had the grain bins built and organized the bringing in of surplus grain for storage during the years of plenty-which fed and saved a multitude. God has not changed-how he saved his people then, He's able to do today. As God's people seek Him, and His guidance, we will be preserved in our day. Joseph in Egypt- The Research and Discoveries of Ron Wyatt These videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. There is no monetary gain in posting this material on this website. End Time Prophetic Events-And Is King Charles the Anti-Christ The videos below have extensive information on the possibility of King Charles being the Anti-Christ. It's being posted because as a watchman, I have been listening to these people and other's, and will share it because I believe we are on the verge of seeing major changes very soon. The videos below will give you a clear picture of the extensive planning of the upcoming events concerning the meetings to be held this September at a meeting with the UN, and in December, in getting their agenda's in place. It's going to force major changes and upheavals world wide. The fires in Maui are also part of this-as they are planning on putting the 2030 restrictions in place there now, when they take over the land from the people, which is what the government is doing now. The leaders of this agenda are all saying the same thing- now is the time to act, and we must get it up and in place in the next seven years. Watching and studying these videos will give you an overview of what they are doing, and why. I do not know if King Charles is the Anti-Christ, but the information the people below have accumulated gives ample evidence that he very well could be. 26 Major Signs King Charles is THE ANTICHRIST- Author Tim Cohen: Is King Charles III THE Antichrist OVER Multiple Antichrists? A third perspective: Is Prince Charles the Antichrist? Does His Name Equal 666? I'm adding this video because Monte Judah explains what God showed him when he used gematria and Prince Charles name years ago-that it came up with him being the Anti-Christ, and God showed this years ago, in the 80's, and he showed it to Tim Cohen, who's real name was Tim Huckabee back then, and Cohen has referred to Monte showing this to him at that time. Messianic World Update | King Charles Coronation, Israel news and more Comment-this video was posted on Bitchute today 6/16/2023, and the information is important to pay attention to, from now to December, these demon possessed psychopaths' are planning some major changes that will affect us all. Prophetic signs of the Tribulation beginning by the significant dates of the 2030 Agenda-Craig Bong reveals the truth about what's coming in less than 40 weeks... *END TIME ALERT* 40 WEEKS UNTIL EVERYTHING CHANGES… How 15 minute cities will be used to enforce climate lockdowns GRAVE CONCERNS COMING OUT OF MAUI Another Perspective-Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ Comment: This is being posted as the uploader said-to let the viewer watch the evidence, and make up your own mind. Who the Anti Christ will I believe, soon appear on the scene; then there won't be any questions. In the meantime-I keep watching.
THE ANTICHRIST: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA-This video is long-over 2 hours, but has a lot of information that's important. Daniel 9:25-27 Fulfilled in 2009!-This video was made nine years ago, and adds to the first video. Is Barack Obama in the Bible?- Robert Breaker Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?-Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker asks the question: "Could Obama be the Biblical antichrist prophesied in the Holy Scriptures to come in the last days?" Mr. Breaker shows what many people today are saying about this on youtube and in other venues, and then shows what the Bible says specifically about who the antichrist will be and what he will do when he comes in the last days, being careful to let the viewer decide for him or herself. In watching and viewing these videos-it's important to realize no one knows who he is right now, and, we who are believers in Christ should spend more time studying the Bible, and getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ, than paying attention to who the Anti Christ is. I study these videos and pray for the Lord's wisdom and direction-and ask Him to keep me from deception, because we are living in the age of deception now, and it's easy to get caught up in it. Those in scripture such as Daniel stayed in prayer, and searched the scriptures they had at that time, and God directed them, we need to do the same. The Holy Spirit will keep his people from being led astray if we keep close to the Savior-Jesus Christ. |
God's blessings You may find useful information here; Go to the resource page, you will find many videos and links The NightWatchman
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me,
saith the LORD. Isa 54:17 Rev 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The Victory of Our Faith
For whatsoever
is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1Jn 5:4-5 But they that wait
upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:31 Our Warfare
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2Cor 10:3-5 The Whole Armor
of God Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Eph 6:10-18 The Prayer Room
January 2025